The Red Door (The Door Series Book 1) (37 page)

Read The Red Door (The Door Series Book 1) Online

Authors: J. L. Massey

Tags: #contemporary romance

BOOK: The Red Door (The Door Series Book 1)
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I gasped loudly.

“Shit, I’m sorry. I’ll try not to call you Angel anymore, but it will be hard. It may take me some time.” I watched as Alex winced.

“No! Please. I hated when he called me Angel. That was your name for me. It was always your name for me.”

“I saw your face. I know it bothers you. Don’t try to accept it for me.”

“No Alex. Don’t let him take that from us.”


I took her straight to the bathroom when we got back to her house. She was still covered in who knows what and needed to be thoroughly washed down. Ari had sat in Alex’s lap on the drive home but never said a word. Her complexion was pale, especially against the dark bruise on the left side of her face. Her lip was also busted.

“Alex, run a bath. I’m going to strip us both down and get in with her.” I quickly started removing my clothes, then hers. I picked her up and got in.

“Ari, Sweetheart, look at me. Look at me, Aurora.” I waited until she looked up and I had her attention. “Baby, get out of that head. It’s done. We’re home; you’re safe.” I watched her nod her head and glanced at Alex.

“I am going to wash your hair while Mitch tells you a story.”

“A story?” Ari asked quietly. I looked at Alex wondering what the hell I was supposed to tell her.

“Yes, a story. What would you like to know? Anything.” She turned her head off, lost in thought, and I knew I was screwed. She was going to think of something good. I wanted to get her mind off of everything tonight but some things were meant to stay buried.

“Home. Where do you live?”


“You said we’re home. Where do you live? Both of you. You have both been to my house, but I have never been to either of your homes. You don’t live at the club, none of your clothes are there. Where do you live?” I stared at her as Alex started soaping up her hair. This was what she wanted to know. A free pass and she still respected my secrets. I shook my head, smiling to myself. Alex caught my eyes, and I could see the love shining back and wondered how the hell we got so lucky. This night was shit, but it could have been a lot worse.

“I have an apartment in the city. It is a one bedroom, one bathroom, one thousand square feet apartment. It is nothing special, and it won’t take much convincing for me to give it up.”

“It wouldn’t?”

“No. Is that why you asked? Do you want me to move in?”

“Would you?” She looked at me, and I knew this was it. Forever. She was asking for forever.

“Tomorrow good?” She smiled and looked over to Alex.

“I live in Washington D.C. and had already planned on moving in.” I watched Alex rinse her hair.

“What if I didn’t let you?”

“Wasn’t going to accept no, Angel.” I watched for her to flinch but instead she stood and stepped out of the tub.

“Tonight was horrible, and I just want to forget for a little while. Make me forget.”

“Are you sure? Tonight has been…”

“I’m sure. Please Sir.” I looked her over and saw the determination written on her face.

“Alex carry her to the bed and strip off your clothes. Tell me what you want, Ari.”

“Everything. I want everything you got.” Shit. I looked over at Alex stripping off his clothes and knew he was ready to give her the moon if she asked for it.

“Are you sure?” I walked over to the bed where she was sitting and cupped her face.

“Yes, Sir.”

“You both know your safewords, say yellow to slow down. I’ll be careful with your face but the rest of your body is mine to do with as I please.”

“Thank you, Sir.” I smiled at her good manners.

“Alex lay down on the bed.” I went through Ari’s drawers and found a couple pairs of panty hose. “Ari use these to tie his hands together then to the headboard. He needs to be able to turn.” I saw her eyes widen and fill with desire. I knew I would not be able to tie her to a bed anytime soon, but tying Alex back would put her in more control, and he would become her focus. I watched her straddle him as she reached forward and tied his hands. He was fully hard and ready for what I wanted. I slowly crawled up onto the bed and between his legs.

“Ari, when you are done come down here and help me. He has a lot of length that needs attention.” She turned around and watched as I took him in my mouth. He was warm and sticky as I slid him down my throat. She smiled and finished his hands. I moved over and made room for her and watched while she sucked and nibbled. I loved watching the woman I loved please the man I loved. And I did love him. Hanging around him in the club these last few months, I knew I liked him. Taking Ari in my office with him watching, I knew I wanted to be his first, too. And now, going through the last few hours with him at my side, holding my hand, holding me, I knew I loved him.

I maneuvered my face between Ari’s legs and licked at her clit. She was swollen and wet and smelled so sweet. I lapped at her. I could feel Alex’s legs moving and knew if I wanted to go further I needed to quit. I kissed her thigh and scooted out.

“You close Alex?” I pulled Ari away from his cock and listened to him groan from the loss of her warm mouth.

“I didn’t quite hear you, Alex. Were you close?”

“Yes.” I raised my eyebrow and waited.

“Yes Sir.”

“Very good, Alex. Now turn over onto your side and make room for Ari.” I watched him doing what he was told and whispered in Ari’s ear. “Sweetheart, I want you to crawl up there and let Alex get on top of you. He can help relieve some pressure building between your legs.”

Alex carefully climbed over her and sunk into her. It was beautiful. Both their naked bodies moving together. I saw the lube we used last time on her dresser and grabbed it, climbing back on the bed between their legs.

I oiled up his ass using one finger before pushing in two. Alex was so relaxed and trusting. It was different than last time. I didn’t have to worry about going too far because I knew he would stop me if I did.

“Ari you can cum anytime but Alex you are not allowed to cum until I give you permission. I want to enjoy your tight ass for a while before you tighten down on my cock.”

