His to Claim

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Authors: Sierra Jaid

Tags: #Fiction, #Paranormal & Urban, #Paranormal, #Romance, #romance adult, #romance series

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laine bolted.

Her feet scrambled zigzag towards the main door avoiding the general clutter of furniture she knew was there. But the man didn’t have her advantage in the dark. From behind her, she heard a thump followed by a muted curse.

Elaine hoped that gained her the precious seconds she needed to escape from the house and the vile clutches of this dangerous intruder. Once outside, she would bring the whole block down on him with her ear splitting screaming!

She reached the door, turned the knob, pulled at it.

A slice of light from the hallway streamed in. Yes!


The door closed in her face, and she, slammed against it.

No…! No. No!

Hopes dashed, fear hammered against her breast. She grappled to draw back the air that had left her at the impact. It seemed to her as though the intruder had pitched his entire weight after her to cut her flight.

Hands barred to her sides, Elaine tried fighting his hold with her meagre strength–all useless.

She was jammed between the door and this large man twice her size. To top it all off, this unproductive tussle was putting a serious constraint on her lungs already depleted of air.

She would have to say something, somehow try to persuade this man to let her go.

“Please.. Y..You wouldn’t find anything here. There’s nothing of va..value.”

A hard thrust of his lean hips against the plush rounds of her soft buttocks stole a gasp from her.

“I beg to differ.” A hoarse whisper wafted over her ear, its barely restrained anger evident.

And with terror, she found he was dangerously aroused. The brand of his burning erection, large and threatening, unmistakable behind her.

Oh, God, was she going to be raped?




(McBain Brothers Alpha Series)




Copyright 2014 © Sierra Jaid




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All Rights Reserved

Copyright 2014 © Sierra Jaid

No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without prior written permission of the author, except in case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.



This book is a work of fiction. Any names, characters, places, events and incidents either are a product of the author’s imagination, or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.


To Mom.

We learn what losing really is when we have lost that which we never dreamt could be lost.

Love You

Miss You..




drink my Champagne like a man. No’ like some silly lass sipping at pish with her nose scrunched and her wee pinkie wagging in the air!”

Elaine looked hard at the indignant face of her nemesis of seven long years. Neither his towering height, nor the heavy timber of his voice thickening into a brogue–proof of his lost equilibrium–least bit succeeded in intimidating her.

Changed into an old pair of worn jeans and sunny top, she had come downstairs to the twilight room after receiving an important call from New York on her cell to find him gulping down mouthfuls of McBain House’s best Champagne right from the bottle, much like the uncivilized brute he seemed with the scowl he always had reserved just for her.

The fine cut of his dove grey suit did nothing to sublimate the potent rawness his finer figure exuded. The chiselled face was blazing with the glint of his blue eyes. Hairs were so deep a brown they appeared black if not under the light of day. But this darkness was nothing compared to the black heart he carried in his chest.

Elaine, opposed to him, had milky white skin that seemed soft as whipped cream. Her delicate features complimented her smaller stature of five feet four inches with hair the colour of brewed chocolate. Big amber eyes set in hint of almond shapes mirrored the contempt turbulent inside her.

She had come to Scotland for a breath of fresh air, a change of scene, call it whatever one might, before she turned a new leaf in her sordid life.

But it hadn’t even been a full twenty-four hours yet when Trevor McBain, the bane of her life, followed her here as well.

His toxic presence effectively contaminated her delight in the untouched, rugged beauty of the Scottish Highlands. Sucked all the fun out of her stay at the imposing mansion in the lap of the great mountains.

“What are you doing here?” She tried to keep a levelled tone of voice, which was in itself a big feat since he never failed to bring her dander up.

He looked her down with an imperious glare.

From his height it certainly wasn’t hard for him to make someone feel small. And it rankled Elaine. Sometimes she got this bloodthirsty urge to chop his legs from his knees. But she feared, even then, he would tower over many–including her.

“Dae I ‘ave tae remind ye whose roof yer standing under? This place fo’ generations had belonged tae

He moved a little too close for her comfort, palling the welcoming warmth of the soft tangerine walls of the grand hall they were standing in. “And ‘sides, I should be putting that question tae, ye.” The hand holding the Champagne pointed a clean, masculine finger to the tip of her nose.

