The NSC Boxset: Heart of Stone (121 page)

BOOK: The NSC Boxset: Heart of Stone
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He pulled out and came around the front of me. “I have a nice little surprise for you later, sweetheart.” He chuckled and stroked my cheek with his palm.

He walked out, leaving me hung as he always did, his filthy, dirty spunk dripping down the inside of my thigh. I knew I would be left here for a few hours before he brought me a sandwich and a new bottle of water and then another round of ‘fun’ would begin.


I OPENED MY eyes as I heard a noise. I was still hung from the hook and it was darker now so I mentally added another day to my internal calendar.

My eyes widened and I gasped as I saw what my surprise was. Greg was tied to a chair in front of me, his head hung low in his unconsciousness; well I hoped he was unconscious and not dead.

“I’ve brought you some company Ava, what do you say?” Dane asked brightly.

I stared at him in disbelief. “What have you done?” I asked stupidly. The whip cracked against my bare buttocks and I jolted. “Sorry, Sir,” I said quickly.

“DON’T YOU DARE SPEAK TO ME LIKE THAT AGAIN!” he roared. I flinched as another thrash cut through the skin on my backside.
Do not scream, do not scream.

“Drink,” he ordered as he held the bottle to my lips and I greedily guzzled it, my throat already closing down against the dryness. I took a small bite of the sloppy cheese spread sandwich he held to my mouth, the bread balling up in my mouth making it difficult to swallow but I forced it down knowing this would be all I got for a while. I took another bite chewing slowly as I stalled what was coming next while I kept my eyes on Greg checking for any signs of life. I relaxed a little when I saw his chest rising and falling with each small breath he took.

I wasn’t sure which ‘plaything’ was on offer for tonight’s entertainment as I hadn’t seen him enter. He watched me chew and smiled at me as if he read my thoughts. “We have something new tonight. You’ll love it Ava, you always like it rough don’t you but we need to entertain Greg tonight so I thought we’d give him a treat.” He smirked and I swallowed heavily, the sickness rising.

It was the unknown that scared me, I could mentally prepare myself for what he had in store for me when I knew what he was using but tonight, I didn’t have that advantage.

Greg mumbled in his chair and his head moved. “Ahhhh, how nice of you to join us, Greg,” Dane said happily. Greg lifted his head and blinked furiously against the lights. His focus set on me, broken, filthy and bloody, hanging from a hook and chain in the middle of the room. I wasn’t the least bit embarrassed by my nudity, my exhaustion and mind-set was too numb to care.

His eyes widened and he gasped. “Jesus Christ.” His eyes flitted from me to Dane. “Fuck Dane, what have you done to her?”

Dane walked over to him and pulled back his arm, punching Greg forcefully in the face. “Don’t fucking talk to me, you fucking cunt.” Greg’s head snapped to the side and he recoiled. Dane crouched down in front of him. “Ava and I have some entertainment for you tonight Greg but I must first give you the rules,” he sneered. “You keep your eyes open at all times, you do not look away. You watch every little thing Ava gets. Do you understand?”

Greg frowned severely at him. “What the f . . .” He didn’t finish when Dane’s fist smashed into his face.

“DO YOU UNDERSTAND?” he bellowed and Greg nodded quickly.


“Good boy.” Dane patted his cheek then walked behind me presumably to prepare tonight’s entertainment.

My eyes caught hold of Greg’s troubled ones. He scanned my broken body and grimaced. “Are you okay?” he mouthed and I nodded resignedly.

My nose wrinkled at a strange smell, I couldn’t work out what it was, it smelt similar to something burning and my heart beat sped up. I didn’t like it, I had a bad feeling. I frantically twisted my hands, trying to get free even though I knew it was impossible.

I frowned as the smell grew stronger. My heart pounded and my body erupted in goose bumps. I tried to turn to see what the smell was but I was fixed securely so I couldn’t move.

“You ready Ava? You’re gonna love this.” Dane chuckled and my throat hurt from the lump that had wedged in it.

‘Old king Cole was a me . . . . . . ’

I couldn’t hold the scream in this time. It exploded loudly and violently at the searing pain that tore through me as Dane branded me with a red hot poker.

Greg was screaming at Dane and struggling in his chair. “FUCK DANE!” he cried. Dane walked round to him, the poker in his hand. I had slumped against the chain, barely conscious, as the extreme pain tore through me.

