The McGilley Trilogy (13 page)

Read The McGilley Trilogy Online

Authors: B. J. Wane

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: The McGilley Trilogy
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“Just as you haven’t clocked nearly as many hours as I have shoveling manure.” Nonplussed at being called on his lack of social engagements, Donovan tilted his Pepsi to take a hefty swallow then almost choked on it when Colin spoke.

“No, nothing as awful as actually getting out in public and being nice to people. He needs a third for a ménage with his stalker, you know, to show her he’s not into relationships or women who don’t want to indulge in all his quirks.” Colin’s sarcasm didn’t put a dent in Donovan’s sudden interest or Brett’s determination.

Lowering the can, Donovan smiled at Brett. “The cute little black haired pink clad chick? Now, socializing with her would be no hardship, although, for the life of me, I don’t know what you have against her. She’s easy on the eyes, sexy as hell, willing and available. What more do you want?”

“Says the brother who only gets laid at the club and then only when his dick leads him there,” Brett responded dryly. “As for Kayla, again, she’s too young, not only in years but experience. Women her age will eventually want more than sex, and as you both are well aware, I have no intention of getting into a committed relationship again.”

Mitch joined them in time to hear Brett’s last comment. Taking a seat, he commented, “I kind of miss being in a relationship. There’s something to be said for having someone special in your life, especially if that someone is into kink. What’d I miss this time?”

“Brett’s next plan to push Kayla away.” Colin shuffled the cards before passing them to Mitch to cut.

Mitch smirked. “From what I witnessed last night, you’re fighting a lost cause. That girl’s a natural.”

“We’ll see,” Brett muttered darkly, irritated with the three of them for being right. “You in?” he asked Donovan.

“I’m in, now deal ’em.”

Kayla pulled into the parking lot at Casey’s just before ten with an anticipation that had been with her ever since Brett had issued his surprise invitation last week. After he had tried so hard to dissuade her from wanting him or his lifestyle, she had not expected him to want another night with her. Of course, the obvious reason for his benevolence was to once again try to turn her away from pursuing him or, barring his cooperation, an invitation from someone else to explore her newfound interest in alternative sex. Unfortunately for Brett, the more she was with him, the more she wanted him. That is, sex with him, she had to remind herself. Fortunately for her, he didn’t know that. She could’ve told him she’d back off from both him and visiting the club if she thought he really didn’t want her and was adamant about refusing her, but where would the fun be in that?

Stepping out of her car, she teetered on her three inch heels, already aching to slip out of them and her skin tight bright red mini dress, wondering if her dress would be off her as quickly as her shoes. Always before, she had chosen dancing first, sex second, as a way to relieve the stress and frequent ennui of her job at the end of a long week, but despite the automatic desire to start moving to the fast beat pulsing from Casey’s, her first choice tonight was sex. With

Brett. Upstairs. With an audience. Her nipples peaked achingly at just the thought, and her pussy, which seemed to be constantly wet lately, clenched with growing need.

As she entered Casey’s, her eyes automatically seeking out Brett’s tall body and dark, mahogany hair, she couldn’t help but wish she was entering with him, despite the fact that she hadn’t heard from him all week, and he made it clear this wasn’t a date by having her meet him here again. Since he had told her to meet him at ten instead of eight like last week, she assumed they were going straight upstairs instead of enjoying the buffet and a drink with light conversation first, another hard reminder of why she was here tonight, with him. Steely arms circled her from behind and she was pulled back against a familiar, equally hard body.

“Ready to go upstairs?” Brett asked without any preamble, his lips close to her ear.

Kayla nestled her ass closer to the bulge she felt poking her and thought if she was any more ready she’d beg him to fuck her right here, right now. “Lead the way,” she answered, smiling expectantly up at him.

Brett took her hand and once again led her to the private elevator that whisked them upstairs. He had thought long and hard about her this week, most of the times because he simply couldn’t help it, which is what made him conclude he had made a mistake last week by giving in to the vulnerability her innocence had let show. Making concessions for her inexperience, despite the fact that she had pursued this course, was the reason she was back here tonight instead of out with her friends where she belonged. Tonight, he wouldn’t make that mistake.

As soon as they entered the club they were met by Donovan, who greeted Kayla with a warm smile. “Hey, sweetie, it’s nice to see you again.”

