The Real Romney (56 page)

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Authors: Michael Kranish,Scott Helman

BOOK: The Real Romney
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299 “Given the nature”: Steve Deace podcast, 2007, WHO radio.

299 “You are waging”: Steve Deace, August 9, 2007, WHO radio.

299 “If you look at concentric circles”: Interview with Eric Woolson, 2011.

299 “I don’t believe”: Interview with Steve Deace, 2011.

300 Mickelson used most of the interview: Jan Mickelson, interview with Romney, August 2, 2007. The full interview and off-air segments were posted online at numerous sites.

300 “cost Romney central Iowa”: Interview with Jan Mickelson, 2011.

301 “I can’t buy you”: Lisa Wangsness, “Romney Trounces GOP Field in Iowa Straw Poll; Ex-governor Tops 2d-tier Candidates,”
The Boston Globe
, August 12, 2007.

301 Why not declare victory: Interviews with Romney aides, 2011.

301 “If you can’t compete”: Mitt Romney on
Fox News Sunday
, August 12, 2007.

302 “a bit hollow”: David Yepsen, “Republicans Seem Lethargic About Choices,”
Des Moines Register
, August 12, 2007.

302 “As a Christian”: Campaign notebook, “Politics Overshadow Pulpits in Endorsement,”
The Boston Globe
, October 17, 2007.

302 “a mistake”: Interview with Richard Land.

303 “serve no one religion”: Mitt Romney, speech on religion, Houston, Tex., December 6, 2007.

304 A few days after Romney’s speech: “Religion Takes Center Stage Among Republican Rivals,”
The New York Times
, December 12, 2007.

304 “I think attacking someone’s religion”: Glen Johnson, “Romney: Attacks on Religion Go Too Far,” Associated Press, December 12, 2007.

304 “Why the sudden focus on Huckabee?”: E-mail from Stuart Stevens to other Romney campaign aides, obtained by
The Boston Globe

305 “Mike Huckabee granted”: Proposed ad produced by Romney campaign team; it never ran.

305 Concerned that the attack: Interviews with Romney aides, 2011.

305 “Choice: The Record”: Michael Levenson and Sasha Issenberg, “Romney Draws Contrast with Huckabee,”
The Boston Globe
, December 10, 2007; Maria Cramer and Maria Sacchetti, “More Immigrant Woes for Romney,”
The Boston Globe
, December 5, 2007.

305 By the time the Iowa campaign was over: Interview with Romney aide, 2011. The $10 million figure is an aide’s estimate; campaign finance records do not accurately show how much is spent in a state because many of the advertising and consulting expenses are funneled through businesses in other states.

305 Indeed, a Huckabee aide: Interview with Huckabee aide, 2011.

306 “”: Interview with Patrick Davis, 2011. Davis arranged for a coauthor to listen in on one of the telephone calls made during the Iowa campaign.

306 “We were waiting”: Interview with Brian Kennedy, 2011.

306 Romney raced back to the Granite State: Michael Kranish, “While Most Zig to Iowa, Romney Zags to New Hampshire,”
The Boston Globe
, December 26, 2007.

306 But Romney was under attack: Ibid.

307 “Granite Staters want”: “Conservatives Are Coming Home,”
Union Leader
(New Hampshire), December 26, 2007.

307 “I know something”: Kranish, “While Most Zig to Iowa, Romney Zags to New Hampshire.”

307 “We’re going up against”: Byron York, “Inside Huckabee’s Victory,”
The National Review
, January 4, 2008.

308 “Eric’s quote just shows”: Interview with Chip Saltsman, 2011.

308 “There are a lot of Iowans”: Interview with Richard Schwarm.

308 “If we had known”: Harvard Institute of Politics,
Campaign for President
, 73–78; Hugh Winebrenner and Dennis J. Goldford,
The Iowa Precinct Caucuses: The Making of a Media Event
, 3rd ed. (Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, 2010), 328.

309 “The pollsters were absolutely sure”: Interview with Judd Gregg, 2011. Gregg later endorsed Romney’s 2012 presidential bid.

310 “His preference in traveling”: Interview with Bruce Keough.

310 “Keough fired off a memo”: Ibid.

310 “rocket sled process”: Romney campaign PowerPoint presentation, 2006.

