The McGilley Trilogy (14 page)

Read The McGilley Trilogy Online

Authors: B. J. Wane

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: The McGilley Trilogy
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Leaning back on his hands, Donovan groaned loud and long as Kayla sucked him like there was no tomorrow. Remembering how those lips felt around his own cock, how her warm, wet mouth brought him to the peak of climax within minutes, Brett was beginning to think he was a fucking idiot. Watching her release Donovan’s cock and slowly lick his length, move around his plum shaped head with a curl of her tongue then lap up the fluid seeping from his slit, her soft moans of pleasure indicating her pleasure, was more than he could stand. With visible effort, he slowed his own strokes on his flesh as they both watched Kayla’s silky dark hair tease Donovan’s thighs as it shielded her face. Reaching down, Donovan brushed one side back behind her ear then let his head fall back on another guttural moan.

“Son of a bitch, Brett, I’m not going to last if you don’t stop her.”

But Brett had no intention of dragging out this torture any longer than he had to. Kneeling behind Kayla, he ran his hand over her still warm, still pink cheeks before thrusting two fingers into her sopping cunt. Satisfied she was more than ready, he covered himself, grasped her hips and thrust into her with one hard, deep stroke.

Kayla shuddered at the feel of him filling her again, moaned around the hard shaft stretching her mouth, and embraced the pleasure to be had from two men. When Donovan reached forward and cupped her breast, that large hard hand kneading her softer flesh then tweaking her sensitive nipple just as Brett rooted out her clit and pressed it against his pummeling cock, she felt the small tremors that heralded her climax and greeted them with a soft cry muffled by Donovan’s now spasming, spewing cock. As best as she could while her senses were threatening to spiral out of control, she continued to suck him until his cock grew semi hard and slipped from her mouth.

“Now, Kayla,” Brett ground out harshly from behind her as he increased his thrusts and the pressure on her clit until she was screaming in pleasure, her face buried in Donovan’s lap, his fingers pulling tautly on her nipples. Within seconds of feeling her vaginal walls clamping around him, her cream soaking his cock, he too came with a shout, his release just as strong, just as heady as every other time he had taken her.

Chapter Eight

By the time Brett politely told Susan he wouldn’t be spending the night when he dropped her off at her place the following Saturday night, he had come to the irrefutable conclusion that he had fucked up royally where Kayla was concerned. He hadn’t heard from her all week and by the time the charity auction had rolled around tonight, he found himself admitting he had missed her surprise visits more than he should have. He spent the past four hours with Susan, a tall slender blonde whose company, and body, he had enjoyed on previous occasions when he needed a date for some function or another. She was smart, nice and best of all, completely career oriented and not interested in anything from him beyond an occasional night out and a few hours of uncomplicated sex. She wasn’t into anything kink, in fact, Brett could no more imagine her willing to drape herself over his lap for an old fashioned spanking than he could imagine Kayla dressed in a conservative, simple black gown such as the one Susan wore tonight.

He had hoped that being out tonight, socializing with friends he didn’t see that often, and sparring with Susan over court cases they never saw eye to eye on since she worked for the prosecutor’s office, would help put aside the urge to call Kayla that seemed to grow with each day that passed and there was no sign or word from her. He had escorted her to her car last weekend and bid her good-night without any promises or invitations to meet up with her again, fully intending that to be their last time together. Instead of being relieved at her silence, however, he had found himself waiting anxiously, even hopefully, each day to see her pop up somewhere unannounced and uninvited, wearing some bright garment, grinning mischievously and doing her best to seduce him or wheedle another invite to the club from him. When it dawned on him she was doing exactly what he had wanted her to do from the beginning, relinquishing her pursuit of him, he was irritated to find it made him anything but happy.

And now, after spending the evening imagining Kayla in Susan’s place, how she would stand out among the boring, conservatively dressed women, how her laughter wouldn’t seem feigned but infectious and how the evening would end with the promise of wild, no holds barred sex instead of pleasant, but boring intercourse, he came to the conclusion that, despite his misgivings, there was more between them than sex and he wanted to explore the possibility of finding out just how much more.

