The NSC Boxset: Heart of Stone (106 page)

BOOK: The NSC Boxset: Heart of Stone
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He took a glance at me and a huge smile broke out on his face. “Miss Stone, what a pleasant surprise,” he said happily as he crossed through a door and joined us in the reception.

“I was just asking your doorman if I could have a quick word,” I told him as he embraced me, kissed me on the cheek and nodded to Nate and Liv.

“Of course. Come on.” He entered a number into a door lock system and opened the door through to the main area. “Beverley, could you bring drinks through to my office sweetheart please?” he spoke to the woman who smiled at me pleasantly.

“Of Course, what would you like?” she asked me politely.

“Just a water, please,” I replied. Nate and Liv declined.

We entered into a long corridor furnished with several small sofa’s on each wall and a few doors but William led us through a door at the end and into a bar area. A long bar ran along one edge. The floor was filled with numerous different shaped tables, each had a number on a little stand and a pole speared straight through the centre of it from floor to ceiling.

A couple of pole dancers were spinning poles and I cocked my head and regarded a particular pretty redhead, she was stunning and her moves were quite spectacular.

“Willow,” William divulged with a small smile as he informed me of the dancers name.

“She’s quite something,” I whispered in return before I took another glance around. I was relieved to see normal people scattered about. I’d had awful visions of naked people entangled and writhing about but it all seemed perfectly normal until walking further in and taking a little more notice.

I could make out several high class women at the tables, they were each flanked by several men who were paying them the ultimate attention and I realised they were part of the entertainment or services, whichever way you looked at it.

William led us over to the bar and gestured to a tall dark haired guy. “Owen, could you show these guests around for me please and see that they have everything they need,” he ordered gently and the barman nodded.

“Of course, Mr Jackson.” He smiled to Nate and Liv. “Would you like to follow me and we’ll see if we can find something that takes your fancy?” he said frankly, no hint of awkwardness.

“I’ll see you later,” I said to them and Nate took my hand.

“Ava, take care and ring me if you need anything,” he said anxiously.

I smiled gently, “I’m fine Nate; I’m in good hands with Mr Jackson.”

William nodded at Nate. “I promise to take good care of her, Sir,” he assured Nate.

“Would you like to follow me, Miss Stone,” William said and steered me towards a door at the side of the room, his hand placed gently as the base of my spine.

He punched in another code into the lock system at the side of the door and we entered into another long passageway. William turned into the first door on the right, taking us into a huge office. It was ginormous and surprisingly warm and inviting in reds, browns and creams.

What did grab my attention was the huge wooden four poster bed placed against one wall in the same colour as the decor, a large mirror directly above it on the ceiling and a soft red couch at the end of the bed, situated so it was facing the bed.

“Wow, this is great.” I beamed, scanning the room. “I always thought ceiling mirrors sounded a bit tacky but it’s actually quite subtle.”

William gave a slight chuckle. “Would you care for a lie down and see for yourself?” he asked seriously and I nodded giddily.

I approached the bed and lay down, shuffling myself into the middle and stared at the ceiling. “Wow,” I laughed. “I am going to have to invest in one of these. I would love to see Mason’s arse clench mid-orgasm,” I sighed dreamily. William laughed loudly and I stared wide eyed. “Did I just say that out loud?” I gasped and he smiled at me.

“I appreciate your openness and honesty, Miss Stone.” He held his hand out to help me off the bed.

“Please call me Ava,” I said as we walked over to a large leather couch.

I walked straight passed the couch and approached a series of TV screens on the wall. There were twelve in total, each one displaying a room or area in the club. Some of the larger screens were spilt into four smaller images and I gasped at the pictures.

“WOW!” I breathed. There were naked bodies everywhere, most in some sort of sexual position or kinky role playing outfits and scenes.

William came to stand beside me. I could feel him studying my face as I glanced at each one. “This is seriously hot!” I exclaimed.

I heard him chuckle quietly. “Would you like a tour after our discussion, Ava?” he asked and I nodded eagerly.

