The Real Romney (51 page)

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Authors: Michael Kranish,Scott Helman

BOOK: The Real Romney
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183 October 1963 death: Ann Keenan, certificate of death, Michigan Department of Health, October 8, 1963.

183 Keenan’s death: Interview with Jane Romney, 2007.

184 “championed a woman’s right to choose”: Romney for Governor campaign flyer, 2002.

184 In June 2005: Eileen McNamara, “Evolving History,”
The Boston Globe
, June 26, 2005.

184 Abortion had been a defining issue: Interview with David Plawecki, 2011.

184 “I think we need”: Noreen Murphy, “Lenore Speaks Out on Issues,”
Owosso Argus-Press
, May 11, 1970.

184 “perverse”: Scot Lehigh and Frank Phillips, “Romney Allegedly Faulted Gays in Talk to Mormons,”
The Boston Globe
, July 15, 1994.

185 Romney maintained throughout: Lehigh, “Romney Admits Advice Against Abortion.”

185 Further muddying his pitch: Bruce Mohl, “Mass. Antiabortion Group Backs Romney,”
The Boston Globe
, September 8, 1994.

185 He supported raising: Interview with Mitt Romney on
This Week with David Brinkley
, ABC, October 16, 1994.

185 He rejected: Rod Dreher, “Kennedy Avoids Haymaker in Final Debate with Romney,”
Washington Times
, October 28, 1994.

185 He backed two gun-control measures: Scott Helman, “Romney’s Record on Guns Questioned,”
The Boston Globe
, April 5, 2007; Scot Lehigh, “Lakian Vows to Fight Gun Control,”
The Boston Globe
, August 19, 1994.

185 Romney also discouraged: Bradlee and Golden, “Strategies Shaped an Epic Race.”

185 And he distanced himself: Dreher, “Kennedy Avoids Haymaker in Final Debate with Romney.”

186 He expressed lukewarm support: Scot Lehigh and Frank Phillips, “Romney, Lakian Debate Crime, Tax and Abortion,”
The Boston Globe
, September 7, 1994.

186 He was critical: Jeff Jacoby, “Lessons for Romney in Kennedy’s Success,”
The Boston Globe
, July 12, 1994.

186 Late in the race: John B. Judis, “Stormin’ Mormon,”
The New Republic
, November 7, 1994, 20.

186 A linchpin of Chafee’s plan: Paul Starr, “What Happened to Health Care Reform?,”
The American Prospect
, Winter 1995, 20–31.

186 “I told people”: Interview with Mitt Romney.

186 Kennedy came out for “workfare”: Peter G. Gosselin and Anthony Flint, “Liberties Taken with Some Facts,”
The Boston Globe
, October 26, 1994.

186 And he tried: Lehigh, “Kennedy, Romney Battle for the Middle.”

186 Everyone was there: Interviews with former campaign aides, 2011.

186 He later apologized: Frank Phillips, “Rep. Kennedy Apologizes to Romney on Mormon Issue,”
The Boston Globe
, September 24, 1994.

187 “Where is Mr. Romney”: Scot Lehigh, “Kennedy Believes Mormon-Racial Questions Proper,”
The Boston Globe
, September 27, 1994.

187 “I do not speak”: Scot Lehigh and Frank Phillips, “Romney Hits Kennedy on Faith Issue,”
The Boston Globe
, September 28, 1994.

187 “George Romney literally dove”: Interview with former Romney aide, 2011.

187 “I think it is absolutely wrong”: Lehigh and Phillips, “Romney Hits Kennedy on Faith Issue.”

187 “Every time”: Bradlee and Golden, “Strategies Shaped an Epic Race.”

187 “All my life”: Ibid.

188 “I would ask Ann”: Interview with former aide, 2011.

188 George’s schedule was his own: Ibid.

188 “He’s better”: Hugh McDiarmid, “Ex-Governor Basks in Son’s Strong Bid,”
Detroit Free Press
, October 7, 1994.

189 A series of campaign appearances:
Campaign Almanac
, C-SPAN, 1994.

189 There was the time: Interview with former Romney aide, 2011.

189 Romney made a point: Interview with Rick Reed.

189 About a week before election day: Frank Phillips and Sally Jacobs, “Tracking Poll Shows Romney Gaining Ground,”
The Boston Globe
, November 2, 1994.

189 Romney asked him: Interview with Ken Smith, 2011.

190 The day of the Boston debate: Bradlee and Golden, “Strategies Shaped an Epic Race.”

190–191 “I saw little old ladies”: Interview with former aide, 2011.

191 Kennedy basked: TV news coverage of October 1994 debate.

191 “You could stay overnight”: Bradlee and Golden, “Strategies Shaped an Epic Race.”

192 “I think the election is over”: Interview with John Lakian.

192 “That question”: Bradlee and Golden, “Strategies Shaped an Epic Race.”

192 But Kennedy fared better: Canellos,
Last Lion
, 300.

192 With less than two weeks: Frank Phillips and Scot Lehigh, “Kennedy Opens Up 20-Point Lead in Poll,”
The Boston Globe
, October 27, 1994.

193 Then, in his final debate: Bradlee and Golden, “Strategies Shaped an Epic Race.”

193 “legacy of Kennedy country”: Phillips and Jacobs, “Tracking Poll Shows Romney Gaining Ground.”

