The NSC Boxset: Heart of Stone (60 page)

BOOK: The NSC Boxset: Heart of Stone
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“She’s fine, no symptoms at all Ava, I promise.” He turned me round on his knee to face me and stroked my cheek with his thumb and leant in for a kiss. I kissed him briefly and moved back. He narrowed his eyes on me but didn’t say anything.

“Ava, what happened at the pub?” Sam urged.

I rubbed my eyes, “The barman was coming onto Courtney so she baited him.” I told him the half-truth because I knew Mason would get grouchy if he found out we had both baited the barman. “And he brought us another round of drinks. I took a sip from mine and thought it tasted funny and just put it down to my pregnancy hormones.”

Sam’s eyes widened and I cringed at my slip up. “You’re pregnant, Ava?” he exhaled. His eyes shot from mine to Mason’s but Mason’s lips lifted into a huge grin and he nodded. Sam broke out into a huge smile and hugged his friend. “Well done, mate” he laughed. I realized how important it was to Mason that he was starting a family. The obvious pleasure that his friend was showing, just proved how much Mason wanted a child. I grinned back at the pair of them and they chuckled and shrugged.

Sam eventually sat back down. “Congratulations, Ava.” He smiled and leant forward to kiss me on the cheek.

“Thank you Sam but could I ask you to keep it to yourself for the moment. We wanna wait a bit, you know,” I explained and he smiled.

“Of course.”

Mason turned to me. “Carry on,” he motivated and I nodded.

“Anyway the drink tasted funny and Courtney told me I shouldn’t be drinking while I was pregnant.” I shifted my glance to Mason to see his reaction to me telling Courtney but he smiled and nodded to encourage me to go on.

“So I didn’t drink anymore luckily. That girl saved my life.” I shuddered. Mason huddled me tighter and sighed, “However . . .” I paused, not looking forward to Mason’s reaction to the next part of my story. He frowned and turned me further so he could see my face. “ . . . when we were leaving I noticed the bloke that approached me in the NSC car park, sat in the corner of the pub.”

I felt Mason stiffen and look at Sam. “He shifted his eyes from me when I glanced at him but I left with Courtney and he didn’t get up.” I looked at Sam. “Did you manage to get a visual on him from the surveillance?” I asked hopefully but he shook his head.

“We could see him but when we closed in the frame it got too grainy that we couldn’t make him out,” he sighed.

I bit my lip, “There is something familiar about him but I can’t think where I know him from.” I sighed, frustrated and angry with myself that I couldn’t recall him.

“Don’t worry Ava, we’ll find him,” Sam reassured. I smiled but couldn’t seem to find his confidence within myself. “In the meantime I don’t want you to go anywhere on your own, Ava.” He cringed as the disappointment showed on my face.

“Ava,” Mason warned but I nodded.

“I know, I know.”

I sighed and rubbed my eyes then stretched my arms above my head. Sam took the hint. He rose from the bed and kissed my forehead. “Get some sleep Ava. Marcy will be pissed if you don’t make the party Saturday night,” he winked.

I smiled. “I’ll be there,” I promised.

“I’m gonna go have a word with the barman. Yellow Lion was it?” he asked and I nodded.

“Yeah, I don’t know his name though.”

He nodded, “No worries, I’ll find him.” He smiled at me then left.


MASON STUDIED ME in silence for a moment and then lay beside me on the bed, pulling me up against him, spooning me whist being careful not to snag my drip. His arms held me in a vice like grip. He sighed heavily and sweeping my hair aside, planted little kisses on my neck. “I owe you a massive apology, baby,” he whispered in my ear.

I sighed. “Mason, you love me right?” I asked. I felt him still.

“Ava, of course I love you,” he stated sincerely.

I nodded. “Do you love me or the sex?” I asked him openly.

I could feel his frown. “I love
Ava, you!” he confirmed and I turned so I was facing him, cupping his cheek.

“And I love you so much Mason, so much with all my heart but . . . you’re drowning me, baby” I professed.

His eyes widened for a moment then he sagged and nodded. “I know Ava, I can’t stop myself. When I was shouting at you and you couldn’t answer me my heart froze because I thought you were lying and when . . . when you . . .” He gulped. I stroked his jaw with my finger and kissed him gently. He cupped my face. “I’m so, so sorry.” His voice broke and I pulled him into me. “I thought you were losing the baby Ava, and when they said you’d been poisoned, my whole world collapsed because I thought . . . I thought you were going to . . . die.”

