| 38. Cotton Mather, A Pillar of Gratitude (Boston, 1700), 22.
| 39. These controversies can be followed in these works by Increase Mather, A Brief Discourse Concerning The Unlawfulness of The Common Prayer Worship (Cambridge, Mass., 1686; London, 1689); "To The Reader," in A Letter From Some Aged
| Nonconforming Ministers (4th ed., Boston, 1712); Some Remarks On A Pretended Answer (Boston?, 1713?). The important Anglican tracts are: William King, A Discourse Concerning The Inventions of Men (5th ed., Boston, 1712); John Williams, A Brief Discourse Concerning the Lawfulness of Worshipping God By the Common Prayer (2d ed.? Boston, 1712). See, too, Cotton Mather, A Seasonable Testimony To The Glorious Doctrines of Grace (Boston, 1702), part of which was reprinted in 1711 as The Old Pathes Restored . Holmes, Increase Mather , II, 534-38 gives many bibliographical details. For Mather's activity in distributing the tracts against the Anglicans, Diary , II, 175; Diary . . . 1712, 76, 80.
| 40. Cotton Mather, The Glorious Throne (Boston, 1714). The address is in Diary , II, 300-3. See, too, Benjamin Colman, A Sermon Preach'd at Boston , 26.
| 41. For early attempts at increasing synodical power, see Collections 4, M.H.S., VIII, 193; Walker, Creeds , 137-39, 267; James K. Hosmer, ed., Winthrop's Journal (2 vols., New York, 1908, reprinted, 1959), I, 112-13. There is a good, brief account of English experience in Geoffrey F. Nuttall, Visible Saints (Oxford, 1957), 122-23.
| 42. Cotton Mather gives information about the history of New England associations in various places, including Thirty Important Cases (Boston, 1702); Magnalia (London, 1702); and the Ratio Disciplinae Fratrum Nov Anglorum (Boston, 1726). See, too, the "Records of the Cambridge Association," M.H.S. Proceedings , XVII (Boston, 1880).
| 43. The Proposals of 1705 are in Walker, Creeds , 486-90.
| 44. Increase Mather's opposition was declared in A Disquisition Concerning Ecclesiastical Councils .
| 45. For May and the quotation, Diary , I, 313; and see 314, 315-16, 324, 328-29. Mather's A Warning To The Flocks Against Wolves In Sheeps Cloathing (Boston, 1700) was one result of the May episode.
| 46. Diary , I, 385 for the quotation. The full sermon is on 384-88.
| 47. John Rogers, A Sermon Preached Before His Excellency, the Governour (Boston, 1706), 48. Ebenezer Pemberton delivered a strong defense of the Proposals in The Divine Original and Dignity of Government Asserted (Boston, 1710), 102-3, where he said that they had been "misrepresented, and Prophanely descanted on." The year before, Grindall Rawson in The Necessity of a Speedy and Thorough Reformation (Boston, 1709) gave a