193 “What do you expect”: Frank Phillips and Scot Lehigh, “Poll: Kennedy Keeps Big Lead,”
The Boston Globe
, October 29, 1994.

193 On the Southeast Expressway: Robert W. Trott, “Romney Angers Dorchester Residents with Remark About Urban Blight,” Associated Press, October 28, 1994.

193 Ann Romney hadn’t helped things: Thomas, “Ann Romney’s Sweetheart Deal.”

193 The campaign spent $100,000: Frank Phillips, “Romney Planning Half-Hour TV Spots,”
The Boston Globe
, November 4, 1994.

: Michael Cooper, “Romney Eclectic in Final Sprint,”
The New York Times
, November 6, 1994.

193 In the days leading up: Interview with former Romney aide, 2011.

194 At about 8:45 a.m.: Anthony Flint, “Romney Run Comes to Bittersweet End,”
The Boston Globe
, November 9, 1994.

194 That night, Romney put on: Ibid.

194 Ann Romney, worn out: Interview with former aide, 2011.

194 “You couldn’t pay me”: Bradlee and Golden, “Strategies Shaped an Epic Race.”

194 But she also left an opening: Flint, “Romney Run Comes to Bittersweet End.”

195 “Why couldn’t he”: Interview with former adviser, 2011.

195 He had sunk $3 million: Frank Phillips and Scot Lehigh, “GOP Captures Congress; Weld, Kennedy Reelected; Roosevelt, Romney Fall as State Bucks National Trend,”
The Boston Globe
, November 9, 1994.

195 “I was surprised”: Frank Phillips and Scot Lehigh, “Romney Says He’d Mull a Run Against Kerry,”
The Boston Globe
, November 23, 1994.

195 “I think people were searching”: Interview with Rick Reed.

195 “His main cause”: Interview with longtime Republican, 2011.

195 Over dinner: Interview with Republican, 2011.

196 “I’m sure I ruffled a lot of feathers”: Romney,
, 15.

Chapter 8: The Torch Is Lit

197 In their sixty-four years: Associated Press, “Lenore Romney, Widow of Former Governor, Dies,”
Daily Globe
[Ironwood, Mich.], July 8, 1998.

197 At the dawn of their courtship: Marya Saunders and Bob Gains, “The Missionary Side of George Romney,”
Family Weekly
, March 3, 1963, 5.

197 A little after 9 a.m: Ron Dzwonkowski and Angela Tuck, “Michigan Visionary; Colleagues Remember a Man of Uncommon Energy and Vision,”
Detroit Free Press
, July 27, 1995; interview with former Romney aide, 2011.

198 On his birthday: Myrna Oliver, “George Romney; Governor Ran for President,”
Los Angeles Times
, July 27, 1995.

198 “He got why I was”: Interview with Jane Romney, 2006.

198 “His whole life”: Interview with John Wright, 2011.

198 Some twelve hundred mourners: Malcolm Johnson, “Governor, Children Have Praise for George Romney,” Associated Press, August 1, 1995.

198 “The experience of walking”: Mitt Romney,
Turnaround: Crisis, Leadership, and the Olympic Games
(Washington, D.C.: Regnery Publishing, 2004), 16.

198 “I don’t know”: Interview with Mitt Romney, 2007.

199 The next five years: Romney,
, 16.

199 “I was in the investment business”: Jo-Ann Barnas, “Romney Gives His All to Games; Michigan Native Saves Scandalous Olympics,”
Detroit Free Press
, February 14, 2011.

199 In 1996, he was so concerned: David Warsh, “The Next Generation,”
The Boston Globe
, February 21, 1999.

199 A couple years later: Interview with associate, 2011.

199 Romney also inquired: Interview with Republican, 2007.

200 Years earlier: Interviews with Grant Bennett and Ken Hutchins, 2011.

200 In the mid-1990s: Sridhar Pappu, “In Mitt Romney’s Neighborhood, A Mormon Temple Casts a Shadow,”
The Washington Post
, December 15, 2007.

200 After a visit: Interview with Grant Bennett.

200 “a reminder to the world”: Michael Paulson, “A Visible Faith; for Mormon Church, Opening of Temple on Hill in Belmont Is Fulfillment of Dream, ‘Reminder to the World,’ ”
The Boston Globe
, August 27, 2000.

200 “It makes you feel proud”: Ibid.

200 But there was one glaring omission: Ibid.

200 One afternoon: Brian MacQuarrie, “Old Rivals Tour Mormon Temple,”
The Boston Globe
, September 9, 2000.

201 The following spring: Michael Paulson and Caroline Louise Cole, “For Mormons, a Secular Victory; SJC Says Temple Can Have Its Steeple,”
The Boston Globe
, May 17, 2001.

201 The more tests the doctor did: Interview with Mitt Romney.

201 “There weren’t many”: Ibid.

202 “She’s failing test after test”: Ibid.

202 “When I heard”: Interview with Tagg Romney, 2007.

202 “It continued for Mitt”: Interview with Jane Romney.

202 The diagnosis also came: Niraj Warikoo, “Wife of Former Governor Had Opinions of Her Own,”
Detroit Free Press
, July 8, 1998.

202 “Craig, I’m not going to die”: Mike Melanson, “Ann Romney Tackles Multiple Sclerosis Head-On,”
The Boston Globe
, September 13, 2003.

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