
Read TopGuns Online

Authors: Cara Carnes Taylor Cole Justin Whitfield

BOOK: TopGuns
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Top Guns



Jason “Maverick” Ashford and Tyler
“Goose” Coombs have been best friends for decades. In their youth they lived a
whirlwind existence of debauchery—parties, wild antics and even wilder women.
But the breakneck pace of an exotic dancer’s life wasn’t all fun and games.
Looking back on it now from Shady Oaks retirement home, they revisit their
past—both good times and bad.

Jason tasted success and gorged on
temptation, but to this day still wants the one woman he can’t have. Determined
to be the friend Jeanie needs, he bides his time. She’s worth the wait to
savor—even if it is just once.

Tyler believed in living life to
the fullest—no sexual adventure too wild to try. And he tried as many as he
could. Amidst the hedonism he found his soul mate, but only after tragedy found
him first.


Inside Scoop:
Includes a
brief ménage, girl-on-girl scene, as well as light BDSM.


contemporary erotica
story from Ellora’s Cave

Top Guns
Justin Whitfield, Taylor Cole & Cara Carnes


Chapter One


Jason “Maverick” Ashford leaned back in the rocker and
forced his gaze away from the scene unfolding a few yards away. Forty years ago
he would’ve laid Titanium—aka Lord Drake Marsten of whatever-the-hell—on his
ass and not given it a second thought. Things had changed since then, though.

Fists once made in anger now curled for entirely different
reasons beyond his control. Fighting had never been his thing. But the lovely
lady with the thousand-watt smile and sparkling blue eyes would be worth the

Titanium covered her delicate hand with his and flashed the
upgraded grill of pearly whites he’d gotten a couple months ago. Talk around
Shady Oaks was he’d spent enough money upgrading body parts to house all the
residents for a year.


Curiosity drew his gaze back when he saw the rustling of
yellow as a slip of paper hung between his other hand and the subject of his
earlier perusal. That gorgeous smile he’d thought of often appeared as Jeanie
Wincrest accepted the flyer.

He recognized the sunshine yellow.

The latest community event had been announced. Shady Oaks
was nothing if not punctual. Hell, you had to be around here. People died if
you weren’t.

The only thing more predictable than those yellow flyers on
the third Wednesday of the month was Titanium’s immediate presence before
Jeanie, requesting the “accompaniment of her beauty with him” at said event.

Maverick’s gut churned as he listened to the same bullshit
pick-up lines tossed her direction yet again. Yeah, he was a lot sick of that
prick. Jeanie deserved better than that. Hell, he wouldn’t have gotten into the
home had it not been for her. She was a favored resident and her pull with the
management jumped his name up on the waiting list.

“You going over there? Or are you playing your pussy card
again and pining from over here like always?”

He looked over at his longtime friend Tyler “Goose” Coombs,
who paused his walk to reach a small bag perched on the hook of his cane. He
pulled out a small box and tossed it to Maverick.

It landed on the ground before his feet.


“What the fuck?”

“I figured it was that time of the month again and you’d
need them.” Tyler chuckled. “Told you last month I’d get some for you if you
kept acting like you need them.”

That time of the month when Titanium rolled up in his fancy
chauffeured car and sauntered up the walk as though he owned the retirement
community and everyone in it always left Maverick chafed. “Fuck you, man.”

Jason shook his head as his longtime partner in crime
shuffled toward him in black boxer briefs and nothing else. A red-faced nurse
ran behind him in a flurry of frustration.

The crazy son of a gun still had women chasing after his
ass. With a death grip on a wrinkled yellow flyer, he leaned his weight on the
cane—clearly favoring his left hip.

“Mr. Coombs, you need to get dressed before you leave your
room.” Her voice rose in marked annoyance. “We’ve discussed this on many

“Like he remembers,” Jason commented loudly. “At least he
has the boxers on this time. Cut him a break.”

“Hey, man, you see this?” Tyler asked.

“Whatever it is, I’m not interested.”

“Huh? You aren’t getting it? Tell me something I don’t

“Turn your hearing aid on,” Jason shouted and finger-tapped
his own ear.

“Oh.” Tyler grunted and fumbled around for a minute. They
both ignored the arthritic trembles—just like they never spoke of the various
and sundry pops and cracks when they stood. “I had breakfast with Mira today.
Must’ve forgotten to turn it back on.”

Ha. Yeah, breakfast with Mira was a darn good reason to be
grateful for bad hearing. She was pretty to look at but her shrill voice cut
into one’s libido.