Elaine watched him take yet another infuriating swig from the bottle before continuing, “Sae, waif, what are
doing here?”

Waif, it rang over and over in her ears. She should have known he would throw that in her face. He had never missed an opportunity to remind her that she had been nothing more than white trash before his mother took her in, bringing her from a run-down orphanage–children’s home–to a real home. It hurt to hear that word, even a lifetime of hearing it wouldn’t lessen the pain.

She needed to hurt him back. This self-righteous…

“Yes, I’m under your roof. But I was living under your roof that day too, when you took advantage of a girl six years younger, and still underage! Forgetting it seems, Trevor McBain, isn’t just a flaw exclusive to

“Ye know how drunk I was.” His hiss couldn’t hide the grate of guilt simmering underneath.

Elaine pounced on it like a piranha for blood. “I hope that puny excuse helps you sleep at night.”

If the killing glare he was shooting her was anything to go by, then it became needless to say her barb had struck right where it counted most.

Well, good!
She was seething equally inside. And after the phone call she received earlier, it felt as though her world was coming to an end. And Elaine blamed him.

was the cause of all her miseries.

Oh, how she hated him! All the pain in her heart rose to brim as if raked with a pitchfork to bleed openly. It exhumed ghosts of those aphrodisiac dreams where his long lazy kisses, breathy strokes had kindled hopes of an innocent girl infatuated with him.

Trevor might not have given her florid words then, but his body had spoken how much he needed her, cared for her. Wave after wave of dizzying pleasure he gave Elaine that night was like an unspoken promise to love her for ever.


Elaine shuddered from these debilitating pictures seared in her mind as if they were from yesterday.

All lies. She had believed what she wanted to believe with the starry, desperate, pathetic naivety of a girl barely seventeen. And in return received what such an offense deserved–hurt and humiliation wading like a marauder to rob her of all her dreams of love and happiness.

Too strong and fierce emotions threatened to drown Elaine. She felt disoriented. Unable to distinguish past from present. Lost to what she wanted.

She wanted to hurl in his face the shards of her broken heart. She wanted him to take her in his arms and kiss her as if the hatred and petty squabbling of the long years had been nothing but a bad dream–wake her up from this nightmare.

If he hadn’t.. If she weren’t in..

The turmoil churning within her was proving beyond her control. And before she could judge the wisdom of her next action, her hands from either side lifted of their own volition to grab hold of his lapels.

“You.. stupid, stupid Scot.” With that rasped curse she pulled his big, tall frame down to meet her mouth.

The mere touch of his warm, unsuspecting lips cut her adrift from all anchors, opening a gateway of despairs to the long nights and lonely days she had spent burying her longing and yearning for him.

The dull thunk of the Champagne bottle hitting the expensive carpet was the last thing she registered of the world about when the gust of his violent fervour blew her off her feet.

Solid arms crushed her to him, forcing hers to come up and hold him closer. The mouth opening over hers was rough in its demand, still she pressed back, wanting more–their teeth grinding from the force of his invasion.

The molten heat from his tongue flowed down her insides bringing to life the lust and passion for long lying dormant.

Her breasts thrummed to it. Ached to be soothed. They wanted his rowdy hands, that electric tongue of his with an unbearable trill that strummed the strings to her heart. When he nipped at the soft inside of her bottom lip, beads adorning those perfect globes hardened, begging their share in his attention.

Trevor tilted Elaine’s jaw higher to better receive his kiss, increased the thrilling pressure, and she helplessly complied. Too much of him was inundating her. Even the air coming into her lungs was drawn from his fired breaths caressing her face. It sapped her of her will.

This weakness to his mere touch was her downfall. No one had ever come close to what he could do to her. Elaine’s one and only intimate knowledge of sex between two people had come from him. It was he, who had ever stoked and fed this consuming fire in her.

His reward in that game had been her virginity, while she lost everything of hers in the biggest gamble of her life.

