The NSC Boxset: Heart of Stone (55 page)

BOOK: The NSC Boxset: Heart of Stone
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We made love slowly and tenderly, both needing the unhurried passion to cling to each other for as long possible while we merged our souls and fell in love a little more.

* * *

I woke Monday morning, stretched my aching muscles and scurried to the toilet, vomiting fiercely.

“Eugh,” I whinged as Mason held my hair and stroked my back.

“You okay?” he asked as he wrung a facecloth with cold water and gently wiped my face.

I nodded. “I think it’s just the nerves of my first day,” I dismissed and stood on shaking legs, desperate to brush my teeth.

Mason turned on the shower, pre-heating the water as I brushed. He stripped us both naked and pulled me in the cubicle as he soothingly washed my hair. I groaned in appreciation as his fingers delicately massaged my scalp. “That good?” he chuckled.

“Mmm” I replied as my nausea subsided.

“Feeling better now?” he asked as he rinsed the suds from my long tresses. My back was to him as he tipped my head back and kissed my forehead. “Don’t be nervous Ava, you’ll be great,” he encouraged. I smiled happily as I knew he’d graciously backed down and accepted my decision to work elsewhere.

“I love you,” I told him as his kisses reached my neck and his hands slipped round the front of me to cup my breasts. I moaned and ground my backside against his already hard cock, causing him to groan deeply.

His fingers played with my nipples, rolling and pinching them harder as I moaned louder and arched my back. I turned and pulled his mouth to mine, kissing him hungrily as I grasped his shaft and worked it feverishly.

His lips had now found my breast and he bit the flesh gently causing me to cry out in excitement, the pain heightening the pleasure. This encouraged him to pick up the pace and sensing my need for climax, he pushed me against the tiles and rested one of my legs over his shoulder as he knelt in front of me. He looked up at me through his long eyelashes, intensifying my arousal. We locked eyes as he parted me with his fingers and licked the length of my groove.

My eyes shut and I rested my head back against the wall. “Watch!” he demanded. I opened my eyes, watching his tongue labour at me. The sight of him sucking and licking, his dark hooded eyes on my face whilst his mouth laboured at my heat was so erotic that I was soon engulfed by a powerful orgasm, screaming my release in the confines of the cubicle.

He stood quickly and lifted me up. I wrapped my legs around him, securing myself tightly as I knew what was coming from the wild look in his eyes.

He slammed into me hard; knocking me back against the wall with so much force it winded me. “Sorry, baby” he rasped and I shook my head.

“I’m good.”

I gasped as he thrust again, grunting loudly with each slam of his hips. I was peaking again, the sheer potency of his desire for me bringing another climax shattering upon me.

I screamed and clenched him tightly, sparking his ejaculation to flood me as he held me tight to him and bit my neck again, jerking wildly into me as he cried my name, his eyes squeezed tight and the veins in his neck protruding savagely.

We were both breathing harshly, panting fast as the nausea rose again. “Mason let me go” I screeched and wriggled off him as I rushed to the toilet, flinging my head down the bowl again as the sickness came.

Jesus! Not today”
I groaned.

Mason was back to crouching beside me. “Baby, do you think you ought to call in sick?” he asked, his face full of worry.

I shook my head rapidly. “Mason, I can’t, it’s my first day” I groaned again as I heaved again, closing my eyes to the onslaught. “I think it’s that Chinese we had. It must be,” I sighed.

“Do you want me to nip to the chemist?” he asked and I flinched.

“What the hell for?” I snapped.

He recoiled a little; “Just to see if they have anything for nausea,” he smiled timidly.

I closed my palm around his cheek. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to snap,” I apologised but my chest tightened at what I thought he had meant. I pushed it away and pulled myself up whilst Mason gazed at me thoughtfully.

I caught his eyes and quickly looked away. “I better get ready” I said sharply and scurried into the bedroom.

I was flapping about trying to find the hairdryer when I noticed him watching me from the bathroom door. “Ava . . .”

I cut him off quickly. “Where’s your damn hairdryer?” I snapped. He frowned at me but said nothing as he walked over to the dresser and took it from the top drawer, handing it to me but not letting go as I went to take it.

“Ava . . .” he started again, his eyebrows raised in a warning. I shook my head sternly and pulled at the dryer.

“I need to get ready, leave me be,” I growled as I sat at the dresser and started drying my hair.