311 “I was surprised”: Dole Institute of Politics, Post Election Conference Transcript,, 15.

311 “We are going to be”: Michael Kranish, “Huckabee Hires Former Reagan Adviser; ‘Bare Knuckles’ Brawler, Rollins Eyes a N.H. Win,”
The Boston Globe
, December 15, 2007.

311 But Giuliani was waging: Brian C. Mooney, “Skills at Ready When Crisis Struck Giuliani,”
The Boston Globe
, November 7, 2008.

312 “When Rudy stopped advertising”: Harvard Institute of Politics,
Campaign for President
, 61.

312 “The President is not an expert”: Michael Kranish, “Romney Says Qualified Advisers Are Key to a Sound Foreign Policy,”
The Boston Globe
, December 28, 2007; Michael Levenson, “Romney Never Saw Father on King March; Romney Says He Never Saw His Father March with King; Defends Figurative Words; Evidence Contradicts Story,”
The Boston Globe
, December 21, 2007.

312 “Washington is broken”: Interview with Romney aide, 2011.

312 “I agree, you are”: Republican presidential debate, January 5, 2008.

313 “money could buy”: Interview with Bruce Keough.

313 That night, election returns: Scott Helman and Susan Milligan, “Clinton Edges Obama in N.H.; McCain Topples Romney,”
The Boston Globe
, January 9, 2008.

313 “Alex. Well, change was it”: E-mail from Mitt Romney to Alex Castellanos, January 8, 2008.

314 “I don’t have lobbyists”: Romney’s interchange with Glen Johnson was captured by videographers at the Staples store in South Carolina; see

315 “a tough job to do”: Jennifer Park, “Mitt Keeps It Classy on Leno,” Political Punch, ABC News, Romney appeared on
The Tonight Show
on January 19, 2008.

315 “the truth of the matter”: Harvard Institute of Politics,
Campaign for President
, 83.

316 The state staff prepared: “All Roads Lead to Florida,” PowerPoint presentation, Florida Romney campaign team.

317 “This was a major debate”: Interview with Mandy Fletcher.

317 “I really cared”: Interview with Sally Bradshaw, 2011.

317 “If you had to boil”: Interview with Mandy Fletcher.

318 “Governor Romney wanted to set”: Sasha Issenberg and Michael Levenson, “McCain Accuses Romney of Wanting to Set Deadline for Iraq Withdrawal,”
The Boston Globe
, January 27, 2008.

318 “We played Romney like a fiddle”: Interview with McCain aide.

318 McCain beat Romney: Michael Cooper and Megan Thee, “McCain Defeats Romney in Florida Vote,”
The New York Times
, January 29, 2008.

318 “I was really tired”: Interview with John McCain, 2011.

319 “We’re going to keep on”: Michael Levenson and Sasha Issenberg, “Romney Wins Mass.; Huckabee Racks Up Victories in the South,”
The Boston Globe
, February 6, 2008.

Chapter 12: Back into the Fire

322 “I had every confidence”: Interview with John McCain, 2011.

323 “And so, in May 2008, a few months after”: Ibid.; details of the visit and luncheon were also described by McCain aides.

324 “honored”:
Hannity & Colmes
, Fox News Channel, March 11, 2008.

324 “This is a Massachusetts flip-flopper”: Interviews with McCain aides, 2011.

324 Romney was thoroughly vetted: Interviews with McCain aide, 2011.

324 “wrong track”: Harvard University Institute of Politics,
Campaign for President
(Lanham, Maryland: Rowman and Littlefield, 2009), 89–90.

324 “If we don’t do anything”: Ibid., 90.

325 But Land’s key message: Interview with Richard Land, 2011.

326 “I never had a strategist”: Interviews with Romney adviser, 2011.

327 “I think that one of the things”: Glen Johnson, “Romney Says He Should Have Stuck to Economy in ’08,” Associated Press, March 24, 2010.

328 “agenda for a free and strong America”: Mitt Romney,
No Apology: Believe in America
(New York: St. Martin’s Press, 2010), 265, 269, 301–305.

328 “It’s always a great interest”: Sasha Issenberg, “In Book, Romney Styles Himself Wonk, Not Warrior,”
The Boston Globe
, March 2, 2010.