Brett’s brother was maybe an inch shorter than him, but had a bulkier build with bulging arms and thighs that looked as big as tree trunks, muscles she suspected he had amassed more through hard, physical labor than working out at a gym. “Hi, Donovan. I didn’t see you last week.”

“I’m not here as often as my brothers,” he replied without any embellishment. Sliding a look at Brett, he added, “Tonight, I’m here by request, a request I’m looking forward to.”

Brett had remained quiet, letting Donovan break the ice, but now he took the lead, determined to stay on course and not be deterred by a pair of guileless blue eyes and a body he seemed to crave more instead of less no matter how many times he had taken her.“Strip,” he instructed, noting that several members in the full crowd were looking their way. That was one reason why he had her meet him later tonight, to make sure their audience was at its peak as well as not to lead her on about expecting this to be about anything but sex.

Arms folded, his grey silk shirt sleeves rolled up to his elbows, revealing those strong forearms, he looked down at her with nothing but lust showing in those green eyes. Much like he had at the lake and at his office, all his shields were up and seemingly implacable, but much like those previous times, Kayla could also see how much he wanted her, still, which made it easy for her to comply. If he thought having Donovan standing so close, observing, waiting for whatever Brett had planned would send her right back out the door, he thought wrong. She had waited all week for this, craved it, and him, to the point of distraction even at work, something she had never been plagued with before.

Without a word and only a twinge of self-consciousness, she removed her clothes as she kept her eyes on his and not on Donovan whom she knew was watching with as close a scrutiny as Brett. The heated look in both men’s eyes as they blatantly eyed her nudity warmed her faster than one of her scalding hot showers and spiked her arousal as effectively as if they were touching her physically. By the time she stood before them completely naked, the arousal she saw swirling in their identical eyes mimicked what she felt straining for release inside her. Donovan winked at her and then took his time slowly looking her over, his gaze lingering on her hard tipped breasts before moving leisurely down her clenching abdomen to take note of the damp curls shielding her pussy. Brett maintained an air and look of indifference, which would have hurt if it wasn’t for the blatant hard ridge of his cock straining against his slacks. If she wasn’t convinced he was still fighting against wanting her, a fact reinforced by that telltale sign of his lust for her, she might have considered ending this night before it began.

Whistling softly, Donovan turned his gaze to Brett, remarking simply, “Nice.”

Grabbing her hand, Brett pulled Kayla forward, for once unable to read what was going through that pretty head. “Kayla, Donovan, will be joining us tonight.” He watched her closely, gauging her reaction as she realized he intended to share her with his brother.

As his meaning sunk in, Kayla had a moment of hesitation. Joining meant participating, not just watching, and her first reaction was denial. She knew without a doubt she wanted to be with Brett, wanted to try new, erotic things she had only fantasized about, wanted to experience more of those orgasms that seemed to go on forever and threatened her sanity, but she had no desire to explore those avenues with anyone else, at least not right now.

She looked from Donovan, who just stood quietly and watched her closely, to Brett, just in time to catch a look of satisfaction on his face before he could mask it.
A test
, she thought. He was still determined to drive her away, supposedly for her own good. It was time to show him she was a woman who could make up her own mind about what, and who she wanted, not the kid he kept referring to her as.

Smiling gamely at both men, she answered simply, “Okay.”

Aw, shit
, Brett thought, seeing that look on her face. He should have remembered he wasn’t dealing with an empty headed bimbo, but instead a head strong young woman whom he hoped didn’t just bite off more than she could chew. Altering his plans only slightly but maybe just enough to show her she didn’t always get what she wanted, he took her hand and nodded at Donovan.

“Let’s go to the bedroom then.”

This week, Kayla was slightly more comfortable walking through the main room completely naked and she figured a few more times and she wouldn’t think anything of it. That is, if Brett asked her back again after tonight. There were two women and a man occupying the first bed when they entered the room simply labeled ‘The Bedroom’, and two couples that looked like they had shifted together to make a happy foursome on the end one, leaving the middle bed open.

As Donovan sat on the end of the bed, Brett wrapped his arm around Kayla’s soft waist and once again pulled her back against him. Hoping he wasn’t making a colossal mistake, in more ways than one, he casually ran his palm over her distended nipples as he said, “Have I told you that I like watching almost as much as I like being watched, Kayla?”

