The Prophecy Unfolds: Dragon Queen (14 page)

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time I was taken by all three, one in each orifice. As we connected
blue lightening shot across the room. A firework display of our
mutual desires. Each biting me as our orgasms collided and produced
flares of blue flashes across the room.

we settled down on the bed sated. A jumble of arms and legs as once
again the room looked like the first snows had descended. Some of the
furniture smashed and in pieces on the floor. I fell in to a
dreamless sleep thoroughly exhausted and sated.

waking together more than a little exhausted from the previous nights
escapades we kissed and cuddled. I was allowed to dress in some
clothes brought in while I slept. Then we all headed to the dining
hall together in comfortable silence. I could feel the connections
between us growing, like tendrils through my mind, Just by my senses
alone, I could feel each of them.

time I felt more comfortable as I recognised a number of faces from
the previous evening. Although still unable to put names to the vast
majority except for Syra, Zarina and of course my mates.

aroma of the food once again assailed my senses. All three of my
mates laughed out loud having heard me do the equivalent of shouting
out loud with my mind.

God but I'm hungry.

obviously found this very funny. I slammed the walls up in my mind
and turned puce with embarrassment.

as quickly they looked from one to another. Aston turned to me and
looked quizzically as he tipped his head slightly “How are you
doing that? Closing your mind to us? Your mates? I have never heard
of this happening before between mates. No one has been able to guard
their thoughts from a mate in our pack.” he continued “Never.
Not once mated! Unheard of. Why would you want or need to hide your
thoughts from us all?”

looked at the floor trying to organise my thoughts then looked up at
each of them in turn and responded. “I need some privacy
sometimes. This isn't something you would find on my world. I need to
be able to think things through without you examining my thoughts
constantly. I find it hard to deal with you second guessing what my
thoughts mean as I struggle to comprehend all that is going on in
this world. Also each time I do this I find it easier to do so.”

more my mates regarded each other with Vanda acting as
spokesman.”There is one advantage to you having this ability.
That is because that may enable you to guard your thoughts from the
mages and magicians. Perhaps this is one of the powers the prophecy

this mean I am in danger from the mages and magicians then?” I
asked. Then looked directly at Aston saying “You promised me
that I could look at the prophecy. So that I might have an inkling of
what lies ahead.”

Chapter 9.

nodded “Yes, and I meant it too but tomorrow will be soon
enough. Today I think would be a good time for you to have a proper
tour of the pack-house and for you to rest up after a strenuous few
days. Don't you think?”

was my turn to nod back. “Yes. Okay. I will agree to rest up
for today. Maybe Zarina will help me look at the document and explain
it to me so that I might understand what fate has in store for me.”

finished our meal amidst the general hubbub and chatter. From time to
time I would ask about the strange looking vegetables and meats on

I ever get to know all about this world?
I wondered.

meal was polished off with what looked like some kind of herbal tea
served in stone cups. It had a strange but not unpleasant taste. As
everyone was drinking it I had a couple of cups myself.

the pack began to drift away. As promised, I was taken on a tour of
the pack-house but by Leon. Aston and Zanda had pack business to
attend to and Zarina was busy elsewhere.

pack-house was much larger than I had anticipated and occupied a
sizeable area. Set in a large glade of tall trees. All the members of
the pack spent part of each day training in the gym and working on
strategy for fighting due to the threat from the other factions.

tour of the outer area revealed a high look out post manned by some
of the pack. I was informed that both the men and women in the pack
take turns to guard the perimeter.

females are extremely strong individuals Leon explained. Pointing out
that this also applied to myself now. All werewolves heal quickly
echoing legends told on Earth. Silver was indeed a dangerous metal
when used against werewolves. The other factions used this knowledge
by coating blades and other dangerous objects in silver to use
against them in battle.

building itself formed a small part of the compound. Fruit and
vegetables were grown close by with animals grazing in the grounds. I
spotted quite a few deer wandering around which in turn reminded me
of my trips out a dragon-back with Talos and Patros.

being reminded of them I once again attempted to reach out to them
with my mind but got no response. Saddened, I hoped they were both
well and nothing untoward had happened to them after I had been
taken. I couldn't bear the thought of any of my friends and family,
as I now considered them. Getting hurt.

continued on our tour and I realised that the building was in the
form of a letter E with quarters for all the other werewolves at one
end beyond the dining hall and the Great Hall. Aston's in turn mine,
Leon and Vanda's bedroom occupied the centre section. The gym was
between our bedroom and the store rooms.

again promised that in the next few days I would be taken on a trip
to visit one the many caverns that provided the energy that powered
everything and meet some of the engineers that worked there.

stifled a yawn and Leon pulled me close to him kissing me gently
saying it was time for us to finish our tour for today and for me to
rest. We had walked quite a distance and I now felt very sluggish so
didn't put up much of a fight. Sensing how tired I was Leon swept me
up in his arms and insisted on carrying me back to our bedroom. My
body hummed gently as he cradled me. He helped me undress and soon I
was under the covers and fell asleep almost as soon as my head
touched the pillow.