328 With their help: Dan Eggen and T. W. Farnam, “Romney Has Eye on One Prize Right Now: Money,”
The Washington Post
, May 11, 2011.

329 “The populism I’m referring to”: Issenberg, “In Book, Romney Styles Himself Wonk, Not Warrior.”

329 “I do as I’m commanded”: Matt Viser, “Once a Suit-and-Tie Guy, Romney Opts for Jeans,”
The Boston Globe
, June 8, 2011.

329 “Just got a Trim at Tommy’s”: Matt Viser, “Romney Drops by Atlanta for Business Meetings, Haircut,”
The Boston Globe
, March 2, 2011.

330 “Corporations are people”:–6/; Ashley Parker, “ ‘Corporations Are People,’ Romney Tells Iowa Hecklers Angry over His Tax Policy,”
The New York Times
, August 11, 2011.

330 “Light the Fire Within”: Mitt Romney,
Turnaround: Crisis, Leadership, and the Olympic Games
(Washington, D.C.: Regnery Publishing, 2004), xxii.

331 “He was the same passionate person”: Interview with Dane McBride, 2011.



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Abbott, Alan, 55, 58


and gubernatorial race (2002), 224, 228–30, 234

legalization of, 114

Medicaid funding for, 183, 229

Mormon church’s views toward, 115, 126–27, 183, 185

NARAL, 229

and presidential race (2008), 255–56, 284, 288, 290, 292, 293, 294, 295, 296, 299, 300, 306, 311

Pro-Choice Coalition, 230

Roe v. Wade,

RU-486, 183, 255

and Senate race (1994), 183–84, 185

Accuride, 142, 143, 146

Adams, Samuel, 303

African Americans,
civil rights

AIDS, 182, 183, 231

Alter, Sharon, 179

American Motors Corporation, 15–16, 24, 55, 130, 165, 291

Amorello, Matthew J., 243–44

Ampad Corporation, 177–80

Anderson, Barbara, 240

Anderson, Douglas, 102, 119, 120–21

Anderson, Gerald, 66

Anderson, H. Duane, 77, 78, 79–83, 85

Anderson, Howard, 140, 164

Anderson, Leola, 78, 80–83

Anderson, Richard B., 82

Anderson, Rocky, 217

Andrews, Coleman, 136, 137

Apple Computer, 137

Army, U.S.:

“Don’t ask, don’t tell,” 182, 257

vs. Mormons, 35

Atwater, Lee, 270

Automobile Manufacturers Association, 13

Auto Palace/ADAP, 156

Babson, Richard, 230–31

Baez, Joan, 70

Bailey, Glenn, 214

Bailey, Jim, 20

Bain, Bill, 130–33

and Bain Capital, 132–33

and the Bain Way, 131–32, 134

at Boston Consulting, 131

and founders’ ownership stakes, 150–53

Mitt hired by, 130–32, 141

and startup, 98

Bain & Company, 130–65

and Bain Capital startup, 110, 132–33, 136, 146

and the Bain Way, 131–32, 134, 175

bankruptcy threat to, 150–53, 164

and founders’ ownership stakes, 150–53

and loyalty effect, 142

Bain & Company (

and Massachusetts legal code, 151–52

Mitt’s work with, 98, 101, 112, 114, 131–33, 146, 151–53, 176

startup of, 131

Bain Capital:

and Accuride, 142, 143, 146

and Ampad, 177–80

attracting investors to, 135–36, 155

and Auto Palace/ADAP, 156

and Bain & Company’s debt burden, 151, 153, 164

and capital gains, 162

and “creative destruction,” 144–45, 152, 162–64

and Dade International, 150

and Damon Corp., 153–55, 163

and Domino’s Pizza, 157

and Drexel Burnham Lambert, 146–49

and GST Steel, 149

and Handbag Holdings, 149

and Holson Burnes, 138–39

investments of, 136–41, 149–50, 153, 155–56

and job creation, 135, 140, 142, 143, 162–64, 177

and junk bonds, 144, 147, 148

and Key Airlines, 138

and leveraged buyouts, 141–46, 148–50, 199

and Lifelike, 155–56

and MediVision, 138

and Mitt’s political campaigns, 177–80, 251

Mitt’s work with, 134, 135–65, 176, 196, 199, 236

power struggle in, 206–7

public offering of, 139

recruitment for, 134–35, 156

risks involved in, 132–33, 134, 136, 137, 141, 147, 150

and search for Melissa, 158–59

and Staples, 135, 139–41, 263

startup of, 110, 132–33, 136, 146

and TRW, 159–60

and wealth accumulation, 135, 139, 142, 146, 148–49, 150, 157, 159, 161–62, 199, 206–7

