The NSC Boxset: Heart of Stone (28 page)

BOOK: The NSC Boxset: Heart of Stone
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“Olivia, Mandy Yale. Listen I have some news for you.” She paused as if not sure how to tell me, so I helped her along.

“I know Mandy, James has been released.” I sighed down the phone to her.

“Olivia, I’m so sorry. I’ve only just found out, if someone had informed me earlier I would have rung you straight away. How do you know?” She questioned as an afterthought.

“Because he’s been sneaking into my house. He sent me a dead cat with a noose around its neck.” Nate stiffened and I heard him suck in a breath.

“Olivia, why the hell didn’t you ring me?” she asked, sternly.

“Because I didn’t know it was him until he rang me last night.” I answered.

I heard her gasp. “He rang you?”

I sighed again. “Yes, he rang on a withheld number, probably from an unregistered phone, so there was no point in reporting it, Mandy.”

I heard her pull in a breath through the phone. “He’s been released early for good behaviour. He did a deal of some sorts with the prison and CID. I don’t know what it was because it’s all quite hush, hush,” she told me. “But there is a restraining order out Olivia and he isn’t allowed near you.”

I laughed bitterly. “Mandy, he doesn’t live by the rules, you know that as much as I do.” I took a deep breath. “He will get to me Mandy, we both know he will and there’s not a damn thing you can do about it until it’s too late.”

Nate’s hand grabbed mine. I turned to look at him, his face was completely and totally broken, the realization of what might happen snapping into his brain and building his fear for me, for his son.

* * *

Monday morning came and Nate was very pissed off with me. “Liv, you’re not going into work!” he notified me, his face tight.

“Yes. I. Am. Nate,” I said slowly. “I am not gonna let him dictate my life again.” I sighed as he groaned in frustration. “And I’m going home tonight.”

These words pushed him over the edge. “YOU ARE FUCKING NOT!” he bellowed, angrily.

Rolling my eyes at him I took his hand. “Nate, wherever I am, he will get to me and if I’m honest I just wanna get it over with.”

He pulled me into his arms. “Please, baby,” he begged.

I shook my head, determined. “You can come with me if you want, but I need the familiarity and comfort of my own home. Can’t you understand that, Nate?”

He nodded slowly, accepting it now I said he could come with me. “Okay, let me pack a bag and I’ll drive you home to get changed for work. Only trouble is I have a meeting across the other side of London at 5pm so I’ll have to run you home about 4.30pm.”

I was still dressed in my green dress from Saturday night as I hadn’t been home since. “I need to pick my car up, Nate. I have to work late because Grace needs me for the online conference with China.”

He nodded. “Okay, but anything dodgy, you ring me and I’ll get Blake to pick you up.”

I smiled at him, happy that he was been so lenient given the nervousness he had about the situation. “I should be back about 8ish, so be ready for me.” He gave me a suggestive grin and I laughed as he smacked my backside to push me towards the car.

Nate insisted on coming in the house with me while I got changed, he wouldn’t leave my side. Everything was as it should be and I gathered my work things. I opened Betty’s boot to place my things in and discovered my red dress and favourite shoes. “Ah ha!” I triumphed. “That’s where you are my beauties.”

I laughed at Nate’s confused face. “Why are you talking to inanimate objects, Liv?” he frowned comically.

“They are not ‘
Nate, they are my babies.” I huffed and stroked my shoes as I pursed my lips at him with a glare.

“Okay, Okay,” he held his hands up, submitting and laughing.

Following him we arrived at work, late as usual and as I was rushing up the steps and into the main foyer Nate grabbed my hand. “Relax baby, it’s okay to be late. I’m your boss’s, boss’s, boss. I think I can cover your back,” he told me.

I grinned mischievously. “And I must say, you cover my back
well, Mr Carter.” His gaze was indecent and I pulled in a breath, shocked at its intensity.

“Let me just retrieve my messages from Samantha and we’ll ride up together,” he commanded.

I rolled my eyes at him. “I don’t think he’s gonna get to me in the NSC elevator, Nate.” I huffed.

He looked at me sternly and narrowed his eyes on me. “Wait!” he ordered again.

“Okay,” I squeaked out.