time though my sleep was far from dreamless. In my dreams I was
searching through huge caverns underground. Although at first, I
wasn't sure what I was searching for. Then, I heard a mournful
keening echoing through the caverns and instinctively I knew what or
should I say who, had made those sad sounds. It was my golden dragon
calling earnestly for me. Begging me to free her from her fetters.
Tears ran like a torrent down my face as her sorrow became my sorrow.
I began to run. On and on I ran unable to find any trace of her.

was at this point that I awoke with a start. Usually when I dreamt I
could only remember snippets but this dream was such a disturbing
dream that I remembered it with extraordinary clarity. What did it
mean? Was it just my over active imagination after being told I would
be visiting a cavern in the near future? I hadn't a clue but my
cheeks were wet with the tears I had shed in my sleep.

called out to Leon mentally telling him that I needed to get
something. Once again having been locked in our room. Despite being
mated my ability to shut my thoughts off to my mates meant I was
denied my freedom until they felt that they could trust me not to run
off back to Patros and Talos.

be honest with my new found strength and stamina I had to agree that
those thoughts had passed through my mind and I certainly would have
tried to do that if I could. I had only been here such a short time
in the pack house but had spent much longer in their company and felt
a much stronger bond to my first mate and his dragon.

wasn't long before he got to the bedroom and I requested some tools
to write with. I wasn't sure if Biro's were abundant here or even if
notebooks and normal paper existed on this world. But I needed a
means to record all the things I was learning, and keep a record of
the strange dream I had just had. Leon quickly gathered some pencils
and provided me with paper. After some consideration I also requested
a box of some sort to be given to me so that I may lock up my
writing. Keeping it safe. Leon looked at me strangely when I
requested this but quickly supplied the box and a padlock with a key.

spending some little time making notes about the layout of the
building even down to drawing myself a plan. I then jotted down as
much as I could about the strange dream and anything else that I felt
was relevant. Once I had completed this task I placed the pencils,
spare paper, and my writing in to the box and secured it. Placing the
box on the floor of the wardrobe, and hid the key. Not a moment too
soon either as I sensed my mates approaching. The door opened and
they entered one after another like a little procession.

room suddenly began to smell of musk which was overwhelming to my
enhanced senses. They had all been hard at work all day and I guessed
by the smell that they must now want to play just as hard. They took
their time though, each in turn taking time to shower. Although this
didn't seem to reduce the musky smell, far from it. By the time that
they were all clean, I just wanted to make them all hot and sweaty

to say at the end of our love making session I was more than ready to
go and eat in the dining hall. I seemed to have two major obsessions
at the moment, One being sex and the other food.

I would turn into a fat nymphomaniac? Who knew?

time no laughing ensued as I was quickly becoming adept at blocking
my mates from my thoughts. I was even able to block particular
portions of my thoughts, whilst allowing some parts to be shared. All
without my mates knowledge.

clothes had magically appeared in my wardrobe I noticed while putting
my writing away.

selection was now available for my perusal so I took the opportunity
to wear a pair of pants sporting an expandable waistline. A loose
buckskin shirt, alongside the buckskin slippers I had received the
previous evening.

Leon and Vanda were now suitably attired and grinning like the
proverbial “Cheshire Cat”, as we once again headed to our
evening meal. Vanda explained that the dining hall was where we would
eat for the most part as some of the pack were generally engaged in
other tasks. Tasks such as manning the many look out towers for one.
Some would be tending the animals as others travelled farther afield
to gathering supplies or bring in crops.

the banquet hall was reserved for big celebrations such as the mating
ceremony or when other packs come together. Ours was one of many
packs spread across the land but we were also the ruling pack across

meal was a fairly quiet affair and uneventful as everyone seemed to
be recovering from the previous nights celebrations. Very quickly we
excused ourselves and this time on return to our chambers we ended
the evening with kisses and cuddles drifting off to sleep easily.
Again I fell into a fitful sleep haunted by the desperate sounds of
what I knew to be the mournful cries of my queen of dragons. I still
hadn’t had a vision of what she would look like. Yet just
listening to those sobs and the pleading in her voice. Knowing that I
was the only one that could hear her or go and rescue her, had me in
bits. She kept pleading with me to find her, begging and beseeching
me to help her be free from her chains.

awoke with a start sitting upright surrounded by my mates as they
desperately tried to comfort me. My body racked by sobs as tears ran
like a waterfall down my face.

took longer this time for me to calm down and be able to talk
coherently. I explained that once again my sleep had been disturbed
with visions of searching for the Queen Dragon. My Queen dragon.
Vanda pulled me in to his arms as the others settled around us
knowing that with his special abilities he would eventually calm me.
My sobs slowly subsided, ebbing gradually as I fell asleep once more
in his arms. I awoke the next day held in his comforting grasp the
thrumming of his comforting buzz still pulsing through my body.

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