The Prophecy Unfolds: Dragon Queen (17 page)

BOOK: The Prophecy Unfolds: Dragon Queen
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asked lots of questions about how everything worked and he explained
in fairly simple terms.

said the craft, or ship as he referred to it was propelled through
the air by engine power provided by steam. Also the large balloon
contains a gas that is lighter than air in a secure way that acts to
“lift” the ship. The gas used is something that was quite
rare on Earth and he said it was known as Helium. On this world
though there are abundant supplies. History had shown the error of
using other gases that might ignite. The gondola part that we were
currently travelling in was where crew, passengers and the engines
were situated. The gondola was constructed of wood and metal but the
balloon was made of a special woven fabric that was especially
treated to reduce the problems associated with deterioration due to
the sun and weather. The balloon he explained was actually a balloon
within a balloon and as the ship rose the Helium expanded.

he began explaining about balancing the air and Helium he lost me a
little. Yet it was good to know that he knew and understood the
science involved. He explained that the “post” was known
as a mooring mast. Then when he spotted that my attention was
drifting further explained that it was capable of staying afloat
anywhere from the few hours required to make a journey up to a number
of days. He emphasised that airships were a vital tool in observing
what was happening on the ground if needs be. I wasn’t too sure
what to make of this comment so just nodded.

of the airships I had seen on Earth were advertising blimps moored
above premises or football grounds.

he described the tailfin which is what provides the vessel with a way
to change direction like a boat does.

we chatted we were shown around the ship and were allowed briefly
into the engine bay. The pulleys and levers all looked very
complicated to me. Engineers were tending to them, checking and
adjusting dials calmly. Brass and leather abounded here and once
again the Victorian utilitarian clothing made me feel as if I had
stepped back in time to a bygone era.

only experience on Earth was the balloons we used to celebrate
birthdays and that Helium made you have a high pitched squeaky voice
when inhaled.

our tour we joined the Captain in his personal quarters for drinks
and food. I was rather glad of this as it was getting pretty awkward
due to people stopping and dropping in to curtsies and bowing as we
moved around the ship.

reached over and caught my hand attracting my attention instantly.

can see you have enjoyed your day so far and it will continue once we
arrive at the caverns. We have arranged overnight accommodation at an
inn. This lies close to where we are due to land. You are looking a
little tired already my love. We can travel back tomorrow once you
have rested. There is no hurry so we may as well enjoy this journey
with you.”

ten minutes later there was an announcement that we would soon be
landing at the caverns. The caverns were called the Blue Caverns.

was a very gentle affair as we just seemed to drift up to the mooring
mast. We hung back a little this time allowing the other people to
disembark first. We bade farewell to the Captain who thanked us for
honouring him with our presence. He agreed to return to this boarding
point the following day to pick us up. Once again we used the lift to
depart. Horses weren’t required for this part of the journey as
the Blue Caverns were only a short distance from the landing area. I
quickly realised that I was feeling a little tired now yet also
excited at the prospect of my next visit.

the surface there was very little to see except a large building in
the distance.

walked to the inn which was only about about a five minute walk from
the landing. The Cavern Inn was a comfortable old inn and we were
shown to our quarters quickly. I was glad to have a shower and
refresh myself, then was promptly dispatched to bed for an hour or
two before supper. We ate in the spacious comfy dining room at the
rear of the building with a large open log fire burning brightly in
the grate. Accompanied by the chattering of the locals as they
watched us eat.

I finally returned to our room someone had pushed two double beds
together. I knew that maybe sleep wasn’t on my mates minds just
yet. Eager hands helped me undress and soon it was a free for all of
hands and mouths as they re-reacquainted themselves with my anatomy.
The electricity in the room was like a light show. Each touch
igniting both my senses and arcing widely into the air about us. Each
time we came together now the power was growing, sparks and blue
lightening flashed and shot across the room. Energised, my nerve
endings alight as they kissed and caressed my body ready to
accommodate their growing erections. I was both excited and a little
concerned at what might happen with all three of my werewolf mates
and I all in the same bed or should I say beds? The last time we had
all been in one bed together like this was after our mating ceremony.
I wondered whether I would actually be capable of walking the short
distance to the caverns the following day or not.

were attentive to my needs and as each nipple was being licked, and
nipped by Vanda and Leon. I felt Aston move lower kissing a trail of
hot wet kisses down my body. Until I felt his fingers swipe through
my now dripping pussy as heat surged through my body like a living
flame. I gasped as he sucked on my clit, gently as first then nipping
harder. My breath coming in short pants, fast and hard. Heart rate
speeding up as sensations hit me all at once. Teeth, lips and tongues
testing my limits. I squirmed trying to escape their ministrations as
my orgasm approached at brake neck speed to no avail. I might have
been stronger and faster than I was originally but I was no match for
three horny werewolves intent on getting off, and getting me off. My
knees were trapped by strong solid arms in a vice like grip. Leon
whispered in my ear “ Just let go Alex. Cum for us sweetheart.”

