| 12. In the eighteenth century, Mather usually capitalized all the letters in this word. Its meaning and its implications are discussed throughout much of the remainder of this book.
| 13. Cotton Mather, Fair Weather (Boston, 1692). See especially, 26-33, 37-69, 77-82.
| 14. Cotton Mather, Optanda , 44.
| 15. Ibid . 42-43.
| 16. Ibid . 45. See 45-46 for the other duties summarized in this paragraph.
| 17. For Mather and Callender, see Cotton Mather, Brethren Dwelling Togther In Unity (Boston, 1718).
| 18. (Boston, 1724).
| 19. Ibid . 58-60; see 59, for the quotation.
| 20. The Heads Of Agreement (London, 1691) establishing the United Brethren has been reprinted in Williston Walker, The Creeds and Platforms of Congregationalism (New York, 1893 and Boston, 1960), 455-62. For Cotton Mather's initial reactions see Blessed Unions (Boston, 1692). For later accounts see Carl Bridenbaugh, Mitre and Sceptre (New York, 1962), 32-34.
| 21. Cotton Mather, Blessed Unions , 57-65.
| 22. Bridenbaugh, Mitre And Sceptre , 33-4 tells the story of the Congregational Presbyterian split, briefly and well.
| 23. This case can be followed in Cotton Mather's Diary , I, 218, 226, 275-76 and in Collections 4, M.H.S. VII, 119-21. For Bradstreet see Clifford K. Shipton, Sibley's Harvard Graduates: Biographical Sketches Of Those Who Attended Harvard College (14 vols. to date, Boston, 1873-1968), IV, 154-57.