Ever since the night he met her a month ago, Brett had been worried about their age difference, the big gap in their sexual experiences and most importantly, that Kayla would want more from him than a night or two of kinky sex. He never considered he would be the one to want more, that picturing her at a formal function such as the one tonight would make him smile, that watching her bend over his brother’s lap, enjoy an erotic spanking from him then obeying his command to suck Donovan’s cock would give him the first taste of jealousy he had experienced since discovering his wife’s infidelity or that he would actually miss her impromptu visits.

Thinking of Kayla and Donovan, he was reminded of something Donovan had said about getting wounded and captured, that he had been so busy dodging bullets he never saw the one coming that mattered. Just as Brett had never seen the impact that Kayla would have on him until it was too late.

The McGilley reputation as responsible, successful horse breeders had been tarnished by Casey’s wild, philandering ways and since his death, it had been Brett’s responsibility to build it back up, up to him to make a good social impression at public functions. The excellent horseflesh they produced spoke for itself, but by proving the three of them were more responsible and took a personal interest and hand in the breeding, raising and training of their horses, their thoroughbreds went from being second and third choices among buyers to now being some of the most sought after in the state. Being seen regularly with a woman so much younger than him, so flamboyantly out there, would remind people of their father, his reputation for negligence, and possibly make them draw an erroneous assumption that he was following in his father’s footsteps.

Brett didn’t care. By the time he had taken Susan home, left without spending a few hours rolling around in the sheets with her, he had decided he wanted a chance to see if there could be something between him and the young woman who had captured his interest, and possibly his heart, the woman he had sworn was all wrong for him but who just might be perfect for him.

For the eighth morning in a row, Kayla woke Sunday cursing herself for being just as naïve as Brett had said she was then damned herself for a fool when she opened the paper to the society page. As if discovering last week that she wanted more from Brett than a few nights of kinky sex and falling for him hook, line and sinker wasn’t bad enough, she now had just one of the reasons he had been right in insisting she was all wrong for him staring her in the face. The black and white photo of him in a tux with a tall blonde in a conservative black evening gown did nothing to hide how right they looked together, how appropriately they were matched, a match that, she was sure, was meant to give a good impression.

A sucker for punishment, she poured herself another cup of coffee, grabbed another cinnamon roll and read the article on the American Saddlebred Horse Association’s big annual fundraiser. Reading about who all had attended from Kentucky’s top breeders to the mayor to the wealthiest business owners, the women dressed in gowns she wouldn’t be caught dead in, drove home the fact she wasn’t suited to be anything to Brett McGilley except an occasional fuck buddy. At one time, that was exactly what she had wanted, all she wanted, but somewhere along the way, she had fallen for the man who had stepped in and run off Stephen when he refused to take no for an answer even though Brett wanted nothing to do with her, the man who reluctantly gave in to her each time she had shown up without an invitation, the man who had given her body what it had been craving while being careful not to trample on sensibilities that were fragile due to her inexperience. A man, who despite her protests to the contrary, was all wrong for her.

Seeing the kind of woman who could enhance his image and that of their farm, the kind a man like Brett would be proud to parade on his arm while hobnobbing with the city’s elite has been an eye opener just as much as Brett’s silence this past week. Vowing not to chase after him again even though she had been acutely disappointed last week when he had sent her home without an invitation to return last night, Kayla spent the past week trying to convince herself to move on. She had gone out last night with Beth and Monica whom she hadn’t seen in three weeks, but had spent the entire evening wondering what Brett was doing, if he was at their club, who he was fucking. Looking back at the picture, she tortured herself by imagining them together last night, possibly still together this morning. That image made it suddenly dawn on her that of the five times she had had sex with Brett, she hadn’t seen him completely naked once. The furthest he managed to get was to release his cock from his pants, apparently the only part of him he had been willing to share from the beginning, another eye opening bitter truth for her to suck up and swallow.