“Yes please,” I grinned at him.

There was a small knock and the woman from reception entered with a tray and placed it on the coffee table in front of the couch.

“Anything else, William?” she asked and he shook his head.

“That’s it for now Beverley, thank you.” He smiled warmly at her. She nodded and smiled at me and then left.

William gestured to the couch and I sat down as he poured my water into a glass full of ice and handed it to me.

“How’s Mason?” he asked and then frowned at my expression.

I sighed heavily. “I’m going to come straight out with it Mr Jackson.” I glanced at him, “I need your help.”


“THIS IS THE communal area,” William said as we entered a huge circular room. The centre consisted of numerous beds, sofas, benches and chairs. What looked like hundreds of bodies were participating in different sex acts.

We were situated above the area on a raised gallery that encircled the room for people to spectate; chairs and sofas were scattered around as we walked the platform. There were also people having sex on the couches up here. The erotic sounds of men and women’s heightened pleasure enveloped us and my heart rate spiked. “It’s really quite erotic, isn’t it?” I whispered in William’s ear.

He smiled softly and nodded. “You will have to visit with Mason, Ava, then you can really appreciate it or I could always find a partner now for you if would like?” he offered directly.

I shook my head. “I’d rather wait for Mason but thanks for the offer.” I couldn’t take my eyes off the expanse of entangled limbs below us.

William escorted me through a door and we entered what could be mistaken for a hotel lobby. A reception desk spanned one long wall with at least four receptionists on duty. A large staircase rose from the middle of the room and the waiting area was furnished with several couches. William approached one of the receptionists and had a quiet word then led me up the stairs and through a door into a corridor.

There were doors on each side but each room also consisted of a large window to observe the performances inside, it reminded me of a nursery in a hospital and I smiled inwardly knowing there would be no babies to gape at through these windows.

“We have a couple of corridors full of private rooms and four similar to this one,” William told me as we strolled down the passageway and I peered into each window as we passed.

There were three rooms full of soft BDSM equipment; crosses on the walls, hooks and chains dangling from the ceilings and tables, benches and a bed. The next three had large beds in the centre and were furnished in Victorian features. I smiled as I took in the performance inside. There were two ladies dressed in long velvet corsets and a man was also dressed for the era. He had both the women bent over the bed and gave one of the women a single thrust before moving onto the next one, proceeding back and forth between them.

“I think they might be here all night at that rate,” I whispered to William who gave me a hearty laugh.

“Some people enjoy slow and long, Ava,” he winked and I nodded in acceptance.

I glanced into the opposite window and my eyebrows shot high. It was furnished with a cot, high chair a changing mat but each item was large enough to accommodate an adult.

“Different,” I murmured as we moved on to look into the others. The scenes became more unusual until we reached a room that sent a shiver up my spine.

William sensed my anxiety and nodded at me. “This is the one Ava.”

I forced myself to watch the scene unfolding inside. The room was shrouded in dark red lighting and the walls were padded in red leather. There was no furniture, just a large open space but a woman was tied, spread-eagled on a circular frame suspended in the middle of the room completely naked as a man in a black leather mask circled around her. He held a long brown leather whip in his hand as he trailed the handle against her stomach, over her breasts and then down her back and over her buttocks.

I flinched when all of a sudden he cracked the whip and slashed it across her back powerfully. Her head shot back as she screamed and he immediately whipped her again, two hard cracks before he stalked round to the front of her and lunged for a breast with his mouth. She groaned loudly as he sucked and bit on each nipple before returning to the rear of her and treat her to another two lashes but repeated the action, this time giving her four thrashes before paying attention to her pert nipples and as he sucked he slipped the handle between her legs and fucked her brutally with it. Her head flung back, I could see the muscles in her thighs and face tighten as she came loudly and wildly before he returned to the back of her and started the routine again.

“Wow.” I shivered. “I must say she came pretty hard but still not my type of thing.”

William smiled at me, “Everybody has different tastes Ava, some like it truly soft and slow and some can’t orgasm until they’re nearly crippled in pain,” he explained as he guided me to the door at the end of the corridor and into a large cinema room.

