The NSC Boxset: Heart of Stone (102 page)

BOOK: The NSC Boxset: Heart of Stone
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Kade was due back tomorrow and was here until the day after New Year. I was dreading seeing him, knowing I couldn’t continue sleeping with him now that I was back with Mason even if it was a secret relationship but I was terrified of hurting Kade. He was special to me, I knew he held a small portion of my heart and always would, but it was cruel to string him along further, especially after his overwhelming Christmas gift.

* * *

It was the Monday after Christmas and Nate called me into his office as soon as I approached my desk.

“Hey Ava, good Christmas?” he asked as he flipped through some documents on his desk.

“Wonderful, you?” I sighed happily and he looked up at me and narrowed his eyes.

“Mmm,” he murmured, regarding me curiously.

“What?” I asked, lifting my hands at him.

He cocked his head and narrowed his eyes. “For someone that is so in love with a man she can’t have, you seem utterly happy and sated.” He raised his eyebrows questioningly.

I shook my head slightly. “Does anything ever get past you?” I laughed as he gave me a ‘don’t be silly Ava’ expression and I grinned at him. “I got to spend three incredible whole days with my man.” I held a finger to my lips in a shushing motion. “It’s a secret though” I whispered.

He beamed at me. “I bet you had a very merry Christmas then, Ava.” He chuckled as I winked and nodded.

“Anyway, what did you want me for boss?” I asked, remembering he had called me in for a reason.

“Oh yeah, I have to go on a business trip to Belgium and I need you to attend.” He scowled at his phone, reading a text he had just received.

“Cool, when?” I asked excitedly but he was furiously texting back and hadn’t heard me.

“When Nate?” I asked again.

He looked at me and frowned. “What?” he asked in bafflement.

“The trip? When is it?” I said slowly.

“Oh right, yeah . . . tomorrow but we won’t be back until the 2
I’m afraid.” He cringed, aware he was ruining my New Year plans but I smiled slyly.

“That’s fine.”

His eyes widened in shock. “Really? I thought you might flatten me with it been through New Year.” He regarded me warily and I smiled back happily.

I couldn’t tell Nate that he had saved me from facing Kade before he returned to Italy. Kade was one of Nate’s closest friends and he wouldn’t be too happy with how I was hurting his friend.

“Yes, really,” I reassured, “however, you could return the favour.” I pouted my lips and fluttered my eyelashes at him.

His eyes narrowed immediately. “Why do I get the feeling I’m not going to like this.” He grimaced and I beamed at him.

“I need you to escort me on a night out.” I shrugged evasively and his eyes narrowed further.


I fidgeted nervously. “The Black Panther.” I cringed, waiting for my answer to sink in.

“What the hell, Ava? Why the hell do you want to go there?” he spluttered as a bead of sweat adorned his top lip. The thought that I wanted to visit a sex club had him sweating and I softened at his protective instincts for me.

“I need to see William Jackson, and take a look round but I can’t very well go on my own, can I?” I begged.

His eyes widened. “Can’t you get Mason to take you?” he asked, still cringing slightly.

“NO!” I barked and he flinched.

“I don’t understand, Ava. If Mason gets word that I took you to The Black Panther, my life won’t be worth living.”

I rolled my eyes. “We will just have to make sure he doesn’t find out then. I’m doing this for Mason, Nate, but he mustn’t find out otherwise he will put a stop to everything,” I pleaded.

He sighed at my distress. “Right, sit and fill me in.” He walked over to his unit and fixed us both coffee as I told him a much edited version of my plans, just telling him that I needed to ask a favour from William. And I hoped with my very essence that the owner of the sex club would take a huge risk and help me start the ball rolling with what I was preparing to do, something that would blow the whole Delaney versus Stone fight out of the water. I just hoped it wouldn’t be me that drowned.

I thought I had better text Mason to tell him I would be out of the country for a few days. If he turned up and I wasn’t there he would have a break down.


Hey baby, just to let you know I’m off to Belgium with Nate on a business trip until the 2

Love you xxx

I started work on some preparation documents for our trip as my phone rang, presuming it was Mason I answered without checking the caller display. “Hey Baby.” I grinned as I opened another document on the PC for printing.

“Hello, sweetheart” Kade breathed sexily down the phone. I cringed at my greeting to him.

“Hello you” I smiled, still happy to hear his voice.

