The One Adored (The One Trilogy Book 3) (47 page)

BOOK: The One Adored (The One Trilogy Book 3)
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“No arguments.”


His liquorice blacks assess me. “Good.”

“I want you too.” I lean up on tiptoes and kiss his full mouth.

“Oh fuck, Lu - I’m hard again.”

I giggle. “Sorry.”

He leaves to get us a drink, moaning about my ‘blasted dress’ and I grin - it had done the trick, I must remember to thank Camilla at Unveiled.

For the next few hours we’d be milling around in the receptions areas about the hotel, enjoying drinks and canapes and having our wedding photographs done, both externally and internally before sitting down for the meal. Finn thought it was great fun, running around like a wild cat, I had visions of him looking like a ragamuffin by the time we required him for pictures.

I wander through the crowds of smiling people, some familiar, others from Seb’s side of the family, not so much and politely show them my rings, accept their gracious compliments of my dress and how wonderful the place was decked out. I notice a few of the wifes eyeing up my sexy husband in his silver grey morning jacket and silk fitted waistcoat, his sharp, duchess satin white cravat with pearl and diamante pin, a stark contrast against his tanned skin and black eyes. He is utterly delicious - I couldn’t blame them as I watched his long, lean legs in the pinstriped charcoal dress pants, muscular thighs, broad shoulders, and those sexy hands, one of which now wore a wedding ring.

My ring. My heart.

He catches my eye across the hallway, the guests chattering around us and my breath hitches. The way he looked at me was obscene, like he was undressing me with his eyes and mentally contemplating his next move. My core clenches in reaction to him, heart beating faster.

When can we disappear upstairs without being missed? When was it deemed acceptable?

I smile knowingly at him and he nods his sexual frustration, interrupted by my Grannie Annie, and finding it hard to tear his eyes from me. I smother a giggle. He had no chance of escape now. She’d cling to him for the next ten minutes.

I mouth ‘I love you’ before giving him my back and moving deeper into the mix of guests.

I grin as I watch men catching females unawares in the ‘Mistletoe kisses’ photo booth corner and remind myself to congratulate Gigi for that idea - it would run, all day and into the night. We’d thrown in plenty of festive props, but the large rectangular white box, with realistic snow scene inside was pure genius, and so Christmassy.

I move on and see James Marcell is chatting with my parents, happily regaling stories of Seb’s Stag- Do and I kiss him on his ruddy cheek, before locating Nathan and Gino at the bar. He was master of ceremonies later and was doing us a huge favour working whilst enjoying the party.

“Now then, Mrs. Silver” Na booms. “That sounds a little odd - like my mother!”

I laugh with him. “Tell me about it!”

“Where’s Seb? Can I get you a drink,

“He’s been cornered by Grannie Annie. And yes please, a lime cordial.”

“Seriously? Come on, it’s your wedding day - let me buy you something special, Malibu and pineapple, you always love that.”

“Nope, I’m good - I want a clear head today, but thanks.”

“Poor, Seb - he copped for GA? I managed to duck into the Gents before she grabbed me to talk about my responsibilities to the baby. That woman is batty!” Gino, downs his scotch in despair.

“She’s gorgeous and means well.” I admonish him. “Just a little bombastic at times.”

“Just a little.”

Na passes me my drink, “Speaking of gorgeous, you look stunning, Lu - honestly banging dress!” Gino concurs.

I do a quick twirl for them and lift my shoulder shyly. “Why thank you kind sirs. I feel like the most lucky bride in the world.”

“The groom feels the same. God, he was nervous this morning. I’ve never seen him like that.” Na shakes his head grinning.

“Really? Why?”

“You know Sebastian - he likes to be in control of EVERYTHING!”

I nod with a smirk. “Sounds a bit like you.” I sip my drink through the straw and assess his body language. It was time to have the conversation I’d been trying to have for weeks in relation to Abby. Her move to New York had been in the forefront of my mind since last night and he needed to step up, or he was going to lose her. “So, Na, you and Abs?”
I had hoped to go in a little subtler than that but never mind.

His face drops a little and his eyes watch the ice swimming in his glass. “Don’t hold back will you Lulu! Not really sure what’s going on, Lu - she’s changed.”