His face darkened but he nodded and stalked over to the wardrobe, pulled out some clothes and quickly got himself dressed. He gave me one last probing look and then left the room.

As soon as he disappeared I groaned, holding my head in my hands and closed my eyes. “Stupid, Stupid, Stupid” I scolded myself. “For fucks sake Ava, you stupid girl” I sighed, rubbing at my temples with trembling fingers.

I felt his arms circle my stomach as he crouched behind me. “Baby, it’ll be okay” he sighed and kissed the nape of my neck.

I shook my head, “How could we have been so stupid Mason? We should have used condoms.” I scolded us both but he smiled gently.

“Shush Ava, everything will be fine.”

I regarded him and frowned. “Aren’t you worried, Mason?” I asked in disbelief.

He smiled again, “No, not at all.” He shrugged and I frowned harder.

“But Mason, we have only been together for a couple of months, I can’t be pregnant.”

He scowled and stood up stiffly, “Why?”

He seemed hurt by my words. I softened a little and stood up to face him, “Mason we hardly know each other. I’m not saying I don’t want to have your baby but don’t you think it’s a little too soon?”

He shrugged again. “No!” he stated simply and my eyes widened at his openness.

I cocked my head and scrutinised him eventually letting out a long breath. “You really mean that don’t you?” I breathed. He nodded firmly but took my hands and kissed my knuckles.

“I love you Ava. There is nothing I would love more than to bring us both together and make a baby.” He smiled sheepishly, now embarrassed by his eagerness to have a family. I stood staring at him and he squirmed a little. “Anyway, you might not be pregnant, it could be just a stomach bug,” he conceded but I could still see the hope in his eyes.

* * *

I pulled into the car park of NSC Industries a little before 9 O’clock.

I climbed from my car and shuddered as the hairs on my neck and arms rose sharply. I spun round, quickly scanning the area and squinted towards a black Ferrari that was sat idle at the side of the road. It was too far away to see properly but I could make out a figure sat behind the wheel. My instincts were telling me to run but my stupid stubbornness had me walking slowly closer to it.

As I neared it, it sped off, shooting off at speed but it still left me feeling on edge, why was someone following me?

I pulled out my phone and called Sam as I walked towards the large steps leading into the building.

A large heavy man was stood beside the doors. He winked as he opened them for me. I mouthed a thank you and gave him a smile as I entered the large foyer. Sam answered. “Hi, everything okay?” he asked. I could sense the small tremor of panic in his voice.

“Yeah, I’m fine don’t worry. Listen are you with Mason or alone?”

I heard him hesitate and then a door close. “I’m good now,” he disclosed quietly.

“Well I rang you because I know what Mason’s like, he’ll be down here kidnapping me if I told him.”

Sam chuckled slightly. “What’s up?” he asked light heartedly.

“Well, it might be nothing but as I parked up and got out of my car, there was a person watching me from a black Ferrari.”

He was silent for a moment, “Right okay, did he do anything else?”

“No, I mean I don’t even know if it was a he, but as I approached he sped off.”

He inhaled sharply. “For fucks sake, Ava. Don’t go bloody near him again, he could be dangerous,” he scolded and I slumped guiltily.

“I know, but my legs wouldn’t listen to my brain.”

I could virtually see the twitch of his lips, “Right, well next time give your legs a fucking lecture and make sure they listen . . . I mean it Ava, be careful and vigilant but I’m glad you let me know. I’ll hook into NSC security cameras and see if I can find anything.”

I snorted, “You can do that?” He chuckled again.

“Ava, I can do anything, you should know that by know” he bragged. I smiled and rolled my eyes.

“Okay, well I better go, I’m going to be late but Sam . . . please don’t tell Mason, he’ll flip and drag me home.” I pleaded and I heard him sigh.

“You’re putting me in a really bad position, Ava,” he sighed again. “Okay, but anything else and I won’t hesitate to tell him.”

I thanked him and ended the call and made my way to the reception desk. “Hi.” I smiled at the receptionist but she perused me, sneered and raised her eyebrows questionably. I smiled again, this time with a slight curl on my lip at her rudeness.

“Ava Stone to meet Olivia Carter,” I prompted.

She punched a number into a phone on her desk. “Miss Stone in reception for you, Mrs Carter,” she snapped and replaced the receiver. “Take a seat please, she’ll be right down.”