“You fucking talk to me again and I burn her tits! You got that?” Dane snarled at Greg. Greg’s expression was filled with horror and astonishment, his eyes snapping from me to Dane frantically. “DO YOU UNDERSTAND?” He thundered. Greg swallowed but nodded.

Dane nodded once and returned to the rear of me. “Right Ava, are you ready for some more, sweetheart? This is really turning me on, you are gonna get such a good fuck tonight,” he chuckled but I didn’t answer him. I couldn’t.

He walked round to the front of me and cocked his head. “Answer me!” he demanded and I opened my eyes.

“Yes, Sir” I croaked exhaustedly.

He smiled, “Good girl.” He walked back round and I tightened my whole body in preparation.

‘A merry old soul was h . . . ’

I screamed again, the pain was excruciating. My eyes flung open and I focused on Greg. “Look at me, Ava,” he mouthed as he held my eyes. He smiled painfully and nodded. “You can do this sweetheart” he mouthed again.

I sucked on my lips as a tear slipped free and shook my head at him. “I can’t,” I mouthed back. The searing heat blistered my back and I screwed my face up, trying desperately to stay focused on Greg. He nodded encouragingly as I swallowed back the scream.

My lungs were struggling to work against the intense pain that was charring my back and the nausea was surfacing. I puffed out a breath as the singeing returned and I could smell my flesh burning and sizzling. My skin cracked and tightened and I couldn’t hold the vomit back as my stomach exploded the sandwich all over the front of my naked body.

“Oh for fucks sake, you stupid bitch,” Dane cursed as he came round to face me and shook his head. “Now look at the state of you. What do you say, Ava?”

I was struggling to focus and my body was frantically trying to shut down. I felt the heat of the poker against my stomach and my eyes shot open. “I’m sorry, Sir,” I mumbled swiftly.

He nodded in satisfaction and took a deep breath. “Think you can manage one more without being ill this time?” he asked calmly and I winced.

“Please Dane, I can’t . . .” I cried out as the poker rested against my stomach. I recoiled, urgently trying to move away from it.

“DANE!!!” Greg shouted and he spun round and cocked his head.

“Now what did I say, Greg? You have just cost Ava her beautiful tits.” He shook his head in disappointment and tears filled my eyes at what was to come.

“Dane please, let me swap with her,” Greg begged hastily.

“Now, where’s the fun in that?” Dane scoffed and turned to look at me, “I’m very sorry about this Ava but you can blame Greg. He didn’t follow the rules.” I tensed and exhaled loudly.

‘He called for his pipe in the middle o . . . .’

I choked on my vomit as I frenziedly tried to stop it from escaping when the red hot iron settled at the swell of my breast. A sob erupted as the darkness enveloped me and I welcomed it, grateful to it for taking me to somewhere peaceful and serene.

* * *

I groaned and opened my eyes, finding myself back handcuffed to the bed. “Ava?” Greg whispered in the darkness from the other side of the room, “Are you okay?”

I didn’t know, was I? “Yeah,” I rasped.

“Jesus Ava, he’s lost it,” he breathed out and I snorted.

“Oh yeah.”

“Has he been doing this to you since he got you here?” I mumbled a confirmation and heard him hiss. “I’m gonna get you out of here Ava, I promise sweetheart,” he whispered.

I sighed. “I . . . he won’t let us go Greg.” I sagged in resignation.

“Mason’s looking for you, he hasn’t stopped Ava. He won’t give up.” I perked up at his name.

“How . . . how is he?” I asked hesitantly.

Greg paused. “Crazy, frantic, devastated, feeling guilty . . .” He sighed and I knew by his sadness the answer to my next question.

“Has he . . . has he gone back to it?” I asked, knowing Greg caught the meaning of my question without me actually voicing it. He sighed heavily but didn’t answer, he didn’t need to, I already knew.

“How are my babies?” I asked with a smile, their beautiful faces giving me reason to keep breathing.

“They’re fine sweetheart, they’re being cared for, don’t you worry about them,” he reassured and I nodded.

“I miss them so much,” I sobbed. I couldn’t hold the tears back, the comfort and reassurance of Greg’s presence sought them out and brought them forward.

“Oh, sweetheart. I promise Ava, we’ll get out of here soon. I’ll get you out if it fucking kills me!” he declared but I didn’t share his confidence. I had been trying for nine days now and nothing I did helped. “Where are we anyway?” he asked.

“I don’t know, he shoved a cloth over my nose and then I woke up here,” I told him. “How did he get to you?”