suddenly whispered in my brain over and over
Cum for us

could no longer resist and my whole body felt on fire, hot and
tingling as my orgasm hit me. My body rising off the bed despite
their hold on me, as I thrashed and trembled. Aston moved up
languidly and took possession of my mouth his tongue invading mine as
as his cock thrust in to my still pulsing pussy. Vanda and Leon
meanwhile had moved around. I felt myself being shifted so that now I
lay face down on Aston as someone was licking bits of me in a place
where I had never been licked before. A finger breached my puckered
nether hole, then two. Once I was lubricated enough Vanda began to
relentlessly push his cock in to me. Just as I was overwhelmed by
this sensation Leon grabbed my hair and pulled my head back allowing
Aston to suckle on my tender nipples. I heard Leon call my name in my
head and looked up to see his cock as he pushed forward and I took a
swipe with my tongue to taste the precum I could see glistening
there. I opened my mouth wider as he moved closer still as my lips
closed around his hot throbbing shaft and I heard him groan.

sounds being made by my mates took me higher still. So many strange
and wonderful sensations invaded my body that when Leon came hot and
hard. Spurting in hot creamy jets that hit the back of my throat as I
swallowed and sucked him until I milked him dry. Aston and Vanda now
had a rhythm going and I felt overfull at first. Too many sensations
at once taking me into overload as I once again began to feel the
rush of an orgasm. A tightness across my whole body. My face and body
getting hotter and my crotch and lower body tightening and burning as
it hit. Riding the waves of a tremendous orgasm as they felt my pussy
tighten around their cocks and they came one after another extending
my orgasm. Finally we still yet my pussy continues to pulse around
them. Sated now beyond pleasure and pain and into another realm
entirely. Before long we all drop off to sleep wrapped around each
other like puppies. Werewolf puppies.

next morning, I felt better than I had in a while although finding
myself a little stiff in places but happy to be stiff. We ate
breakfast then set off to visit the caverns as arranged. On the
surface there was little to see apart from a very beautiful building.
Murals covers the top part of the building depicting the caverns.

we got closer my mates at some unseen signal came closer to me. Vanda
and Leon each took one of my hands, and I could sense Aston close
behind bringing up the rear. They were taking no chances on anything
happening to me. They tentatively probed my mind and I allowed them
all in. They had become aware recently of my ability to block my mind
from them at a moments notice. My powers growing daily in that

entered the building and were greeted by some very official looking
gentlemen. I shook the hands proffered as they bowed low over my
hand. After some brief introductions we were led to an area at the
rear of the building where the doors to a large lift was situated.
The doors opened with a swish as we all climbed aboard and began our
descent in to the depths of the planet. To the caverns below. Being
in confined spaces have never been one of my strong points so I was
trembling a little and true to form Vanda encased me in his strong
arms gently kissing my neck and sending me his calming vibes.

the lift doors opened I got my first glimpse of an enormous cavern,
walls shimmering and shining with a myriad of crystals providing a an
ethereal light and supernatural ambiance to the cavern. The cavern
was so huge that I couldn’t see where it ended. It was simply
stunning and took my breath away.

the instruments, pistons, pumps and pulleys weren’t just
functional as there were images of dragons, wolves, and all types of
fantastical beings depicted in the brass and copper. Passing by the
machinery with it’s hissing, chugging and moving parts it felt
like it was a living breathing being. Brass gleamed and glimmered. I
was fascinated by the fact that something so beautiful could provide
something so basic. This was a work of art. A living breathing work
of art. I continued on my way asking question as I did. The engineers
were most obliging and explained how underground rivers than ran
close by the volcano provided the majority of the steam in this
series of caverns.

spent over an hour in the caverns exploring until I was virtually
dragged away. Such an enthralling place.

back at the surface my thoughts turned to food again.
OMG I was
turning into some primordial being. All I seemed to think about
lately was food and sex. What was wrong with me?
Then on
reflection I thought
I had thought of other things too. Of
my people and all of the extraordinary things that I had learned
since my arrival on Syros. I was becoming a more rounded individual.

dined promptly upon our arrival back at the inn and before long I
found myself tucked up in bed with my mates surrounding me. I fell
asleep my thoughts on steam and of flying through the air aboard a
vast airship. Then I felt a presence and I found myself sat upon a
huge dragon with gleaming scales of gold, silver and mother of pearl.
It was my dragon Amrinth, and I knew it wouldn’t be long before
we would meet for real. I would find her and we would explore Syros

next morning although it appeared bright and clear, Aston insisted
that we had to hurry. He revealed that a storm had been forecast
which could make travel somewhat dangerous. Therefore we needed to
return to the pack-house as soon as we could. I was still feeling
somewhat weary after overdoing it the day before. Zarina joined us
for breakfast, which was some sort of porridge. Soon after, we set
off for The Endevour. True to his word the captain had returned for
us. His ship moored where we had disembarked, the day before. We were
underway quickly heading back to the Glades.

time, instead of wandering the ship, we stood on deck watching the
countryside fly past far below. Lost in my own thoughts, looking for
anything that would help me work out where we are. I didn’t
find this easy as the green, brown and yellow patchwork of fields
below me seemed endless, and also endlessly the same. Every so often
I would spot a little hamlet below set out in the familiar pattern of
Treetops. My heart ached and as I wrapped my arms around me tightly a
cold breeze sprang up suddenly out of nowhere. The hairs on my body
stood up leaving a trail of goosebumps across my skin. Al at once the
sky began to take on a strange greenish-grey hue, a maelstrom of
angry clouds racing toward us from the North.

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