Read The McGilley Trilogy Online

Authors: B. J. Wane

Tags: #Erotica

The McGilley Trilogy (8 page)

BOOK: The McGilley Trilogy
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“God damn it, Kayla. I don’t have any protection with me.” As he made to withdraw from her, she clamped her silky inner walls around his shaft, making him shudder in longing and regret.

“Don’t you dare. I mean it, Brett.” Kayla once again lifted her head, this time to glare at him. His cock was pulsing inside her, filling her so deep she felt him against her womb, and if he withdrew now she knew she wouldn’t survive it. “I’m on the pill, I swear it. And I’m safe. I’ve never allowed a guy to fuck me bare back, but I want you to. Please, please don’t stop.”

If she had been any other woman, he wouldn’t have trusted her, but she had been nothing but open and honest about what she wanted from him, and what she wanted was sex. Even though she was as mischievous and as guileless as a toddler, he wasn’t going to take any chances. Since he didn’t know if he could stop now even if a freight train came bearing down on them, that left him one other option.

“I’ll pull out just to be sure,” he told her as he pushed all the way back into her again, the relief on her face making him smile. “Hold on, this is going to be hard and fast,” he warned her before pulling out and thrusting forcefully back in before she could catch her breath.

Kayla had no choice but to drop her head back down and brace herself as best as she could against the onslaught of his pummeling cock. Over and over he rammed into her, his hands hard on her hips, holding her still for his invasion. The only sounds were the slapping of their bare flesh as their hips came together and their mingled groans of effort and ecstasy. She felt him quicken, felt his cock swell and jerk as the first tremors of her climax pulled at him. With a move so fast and smooth she barely registered it, he pulled out of her and she felt the warm splash of his seed on her buttocks. Within seconds, she was spiraling out of control, her pussy clamping around the fingers that had replaced his cock, each spasm more pleasurable than the last until she felt drained and was left sprawled flat out on the blanket, her body relishing the relief from her two orgasms.

Chapter Five

Brett entered Casey’s a few hours later, his body sated but his conscience in turmoil. Ever since the three of them were old enough to learn of the reason for Casey and their mother, Maryann’s divorce, they vowed not to be like him. Casey’s lack of fidelity and responsibility when it came to sex, his inability to keep it in his pants, made the three of them even more cautious when it came to their sexual encounters. Other than his wife, he had never taken a woman bare back, had never broken their cardinal rule, no condom, no sex, which was just another reason why his lapse with Kayla earlier today bothered him and what had drove him to scrub her phone number off the back of his hand as soon as he hit the shower.

The back of his hand still tingled from where Kayla had written her number and he had scrubbed it off. Damn it, he thought irritably, nothing had changed just because he had given in and fucked her again. She was still too young, still too inexperienced to suit his needs despite the lessons he had subjected her to, still too naïve to enter into a relationship with him and not eventually want and expect more than sex from it.

After discovering Linda, his wife of three years, had been involved in an affair for six months, Brett had sworn off relationships that went beyond casual friendship and sex. There were a few women he liked that he escorted to different social and charitable functions and had a casual sexual relationship with, women in their thirties who were career driven and didn’t want or expect anything else from him, who looked good on his arm and helped defuse some of the rumors that ran rampant about the McGilley’s. Then there were the women who gave credence to those rumors, who frequented their private space upstairs and wanted nothing but the extra kink he and his brother’s lifestyle could give them, experienced women who were looking for nothing more than a sexual release they couldn’t achieve with a vanilla lover.

Then there was Kayla with her outrageous wardrobe, her carefree, open flirtations that were somehow cute instead of annoying and her wide eyed innocence. Traits that could be endearing but were in no way compatible with him, which was why he had removed her phone number from his hand, removing the temptation before he gave in to it as easily as his cock had sunk into her tight, soft as silk pussy. The feel of her warm, wet vaginal walls enveloping his bare cock still had the power to drive him crazy hours after he had splashed his seed on those round plump cheeks. With a determination he vowed wouldn’t be broken, he shoved that memory aside and strode across the now quiet club which was closed on Sundays to join Mitch and Donovan seated at a round table preparing for their weekly poker game.