Last night, she had tried to drown her sorrows, her stupidity and her lust for a man who didn’t want her by doubling up on her drinks, thankful that her friends had walked her home. But all that had gotten her was a hangover this morning that several cups of strong coffee and three sweet rolls hadn’t fixed and a mental kick in her ass for being an idiot. When her throat clogged up as she found herself wondering once again if Brett had spent the night with his date last night, she resolutely vowed to move on as stoically and quickly as possible and chalk up the past few weeks to a temporary lapse of sanity.

Her mental chastisement was interrupted by her phone and without thinking to check the caller ID, intent on just quieting the stupid thing, she answered with a terse, “Hello.”

“Good morning, little one. Did you get up on the wrong side of the bed?”

Hearing Brett’s deep voice surprised her for a moment but not enough to prevent a shiver of sexual awareness to spread through her, her response enough to make her groan before answering irritably, “You could say that. And it’s twelve ten, so officially it’s not morning anymore.”

“Yet you sound like you just got up. I won’t keep you; I just wanted to extend another invitation to join me at the club next weekend for our Halloween party. I hope this gives you enough notice to come up with a costume.” After spending the past few weeks trying to deter Kayla from pursuing him, Brett didn’t think she would believe he had a change of heart that easily. He was hoping to surprise her next weekend by inviting her back to his place to spend the night, the first step in seeing how far either of them was willing to explore this relationship. If she agreed, he planned to take her out Sunday to one of his favorite restaurants, a very posh, expensive place that had a dessert menu he thought she would literally drool over.

His invite came as a surprise, and as much as she wanted to say yes, all she had to do was glance at the picture in the paper again to remind her of all the reasons she needed to turn him down. “Thank you, Brett, but I don’t think that would be a good idea.”

Puzzled, Brett asked, “Why? Do you have other plans?”

Because she had no one to blame but herself for her current predicament, Kayla felt she owed Brett an explanation, and she had never had a problem admitting when she was wrong. “You were right, I never should have chased after you the way I did. This past week I’ve decided I do want more from a relationship than sex, despite how much I enjoyed everything you did, and since I know that’s all you’re offering, you’d be better off asking someone else.” The thought of him doing just that sent a pang through her, one she ruthlessly ignored. “I’m sorry and I promise I won’t bother you anymore. Good-bye, Brett.”

Brett listened to the abrupt sound of the dial tone and shook his head in bemusement.
Wouldn’t you know it
, he thought ruefully. He finally succumbed to Kayla’s charm and admitted to wanting to explore broadening their relationship only to have her shoot him down. He realized now that he should have asked her out first, or over to his place instead of the club again. By limiting the invite to the club, she naturally assumed he meant a repeat of the past two weeks instead of a new start for them. When he tried calling her back several times throughout the day and got no answer, he realized it was going to have to be him who went chasing after her this time.

Pulling into the City Building’s parking lot the next afternoon, Brett spotted Kayla’s bright green VW right away. Frustrated at not being able to get hold of her by phone again all day yesterday, he had decided he’d just plant himself by her car until she got off work this afternoon. Having admitted and come to terms with not only his desire for Kayla’s body, but for wanting a chance to see if there could be more between them than sex, he was anxious to see her again.

When people started emerging from the County Appraisers office, Brett got out of his car and strolled over to lean negligently against Kayla’s car, his eyes searching for a brightly clad woman with an infectious smile, but after ten minutes there still was no sign of her. Since her car was here, he assumed she had come in today, but the last woman to have exited the building was dressed in a conservative, knee length grey skirt, matching jacket and pinstriped blouse. As she headed his way, Brett straightened away from her car, his eyes widening in surprise.

Black hair pulled back into a knot, small silver hoops adorning ears that usually sported larger, longer and brighter jewelry, blue eyes hidden behind black framed glasses, Brett wouldn’t have recognized her yet if it hadn’t been for those legs showcased in two inch black heels. He’d know those legs anywhere.

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