He rolled his lips as pain pulled at his handsome face. “ . . . and I knew I should have trusted you because deep down I knew . . . I knew it was mine,” he said sadly. “I believed you when you told me you hadn’t slept with Tony but I . . . I dunno Ava; I’m just so frightened of losing you. That you’ll find out everything bad in my life and you won’t want me.” He swallowed heavily and looked at me, the pain and fear in his eyes.

“Mason, I know who you are, what you are but I also know that you have the gentlest and biggest heart and that you would do anything for me. I know you are gonna be a wonderful father and I know that I love you so much that it would kill me to hurt you.”

Our eyes locked in a final understanding of what we were both frightened of, what we both wanted and how much we loved each other. His lips hovered over mine, his hot breath on my mouth as he waited, waited for my permission.

I slid my hand around his neck and pulled him to me, my lips meeting his in a kiss to seal our new relationship; a relationship where we would both consider each other’s feelings and both be aware of one another’s needs and hopes.

* * *

I left hospital the next day and was under strict orders to relax and have small meals but often, and Mason couldn’t have been a better carer. He even managed to work the oven and reheat some meals that I had prepared at the weekend.

Olivia Carter had been brilliant and told me to get back to normal before attempting to go back to work and by Friday I was back near normal, although the morning sickness refused to relent.

Mason had gone to the club to sort out some stuff. I was sat at the island, drinking coffee and eating a sandwich while reading that mornings newspaper when I heard the front door open and close. I frowned thinking it was too early for Mason to be back when I saw Dane leant against the kitchen door frame.


I stood up sharply, knocking the stool over. “What are you doing here, Dane?” I stammered.

He grinned and took in my appearance. I was wearing a short mini shirt and strap top as the weather had heated up immensely. He cocked his head slowly. “You have fucking great legs, Ava,” he slurred, obviously very drunk.

I swallowed and backed up as far as possible, the edge of the counter digging into my hip. “I asked why you were here, Dane. You shouldn’t just walk in,” I instructed quietly, my eyes scanning the room for my phone. I spotted it against a vase of flowers Mason had bought me at the other end of the island. I slowly started to edge towards it as my eyes never left his.

“I never knock, Ava. Mason’s my best friend . . . or he was until you started fucking him,” he declared with a controlled vehemence as he started to slowly walk towards me.

I shifted further along the worktop, my hands gripping the edge. “I think you had better go before Mason gets back,” I warned.

He laughed snidely. “Oh? Mason’s a little busy with Rebecca at the club. She’s . . . well, keeping him busy for me,” he leered and my heart froze. I gulped savagely. “You see Ava, there’s not only me you have pissed off. Rebecca’s quite mad at you too so I thought I’d come and have a word.” He licked his lips and continued to creep closer.

I had reached the corner where the island met the wall, my phone now behind me on the worktop. I slid my hands behind me and stretched my fingers out, hunting for it. When I felt the cold metal, I closed my fingers round it and slid it behind my back, swiping the screen as I did.

I wasn’t sure how I could ring Mason when I couldn’t see the screen but I held it tight, waiting for the opportunity. Dane had come within spitting distance and that’s exactly what I did . . . I spat in his face. He hissed and held his hand to his face as I sped round him and ran for the stairs. I scrambled with my phone, redialling the last number and praying it was Mason.

I heard Dane running after me. I reached the top step and headed for the bathroom. I heard the call connect and Mason’s cheerful voice on the end. “Hey, baby.”

Dane was now gaining on me and I slid across the hardwood floor. “Mason!” I screamed down the phone.

“Ava?” I heard his panicked reaction.

As I reached the bathroom door Dane reached out and snagged my T-shirt. “You fucking bitch!” he snarled as we fell to the floor together.

“Ava?” I heard Mason scream down the phone as I dropped it.

I snapped my foot into Dane’s face and he reared back. “Fuck!” he roared.

Scrambling through the bathroom door, I tried to swing it shut behind me but he kicked it back and stalked towards me. I scurried backwards until my back hit the edge of the bath, my stomach dropped as an evil grin lifted his lips. “Oh dear! Nowhere to go, Ava?”

I quickly surveyed my surroundings and spotted a brass candle holder to the right of me, sitting on the shelf around the bath. As I edged towards it Dane loomed over me. I scrambled to my feet but he punched me in the face, knocking me sideways and much to my relief, into the edge of the bath. My fingers wrapped around the candle holder and I swung it into his face. He cried out, both of his hands shooting towards his smashed nose.

