The Real Romney (54 page)

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Authors: Michael Kranish,Scott Helman

BOOK: The Real Romney
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245 After trustees rebuffed Romney: Jenna Russell and Patrick Healy, “UMass Trustees Rebuff Governor on Bulger,”
The Boston Globe
, June 27, 2003.

245 Lawyers negotiated: Jenna Russell, “Bulger Makes His Exit,”
The Boston Globe
, August 7, 2003.

246 His hasty ouster: Frank Phillips, “New Head of Civil Service Resigns,”
The Boston Globe
, August 29, 2003.

246 “Bill, my stomach is turning”: Interview with William Monahan, 2007.

246 Citing the litigation: Interview with Mitt Romney.

247 “The first couple of years”: Interview with James Vallee, 2007.

247 Romney would later contend: Interview with Mitt Romney.

247 “I never asked”: Interview with Robert Travaglini, 2007

248 “He forced all of us”: David Weber, “Democrats Take Sole Control of Statehouse as Romney Leaves Office,” Associated Press, January 4, 2007.

248 “The review process was completely apolitical”: Interview with Ralph Martin, 2007.

248 A July 2005 review: Raphael Lewis, “Romney Jurist Picks Not Tilted to GOP,”
The Boston Globe
, July 25, 2005.

248 He similarly showed: Analysis of contribution records from Massachusetts Office of Campaign and Political Finance, 2011.

249 “I wanted to change”: Interview with Mitt Romney.

249 reporters observed him: Sean Murphy and Connie Paige, “He Is the Director of the Department of Labor, the State Pays Him $108,000 a Year. But What Does Angelo Buonopane Do?”
The Boston Globe
, April 3, 2005.

249 Eric Fehrnstrom: Frank Phillips, “Romney Puts a Top Aide in Line for Pension,”
Boston Globe
, November 22, 2006.

249 “unwarranted political attacks”: Frank Phillips, “Romney’s Top Aide Leaves New Post,”
The Boston Globe
, November 24, 2006.

249 Using the word “reform”: Frank Phillips, “Address Opens Struggle with Democrats,”
The Boston Globe
, January 16, 2004.

249 “Quite simply, reform”: Mitt Romney, State of the State address, January 15, 2004, Massachusetts State Archives.

250 He began an aggressive recruiting drive: Raphael Lewis, “Romney Hosts Gala for Recruits,”
The Boston Globe
, May 26, 2004.

250 Democrats were outraged: Raphael Lewis, “GOP Falls Short in State,”
The Boston Globe
, November 3, 2004.

250 “We could have had”: Interview with Massachusetts Republican, 2007.

250 With only 21 of 160 seats: Raphael Lewis, “GOP Has Its Fewest Seats Since 1867,”
The Boston Globe
, November 4, 2004.

250 “He put his personal reputation”: Lewis, “GOP Falls Short in State.”

251 “From now on”: Joan Vennochi, “See Mitt Run,”
The Boston Globe
, January 4, 2005.

251 “The whole climate changed”: Interview with Robert Travaglini.

251 That September: “A Big Stage for Romney,” editorial in
The Boston Globe
, September 2, 2004.

251 ratcheted up the chatter: Rick Klein, “As Romney Rips Kerry, Iowans See an Audition,”
The Boston Globe
, October 17, 2004.

251 Romney, in fact: Interviews with people familiar with the meetings, 2007.

251 The PAC went on: Scott Helman, “Romney Faces a Reckoning on ’08,”
The Boston Globe
, November 17, 2006.

252 “I didn’t know”: Interview with Mitt Romney.

252 Timing was everything: Interview with Republican, 2007.

252 Romney’s furious preparations: Scott Helman and Michael Levenson, “Romney Camp Consulted with Mormon Leaders,”
The Boston Globe
, October 19, 2006.

253 “We know Mitt”: Thomas Burr, Joe Baird, and Peggy Fletcher Stack, “Romney Pal Takes Blame for Dust-Up,”
The Salt Lake Tribune
, October 23, 2006.

253 a tally at the end of 2006 found: Brian C. Mooney, “Romney Left Mass. on 212 Days in ’06,”
The Boston Globe
, December 24, 2006.

253 On November 9, 2004: Scott Helman, “Romney’s Journey to the Right,”
The Boston Globe
, December 17, 2006.

254 On February 10, 2005: Pam Belluck, “Massachusetts Governor Opposes Stem Cell Work,”
The New York Times
, February 10, 2005.

254 Some scientists wondered: Helman, “Romney’s Journey to the Right.”

254 “There’s evidence”: Scott S. Greenberger and Frank Phillips, “Romney Draws Fire on Stem Cells,”
The Boston Globe
, February 11, 2005.

254 “Changing my position”: Interview with Mitt Romney.

255 He turned Harvard: Helman, “Romney’s Journey to the Right.”

255 “convictions have evolved”: Mitt Romney, “Why I Vetoed Contraception Bill,”
The Boston Globe
, July 26, 2005.

255 Supporters of the bill: Helman, “Romney’s Journey to the Right.”

255 “an abortion pill”: Pam Belluck, “Massachusetts Veto Seeks to Curb Morning-After Pill,”
The New York Times
, July 26, 2005.

256 By 2006, Romney’s aides: Maggie Mulvihill and Kimberly Atkins, “Romney Veers Right on Abortion, Gay Adoption,”
Boston Herald
, March 1, 2006.

256 “He can come”: Interview with former adviser, 2011.

