The Potato Chip Puzzles: The Puzzling World of Winston Breen

BOOK: The Potato Chip Puzzles: The Puzzling World of Winston Breen
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The Puzzling World of Winston Breen
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Copyright © 2009 by Eric Berlin.
Drawings by Katrina Damkoehler.
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Berlin, Eric.
The potato chip puzzles / Eric Berlin. p. cm.—(Puzzling world of Winston Breen)
Summary: Winston and his friends enter an all-day puzzle contest to win fifty thousand dollars for their school, but they must also figure out who is trying to keep them from winning. Puzzles for the reader to solve are included throughout the text. [1. Puzzles—Fiction. 2. Contests—Fiction. 3. Mystery and detective stories.] I. Title.
PZ7.B45335Po 2009 [Fic]—dc22 2008033698
eISBN : 978-1-101-02479-9

For Rita and Joel Berlin
Also, a world of thanks to Katherine Bryant, Ana Deboo, Francis Heaney, Dan Katz, Susan Kochan, Lance Nathan, Trip Payne, Scott Purdy, William Reiss, and Will Shortz.
This book contains quite a few puzzles. You can solve them if you want, although you don’t
to solve them to enjoy the story. Most of the answers can be found in the back of the book. Some of the puzzles are so important to the story, however, that the answer will appear on the next few pages. You’ll see which ones those are when you get to them. Note that you can’t really skip those puzzles and come back to them later, because you’ll learn the answer almost immediately. Take a few minutes to try them, and then continue reading.
And if you don’t want to write in this book, just head over to
. There you can download and print out all the puzzles. Happy solving!
know why it was called “study hall.” They weren’t in a hall, and hardly anyone studied. Sometimes you’d find kids finishing homework due the next period. You could tell that’s what they were doing—they had a wide-eyed, racing-the-clock air to them, and they gripped their pens so hard that blood stopped flowing to their fingertips. But this was the last week of school, and there was no more homework. Kids sat in little clusters, talking semi-quietly, occasionally bursting into laughter, which would attract a glare from Mrs. Livetta, the study hall monitor. A couple of kids were reading, and one girl, with hypnotic concentration, was covering her desktop with elaborate graffiti.
Winston, of course, was solving a puzzle. He kept a couple of puzzle books in his schoolbag at all times. There had been a day earlier in the year when he found himself puzzleless in study hall, and Mrs. Livetta refused to let him go to his locker. With nothing to read and nothing to solve, he sat there for a while in utter boredom. In fact, that was the day he discovered that the letters of BOREDOM can be scrambled to make the word BEDROOM. That was a pleasing discovery, at least.
Now he was always prepared. He clicked a few times on his mechanical pencil and doodled in the margin while he thought.
In a word square, words read the same both across and down. In the following two puzzles, solve the clues to create the word square.
This last word square has five letters in each word . . . and the clues aren’t given in order, so you’ll have to figure out which word goes where.
(Answers, page 239.)

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