I didn’t wait for a reply. I lined up my cock and sunk into him. It was tight, hugging my cock with each thrust. I stayed on my knees and put my hands on his hips. I was pushing and pulling him letting him know which way to move. His whole body tightened up against me and held still as Ari started screaming. I knew he was fighting to keep her release from pulling in his own. As soon as she quit screaming, I pulled his hips back far enough I knew he was no longer in her.

“Ari, turn over on your stomach and pull up your knees.” I handed Alex the lube. He looked at me like he wasn’t for sure, but I shook my head and nodded toward Ari. She had already gotten in position and was playing with her clit.

I stayed in Alex, just pumping here and there as he stretched Ari. She was moving up and down riding his fingers. I reached around and grabbed his cock, pushing his hips toward her. I lined them up and pushed against him as he sunk slowly into her.

“Ahh. Ohh, damn. That feels so good, Alex.” I squeezed his hips feeling him relax at her words.

“I will not be in there long, Angel. You are so fucking sweet, I am about to blow.”

“You can cum anytime, Alex.” Grabbing his hips, I once again set a rhythm. In and out, feeling his heat suck and swallow my cock. Over and over until Alex tightened down and shouting my name. I couldn’t hold back. I let go, sighing my relief to the ceiling. I laid over beside them on the bed, catching my breath. Ari turned her head and smiled at me. Leaning in, I kissed her while untying Alex and then kissed him.

“I love you. Both of you.” I pulled Ari into my chest. Her eyes watered.

“Fuck. You’re going to get all mushy and make me say it,” Alex groaned.

“You don’t have to say anything. We know how you feel. Hell, the neighbors probably know how you feel.” I smirked, knowing I was right. He was loud. Ari started laughing and buried her face into my chest.

“You think that’s funny, Angel? That all our neighbors know how much I get off on being fucked by Mitch?” Alex began tickling Ari, and she was laughing so hard she was crying.

“I don’t care what they think, but your face.”

“What about my face? I thought you liked my face. You said you thought I was hot.” He tickled her some more.

“Yes, but your expression was so appalled.”

“I don’t care if they know I love either of you, I just can’t believe I was that loud.” He laughed.

I stilled, waiting. Wondering if he meant to say what he did.

“What? Why are you both staring at me like I killed Smokey the Bear?”

“Do you mean it?” I asked quietly.

“What?” He kept his face clear of any expression. Ari started laughing again, hard.

“Now you’re just being mean, Alex,” she said while laughing.

“Oh come on, do I have to fucking say it outright, Angel?”

“Yes Alex. If it is true, then we both want to hear it.”

I held my breath and watched as he smiled at us both.

“Yes, I love you. Both of you. I am happier now, today, than I have been in my life. I need you. Ari, please, until this case is closed, don’t ever run off again. One of us with you at all times. And Mitch, today, I wouldn’t have made it without you. You were my rock. You are my rock.” He caught both our eyes before he snuggled down in the bed against Ari’s back. I reached over and turned off the lamp as my eyes watered.

“Thank you,” I whispered.


It was a week after everything had happened. I never went to the hospital even when they found out he drugged me and demanded I go. I didn’t want to think of it anymore. I wanted to focus on the good in my life because if I didn’t the bad would consume me.

Becca was still missing and there was no information coming in. From what I saw and understood both Alex’s team and a group of men who worked with Mitch and Calvin converged together to get me back. The teams had gone on together to find Becca. The front players, the guys I knew, were the only ones not actively still searching. Diana was still a mystery, never telling us any info on her or what her team was doing.

Calvin and Adam had come over the next day to talk to me. Everyone explained why and how the scene at the club played out like it did. They had thought for sure Robert was involved, but now they were convinced. They pulled phone records and found where Robert had called Mark immediately after I had run off. Adam explained how much Robert had lied about my parents. It made me feel better to know this, but I still had to admit that they weren’t the best parents in the world. When I told Adam how I had been feeling he didn’t say anything. He shook his head and walked off. I know it was hard to hear, but after laying the facts down it was hard not to agree. Yeah, I was a good kid, but having a good kid didn’t excuse the parents from paying little attention to the child.

Tonight we were back at the club. We weren’t doing a scene but keeping it going. The club was important to Mitch, and he wanted it to be important to us. I sat with Mitch at the door watching him check everyone in using the program I set up. Alex was helping with the music and adjusting the lighting for different scenes.

I was sitting back watching the members enter. Girl after girl, and guys too, eyed Mitch like he was chocolate gold. It was fitting, but he was mine. It made me wonder why, out of everyone here and anywhere, would he want me? I wasn’t feeling insecure but curious. When the doors were shut, I grabbed his hand and pulled him into his office.

“Mitch, why me? Out of all these girls, why me?”

“Honestly Ari?”

“Yes Mitch. I’m not mad or trying to fight. I was wondering why you waited so long. You said you wanted a sub but never could find the right one. I was wondering how you knew I was it.”

“I don’t know.” He watched my eyebrows raise and ran his hands through his hair. “Fuck. Really Ari? Fine you want to know?”


“You’re broken, Ari. Or you were. Broken and needing someone, anyone, to accept that piece of you. I knew. I fucking knew you would accept me and all the fucked-up bullshit that comes with me, if I would accept you.” Ouch.

“Nice and what BS would that be? From where I stand any one of those girls were ready for you.” I knew I said I wouldn’t get mad, but I hated being called broken. No matter if what he said was true or not.

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