I sat on a cold white leather sofa and glanced around, taking in the surroundings. A small dark haired, heavily pregnant woman approached me. “Miss Stone?” she questioned. I nodded and stood. She gave me a huge smile. “Hi, Olivia Carter. Do you want to follow me?” she beamed as she introduced herself and led me to an elevator.

We slid in and she pressed the button for the 44
floor and chatted conversationally as we ascended.

As we stepped out, the opulence of the floor took my breath. It was hexagonal in shape with 5 corridors leading from it but it looked expensive, professional and very white.

There was a large reception desk with a woman of around 40 sat smiling at us. “Leah, this is Ava Stone, she’ll be covering my maternity leave,” Olivia introduced us.

“Hi there, I’m Leah. I’m the main floor receptionist.” She beaned at me and I instantly liked her. She was kind of hippyish and her long blonde curls flowed down her back.

“Hi.” I smiled back.

Olivia led me down a corridor into another reception area. “This is where you’ll be working,” she smiled gently. “That’s Grace Harrison’s office and the other desk is Tony Marshall’s.”

I froze but she didn’t sense my unease. “And this is your desk, Ava. Your main duties are taking care of Grace’s meetings, appointment and general assistant duties, you know, coffee, sandwich runs, that sort of thing.” She winked but frowned, “Are you okay Ava, you look a little peaky?”

I nodded mutely and cringed when I saw Tony walking towards us with mugs of coffee, he stopped dead when he saw me and a slow lazy smile curved his lips.

“Uh Oh” Olivia said under her breath. “Tony likes the look of you,” she giggled and I bit my lips at her contagious good humour.

“Shush,” I whispered.

He walked over to us, a slow drawl that I think he thought was sexy. Olivia scoffed and turned around, trying to hide her giggles.

“Ava,” Tony grinned.

Olivia spun back around, a deep frown on her face. “You two know each other?” she asked hesitantly and I cringed again.

“Uhh yes, we met in the supermarket a couple of weeks ago.”

I hoped he would take the hint and leave the detail’s secret but Oh No! He went into full smarmy mode. “Yes Olivia, I took Ava out for a meal last week after a wanker tried to thump her in the supermarket.”

Olivia’s eyes widened on me. I smiled sheepishly, turned my back on him and rolled my eyes at her. She winked, smirked and stifled another giggle. “Well I better show Ava round, Tony. I’ll bring her back soon.” She pursed her lips as I glared at her and then she winked. “Come on, I’ll introduce you to Grace, she’s your boss.” She smiled and led me through to Grace’s office.

* * *

The day flew and Olivia showed me all the ropes, regulations and filled me in on all the gossip.

Apparently Olivia was married to the man who owned the company. Leah was in a relationship with the big heavy doorman and everybody called the woman on reception ‘Miss Wet Kipper’ due to her slapped by a fish expression but her real name was Samantha and if ever my boyfriend were to pick me up, then don’t let Samantha near him.

Tony hit on Olivia and every other woman at NSC every day, much to the annoyance of Olivia’s husband who had nearly flattened him twice and was desperately finding a reason to sack him, so god knows how Mason would deal with him.

Tony buttered me up all day but I just ignored him or gave him death glares. As it neared the end of the day I had to pull him up and tell him I was in a relationship and that I wasn’t interested, but he just shrugged and smiled in ignorance.

As I was powering down my computer I received a text:


Hey Baby? How’s it going? Just wondering if you wanted to go out to celebrate your new job?

Love u xxxx

I grinned to myself and replied.


Going out sounds good, I’m too tired to cook. Finishing about 6

Love u too xxxx

I jumped when Tony placed an arm around my waist. “How’s your first day gone, Ava?” He smiled softly and I wondered if I’d got him wrong. He seemed genuinely concerned if I’d had a good day.

“Yeah, really good.” I smiled back and reached over my desk for my bag and coat. Tony grumbled something. “Sorry, what?” I asked him while I slipped into my coat.

He shrugged, “Don’t bend over like that Ava, not when I’m behind you anyway.”

I grimaced and stared at him. “Pardon?” I asked stiffly. He shrugged again but turned and walked off.

“See you tomorrow, Ava” he shouted over his shoulder.

“Oh, he really likes you.” Olivia chuckled from behind me. I turned to her, my mouth still open and gave her a shocked look, she laughed again. “Oh, you’ll get used to Tony, he’s always a bit forward,” she winked.

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