and Yellow Pages of Italy, 159, 160–61

Bain Way, 131–32, 134, 175, 297

Baldwin, Sandy, 221

Balfour, David, 248

Bank of New England, 152

Barlow, Philip, 104, 118–19

Barthwell, Sidney, Jr., 26–27

Barto, A. J., 221

Baxter, James, 54

Baxter International, 150

Bealls department store, 147

Beck, Glenn, 303–4

Beebe, N. Lorraine, 184

Behring Diagnostics, 150

Bekenstein, Josh, 134, 137, 146

Belmont, Massachusetts:

Joey’s Park in, 121

Mitt and Ann’s homes in, 96, 110–11, 112, 193, 228

Mormon chapel burned down in, 116–18

Mormon temple in, 200–201, 270

sharing worship space in, 118

Bennett, Grant, 105, 112, 114, 117, 119–20, 122, 203

Bennett, Robert, 212, 220, 252

Bessemer Venture Partners, 139

Bhutto, Benazir, 312

Blietschau, Fritz, 203

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts, 268, 269–70, 273

Boesky, Ivan, 144

Boston Consulting Group (BCG), 97–98, 131

Boston Globe, The,
264, 270, 277

Boston stake, leadership in, 114, 115, 119–29

Bowen, Kent, 116

Boy Scouts of America, 182

Bradley, Bill, 2

Bradshaw, Sally, 317

Brady Law, 185

Brazil, Wayne, 52

Breyer, Stephen, 92

Brigham Young University (BYU), 252–53

Mitt as student in, 88–90, 205

School of Management, 26

Bristol-Myers Squibb, 242

Brown, Scott P., 250, 326

Brownback, Sam, 301

Brownstein, Howard B., 92, 96

Bulger, James “Whitey,” 245

Bulger, William M., 245–46

Bullock, Fraser, 210, 211, 212

Bullock, Ken, 216–17

Buonopane, Angelo R., 249

Burton, Cindy, 71, 72, 88

Bush, George H. W., 2, 298, 302

Bush, George W., 91, 199–200, 212, 224, 228, 233, 235, 243, 250, 251, 287

Buster (dog), 13

Cameron, Kim, 87, 88

Canavan, Christine E., 264

capital gains taxes, 162, 243


as “creative destruction,” 144–45, 152, 162–64

maximizing return to investors, 150–53, 163

Carmichael, Stokely, 58

Carter, Jimmy, 2

Castellanos, Alex, 283, 296–97, 304–5, 313

Caussé, Marie-Blanche, 67

Cellucci, Paul, 225

Chafee, John, 186, 267

Chappaquiddick, Massachusetts, 168, 181

Checketts, Dave, 205

Churchill, Winston, 207, 221

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,

Cisco Systems, 137

civil rights:

for gays and lesbians,
gay rights movement

gender equality, 114–15, 116, 122–28, 186

George Romney’s views on, 6, 25–26, 27, 72–73, 94

Mitt Romney’s positions on, 231

racial discrimination in Mormon church, 26, 27, 72–73, 114, 186–87

and Republican Party, 94

riots, 73, 77

Clinton, Bill, 186, 199, 212

Clinton, Hillary Rodham, 267, 325

cloning technique, 254–55

Coffman, James T., 148

Colonia Juárez, Mexico:

Mormon colony in, 44–46

Romney family descendants in, 49–50

Commonwealth PAC, 251, 252

Concord [N.H.] Monitor,

Connors, John, Jr. “Jack,” 269, 270, 273

Conservation Law Foundation, 237

Continental Congress (1774), 303

Contract with America, 185

Cox, Edward F., 91–92

Cox, Tricia Nixon, 92

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