“Where’s Colin?” he asked as he pulled out a chair and sat down.

“Olivia called earlier. Her hot water heater is leaking and she asked if he would look at it,” Donovan answered as he took a swig of his Pepsi.

“Great,” he muttered on a long, suffering sigh. Olivia Hammond, widow of Colin’s best friend and former partner at the Sheriff’s department, was the one woman Colin wanted above all others and the one he couldn’t have for reasons he refused to tell his brothers. “That means he’s going to be in a shitty mood when he gets here.”

“Bite me,” Colin said from behind him as he took a seat in the remaining empty chair.

Recalling that Donovan had uttered those same words to Brett earlier today, he drawled sarcastically, “You two need to get laid more often.”

“Speaking of getting laid, what happened between you and Kayla this afternoon? You stabled Diablo and high tailed it back to your place so fast, I didn’t get a chance to gloat,” Donovan asked with all the innocence of a career criminal.

“What’d I miss?” Mitch took a long pull of his beer, eyeing the brothers over the bottle with a glint in his brown eyes. Not only was he a long-time friend of the McGilley’s, especially Colin, he was the assistant manager of Casey’s and a frequent patron of the second floor amenities.

“Nothing,” Brett snapped. The last thing he wanted to do was give any of them more reason to tease him about Kayla’s infatuation with him. Glaring at Donovan but including all of them in his look, he said, “I don’t want any of you pushing her towards me, got it? That girl doesn’t need any help pushing my buttons. In case you hadn’t noticed, I’m trying to discourage her, not lead her on.”

“But, it’s so much fun watching you flounder with a woman for the first time.” Colin grinned wickedly at Brett.

Narrowing his eyes, Brett threatened softly, “Remember, what’s good for one of us is good for all. I would be happy to start meddling in your personal business. How’s Olivia?”

Mitch, seeing Colin switch from teasing to stiff anger, quickly jumped in. “Since Donovan practically has no personal life with women, it wouldn’t be fair, so what do you say we play cards and forget about the opposite sex for this evening.”

“I’m for that,” Donovan quickly agreed before they could start harping on him again because they thought he kept to himself too much.

Brett smiled and relaxed. The three of them each had their demons to fight when it came to personal issues involving women. As close as brothers could be, there were certain things best left resolved without interference from siblings. “I believe you owe me a pot, Donovan, and I intend to collect tonight. Any leads on the vandalism?”

Donovan filled Mitch in on the mess at the stables before answering, “None. I hate to suspect one of the students, but I will definitely be keeping a close eye on them.”

“All four were in here last night. Arrived around eight and it was after midnight when they left together,” Mitch said as he dealt.

“That doesn’t mean one of them couldn’t have snuck away from the bunk house, did the deed and snuck back in without the others knowing, especially if they’d been drinking.” If one of the young college students employed by them was responsible, Brett hoped it was an isolated incident encouraged by alcohol. He didn’t like to think one of those young men harbored that kind of anger towards Donovan or the McGilley name. There was also another explanation they had to consider.

“Don’t forget about Paul Monroe. The police still haven’t caught him and he did swear revenge against me at the end of his trial.” Thankfully, Paul’s ex-wife, Sheila, and their son hadn’t seen any sign of him, which meant their location was still safe.

“We’ll all keep an eye out for anyone or anything suspicious. Odds are it was just a random act by kids who got lucky at finding the security cameras,” Colin said. “For now, though, I’ll take two.”

Kayla cranked up her stereo as loud as she dared in her apartment, donned a pair of bike shorts and sports bra and started her warm up with slow undulations of her hips and shoulders, trying to empty her mind of everything but the music. Two years ago, she had taken up belly dancing as a form of exercise thinking it made the most logical choice because she had always loved all forms of dancing. At the time she had started classes, she had no idea the benefits not only included a fun, full body workout, but also an effective way to empty her mind of plaguing thoughts, to take her mind where nothing exists but you, the music and your response to it.

Tonight, her mind refused to dismiss the one plaguing thought that wouldn’t let go. He hadn’t called. Last weekend, before Brett could tell her to go home and behave, she had quickly grabbed his pen out of his shirt pocket and scrawled her cell phone number on his hand, simply saying, ‘I’m free next weekend if you want to get together’. She had dressed just as quickly and left without a backward glance, driving away with Brett’s silence ringing in her ears.