Miss Wet Kipper actually waved to me and I guiltily told myself to start calling her Samantha from now on, although I was now wavering on that choice as she openly flirted with Nate and my hackles rose. Nate looked at me confused when he came back to me and I grabbed his hand, pulling him close to give him a long lingering kiss as I gave Samantha a ‘He’s mine’ look.

The day passed by quickly with reports, emails and presentations and 5pm soon crept up. Nate had come down to check on me a little earlier and claim my spare house key. He’d given me a bloody wonderful kiss and told me he was off to his meeting and he’d see me at home later.

I was getting ready for the Chinese conference when something shook the building slightly. I frowned, shook my head in bewilderment and entered Grace’s office.

Halfway through the video link a knock came at the office door and Leah peered her head round. “I’m really sorry but I need Olivia,” she apologised, concern on her face.

Frowning, I apologised to the lovely Chinese gentleman who had been making me laugh with his humour and light-heartedness in an attempt to alleviate the seriousness of the boring conference. Accepting my apology, I exited the room and closed the door quietly behind me. Leah put her hand on my arm, her face full of sympathy and my nerves exploded.

“Leah, what is it?” I asked on a swallow.

“It’s your car, Hun.” She sucked in her lips.

“Yes and . . .” I urged.

“Well it’s . . . it’s just blown up.”

I grabbed her hand to save me falling over. “
I puffed, my eyes wide and my mouth open.

“It just kinda . . . kinda blew up.”

I sank into a chair and shook my head, stunned. “
My beautiful shoes,”
was all I could say. “Oh God, Betty!”

Leah dropped down on her haunches panicked. “Oh God, Olivia, who’s Betty?”

In shock, I laughed hysterically at her pale face. “My car, Leah! I call her Betty,” I answered her as if she was stupid.

She huffed loudly. “Dear God, I thought it was your grandma or somebody sat in the car waiting for you.” She flopped down onto the floor.

“I’m so sorry, Olivia.” She sighed “Somebody has sure got it in for you, Hun.”

I laughed bitterly again. “They haven’t got ‘it in for me’ Leah. Somebody is trying to kill me.” I laughed hysterically again, the shock muddling my brain and the grief of losing Betty shutting down my already frayed emotions.

I suddenly stopped laughing and stared at her. “I need Nate, Leah. I need Nate.”

She nodded her head and hurried over to the phone as Grace came out of the office, noting my pale face. “Oh bloody hell Sweetie, what now?” I just stared at her. Leah walked back to me and handed me the phone.

“LIV?” Nate shouted down the phone.

“I’m here, Nate,” I said quietly.

“Baby, stay there, I’m coming to get you,” he wheezed down the phone. I just nodded. “Liv?” he persisted.

“I’m here, Nate.” It was all I could manage.

“Put Leah back on, baby,” he demanded gently and I passed her the phone.

Thirty minutes later Nate charged through the doors to get to me just as the reality of the situation dawned on me. The knowledge that it had been perfectly timed to blow just as I was usually leaving work.

He reached me as I vomited all over the luxury plush deep pile NSC logo carpet.

Chapter Twenty-Two

IT WAS DC Mandy Yale that came to interview me in the 44
floor conference room and I was grateful for that. Nate was sat at the side of me refusing to let go of my hand, his expression troubled and furious both at the same time.

Mandy reached across the table at the end of the interrogation and took my hand. “Olivia, I promise I’m going to do everything I can to stop him.” She smiled tightly and I could read the truth behind her words, though I laughed without humour.

“Sure. I know you’ll try but tell me, do you think you’ll get any evidence of his involvement in this?” I asked sceptically. “Because I
you won’t.” She lowered her eyes in an admittance of my words.

Nate stood sharply. “Is there nothing you can fucking do? Question him at least? Track his movements, anything for god’s sake? He’s trying to fucking kill her,” he shouted.

I took his hand. “Nate please,” I pleaded and tried to pull him back into his chair.

“Mr Carter, I
that I will do everything I can . . .
and everything I can’t!”
She added with a whisper.

He slumped back down in his chair and huffed, running his hands through his hair in exasperation and looked at her. “Well what do we do now?”

“Just keep an eye on her,” she said softly.

Nate pulled a face as if she was stupid and shook his head slowly. “I’ve hired a bodyguard for her and she’s not leaving my sight.”

I jumped up, glaring at him. “Nate! I’m not having a bloody bodyguard!” I declared. He scoffed at me and pursed his lips as he glared back at me.