Oh for fucks sake of course she has you clod, she told you she loved you and you didn’t respond.
Sighing I touch his forearm gently. “How do you feel about her, Nathan - I mean really? Was she just a bit of summer fun or do you see her as more than that?” My eyes meet his, trying to read him, so I could give my best friend something, anything.

“She was
much more.”

“Then why push her away, when she told you she loved you?”

“It was moving too fast - we don’t have what you and Seb have - the years to support us.”

“You sound scared?” I interrupt.

“I am bloody scared.”

“Well, all I’ll say, it’s none of my business but I love you both, she’s my best friend and you’re my brother now - a word of warning to you - don’t leave it too long to fight for her.”

He looks up at this, chewing his lip in thought but is reluctant to let me in any further so I drop a little further bit of a hint.

“Or, you may just find she’s no longer available.” I watch his face for some flash of fear but see none - perhaps Abby was correct and they just weren’t meant to be together. That thought made me sad. I lean in and kiss my new brother and then peck my brother-in-law

“Right, you handsome men, I’m going to go find my husband and try sneak away for a moment of ‘us’ time.”

“Good luck with that!” Gino laughs. “At our wedding, Suze and I got caught making out in the toilets - I ‘ave been there, my sweet Lucia - all you want to do is go bed each other but the wait is worth while - well it wasn’t for us - I fell asleep, but I’m sure Seb has more stamina than me.” He winks. “You’ve got your incredible honeymoon to look forward to after
in the New Year - God I envy that.”

I grin, thinking about 10 day on a beach with my new husband - it sounded like bliss. “Yes, we’re going back to The Maldives.” Back to where it all began - where we fell madly in love.

“It’ll do you the world of good, after what you’ve been through.” Na agrees.

At the moment I’d be happy with an hour with the groom - our night would be amazing at this rate, if my controlling alpha was correct - we’d waited far too long. Sebastian was always going on about ‘the build’, the thought of the inevitable, the wait, but right now I’m as horny as hell and need some alone time before the meal - if we didn’t get an opportunity then he would have to wait until we retired for the night.

I’m about to head out to rescue him from Grannie Annie when I see Meg. She is sipping Prosecco with her daughters and ‘a friend’, who upon closer inspection I recognise. I’d not seen her since the Hen-Do and the whole nightmare with Leo. We’d been in contact regularly, had had to for the purposes of the Police but I had been worried she would’t come today and seeing her now makes me so happy.

“Meg - so lovely to see you.” I embrace her immediately, smiling at Lexie and Phoebe.

“Lu, you look stunning.”

“Thank you.”

“You remember your new tenant don’t you?”

I smile genuinely. “ Of course I do. I invited him. Hi, Andre. Thanks for coming.”

“Not at all - thanks for having me. This place is amazing - one of your jobs I hear.”

I nod. “Not everything but some, yes.”

“Lovely wedding, Lu.” Meg affirms. “Honestly, it was beautiful. I’m so happy for you and Sebastian.”

I reach out and rub her arm. “I know you are, hun. We are so pleased that you are Ok, and getting through this and we’re here for you if you need anything - anything at all.”

She bites her lip. “Andre would you mind taking the girls to get a refill, so I can just have a little chat with Lucia.”

If he is shocked he doesn’t show it and does exactly that, leaving us alone. We move to the nearby leather Louis chairs and settle. “I’m so sorry again, Lu.” Meg’s eyes flitter nervously over me.

“Meg, you didn’t know. You have nothing to be sorry for. Leo is gone - it’s sad to think that someone dying is better for everyone, but in this case it
He was pure evil and would never have left us alone if he’d served time.”

“I know.” She plays with the stem of her glass. “I wasn’t in love with him you know.”

I encourage her to continue.

“I just liked the attention he gave me. He was horrid to the girls if I’m honest and now that I can see the difference…”

“With Andre?” I ask gently

“Uh huh. He moved into your old place and we hit it off immediately - I mean we’re only early days - it’s only been a month but I like him, Lu - really like him.”

“He’s one of the good guys, Meg.” I agree. They would be a good match. “I’m happy for you, hun.” I hug her to me.