I raced past him and headed for the bedroom. I thought I had made it until his arms shot round my stomach, holding my arms stiffly at my sides as he picked me up. I struggled against him, kicking and screaming and as we reached the bed I thrust my head backwards and crashed my skull into his nose, damaging it further.

He flung me onto the bed. “YOU FUCKING CUNT!” he bellowed and grabbed my hair. “I was just gonna fuck you but you’re gonna regret doing that. I’m gonna make this fucking painful now,” he thundered and flipped me onto my stomach as he straddled my thighs.

His hands still gripped my hair tightly as he lifted my head and his face came down to mine. “I have wanted to fuck you for so long, Ava. I’m afraid this might hurt a little” he sneered as his hands dug into my T-shirt and ripped it off me.

His fingers swept under my skirt, pulling at my knickers. “Please Dane, don’t do this,” I begged. He turned me round underneath him then leant down towards me and his mouth crashed down onto mine. I cringed as my stomach revolted to his touch. I bit down hard, clamping his bottom lip between my teeth.

“You bitch!” he cried and backhanded me. My face shot to the side and he punched me again, this time splitting my lip severely and my blood splattered his face.

His hands reached down and tore my knickers off. I could feel his erection dig into my thigh. I scrambled backwards up the mattress but he held me firm, clutching my thigh and lifting it upwards as he scrambled with his zip.

“Dane, please, I’m pregnant,” I sobbed.

He seemed stunned for a moment but then the look in his eyes froze my blood. “Ooh, goody,” he snarled. “Let’s see if we can rectify that.”

My stomach dropped at his words and the colour drained from my face. “W . . . w . . . what?” I stuttered as my eyes widened.

My heart stopped as he brought his elbows together and ploughed them into my stomach. I screamed. My body’s instinctive reaction brought my legs up as it naturally tried to defend my baby but he did it again.

I screamed and jerked wildly underneath him. His fist rose back and just as he was about to punch me Sam came barrelling into the room and charged at him, knocking Dane off me and onto the floor.

I curled up tightly into a ball as I heard Sam lay into him. “YOU FUCKING BASTARD!” Sam roared and proceeded to kick Dane as he had adopted my stance and curled into himself.

The horrific agony in my stomach came then, crippling me and taking my breath as I screamed and passed out.


I WOKE IN the hospital again. I wondered if I had a room reserved as I was making frequent visits. My face hurt and I had stomach cramps causing me to bring my knees up into my stomach and groan.

“Ava?” I heard Mason whisper in the darkness.

“Mason?” I rasped, turning to look for him. He settled on the edge of the bed and took my hand in his. “The baby?” I asked.

He sighed; squeezing my hand tighter. “I’m so sorry, baby,” he choked out on a whisper.

I lay in silence, unable to process the fact that my baby was dead, murdered! My throat closed in and my mouth dried as my heart shrivelled and died. I released his hand and turned, curling into a ball.

“Go,” I said simply.

“Ava?” he gasped.

“Get out,” I repeated calmly.

He gripped my arm and tried to turn me over, “Ava?”

I looked over my shoulder. He reared back at the hostility and coldness in my eyes. “I told you to leave Dane alone. I told you it was mine and his argument Mason, but you had to take it further. You did this!” I spat, hating him at that moment with all that I was.

He looked stunned and then guilty, “Baby . . . I . . . I . . .” he wheezed.

“I said get out Mason,” I persisted but he just sat staring at me. “GET THE FUCK OUT AND DON’T FUCKING TOUCH ME AGAIN!” I roared.

He jumped off the bed, holding his hands up in a placating gesture. “Baby . . . please,” he urged as Sam entered the room and took hold of a shocked Mason.

“Come on mate, leave her be,” Sam urged gently, guiding Mason out of the room, leaving me in darkness again. I silently wondered if it would ever be light again.

* * *

I woke sometime later as a nurse was checking me over. “Hi Ava.” She had a warm smile that reached her eyes, sympathy written all over her. She sat on the bed and took my hand in hers. “I’m so sorry Ava, but we couldn’t save your baby,” she told me gently. I nodded, lowering my eyes. I wondered why I wasn’t crying. “Would you like to talk to somebody about it?” she asked but I shook my head.

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