“Yes. You. Are.” he growled. His expression was full of rage and determination, making me wither slightly. His face softened when he picked up on my anxiety and took my hand. “Liv, let me do this. I need to do this.”

I nodded slowly, pacifying him but a little part of me was grateful for what he’d done. “Okay,” I relented.

He nodded sharply and turned back to Mandy. “If that’s all, DC Yale, I’d like to get Liv home,” he addressed her formally, every inch of the billionaire mogul in his stance and manner.

She nodded and collected her papers before approaching me. “Olivia, please be careful. Don’t do anything stupid,
” I lowered my eyes to the floor. She cocked her head. “Olivia, please.”

I looked her straight in the eye. “Mandy, if he touches the kids or Nate . . . I will finish him, if it’s the last thing I ever do.” The truth in my voice told her that I would do just that, even if it meant prison or my own death.

* * *

We arrived home a little after 7pm. I kicked off my shoes and slumped on the sofa, “Argh,” I groaned, rolling my head on my shoulders.

Nate walked in from the kitchen with a glass of wine, passing it me he sat down beside me. He lifted my feet to his lap and started the most delectable foot rub I’d ever had. “That good?” He chuckled as I groaned loudly.

“God, yes. Where did you learn to do that?” I asked idly, closing my eyes. He stiffened a little. Raising one eye to look at him I smirked, “I don’t think I want to know.”

He grinned sheepishly and slid his hands to my ankles, his fingers lightly massaging my tight, pale skin. “You need some colour on these beautiful legs, baby. What do you think about a few days away?” he asked cocking his head.

I shrugged and sucked on my lips. “I can’t Nate.”

He frowned at me, “Why?”

I caught his gaze. “I can’t leave Jay Nate, not with James out there.”

He sighed and nodded. “What about when Erin and Matt get back, we all go somewhere hot and tranquil . . . together?” he asked apprehensively.

I locked my eyes with him. “Yeah, okay.” I cupped his cheek. “As a family, Nate.”

He caught a breath, his gaze intent on mine and then he grinned, a huge, powerful megawatt beam. “As a family,” he confirmed with a nod.

We sat silent for a while, Nate still massaging my legs as I laid my head on the arm of the sofa, my eyes closed and my breathing relaxed and steady. “You still awake, Liv?” he asked on a whisper.

“Mmm,” I replied languidly.

“Why don’t I run you a hot bath and order some takeaway while you relax?”

I opened my eyes and gazed at him for a long moment. “I love you, Nathan Carter” I told him softly. What had I done to deserve this selfless, beautiful man?

He eyed me sceptically. “More than Haribos?”

Narrowing my eyes to contemplate I nodded.

“More than wine?” He continued with a twinkle in his eye, waiting for the answer.

Pursing my lips and scrunching my nose in deep thought, I slowly nodded and gave him a lazy grin. He gasped and put his hand over his mouth in mock shock. “Wow, that much, huh?” He grinned and stretched out lethargically on top of me, pinning me to the sofa under him and palming the side of my face. “And I love you very much too, baby.”

His lips brushed over mine. “You’re.”
“Me.” His mouth covered mine in a hot, heavy kiss with his tongue sweeping mine. “The Angel of my soul, Liv,” he whispered against my lips.

I held his face in my hands and linked our eyes, gazing directly into his soul. “That’s because you have a beautiful soul for me to protect, Nate and I promise to never let it go.”

He took a breath and came down to kiss me again, his hand now twisting my hair tightly into his fist as his thumb soothingly stroked across my cheek as he continued to devour me with control and affection.

Dominant and submissive, both at the same time.

Pain and pleasure, together as one.

Sorrow and bliss, in synchronised unison.

* * *

We were laid in bed relaxing after a bath, Chinese takeaway and making love. Nate was working away feverishly on his laptop whist I was reading. He was huffing and grumbling every few minutes and it was taking my concentration away from my book.

“For God’s sake,” he grumbled again and I looked at him frowning.

“What the hell’s the matter with you?”

“You’re bloody internet, it’s crap,” he moaned.

I scowled at him. “No it’s not, there’s nothing wrong with it . . . usually.”

“Well something’s bloody interfering with it.” He glowered and I shrugged, closing my book.

“Well I’m going to sleep now, babe. Don’t forget we’ve got an early start tomorrow, we’ve gotta be at Jay’s at 10.”

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