“I don’t know, who’d have thought all those weeks ago, that he was a psycho? I still can’t get my head around it.” She shakes her head, blonde GHD waves tumbling.

“I know what you mean, I feel the same but he didn’t deserve our time or energy in life, don’t give him it to him death.”

“Bloody hell, girl that’s pretty insightful. I like that.” She juts out her chin and takes a swig of her drink. “Your wedding is the start of good things to come.” She winks.

“It is, definitely, for all of us. However, if I don’t go and find Seb, he’ll throw me over his shoulder in front everyone and carry me out of here.”

“Ooh how divine.”

“Not in this dress. I’ll love you and leave you. See you in a bit.”

“We’ll catch up on the dance floor, babe.”

“You’re on.”


An hour later and we seated for the meal, which is out of this world, with spicy parsnip soup, and warm crusty brown rolls, followed by a choice of beef, salmon or lamb with winter vegetables and potatoes dauphinoise, served on silver platter with glass plates layered on top and silver cutlery shining in the candlelight. The table settings were exquisite -
as though they had been dusted with a sprinkling of winter, with the tall elegance of the centrepieces holding the sparkle dusted callas and peonies, with chrysanthemums all reflecting again in the mirrors; the candles flickered continually, created a warmth to the cool frosted colour scheme.

Each place setting had its own wedding cracker which held an individual gift for each guest, from earrings for the women, to small personalised whiskey bottles for the men. The pudding was christmas chocolate log or cheesecake followed by home-made mince pies, dusted with sugar which arrived on silver cake trays and were served with tea, coffee and home-made chocolates for during the speeches.

Seb and I still had not managed any ‘alone-time’ much to his diagust.

After the meal, the children, including Finn were taken by the Crèche company to the allocated room to enjoy games and entertainment befitting their ages and meant which the adults could relax and enjoy the rest of the afternoon without being concerned that the children might hear ‘naughty words’ or grow bored and acting out. I would later collect Finn and put him to bed myself in my parent’s room, but for now it worked well and looking at the relaxed faces on other parents of young children in the room, I knew I’d made the right decision.

Gino and Nathan excel at these, creating belly laughs in all the right places, with their childhood pictures of Seb and his dodgy haircuts and rapping song about Quicksilver and his shenanigans at school. Seb cries with laughter in parts and spends some serious time complimenting Abby and Suzie. Calling the latter his sister now, to her wagging finger.

Laurent Perrier Cuvèe Rosé flowed in abundance and I couldn’t touch a drop. My darling husband had arranged for it to be on tap for me and I had to abstain. I had a few small sips to celebrate our toasts but after that went back onto sparkling water.

Colin was the first to notice. “Er, what the bloody hell is that?” he grabs my drink and sniffs it before taking a large swig. “Hmmm, thought so, it’s not vodka.”

“No, it’s not.”

“Come on, boss lady let’s go get you a proper drink.”

“No, I’m fine honestly, Col,
I want to stay sober, remember every second.” I say willing him to believe me.

He pauses watching me before shaking his head. “Nah! There’s something going on
- you’re either on antibiotics or you’re..” He gasps loudly. “You’re pregnant!”

“Colin, keep your voice down. I haven’t told Seb yet.”

“Ooh it’s so exciting…”

“Yes it is - but I need you to dial it down a bit - can you do that for me?”

“Of course I can, darling. I can always keep a secret.” Colin mock drawls.

He couldn’t at all and that was what worried me. I didn’t want to tell Seb tonight. I wanted to enjoy today and tonight, just for me and him and then I’d tell him in the morning but if Colin blabbed, I’d have to rethink.

“I’m trusting you, babe.”

“On my life, Mrs. Silver.”

I smile at his new name for me. “Ah - I love that name. I suit it don’t I?”

“You do!”

“I’m so sorry I haven’t seen you as much I’d have liked to.” I hug him to me. “You’ve done an amazing job here, in your home for me, Col.”

“You’re worth it and Jamesy and I adore you and Seb - you know that. James thinks he walks on water, especially after he took the dogs out this morning. Little Sherlock took a real real liking to your hubby and to James that allows him entry to the Willy Wonker factory.”

I chuckle, imagining Sebastian with Sherlock the dachshund - maybe we should get a dog - really make this a 2.4 family.

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