In her twenty-third year, she was still not a day more experienced from her first sexual awakening. And this inadequacy she had never regretted more since it rendered her innately vulnerable and susceptible to the powers of his expertise. And he was exploiting this to his advantage now.

Trevor was playing havoc to her senses, and Elaine drifted like a twig in the dark currents of lust.

Only when her back touched a wall did she realise they had moved at all.

His hands seized her waist bringing their straining hips into fuller contact. Quivering breasts rubbed against the cool wide expanse of his suit that sinfully covered every inch of this tall, gorgeous man of over six feet.

It frustrated her, the barrier their clothes proved. She wanted more. More to melt in him, over him. Skin to skin.

Elaine ran her fingers through the silken waves of his hair. She felt the circle of his one arm take possession of her in a tight embrace, while the other slid a kneading hand down to her rounded bottom. The brand of that demanding hand even through her sturdy jeans singed its impression on her scintillating flesh.

An answering heat gushed her core, eliciting a whimper of ecstasy too long denied her.

Trevor’s groan of approval reverberated in her mouth. It rippled all the way down her spine so acutely, she couldn’t prevent her nails from clawing into the powerful lines of his shoulders.

Not a hair’s breadth separated the two. He kept her pinned between the wall and his solid frame. But then there was no other place Elaine wished to be more. When his hand snapped the button on her jeans, pulled the zip down, and stole inside her scarlet panty, trailing for the nub of her desire for him, she knew what he would find.

Slick, soft core clenched for his touch.

And when he gave it a delicious glide of his finger to savour,
Elaine was never this short on breath.

Thoughts clamoured in her mind, but nothing made sense.

Mercifully, he released her mouth, leaving it to pant in the fire of her own arousal. Though soon he found another sensitive spot in the delicate curve of her neck and shoulder to tease.

His mouth. Oh, that hand. She was falling headlong into a salacious ravine as Trevor’s fingers wove gossamer spell at the apex of her legs spread apart by a strong insinuating thigh.

Elaine’s joy at this languid pleasure, however, was perturbed by something shaking her from within, frantically trying to rouse her from a dream she was loath to abandon. She needed to think. Everything wasn’t right, yet nothing was wrong either.

“Christ, ye still feel like liquid heat in my arms, Elaine.” His lust thickened growl penetrated her desire hazed mind to hit in the dead centre of her consciousness.

Her eyes flew open.

The grand twilight hall with its domed ceiling and beautifully white panelled walls closed in on her under the onslaught of her disastrous past with this man. It annihilated within next seconds every decimal of foolish longing she had so unwisely let take her over.

Oh, how did I allow this to happen?

Tears threatened to betray the weakness she had always struggled to hide where he was concerned.

No, she hadn’t shed one tear then–at least not in front of any audience–and she wouldn’t now.
It was all because of that phone call that she was so out of sorts!

Elaine pushed at him as hard as she could manage with him plastered to her. It seemed Trevor didn’t feel a thing. She tried again, somehow harder this time. Her wiggling coupled with a spatter of girly punches must have finally made a mark, since he loosened his hold and let her step away from him.

“What the-”

Before he completed the sentence, Elaine hurled at him, “I hate you, Trevor McBain!”

A dam of resentment threatened to explode inside Elaine, wanting to recount him all the ways he had ever wounded her. But her dependable pride once again came to her rescue. Though how long it could take the battering pressure of her turbulent emotions was uncertain.

And Elaine would rather die than let Trevor know he held such power over her. He had ruined her once, but if things repeated themselves to end the way it did the last time, then nothing could save her. She would be destroyed for ever.

Elaine couldn’t look him in the eyes. Not right this minute, so she whirled on her heels and swept out of the hall.

Some would consider it cowardly. But she trusted in the wisdom of the old saying,
live today, fight tomorrow

Brilliant Strategy, one she was only too happy to adopt this minute.


laine might have believed herself safe behind the barred doors of her room, but the man left standing down in the hall was struggling–a trigger away from tearing after her. Every fibre in him was screaming to take what was

Things her body told Trevor couldn’t be a lie. She had wanted this.

Elaine had wanted


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