The Prophecy Unfolds: Dragon Queen (20 page)

BOOK: The Prophecy Unfolds: Dragon Queen
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that makes sense to me. I just presumed that you flew all your
supplies in but on reflection that would be time consuming.” I
responded. “Can I come with you and see where the entrance is?
Might be a handy thing to know for future reference.”

course you can silly. You are my mate and you should learn as much as
you can about the caverns and secret entrances we have. There are
more than one of them.”

is quite a distance on horseback Alex so do you want to rest a while
before they get here? The entrance is big enough for a horse and cart
and we have stables in the lairs. They are bringing some bits of
furniture with them I believe.”

Come to think of it I am feeling a little tired now. Will you be here
still or are you off to complete some tasks yourself?”

then sent
I was going to join you my beautiful mate. I can
think of a good way to wear you out and relax you too

giggled and held out my hand.
Hmmm. Yes please. That sounds
rather nice to be honest

good as his word it wasn’t long before I was a very happy worn
out and relaxed bunny and drifted off to sleep.

woke with a start as voices called to me.


up sleepy head. We are up on the cliff top now. All of us are here
and Patros promised he will fly one of us home when we are ready and
after each of us has found our way around.
voice announced and I could hear mutterings in the background in my
mind from both Leon and Vanda. Still bickering about who was to stay,
and who was to return to the pack house.

turned over to witness Patros’s smiling face and, apparently he
was able to listen in on my conversations with the others. He then
spoke directly to Aston through our new six way link. This was so
very strange. Hearing him talking to Aston and letting him know that
we would be up in a few minutes time. I could feel their excitement
about this new facet of our relationship. I was getting better at
seeing the tendrils developing between us all. Like vines growing
through the branches of a tree. The links between us growing and
becoming stronger day by day.

Patros spoke in a reverent tone,”That was amazing. I could hear
echoes of them when we were at the pack house but just then the
connection was clear as day. We can all talk via our minds with no
problem at all.”

nodded and smiled back at him. “Hey I am the newbie here”
I giggled. “You were all used to talking in your heads already.
I went from zero to six of us able to talk this way.”

dressed hurriedly. Patros taking my hand as he led me out through the
door at the rear of the lair. Turning to the right we walked for a
few minutes until I saw the bottom of a set of stone stairs and we
ascended three flights. Arriving in front of, what at first, looked
like a solid wall with a sconce set into it. Patros gave the sconce a
full turn to the right and the wall slid to one side revealing an
open space. Stables off to the left and to the right a huge area full
of hay and straw with room for several carts. Although only one cart
was visible there right now and half a dozen horses in their
respective stables. We crossed the space, and once again were
confronted with another blank wall. This time with a handle set into
it. As before a full turn provided the impetus for a large opening to
appear. Revealing there on the cliff top my mates, Zarina, and a
large horse and cart. .As we walked out to greet them I looked over
my shoulder and where we had exited looked just like a part of the
cliff wall itself.

greeted each other enthusiastically with hugs and kisses. Patros
receiving hugs also. Patros hurried us inside saying that you never
knew who could be watching. Be it a wizard scrying or any pair of
eyes that may report back to the wizards. I knew then that there was
more to the prophecy that I needed to understand. Why all this sudden
interest in wizards?

made our way inside and after the horses had been fed and watered
made our way back through the caverns to our living quarters.
Everyone then began to scrutinise their surroundings. The men were
most impressed with the sleeping arrangements and the argument over
who was to stay and who was to return to the Packhouse began afresh.

Zarina enquired where she was meant to sleep horrified that she may
have to share our quarters. With a laugh Patros assured her that no,
she could use our old quarters. I heard her give a small sigh of

Zarina and I begin preparing a dinner for us all?” I enquired.

There will be no need as we are having dinner in the main hall. The
dragons want to check that no one has damaged their precious Queen.
Which is only to be expected. Your mates and Zarina are to be guests
of honour. Our factions joining forces like this is unprecedented.
Yet it was spoken of briefly in the prophecy I believe.”

men all returned to bring the remainder of our belongings back from
the stables. Soon everything was packed away. We showered and dressed
ready for the feast. The showers were most interesting as the shower
in this particular lair could accommodate all five of us at once.
Meaning that the shower took far longer than anyone expected
resulting in my being weak kneed afterwards.

moved down the main corridor and stopped to gather Zarina along the
way. The looks on all their faces when we finally entered the main
hall was a picture. Like a bunch of guppies they all had their mouths
open. They had never been this close to so many dragons and their
riders previously but took it all in their stride.

seating had been rearranged from my previous visit to this hall. For
now there were more of the large throne like chairs for us to sit at.
Zarina was seated adjacent with one of the more handsome dragon
riders as company and she looked suitably impressed.

