The One Adored (The One Trilogy Book 3) (21 page)

BOOK: The One Adored (The One Trilogy Book 3)
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A 10.45am a few days later, I pull into the driveway of The Gilded Fox for my arranged meeting with Chris Booth. His car isn’t in the car park but I’m a little early so I head inside to begin the checklist of last minute tweaks before tomorrow’s launch party. Colin and I had spent the best part of yesterday adding the finishing touches to our designs and the end results were exemplary. The client, Carolyn Walters had popped in and out during the day, expressing her excitement with the overall result - she was genuinely overjoyed and that made me happy. It did look gorgeous though - just the way I’d envisaged it all those weeks ago.

“I do love it when a plan comes together.” I tap my pen against the rim of my black reading glasses.

The grey, sage, burnt orange and neutral colour-scheme had worked wonders for the quaint Inn, lifting it from a 3 star to a 5 star Boutique hotel. Tartan, fur, stag’s heads and brown leather adorned surfaces and walls. All bedrooms had been converted to include an en-suite with beautiful wet room or free-standing copper tub baths. Candles lit the deep stoned wall window-sills and Molton brown accessories scattered the glass shelves. The whole place made you want to curl up by their huge roaring fire with a good book and stay for the weekend.

I drift in and out of the upstairs level, smoothing down throws, and plumping cushions - adding the odd vase I’d decided to exchange and some artwork in the main suite. I’m in the middle of taking some shots for our website and social media sites, when I pause with my back to the door.

“This room looks even better, now that you’re in it.”

“Chris!” I glance over my shoulder, ignoring his comment. “You’re here.”

“But of course. Sorry I’m a bit late, got waylaid with Sebastian at the office but I’m all yours now.”

“Did you tell him you were coming here? He could have joined us to see the end results?”
That would have been so much better than having just us here… alone.

“No I didn’t, Lucia, and Seb is far too busy for a little job like this, don’t you think? That’s what I’m paid to sort. Besides he in the midst of trying to sort the arrangements for the new office in Dubai - up to knackers in it!”

He had a point I suppose. I’d forgotten all about the new office. I hope it didn’t mean he’d be working away again
for long periods?

Chris continues, despite my loss of interest.
“Besides, where would the fun be in that, three’s a crowd! You and I haven’t caught up in far too long. I’ve sorted us some lunch downstairs with the kitchen -so we can walk through the rooms together and then go through our paperwork whilst grabbing a bite to eat.”

“Oh, we don’t need to do tha…”

“Nonsense. It’s all arranged now. Besides you and I work well together and we haven’t got back on track since you were run off the road.”

I still at his words. Why would he say that? No one knows for sure that I was run off the road. Had Seb discussed his theories with him maybe? That was a possibility I suppose.

He continues. “I know Seb and I don’t live together anymore, Lucia but we are still very good friends and you matter to me - a great deal. It is important that you and I get along.”

Maybe I’m just completely paranoid about everyone and everything right now and Chris is truly being genuine?

“Ok. Let’s get started though as I need to get back to work soon.”

“Not a problem, but it’s important that we give these last few pointers the time they deserve.

We spend the next hour signing off on the majority of the works, bar a few minor decorating and plumbing tweaks that can be resolved over the next few days. Lunch goes surprisingly well, and I opt for chicken and bacon wrap, to speed the process up. Chris seems disappointed, complaining that he was hoping to have a starter and a pudding to finish but I explain I have to rush back to the office. I didn’t want to have a lunch-date with Chris, there were other people, I’d much rather be socialising with right now.

Chris regals me with stories about his new flat and plans for domination at SilCon and I smile in all the right places, zipping through my sandwich so fast I know I’ll have heartburn this afternoon. He seems to be making an effort and I know he is one of Sebastian’s friends and colleagues but I can’t warm to him 100% - something about him will always make me feel violated. His tales about Sebastian’s conquests and appeal to the opposite sex is a constant topic of conversation but I’ve learned to fend off.

“Coffee?” Chris wipes at the corner of his mouth with a napkin.

“Not for me, thanks. I must get back.” As I’ve already explained.

“Ah, go on, one won’t kill you.” He winks and rubs my arm.

“No, seriously Chris, I’m good and I don’t drink coffee.”

“Course, you’re a tea-head aren’t you. Well, your loss. Maybe next time we can go the whole hog and

“Yes sure - I’ll bring Seb and you can bring a date.” There, that’s made that clear.