“I haven’t been able to get in touch with you Ava, have you been avoiding me?” he asked, getting straight to the point.

My phone beeped alerting me to another call coming through. I checked the display to see it was Mason and I rolled my eyes, why were things never simple?

“Well I haven’t been avoiding you but . . . well we need to talk, Kade,” I said quietly. I heard his sigh. “It was way too inappropriate Kade,” I said gently, knowing he would understand what I was talking about.

He remained silent for a moment as my phone beeped again.

God damn it Mason, wait!

“Anyway listen,” I continued, ignoring his silence. “I have to go on a business trip and I don’t get back until the 2
so I’m not going to be able to see you.”

I heard a heavy exhale.
“Are you trying to avoid me?” he asked with a slight coolness in his tone and I winced.

“No Kade, Nate asked me this morning.” I bit my lip as my phone beeped again. Mason was going to be pretty pissed with me for not answering.

“I’ll be back tonight!” Kade said and abruptly ended the call.

What! Shit!

I groaned, rubbing my temples as I rang Mason.

“Why didn’t you answer?” he demanded as soon as he answered.

“Well hello to you too,” I bit. I could picture his scowl at my tone.

“Ava,” he warned and I poked my tongue out at him.

“I was already on the phone when you rang,” I explained.

“Who to?” he asked cautiously.

As if you don’t know!

“Kade,” I stated simply, deciding not to lie and I heard his hiss.

“Really?” he said icily.

“Yes Mason, I was trying to tell him it’s over but I didn’t get that far as he ended the call.” I had to be honest because if Mason found out I had hid Kade’s visit tonight he would suspect the worse. “Apparently he lands tonight so I’m expecting a visit and I’ll tell him then.” I grimaced, waiting for the anger.

“You will not fucking be alone with him!”

I huffed. “Mason . . .” I started.

“No. Fucking. Way. Ava” he growled and I sighed again.

“Will you just trust me” I snapped. I heard his heavy breaths.

“It’s not you I don’t trust!” he barked and my rage built at his insinuations.

“What do you think I’m gonna do Mason, roll over and spread my legs just because he asks me to?” I shouted and cringed when the line went dead.

Shit, shit, shit!!! Stupid Ava, very stupid!

I huffed and got back to work.

“Ava!” Nate shouted through the door.

“Yeah?” I shouted back.

“Come in here a minute will you?”

I walked in and found him frowning at his monitor. “What this?” he asked and I leaned in to look at his monitor.

I read the document and grimaced. “Oh god, it’s a letter from Iain Scott asking for another meeting. How come this went into your inbox instead of mine?” I asked puzzled.

“That’s what . . .” He didn’t finish as his eyes widened at something behind me.

I turned and found Mason glaring at me, the usual glint of anger in his eyes, his tight fists and twitching jaw.

He stalked across the room, never shifting his gaze from me and grabbed the top of my arm. “I need to borrow Ava, Nate” he barked. Nate just nodded.

I glared at my treacherous boss. He shrugged at me as a very angry Mason pulled me across the reception area and into an empty conference room, locking the door behind him.

He stood, his eyes narrowed and his teeth furiously biting his bottom lip.

“Would you like to repeat what you said on the phone, Ava?” he said slowly, his breathing calm and steady but I knew him too well to take it as a sign of composure.

I shook my head. “No.” I swallowed.

“Well I would like you to, now we are face to face.” He cocked his head and raised his eyebrows.

“Well . . .”

My little finger was being chewed enough to draw blood. “Finger out” he barked and I flinched.

“Look Mason, I didn’t mean anything. I was just saying I wasn’t going to do anything with . . .” I didn’t finish as he took a step towards me and placed a finger under my chin, tilting my head back so he could look in my eyes.

“Repeat,” he growled and I gulped.

My heart was hammering away in my chest, adrenaline was coursing through my bloodstream and my mouth had suddenly gone dry. “I . . . I said . . . I wasn’t going to . . . roll over and open my . . . my . . . Uhh . . . legs for him.” I closed my eyes.

“Damn fucking right you won’t Ava, you’re mine. Do you understand?” He snarled and I nodded frantically. “And I don’t approve of the tone you used, you were facetious, sarcastic and degrading to yourself,” he finished and I nodded again.

He walked me backwards until my back was to the wall. “I will be with you tonight when he arrives.” He didn’t ask, just stated and I nodded again.