remembered that no one would sit until I did so bade them all sit
then sat myself. The place was a hubbub of chatter and laughter.
Everyone talking avidly and speculating how things would work out now
the factions were joined.

was flanked by my mates, two on either side with Aston to my left and
Patros to my right, with Vanda and Leon flanking them. As they
touched me through the meal we put on a firework display that would
match any that I had seen for Bonfire Night back on Earth. The blue
lights arcing and fizzing as we we all touched and moved close to one
another. It would make hiding out of the question if we were ever put
in that position.

watched Zarina chatting to her dinner companion, blushing as she
laughed and joked with him. His name was Matteo,and he seemed to be
as enamoured of Zarina as she was of him.
Could this be where our
factions would join also. Part dragon rider, part-werewolf? Was this
the way forward? A joining of our people and powers too. What if they
could share the powers each of us had individually as a couple.
Certainly one to ponder.

got up part way through the evening and wandered about the great hall
chatting to the dragon riders and going up to the dragons. I found
that if I touched them I could converse with all of the dragons, much
to even Talos’s amazement.

he sent
You are
tapping in to a wealth of powers that were never written about. I see
you being a force to be reckoned with. Woe betide any enemies of
yours should you reach your full potential.

seem to discover new abilities every day now Talos. I have no clue
where they will lead. Like you said I feel my powers growing but, not
only mine but those of my mates. I seem to have become a catalyst for
change in each of them

I witnessed how we can now all communicate through our psychic bonds.
This is over and above anything that I ever expected. That you would
be able to converse so easily with the other dragons too. I think you
will find that over time you won’t have to touch them to do
this. Once you and your dragon are united there will be no stopping

once more of Amrinth I pushed out from my mind and tried to seek her
out feeling guilty for not thinking about her over the last few days.
I closed my eyes in order to be able to concentrate more and there
she was. Looking forlorn. Her scales dull in the dank dark cavern
that she was being held in. A huge metal cuff was wrapped around her
hind leg with a massive chain leading to a substantial metal ring set
into the floor. Her anguish palpable. Her utter lack of response
worried me at first. But then she lifted her head and I could see her
clouded jaded eyes. This time instead of getting tearful I began to
plan a way to rescue her. First of all I needed to know exactly where
I needed to rescue her from.

Amrinth. Do you know where the cavern is that you are being held
prisoner. I need to know what direction to head toward. In order to
come and rescue you. I am certain as I get closer I will sense where
you are.

eyes lit up by a tiny amount when she heard my voice.

Is that you? I thought something had happened to you because I didn’t
hear from you. I thought I would be alone here forever. I just know
that the cavern is North of the city of Bream. A wizard tricked me
into coming here making me think he had captured you and that you
were the one that was a prisoner. He is dangerous Alex. You have to
be very careful when you come for me. He will stop at nothing to get
you in his grasp. He wants to stop the prophecy from being fulfilled.

worry about me Amrinth. I won’t be coming alone, I will have my
mates with me and the other dragons. We will find a way to rescue
you. Please try and keep positive for me. Can you do that Amrinth?

of course. Now I know you haven’t forgotten me, I will try my
best to do that. Please come soon. I am so hungry. They only bring me
a little food to sustain me. They want me weak so that I can’t
assist you when you get here.

am going to talk to my mates now. The two factions are now joined so
the werewolves and dragons can work together. I will see you soon.
Keep your spirits up Amrinth. We will be together presently and I
have a feeling we will be stronger together than apart.

opened my eyes and realised that I was surrounded. All looked at me
with knowing looks as this time they had heard my conversation with
Amrinth and also seen the sad, sorry state she was in.

all sent to me, almost as one


will find her

rescue her

heart. We will seek her out

wasn’t too sure who said what but was bolstered up that they
cared so much and fully supported me.

took it out of me to contact Amrinth and once again I felt a
prickling sensation at the corner of my mind. Certain now that the
wizard listened into our conversation and was pleased that I would
come for Amrinth. He was so sure he would be able to capture me when
I did.

we said our good nights to everyone in the hall and headed off
leaving Zarina with Matteo, still deep in conversation.


came my final trial of the evening as Leon and Vanda had decided
against all the plans we had made that both would stop for this first
evening in our new home.

my! My nerves are shot. How on Earth will this all work? There are
four of them now.

needn’t had worried with four of them trying to calm me I was
almost comatose before they realised to pull back a little.

them they removed my clothes in a couple of minutes and then their
own. Now I was just plain horny seeing four gorgeous naked and very
aroused men pulling me onto the furs.

BOOK: The Prophecy Unfolds: Dragon Queen
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