He groaned. “It was my own stupid fault . . . Mason has been giving us orders and areas to check every day. Sam got a hit on one of Dane’s credit cards and I flew round to the area without waiting for a partner. I was down some alleyway behind La Roche when he bashed the back of my head. Then I woke up here,” he grumbled. “Fucking stupid . . .”

“Hey,” I reprimanded, “I’m glad you’re here . . . it helps, you know, but I don’t understand how . . . how Dane knew you would be there.” I gulped but he was silent.

“I know, it’s something I’ve been struggling to answer as well,” he whispered eventually. I tried to turn towards Greg but the skin on my back had stuck to the mattress and I hissed. “You okay?”

“My backs welded to the fucking mattress,” I cursed, rage coursing through me. “I can’t take anymore Greg; I can’t do this!”

“Ava . . . Ava, listen to me. You
do this. You can do this so your babies will see their mother again, be held in her arms and see her wonderful smile, Ava. They need you, hell! Mason fucking needs you, he’s a mess without you Ava and you need to get out of here. He needs you, Ava. Do you hear me? They all need you!”

“I don’t know what he has planned for next time Greg. He whips me, beats me, fucks me and I . . . I . . .” I swallowed. “I just want it to end, I’m so tired, so fucking exhausted and every fibre of my body is screaming in pain. I can’t . . .”

I silenced immediately as the door opened and light flooded the room. I blinked furiously against the brightness.

Dane walked over to me. “You ready for me now? You fucking passed out and I didn’t get to fuck you. What do you say Ava?” he growled.

“I’m sorry, Sir.”

He didn’t answer but picked up the bottle of water and held it to my mouth, watching my face impassively as I glugged, then he offered some to Greg who nodded.

“Please could you take me to the toilet, Sir?” I asked with regularity.

He sighed but nodded, “What do you say?” He approached me, gazing intently at me.

“You are my master and I must behave,” I recited efficiently.

He grinned at me. “Good girl.” He bent over me and I clasped my thighs together as he bit my breast. I praised myself inwardly as I managed to control my bladder again.

I could see Greg gawping horrifically at what Dane was doing to me. Dane stood up and looked at my groin. “Well done, Ava” he praised. He undid the cuffs and as I tried to get up I felt my skin peel off my back and the pain made me hiss.

He turned to me swiftly and frowned. “What?” he barked and I flinched.

“I just, it just hurt my back when I got up, Sir.” I grimaced. He studied me and I cringed as I expected the back hander but it didn’t come.

“Mmmm,” he murmured.

He led me into the bathroom and sat me on the toilet. I tried to urinate slowly, buying time before he took me back to the bed.

I glanced at the shower again, the filthy white tiles, the old fashioned iron shower head and blackening shower curtain looked disgusting but I was desperate for a wash.

“Please can I have a shower, Sir? I have sick all over me and I’m sure you would like me to be clean?” I asked cautiously.

The back of his hand cracked against my cheek and I bit my lip at the pain. “Do you ever listen to me? No amount of water can clean your stench Ava, the filth and dirt is inside you,” he hissed and I nodded.

An idea was starting to form in my mind and I desperately needed him to let me shower. “Please sir, I’m sure I would be better to fuck if I smelled nicer and I so want you to enjoy making love to me, Sir.” I clenched in preparation for the slap but it didn’t come again. I glanced at him and he was eyeing my body, a disgusted curl on his lip.

He huffed and regarded me. “How do you behave, Ava?” he asked and I gulped, excitement already building.

“You are my master and I must behave,” I said firmly.

He narrowed his eyes on me. “I suppose you do smell a bit rank but I stay with you Ava, in fact it might be good to screw you in there.” He pursed his lips in thought as he wobbled his head from side to side in deliberation.

My breathing was growing heavier and I was frantically trying to calm myself down. He pulled me over to the shower and powered it up. It spluttered to life. It obviously hadn’t been used in a while and I grimaced at the dark brown water that spurted through it.


I needed him to shower with me.

Dane curled his lip at it in revulsion but it started to run clear and I silently thanked God.

I swallowed back my nervousness as he stripped, still handcuffed to me. He frowned when he realised his shirt sleeve couldn’t be removed unless he set my hand free.

Keep calm Ava . . . let him figure it out!

I chewed on my bottom lip to stop my body trembling in anticipation as he studied me. “I need to remove the cuff Ava, what do you do?” he barked.

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