By Wednesday evening, when she hadn’t heard from him, she gave in to temptation and looked him up. An hour later, after surfing for anything and everything she could find about the McGilley’s, especially Brett, she wished she had simply forced herself to forget him and move on, because now she wanted him even more than she had before.

The small notice announcing his divorce eight years ago somewhat explained his reluctance to get involved as she assumed it was a bitter pill for him to swallow. She imagined he wasn’t a man who took personal failure lightly and a divorce would definitely fall into that category. The free work he did for abused spouses and children she had unearthed made her realize there were layers to this man that she could really go for, other than the awesome sex that led to equally awesome climaxes. There were a few pictures of him in the society pages attending functions only the elite of society were privy to, always with a tall, gorgeous woman on his arm dressed head to toe as elegantly as she dressed flamboyantly, a glaring red flag that told her just how unsuited she was for anything but sex with this man.

Sex, she reminded herself when her mind refused to empty thoughts of him, that’s all she wanted from him so it didn’t matter that they weren’t suited for anything else. Mind blowing, orgasmic inducing sex that left her too sated to think of anything else. Increasing the fluid movements of her hips in a circular fashion, her thoughts refused to let go of the heated look of lust on Brett’s face and in his eyes as he had looked upon her nakedness. Picturing herself dancing for him, the sensual response she always had to her movements felt frustratingly more sexual now and the pleasure she usually got from her workout was marred by a desire that refused to be shoved aside.

Kayla arose the next morning grateful that she had taken a day of vacation today. The unseasonably warm weather was still hanging around and she was going to spend the day doing the second thing she loved best, shopping. Having sex with Brett had moved into slot number one and she was hoping that pampering herself with a day off doing nothing but indulging in girly activities like shopping, getting a manicure and a pedicure and treating herself to a decadent snack from her favorite bakery would help her set aside worries about how she was going to keep having sex with a man who clearly wanted her but was adamant about not acting on it.

Three hours later she had on a new mini sweater skirt in a bright purple, green and white striped pattern, a matching purple stretch knit top, her nails were all painted in matching purple and was finishing the most sinful chocolate caramel pecan roll she had ever tasted. As happy as all that made her, she had still been unable to shove aside thoughts of a green eyed man who could send her pulse pounding and her panties creaming with just a look. After checking her phone for about the twentieth time to see if he had called, she finally caved, bought a bribe, checked the time and headed to his office, the address she just happened to remember from looking him up. Since it was just past one o’clock, she was hoping he would be back from lunch and she could offer him dessert.

Normally, Kayla wouldn’t pursue a man who kept pushing her away. After all, there were plenty of others out there wanting nothing more than a good time. But every time she attempted to call her friends and make plans to go to one of their usual haunts, all she could think about was the activities she had witnessed on the second floor of Casey’s and her immediate reaction to them. Every time she thought about hooking up with one of her old flings or someone new, she recalled her response to Brett’s more dominant, alternative sex and she wanted nothing more than a repeat of those experiences. If she wasn’t so sure that Brett wanted her as much as she wanted him, she would cease her crusade and regretfully move on. Hoping third time’s a charm and determined to convince Brett that all she was interested in was a sexual relationship with no strings, she pulled into the small parking lot in front of Brett’s office building, grabbed the bag from the bakery and quickly went inside before she could change her mind.

A knock on his door had Brett cursing Margaret for taking the afternoon off as he would much rather sit here and brood than be disturbed by anyone. He didn’t have any appointments scheduled this afternoon because he was still trying to play catch up with his regular work from being in court most of last week. It didn’t help his sour mood any to have his attention constantly wandering toward a black haired blue eyed pest whose small, lush body and infectious smile could make his cock stand at attention faster and with less effort than Diablo could clear a six foot high jump. It certainly didn’t help his disposition to be looking forward to spending tomorrow evening at the club with one or two of the regulars whom he liked to fuck with little to no enthusiasm.

BOOK: The McGilley Trilogy
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