It seems to bounce off him, however as he insists on settling the bill and disappears to do so. I check my appearance in my Clinique compact and catch him watching me. Crap! Snapping it closed I snatch up my bag and stand. Time to leave. I grab my phone and make pretend I’ve made a false call, putting it to my ear before waving in Chris’ direction. “Thanks Chris. I’m off.”

By the end of the lunch, I’m confident to walk away knowing I can’t work with Chris Booth again. His tentacles were too slippery and intentions weren’t good. The one thing prominent in my mind was that he hadn’t congratulated me on my engagement, which I find strange.


I return to the office later that day to find Leo waiting for me at my desk. Confusion evident in my face, I glare at both Col and Jackie for allowing anyone to sit in my personal area, before heading over to deal with him.

I drop my bag on the floor at his feet and wait, hoping that he will evacuate my chair and move for me to sit. He doesn’t.

“Leo, what can I do for you?”

“You’re here at last. Good! I’ve been waiting 20 minutes you know.”

“I was with a client, Leo.” Not that I owe you any kind of explanation and what happened to nice Leo from the gym?

“I’m just as busy as you, Lucia.”

“Look I’m sorry, Leo but was there something you needed? Did we have a meeting?”

“Yes we did actually. At 2pm. It’s now 2.20pm.” He taps his watch impatiently, his blue eyes narrowing. “I had wondered if you fancied a late lunch?”

Crap! His words vaguely ring a bell about a meeting. “I’m so sorry, it must have skipped my mind. Can we reschedule if you are too busy to do now?”

I watch him inhale leisurely before rolling his lips. “No. I’m here now. Let’s just get on with this shall we.”

I haven’t a clue what we are supposed to be getting on with but I just smile, sending a panicked eye roll in the direction of Jackie who is hurriedly gathering paperwork and making shapes with her hands and I remember it’s to discuss extending the loan a further 6 months. I have no intention of doing this however, as Sebastian has agreed to buy into Elysium as a shareholder, now that we are engaged, to keep the business in the family. Well, now was probably the best time to tell Leo the news.

“I’ll just get you a cuppa - coffee isn’t it? I’m sorry I’ve already eaten.”

“Yes, black.”

“Colin, get Leo a black coffee, please.”

“You’ll have one with me though surely? Especially as you won’t take lunch with me.”

“No I’m good, thanks, Leo - I’d rather just get this done as I’ve a mountain of jobs to sort today.”

A practically inaudible grunt comes from the corner of the room and I know that my request has got through to Col, who leaves to do his duty but I look over towards Jackie and see her eye roll at Leo’s demanding terms. What was with these men today? First Chris, now Leo. I’ve a good mind to tell them all to shove it!

“Let’s go sit down over in the design area. It will be more comfortable.”
And away from my desk.
My eyes flicker to my screen and I frown as I notice my mail folder is open, along with my iCal -
I always close all my programmes when I’m not in the office.

“Maybe then you could allocate me the time I deserve.”

I take a deep breath. “Of course Leo, again my apologies for forgetting our appointment.”

“Not a problem, Lucia. Let’s begin.”


He hated leaving her.

He’d been looking forward to seeing Lucia for days, and finally the day had arrived. He’d met with her and found her hard to read. She was becoming more and more distant by the day. It didn’t matter
he did for her, she didn’t appreciate him at all and wasn’t taking his hints. She couldn’t even take the time to sit and relax with a cup of tea and discuss our work.

“Why the fuck couldn’t she give me that few extra minutes? Share a cup of tea with me and relax? What was
important that I didn’t deserve the same amount time she’d give one of her other bloody friends?” He flings his phone across onto his passenger seat, snarling in annoyance as it bounces onto the floor.

“Anytime I offer her my company, she throws it back in my face. Anytime I try and help her with work, fucking Silver is always on the tip of her sweet pink tongue. Well, don’t worry my darling Lucia, Mr nice guy is out the window.”

He slams his foot down hard on the accelerator of his new car, enjoying the buzz that rips through his body as he breaks the speed limit.
Getting her on her own was nigh impossible now that she was living with
- not to mention all her bloody entourage and now she’d made it clear she wasn’t keen to continue working with him in business he was finding it tough to concoct a reason to be alone with her.

He missed watching her. Missed slipping inside her home, the scent of her bedding and feel of her clothes. Missed not having contact. It only empowered him to move forward with his plan, which was coming along nicely. It only turned him on further.


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