Instead of a blockbuster playing on the huge screen it was hard porn. Nearest to the screen were rows of traditional cinema chairs, further towards the middle of the room, loveseats sat side by side and then to the rear were curtained booths fitted with a bed in each.

“This is great, I like this room,” I divulged as I watched the close up of a man’s large and erect penis sliding into a freshly waxed vagina.

A few couples were situated at the front of the room and each woman was sat straddled across their partner’s laps, riding them hard.

I glanced towards the back at the booths and cringed as I saw Liv straddled across Nate’s legs on a bed, bobbing up and down in fury. “Okay, I need to leave this part William. I really don’t want to watch my friends having sex.” I cringed and hoped to God they hadn’t seen me. He chuckled but nodded and led me out of the room and back into the bar.

“We do have other areas Ava, but I’ll leave those as a surprise for when you visit with Mason.” I smiled appreciatively and perched onto a bar stool.

The barman from earlier came over. “Would you like a drink, Miss?”

“I’ll have a cranberry and soda please,” I smiled and reached for my purse.

“No, Ava.” William scowled and turned to Beverley who had just approached. She leant into him and whispered something and he turned to me. “I’m so sorry Ava but I have to deal with something that needs my attention,” he said with an apologetic expression.

“No that’s fine William, thank you so much for your help,” I said sincerely and he nodded.

“We just have to wait now, Ava but I promise I’ll be in touch as soon as I have something for you.” He smiled and kissed my cheek. “Owen, could you keep an eye on Miss Stone until her friends return please.” He gave me another smile then left, flanked by Beverley.

I decided to text Kerrie as I waited for the ‘Humping Bunnies.’


Hi, just a reminder for Monday, I’ll pick you up at 4.


She replied saying that she hadn’t forgotten I was taking her as I text Nate to say I was ready when they were but I didn’t expect to see them for a while.

Then I text Courtney, dreading what I knew she would ask after my text.


Hey Hun, are you okay to attend my antenatal on Thursday? 1:00pm



That’s no problem babe but won’t Mason be going with you?



No xxx


Okay . . . I’ll ring you tonight!

Luv ya xxx

Well that went easier than I thought.

“You need another drink, Miss?” the barman asked as he perused me.

I shook my head. “Is it usually this quiet in here?” I asked as I looked around at the few scattered people.

“It’s early yet, we don’t busy up until about 11ish” he divulged as he wiped some glasses. I spotted Nate and Liv stroll through a door. She glanced up at me and blushed furiously.

I stood as they approached. “You okay?” I asked casually as I pretended to pay attention to my phone instead of her, trying to let her relax.

She nodded and Nate smiled. “Everything okay with you, Ava?”

I nodded. “Yeah, Williams offered his help,” I told him as we exited the club and he glanced at me with narrow eyes.

“What exactly is he helping you with, Ava?”

I shook my head slightly. “If I told you I’d have to kill you,” I said with fake sincerity.

He huffed and shook his head at me. “I’m worried about you, Ava,” he divulged as we climbed into his car.

“Don’t be Nate, honestly. I know what I’m doing.” He eyed me thoughtfully but nodded. “Oh is it okay if I finish about 3:30 on Monday? I’ve offered to take Kerrie to her chemo session because Mason seems to have conveniently forgotten about her and she’s been struggling.”

“What the hell has gotten into him lately?” he scowled and I shrugged.

“Damned if I know but he can get ready when he gets back,” I growled and Liv nodded in understanding.

“God help him,” Nate chuckled.

“God won’t fucking help him.”


THE NEXT WEEK dragged as I felt emotionally and physically drained after caring for Kerrie. After her chemotherapy on Monday she succeeded to explode from every orifice on her body for three days. She was upset, humiliated and horrifically ill and I silently cursed Mason for letting her struggle through like that.

She eventually settled back down and I moved back into the cottage on the Thursday, exhausted and heartbroken at what Kerrie had to go through.

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