“Mr. Coombs, you need to put these on.” The nurse paused a
moment and took a breath as she held out a pair of flannel pajamas.

Tyler grinned and winked. “I still make ’em breathless.”

“Mr. Coombs, please.”

“Ah, man. There goes the begging. I hate that shit— Makes it
awkward when it’s time to go.” He looked around for a moment.

An unseen bond tugged at Maverick when shock settled on his
friend’s face. Yeah, it was one of those days. “He goes by Goose. You know
that’s important to remember.”

The nurse looked down and nodded. “My apologies.”

Yeah, Macy was a lot better with Goose. Her vacations were
always hard on him. “Put the pants on, man. Then she’ll go away.”

“Oh. My bad.” He turned fully and grinned at the nurse.
Jason looked away as she helped his friend dress and settle into the seat
beside him.

“I’ll leave you gentlemen to your afternoon.” The nurse
scurried away quickly with an exasperated look on her face.

“That was a hot one. I think she’s new.”

“Started two days after we got here—four years ago.”

“Oh. All the blondes look alike to me.” He held out the
yellow flyer. “I thought this might be a way to lose that pussy card once and
for all.”

Jason grabbed the flyer. “A dance competition?”

Old memories flickered to life. Man, those were the days.
The world had been their oyster—and they’d sucked down more than their fair

How the hell had so much time flown by? Where had it all
gone? There was no way in hell the latest harebrained scheme stewing in Tyler’s
senile mind was a good thing. “I don’t know, man.”

“What the hell?” He shook his head. “We’ve got this.”

“Man, you’re high on Viagra if you think that.” And son of a
bitch, Jason was high on something worse to let the rotgut self-doubt creep
into him. He hadn’t had it this bad since he’d been a teenager.

“Hand over that card and I’ll stamp another month on it for
you. Keep this up and you’ll get into the ladies’ social hour on Sundays. Maybe
we should go shopping for a bonnet to match your eyes.”

“I don’t have a pussy card. I just don’t want to waste my
time. She’s got Lord Titanium to keep her company.”

“Funny. Bet he isn’t getting personal deliveries of brownies
and smiles at his door every Tuesday and Friday.”

“She’s being neighborly.”

“Whatever.” Tyler looked away and mumbled, “Pussy.”

“It’s not being a pussy, it’s being pragmatic.”

“Think about it, man. You’ve gotta see she’s the type to
want a real man—not some freak who’ll set off metal detectors from a mile away.
Besides, she’s known you a hell of a lot longer and you know how to impress

Dancing again would be epic. Kicking Titanium’s butt would
be the icing.

The thought of climbing steps onto a stage made his sciatica
flare. Shards of pain burst across his lower back while a dull throb radiated
in his knees. Those few extra minutes in the weight room had done a number on

Maybe it’s time to ease up on the weights.

Nah. Everyone had bad days.

No. He could remember a time when bad days were few and far
between. “Wow.”

“What?” Tyler shouted.

Hearing aid must be on the fritz again. He leaned forward
and raised his voice. “Life seems like it went by so fast. Where did the time

“Go? I don’t have to go nowhere. I just got here.”

“Turn your damn hearing aid up.”

He watched that punk Titanium jet off in one of those new
cars worth a couple years of wages. “When you’re young, you don’t bother taking
the time to stop and appreciate youth. Why do we have to get wrinkles? Why do
we have to get thinning hair? Why do we have to get weak? Why do
twenty-year-olds look so damn good but act so damn stupid?”

“Wait. What does that last one have to do with getting old?”

“The older I get, the better they look.”

“It doesn’t take much to make that happen.”

He ignored the jibe. “I remember when I was in my late
teens. All I ever wanted was the older women. Their maturity made me feel

Now he felt…


“Huh? They made you feel gay?”


Tyler held up his hands and leaned back in the rocker. “Oh,
thought you were discussing your homo tendencies again,” he deadpanned. “My

“Fuck you.”

“I know what you mean. We just had this talk yesterday.
had this talk yesterday.”

Damn. Not much to say about that since it was probably
true—which meant it was time to pay Doctor Riley another visit and increase
dosages or something. “Yeah, guess I’m feeling empty inside lately…like I’m
supposed to be doing something. Or I’m missing something.”

“Sounds like Alzheimer’s,” he quipped.

“I got your Alzheimer’s.” Jason grabbed his crotch.

Goose looked around. “I’ve been missing something too.”

“See! You know what I’m talking about.” Jason waved his
hands for emphasis. “Something’s missing.”