“Okay,” I squeaked.

He held my eyes and then pushed his groin into me, his hard erection ground into me. My traitorous body sprang to life and I moaned softly. He slammed his mouth over mine, kissing me hard and roughly. “You are mine,” he breathed. I nodded as his mouth latched onto my neck, his teeth biting and his mouth sucking.

His hands pushed up my skirt over my hips and he swiped his finger over me. “So wet for me, Ava,” he growled as he unzipped himself and freed his enormous cock.

“Legs round me, Ava” he demanded. I did as he asked.

His fingers parted my knickers and he speared me in one angry thrust. “Don’t come!” he ordered as he started to thrust angrily into me, his face tight against my neck.

What the hell?!

He grunted on each hard drive and within seconds he was exploding into me, biting my neck again.

He lifted me off him, smoothed my skirt back down and rearranged himself back into his trousers. I was gobsmacked and just stared at him with wide eyes and my mouth open.

“I’ll be at yours at seven.” He kissed my forehead tenderly and left the room. I stood immobile in the middle of the room, utterly stunned and astonished.

“I take it I have just been punished,” I murmured to myself as I made my way to the restroom to clean myself up and then flopped into my desk chair, still wide eyes and slightly shocked at his dominant behaviour.

Sometimes it was hot when he took control but I wasn’t sure what to make of this latest authority over me.

My body was still strumming with a disloyal arousal as Nate poked his head round the door. “You okay?” he asked carefully, grimacing at my shocked face.

I nodded and shrugged at the same time.

“He is rather possessive isn’t he?” he chuckled and then halted as I glared at him. “I’ll just . . .” he cringed and pointed to his office as he saw my eyes narrow on him and disappeared quickly.


I ARRIVED HOME about 6:30pm and sagged into the sofa. The first day back after Christmas was always tiresome, pregnant or not and I rested my head back into the soft cushioning of the couch.

“Baby, wake up,” Mason whispered into my ear. I slowly peeled my eyes open to be greeted by his huge smile. “Hey,” he chuckled.

“Wow, I guess I was tired.” I stretched and rolled my head round my neck.

“Busy day?” he asked as he made his way round to the back of me and proceeded to knead my aching shoulders.

“Oh god, that’s good,” I groaned as he planted little kisses to the nape of my neck.

“We friends?” he whispered in my ear as he nibbled on the lobe.

“Mmm,” I muttered.

I was now!

“Good.” He smiled. “I brought take-away” he declared, abandoning my shoulders but I didn’t pout, there was food somewhere. He chuckled as my eyes lit up. “Indian okay?” he asked and I beamed at him.


He disappeared and came back with plates, cutlery and cartons of yummy smelling curry, rice and naan bread and spooned portions onto plates for us.

“What time’s he due?” he asked without speculating more and I hunched my shoulders.

“No idea,” I answered around a mouthful of food. “This is really good.”

“How come you’re going away with Nate?” He peered at me as he took a swig from the bottle of beer he’d brought.

“It’s a new telecommunication contract he’s after, something to do with internet phone calls and new software. It’s Lucas Hunt’s contract but Nate’s got to go for some reason.” I shrugged and then narrowed my eyes on him. “You do know that me and Nate would never sleep together, don’t you?” I asked cautiously.

He nodded with a soft smile. “Yeah, I know.” He scooped more curry onto my plate and planted a soft kiss on my nose.

“Good,” I said, “He’s too in love with Liv and I’m too in love with you,” I assured him.

He took our plates and placed them on the table and pulled me onto his knee. “Ava, I trust you completely.” He settled his lips on mine, kissing me softly. “I owe you an orgasm,” he whispered in my ear as his fingers started opening the buttons on my shirt.

“Damn right you do,” I moaned as he smiled into my neck before latching on for the customary bite.

He pushed my shirt aside and mouthed my nipple through the lace of my bra. “You have beautiful breasts, Ava.” He nibbled at me as I felt his fingers slide up the inside of my thigh and sweep across my crotch. “So hot,” he mumbled against my breast.

I adjusted my position and hitched my skirt high to straddle him, sliding my groove over the erection in his trousers as I took his bottom lip between my teeth. His hands freed his stiff cock and before I knew it he was sliding into me. “Oh God,” I moaned as he gripped my hips and lifted me on and off him slowly.

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