Shivering in his arms, Kayla tilted her head back to look up into his composed face then turned to look at Donovan who just returned her look with a small half smile. “No, I didn’t know that about you.”

“Now you do. I want you to bend over Donovan’s lap for your first spanking and we’ll go from there.”

Kayla didn’t know how she felt about this turn of events, but she did know Brett was pushing her and she wasn’t ready to give up on him. Those two truths paired with the growing excitement she was experiencing, led her to comply more easily. Without looking at Brett, she moved to Donovan’s side and slowly lowered herself over his hard as rock thighs. The instant vulnerability her position put her in was quickly put aside with the feel of Donovan’s hard, calloused palm cupping her right buttock. Her eyes flew up to Brett’s in time to see his flare with some emotion she couldn’t define as he watched his brother knead her ass.

Kayla was unable to stifle the moan that slipped out when Donovan’s hand explored every inch of her ass, alternating from rough kneading to soft caresses until she was writhing on his lap and her legs were shifting apart in needy expectation. She didn’t know if it was Brett’s unwavering scrutiny or Donovan’s experienced hand that had ratcheted her arousal to a feverish pitch despite the reluctance she had first experienced when she heard Brett’s plan to share her, but with the first light swat, she simply quit questioning and started enjoying.

Brett had shared women before and it was no big deal, which was why the kick to his gut he felt watching Donovan explore the enticing globes of Kayla’s ass was as surprising as it was unwelcome and only reaffirmed his determination to end this with her one way or another tonight. The slight pink mark on her cheek drew a startled gasp from her and he caught her eyes with his as he sent her a knowing smile.

“Watch me, Kayla,” he rasped roughly as Donovan smacked her again, this time a little harder, the ensuing mark a little redder. Brett slowly lowered his zipper over his raging erection and smiled wider as Kayla watched him avidly while lifting for each of Donovan’s swats. Fisting his cock, he shifted his focus to her ass again, afraid if he watched that expressive, aroused face much longer, he’d cave before this began.

Within a few minutes, the sounds of fucking coming from the other two beds in the room were drowned out by the echo of the steady slaps on bare flesh and her soft cries of rising pleasure, a pleasure so intense she was more than ready for Brett’s next order.

The sight of him slowly stroking his hard flesh, the tip oozing with pleasure, was as erotic as the warm feel of her ass and the way the burn Donovan had raised could be felt in her pussy, making it pulse achingly. “Brett,” she whimpered, unsure what she should ask for. She needed him, them, to move on, take over and ease this ache they were both responsible for.

“She’s soaking,” Donovan drawled when his hand slid smoothly down her crease and one finger slid easily between her swollen lips. Lifting her easily, he cradled her on his lap then delved between her thighs again, his eyes watching for her reaction. “You have a delectable ass, sweetie. Almost as delectable as this pretty pussy, and now, almost as hot.”

While his words, look and fingers were arousing, Kayla quickly glanced towards Brett, needing that connection before she could allow herself to fully enjoy the pleasure Donovan was giving her.

God damn it, Brett cursed when she turned those questioning eyes up to him. What the hell was it about this woman that made him want to give in to her each and every fucking time? Kayla had been upfront and honest with him from the first night they met, what she didn’t reveal with words she did with her open expressions. And right now her look was telling him that, despite liking the way Donovan was making her feel, it was still him she wanted. Wishing his resolve was as easily hardened against her as his dick was for her; he tried one more time to dissuade her.

“Kneel before Donovan, Kayla, and take him into your mouth. Make him feel as good as he’s making you feel right now.” His gaze moved to where Donovan was slowly pulling two very wet fingers from her pussy.

How she could be disappointed and excited at the same time was beyond her, Kayla thought as she slid to her knees between Donovan’s spread thighs and reached for his zipper.
Damn the man
, she cursed silently as she struggled to lower the zipper over Donovan’s straining cock without hurting him. She’d enjoy this new experience much more if the underlying purpose behind it wasn’t to drive her away. Vowing to get the most of this night from here on out and to concentrate on nothing but the pleasure, she wrapped one hand around Donovan’s thick length, cupped her other under his balls and lowered her head to take him in. It was time for pleasure and if she managed to get a little payback in the mix, then the pleasure would be that much more memorable.

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