“Yeah. My bottle of Viagra.”

“Motherfucker.” Maverick banged his hand on the table for
emphasis and cursed as the pain coursed up his arm. “Quit playing. I’m being

“So am I. I can’t get another refill on that ’til the
first.” Tyler held his fingers out and started counting. “That’s six, seven,
eight days away.”

“God forbid you go a week without sex.”

“He does forbid it.”

A young blonde nurse flashed a smile and waved as she walked
past them and down the sidewalk toward the parking lot. Jason turned his
attention on Tyler and saw his friend’s gaze riveted on the woman.

“What? She happens to give excellent sponge baths.” He
winked. “I might need another couple of weeks to recover from this hip problem
since she’s been so helpful.”

Ha. Like he stood a chance in hell with her. In his prime
Tyler had been a modern-day Casanova. “In your seventies and you still have
enough testosterone to fill the gas tank of a motor home.”

Goose’s eyes widened and he leaned back with a smug grin.
“Speaking of motors, I got a hand job from the hair dresser the other day.”

“How the
do you go from motors to hand jobs…from
the hair dresser?”

“Easy. Motors…motorboat…motor boating. Titties.” He grinned
and cupped his hands at his chest in emphasis. “The hair dresser had huge


“I wanted to play with them, got horny. No one was around so
I whipped my penis out. I looked at her, she looked at me. I smiled…” He paused
as if perplexed by the turn of events at that point. “She didn’t smile so
much…penis was hard…she grabbed it. Well, more like slapped it and told me to
put it away or she was calling the cops.”

“That’s not a hand job from the hair dresser.”

“You say tomato, I say
. You say no hand job,
I say her hand touched my penis and that was a good job on my part to get her
to touch it.” Tyler nodded. “So, yeah! Hand job.”

“You, my friend, have a problem.”

“After knowing me for a little over fifty years and you just
realize that?”

They both laughed. The man had a point. They’d been through
a hell of a lot together over the years and had enjoyed more than their fair
share of fun. But now…

Jason couldn’t shake the thoughts. “Seriously, don’t you
ever feel like you missed out?”

“Look around, man.” He leaned over and motioned toward the
open doorway and the crowded game room. “We’re surrounded by chicks! All. Day.
Long. We’ve outlived just about every husband in this place. And the ones who are
alive? Can’t spit game like
. We got this place on lockdown. Bro, I
bang a new chick



He laughed. “Bro, you’ve banged
chick since we
moved in.”

“Bullshit!” Tyler moved to stand but grimaced and sat back
down. “I’ve been on a hot streak like no other, my brotha.”

Something flashed across his friend’s face and Jason looked
down at the table separating them. “Wow. That Alzheimer’s is really fucking you
up, huh? You have sex with the same woman every night. You just don’t

“If I’m broke, don’t fix me. I’m like a rock star here.”

“I’d love to be where you’re at,” Jason said.

“Yes you would.”

“You have literally fucked
chick since you’ve
been here. One!”

“Bro, I fuck chicks all the time.”

“We’ve been here a little over four years…and you’ve fucked
one chick.”

“I’ve always fucked more chicks than you. Who banged more

“Who banged hotter ones?”

“Who banged more?” Tyler swung his arms toward the lobby in

“Are we measuring by the weight?”

“I’m from the country and like ’em like that.” He held his
arms out. “I like the ones with wide breeding hips. Besides, you were so
pussy-whipped you had to ask permission to go to the bathroom.”

“I still do.” Jason laughed as they both settled into their
favorite pastime—sitting back and remembering. He let the silence pass for a
few minutes before deciding it was time to broach the one subject he’d been
avoiding for a while—even though curiosity plagued him nonstop.

“So, you ever gonna tell me how you threw your hip out?” No
doubt it was something embarrassing or he would’ve heard about it already.

“You know I don’t talk about my ladies.”

“Bullshit.” Jason motioned toward the rocker at the corner
of the porch. “I’ll find out soon enough. It’s just a matter of time.” Tension
left his body when he noticed Jeanie and her gaggle of friends returning to
their daily knitting session at the other end of the porch. Titanium had moved

“Speaking of ladies, I bet yours would be mighty impressed
by your mad skills.” Tyler motioned toward the flyer. “It’s open to anyone so
we could bring a few of the guys in.”

“I don’t have a lady.”

“Bullshit. I might have cataract surgery next week, but I
know what I’m seeing. Besides, your pussy card’s messing with my game. I lost a
chick just the other night ’cause I didn’t have a wingman.”

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