A Yowling Yuletide

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Authors: Celeste Hall

Tags: #werecat, #witches, #shapeshifter, #celeste hall, #kitty coven

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A Yowling Yuletide

A Kitty Coven Christmas


By Celeste Hall



A Yowling Yuletide

A Kitty Coven Christmas Story


Copyright © 2014 by Celeste Hall


All rights reserved.

No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or
distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission.
Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted
materials in violation of the author’s rights. Please purchase only
authorized editions.


This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters,
places, and incidents either are products of the author’s
imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual
events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely


This series is dedicated to my
amazing “Katie-Cat”. Ever since she was a little girl, she was
always bringing home stray felines. Despite being scratched,
bitten, peed on, and a mild case of ringworm, she has never met a
cat that she hasn’t liked. If anyone deserves to find happily ever
after in the arms of a handsome werecat, it’s her!
Also by Celeste Hall

~ Seduction Series ~

A paranormal erotic
romance series, best read in the following order…





All The Queen’s

The Brothers Sin –
Coming Soon!


~ Kitty Coven Series ~

A new adult romance
series, best read in the following order…

Something Wicca This Way

The Bare Witch

Love’s a Witch

A Yowling

Cheaper By The Coven

Coming Soon!


~ Standalone novels and novellas ~


Lady Silence

Prison of

Simple Musings

His Pale

Error: Please Try

Secret Admirer


~ Short stories and Anthologies ~

The Inventor’s

A Touch of

Their First Time (A
collection of just the first love scene from several of her other

The Pied Piper

The Seven Ravens (Once
Upon an Apocalypse anthology,
via Chaosium

The Girl Who Cried Wolf
(Once upon a Ménage anthology,
Ravenous Romance

Beware of


Angels Among Us


Because he had only passed the bar exam in
May, and was therefore the lowest ranking partner in the firm, it
was Matt who was assigned desk duty after their receptionist gave
her two weeks’ notice.

But he supposed it was a fitting punishment,
since the receptionist was his sister, and he was the direct reason
for her leaving.

He scowled at the stack of mail in front of
him, finding it hard to focus on the names as painful memories
flooded up to drown him.

It was less than a month since his sister,
Rachel, had driven away Matt's fiancé. Leaving him with a
monstrously empty new home and a hole in his chest that he was sure
would never heal.

He'd loved Tanya since they were in high
school together, although she'd never said more than a few words to
him in passing.

She'd been the head cheerleader, the queen
of every prom, and the wet dream of every heterosexual male within
the entire town of Aspire, New York.

Tanya was movie star beautiful, and her
parents had given her every financial advantage their productive
dairy farm could offer. The day she'd finally agreed to go out with
him, Matt had thought his chest might actually explode. He was that
proud to have her on his arm.

His sister had warned him over and over that
Tanya was only a gold-digger, looking to use him for the money he'd
put aside, and then toss him away as she had so many others. But
when he'd been with Tanya, she'd treated him as if he were the
first man she'd ever loved. And he'd sucked all that affection up
like a damned newborn calf.

He'd spent his life savings turning an old
stable on their family farm into a beautiful home, to entice her to
move in with him.

A few months later, he worked up the courage
to propose. And after weeks of persuasion, she'd finally said

It wasn't until now that he could look back
at the events and see the financial motivation that Rachel had
warned him about.

It was just after his mother signed the farm
over to him and his sister that Tanya agreed to date him. And she
hadn't agreed to marry him until Avgard Real Estate Investment and
Development had made a multi-million dollar offer to buy the farm
from him.

Of course, he'd had no real intention to
sell the farm, and as soon as his new fiancé figured that out, she
quickly canceled their marriage and moved off to the big city.

He knew that it wasn't entirely Rachel's
fault that his love life had imploded so impressively, but she had
sure given it a few good kicks along the way.

Her new boyfriend was Tyson Avgard, the man
who'd approached him about selling the farm, and indirectly
encouraged Tanya to accept his proposal.

He was also the man who'd helped Tanya move
away after she learned that Matt wouldn't be selling and making her
the millions she craved.

Matt suspected Rachel had a part in that
vanishing act as well, but she hadn't admitted to anything.

Abruptly, the office door opened and a blast
of frigid December wind threatened to scatter all of the mail and
paperwork he'd been sorting. In a move that was neither masculine
nor attractive, he flattened himself over the desk, using himself
as a giant paperweight in an effort to salvage all of his work.

When the door closed and he was at last able
to straighten up, he found himself looking up into the glorious
face of a Christmas angel.

That was the best way he could have
described her, because she looked exactly like the white robed
cherubim that his mother had used to top her Christmas trees for as
long as he could remember.

Bright red hair glowed like a halo around
her face, perfectly framed by the white fluff on the hood of her
long winter coat. She had beautiful porcelain white skin, now
pinked from the cold, and golden Topaz eyes that sparkled as if lit
from within.

He was so certain that she couldn't be real,
he actually lost his ability to speak for several long seconds.

Thankfully, she didn't appear to notice his
frozen state as she shrugged out of the heavy coat and revealed a
tiny, almost spritely figure underneath.

He realized she couldn't be taller than five
foot nothing and probably weighed as much as that coat she'd been

"Hi, I'm Miranda. The temp agency sent me,"
the redhead beamed, offering her free hand across the desk towards
him. "I'll be filling in for your receptionist."

Despite his battered ego and crushed heart,
he still felt his pulse speed up and muscles tense as if his body
were preparing for a race.

Oh lord
, Matt thought. This was going to end badly. He could already

You're a Mean One, Mr.


By noon, Matt was struggling to remember all
of the reasons why he hated women and would never date again. He
was doing his best to remain completely professional with the
woman, but she was making the job nearly impossible.

Now, as he scowled down at her, she looked
up at him with dancing eyes and smiled.

Am I doing this right?”
She asked, amusement curling the edges of her beautiful mouth as
she leaned back to give him a better view of the computer. But it
also gave him a spectacular view down her low cut blouse, which he
found to be almost irresistible.

You’re doing fine,” he
growled trying to keep his gaze focused upon the work at hand,
rather than the exquisite, feminine curves she was

From where he stood, bent over with his
palms braced against the desk so that he could monitor her
progress, the sweet citrus scent of her shampoo would soon kill
him, if the soft warmth radiating up from her body didn’t get him

Her golden eyes flitted quickly over his
face, and he knew she must be struggling to understand his foul
mood. But he wasn’t about to explain that he was just one reckless
moment away from dragging her up out of that chair and kissing her
until neither of them could think straight.

He’d never had such an overwhelming, almost
violent, attraction to a woman before. Not even Tanya, despite all
of the years that he’d fawned over her.

She licked her lips nervously and he found
himself captivated by the motion. Combined with the open curiosity
in her eyes, it was enough to make every muscle in his stomach
harden to the point of pain.

It almost looked as if she wanted him to
kiss her, in spite of how he’d treated her all morning. But he must
be mistaken. His ability to understand women was seriously flawed,
just look at how easily Tanya had played him.

Keep going,” he ordered
tersely, dragging his gaze away to look at the couple that had just
walked in the door. The moment he saw who it was, his hands curled
into fists and he felt a muscle in his jaw pop in protest of
brutally clenched teeth.

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