256 Romney adopted just such a program: Helman, “Romney’s Journey to the Right.”

256 He backed out: Beth Daley, “Mass. Pulls Out of Agreement to Cut Power Plant Emissions,”
The Boston Globe
, December 15, 2005.

257 Republican “extremists”: Scott Helman, “Romney’s ’94 Remarks on Same-Sex Marriage Could Haunt Him,”
The Boston Globe
, December 8, 2006.

257 He railed against “activist judges”: Scott Helman, “Romney Rips SJC’s Justices on Values,”
The Boston Globe
, November 11, 2005.

257 He pressed Congress: Raphael Lewis, “Romney Urges Federal Ban on Gay-Marriage ‘Experiment,’”
The Boston Globe
, June 23, 2004; Frank Phillips and Lisa Wangsness, “Same-Sex Marriage Ban Advances,”
The Boston Globe
, January 3, 2007.

257 “the religion of secularism”: Maria Cramer, “Broadcast Blasts Same-Sex Marriage,”
The Boston Globe
, October 16, 2006.

257 “Some are actually”: John J. Monahan, “Romney Talk Riles Gay Parents,”
Worcester Telegram & Gazette
, February 26, 2005.

257 “San Francisco east”: Peter Wallsten, “Activists Remember a Different Romney,”
Los Angeles Times
, March 25, 2007.

257 He sought to amend: Jonathan Saltzman, “Romney Bill Seeks Adoption Exemption,”
The Boston Globe
, March 16, 2006.

257 He backed away: Dan Balz and Shailagh Murray, “Mass. Governor’s Rightward Shift Raises Questions,”
The Washington Post
, December 21, 2006.

257 And, after a flap: “Romney Abolishes Governor’s Commission on Gay and Lesbian Youth,” Associated Press, July 21, 2006.

258 “He dealt a death blow”: Interview with David LaFontaine, 2011.

258 “I stood at the center”: Adam Nagourney, “Republican Hopefuls Seek Advantage on Social Issues,”
The New York Times
, March 3, 2007.

258 “I know there are some”: Interview with Mitt Romney.

258 The liberal House speaker: Scott Helman, “A Breakfast Best Served Cold,”
The Boston Globe
, March 20, 2006.

259 “It’s almost as though”: Interview with Richard Tisei, 2007.

259 A majority of voters: Lisa Wangsness, “Voters Voice Regard, Regret over Romney,”
The Boston Globe
, December 26, 2006.

Chapter 10: Health Care Revolutionary

261 It was a sunny October afternoon: Interview with Richard Whitney, 2011.

263 a “doubting Thomas”: Interview with Thomas Stemberg, 2011.

263 “It struck me”: Interview with Mitt Romney, 2011.

263 “You can find a way”: Mitt Romney, “Health Care for Everyone? We Found a Way,”
The Wall Street Journal
, April 11, 2006.

264 “The next thing I know”: Interview with Thomas Stemberg.

264 “In the same bipartisan fashion”: Mitt Romney, “My Plan for Massachusetts Health Insurance Reform,”
The Boston Globe
, November 21, 2004.

264 “This administration hasn’t been willing”: Benjamin Gedan, “Romney Plan on Health Insurance Questioned,”
The Boston Globe
, November 22, 2004.

264 “We’re basically stalemated”: Benjamin Gedan and Scott S. Greenberger, “Kennedy Lauds Romney for Airing Plan,”
The Boston Globe
, November 24, 2004.

265 Romney had provided: Interview with Stacey Sachs, 2011.

265 His first secretary: Ronald Preston, “Health Care Reform: Covering the Commonwealth’s Uninsured Residents,” May 3, 2004.

265 “You were talking”: Interview with Christine Ferguson, 2011.

265 And the picture that emerged: “Commonwealth Care,” PowerPoint presentation, Massachusetts State Archives, February 28, 2005.

266 Gruber had a computer model: Interview with Amy Lischko, 2011.

266 “made enormous sense”: Interview with Jonathan Gruber, 2011.

266 “They were making the realpolitik argument”: Ibid.

266 “We discussed the need”: Interview with Amy Lischko.

267 “Everybody in the room”: Interviews with Timothy Murphy, 2007.

267 In the early 1990s: Stuart M. Butler, “The Heritage Consumer Choice Health Plan,” Heritage Foundation, March 5, 1992; Robert E. Moffit, “Personal Freedom, Responsibility, and Mandates,”
Health Affairs
, January 1994.

267 One of the early GOP advocates: Health Equity and Access Reform Today Act, introduced November 23, 1993, by John Chafee and twenty cosponsors.

268 “What about the individual requirement?”: Interviews with Andrew Dreyfus and Timothy Murphy, 2011.

268 “No more free riding”: Scott S. Greenberger, “Romney Eyes Penalties for Those Lacking Insurance,”
The Boston Globe
, June 22, 2005.

269 “eureka moment”: Interview with Timothy Murphy, 2011.

269 a higher percentage of employers offered: Massachusetts Division of Health Care Finance and Policy, “Massachusetts Employer Survey 2007.”

269 Massachusetts, too: Randall R. Bovbjerg, Alison Evans Cuellar, and John Holahan, “Market Competition and Uncompensated Care Pools,” Urban Institute, March 2000,

269 It was also one: Leigh Wachenheim and Hans Leida, “The Impact of Guaranteed Issue and Community Rating Reform on Individual Insurance Markets,” America’s Health Insurance Plans, July 10, 2007.

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