The One Adored (The One Trilogy Book 3) (50 page)

BOOK: The One Adored (The One Trilogy Book 3)
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“We’ll be there soon.” I interrupt.

“No, hunny, you don’t have to do that
- this is your wedding night, Suzie wouldn’t ex…”

“Mum, I’ll see you in a bit.” I end the call and grab my bag, Seb’s words of encouragement flowing over me as we make our way down through the quiet hotel and out to his Porsche - it would get us there quicker, he explains with a wink.

In the car I have the time to think about poor Suzie and how scared she must be. We’d only spoken earlier that day about the drama that surrounded this family but if this little girl wanted to arrive early, she’d be the first Myer’s woman to ever do so, at any time in their lives - this I had to see.




Saturday 12
- A Birth

We are waiting patiently in Holdgate hospital until nearly ten am before a midwife comes to inform us of the good news. Both mother and baby are absolutely fine. The baby girl has had to go to SCBU, the special care baby unit to be checked over as she is just under 36 weeks, but they feel that she will be released tomorrow, along with Suzie. It had been a natural birth and had gone to plan - if a little quicker than expected.

We all take turns in hugging one another, happy that one of our own was safe and a new member of our family was now in this world. The relief is immense.

“Congrats Auntie Lu.” Seb places a sleepy arm around my shoulders.

“Congrats Uncle Sub - it’s official now.”

He smiles happily. “I suppose it is.”

“Hey guys!” Gino bounds out of the double doors at the end of the corridor, a huge beam on his Italian face. “You all ere. She is gorgeous! 6 lb 5 oz.”

“Oh my word! She is a good size for 35 weeks.” My mum gasps.

“Yep, You Myers women like to carry big babies, that’s for sure.” My dad states.

“Is Suzie Ok G?”

“She’s fine Nina - all went well - she doesn’t even have stitches,”

“Oh, thank God.” Nina clutches her chest dramatically and I put my arm around her, knowing that I’ve caused all this worry with Finn’s birth and the subsequent miscarriage.

“Do you have a name?” Seb enquires smiling.

“We do - are you ready? Holly. Holly Maria D’alissa. The Maria part is for my grandmother., who passed when I was little.”

“We all smile, tears filling my eyes. “It’s a beautiful name, G - I love it. Holly for Christmas and it’s sassy like all of us Myer’s women are.”

“Ooh, don’t we know it - hey Seb?”

“Don’t ask me - I’v only been married 16 hours - I need to stay Switzerland for a little longer.”

“Wise choice, lad.” Mac pats my shoulder. “You’re learning.”

I take a seat and allow my parents to chatter with Gino - Seb looks for me, sensing my retraction. “You Ok, baby? What’s up?”

“Nothing - I’m just happy for them.” I sniffle, mopping my eyes.

“You sure? I wondered if being here, in this place with this whole baby situation would be too much for you right now - too soon?” his large hand finds my knee and begins to rub in soothing motions.

I stare down at his shiny new wedding ring and cover his hand with my own. “I’m fine. I thought I’d find it harder but whilst I’ve had a few flashbacks since being here, I’m so happy for Suze and Gino, it’s kind of replacing the bad memories with the good. If you get me.”

“I do, baby. I feel the same.”

“I’m so sorry, Seb - this must be so much harder for you - you were the one dealing with everything around here whilst I was just out of it. You were in the present. Are
Ok?” I stroke his strong jawline, stubble bursting from his shave yesterday, and creating a dark

“I just wish things were different for us. I’m so happy - I want to give you the world. If I could give you back what we lost that night I would. You know that don’t you?” His hand clasps my face and we kiss, leaning into one another for support. I allow our strength to flow between us before pushing back. It was time. I’d wanted to wait but if this helped him mentally and took away the heartbreak, then so be it. Nothing but good from here-on out.

“I do. But, you already have, baby.”

His liquorice blacks flick back and forth between my limes - confusion embedded deep within. “I don’t understand? How can I give you back what you lo…” His eyes fix on me, drop to my stomach and his jaw drops. I stroke his face again and nod to assure him that his thoughts are correct.

“Are you sure?”

I nod again. “Your going to be a daddy, baby. Merry Christmas.” Tears well in my eyes and I see his own begin to fill.

“It’s the best wedding come Christmas present you could ever have given me - God, I love you!” He kisses me hard , a huge smile on his lips as we kiss. “Are you positive positive?”

“Seb!” I laugh. “I’ve done two further tests since the one I’d done yesterday morning - so yes I’m double positive. I’m sure. We’re pregnant. About 6 weeks I think. It’s early days so I need to be careful and it’s probably best we keep it qui…”

“We’re pregnant!” His voice booms into the waiting area, before he lifts me in his arms and kisses me like his life depends upon it. “We’re preg…nant!”

We won’t be keeping it quiet then, I smile at his exuberance and ruffle his hair. My parents, Abby, Nathan and Gino come to congratulate us and we share a group hug.

“Must be something in the water, Nina.” Mac winks at his wife of 35 years.

“Nope, just love and a lot of luck, darling.” She kisses him on his salt and pepper stubbled cheek.

I look around at my family, my husband at the centre if it all. This new life beating within me, a brother or sister for Finn was the proof that miracles really did exist, but I firmly believed that true love was worth fighting for. Our lives were just beginning and our future had been secured.

I feel Seb’s arms enclose me from behind, his hands clasping gently across my tummy. I lean to one side for his head to rest in the curve of my shoulder. “You are amazing, you know that?”

“It has been said.” I smile, earning myself a stubbly kiss on my neck.

“You and I are going to have to tell Finn soon, now that the family know.”

“I will, but I’ll ask them to keep quiet for a few weeks - I’d like to try and get to 12 weeks if I can, just to be safe.”

“Oh, baby you’ll be safe - you’re going to be pampered and cared for like a royal princess, Mrs. Silver.”

“I am, am I?” I spin to meet his sexy eyes.

“Yup. There’ll be rules of course. I’m a stickler for rules.” My eyes fly up to question him, a half smile on my lips.

“Rules? What kind of rules?” I’m not sure I like the sound of this.


“Fuck buddy rules, like we had before?” I whack him hard on the arm and he winces. “ We’re married now, we don’t need all that, you controlling beast!”

He sighs, exasperation setting in and I stop and let him finish. “As I was saying, there will be rules, which you will abide by over the next 8 months, the FBR’s - also known as ‘Father of the Baby Rules’.”

Holy shit, what have I let myself in for, I sink into his arms, as he grins at my dramatic acceptance. “Every cloud has a Silver lining, my darling wife and we just got ours. We’ve gone through hell to get here and now I’m never letting go. Time to experience our most incredible
together. And what a ride it’s going to be.”


Coming soon…

Gray Devereux & Gigi Divine

In their own standalone novel


More info and cover reveal coming soon on social media sites.

Contact Alexandra North at the following social media sites:

Twitter: @alexnorthbooks

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