The Master's Choice (9 page)

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Authors: Abby Gordon

Tags: #Erotic Romance

BOOK: The Master's Choice
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“What?” Liam frowned, obviously confused.

“Did she ask you to come here and tell me that—”

Liam swung again. JW barely dodged it. “You fucking son—”

“Then why are you here?”

“You got to her, JW. And I think she got to you. Try being honest with yourself.” Liam raised both hands to placate him. “I don’t need to know details because I have a feeling I’m not going to get them anyway. But,” he jabbed a finger at JW’s chest, “if you’re worth being called a
, then at least admit that you don’t want another man—dominant or vanilla—touching her. And
,” he folded his arms over his own chest, “means you better step up and do something.”

“Jesus, Liam,” JW whispered. He released Liam and began pacing around. “Look at me, I’m barely fit to be around people. How can I can be trusted as a master? You just said you were going to expel me.” He paused at the back door, put his hands on his hips, and shook his head. “Those two times with her…God help me, all I wanted to do was fuck us both into exhaustion.”

“You certainly did that,” Liam confirmed, settling on the leather couch. “JW, think about the effect you had on her. She was married to Kevin MacLauren for cryin’ out loud! I can’t imagine he gave a shit about her satisfaction or her emotions in general.”

“The man is a dick,” grumbled JW.

“Well, yeah, most people would agree to that,” Liam chuckled. “JW be honest with me. You felt better with her eight days ago than you have since the last time you saw her. Didn’t you? You don’t know why. She doesn’t know why. And that’s okay.” JW turned around and Liam held up a hand for silence. “After you chose her in June, I could see a difference in her. Yes, others chose her over the next few weeks, but she didn’t have the same connection she’d made with you.”

“I don’t want to hear about other Doms fucking her,” JW growled.

“She kept using her safeword to get out of the scene,” Liam continued, ignoring his comment. “So, I assigned her to demonstrations and classes, with the caveat that no one fucked her.”

JW held himself still. Had he heard Liam correctly? “Why?”

“I was hoping you’d come back to the Club,” answered his friend. “Yeah, it’s probably not an officially approved therapy, but from what I heard, you seemed to be doing all right at your family’s Independence Day celebration.”

JW smiled slightly. “I was doing all right.”

“What happened, JW?”

The smile disappeared and the terror returned.

“Ben,” he managed. “When I found out that he’d been captured…”

He saw the expression on the other man’s face and fell silent. He knew Liam wasn’t feeling sorry for him. That his friend was trying to be empathetic, but it didn’t matter.

“I don’t want your pity.”

“It’s not pity. It’s concern.” Liam leaned forward, resting his forearms on his thighs. “JW, you need something to…” He paused as if searching for the right word. “To take care of. To attach to. Whether she was there at the right time and place or whatever the reason, you were there for her as well.”

“Two lost souls wandering the night who just happen to cross paths?” JW frowned.

“Basically,” agreed Liam with a nod. “It does happen. And now, she needs you to save her. Save her from a situation that, however unintentional, you put her in. I know you’re hurting. So is she.”

JW sat in his usual chair by the fireplace and stared at the empty grate. After a long silence, he finally spoke.

“I need Bronson in on this as well. After she’s on display, you take her into your office to sign the paperwork with Bron. If she reads the contract before signing,” he shrugged. “Well, no worries. But if she doesn’t,” he smiled and looked at Liam. “Then she’ll earn a spanking.”

“Of course,” he replied, nodding. “And if she reads it? Wait a minute. Why are you bringing Bronson into the middle of this?”

“As well as working up the contract, I’ll need a pre-nup for her to sign. Bronson can handle both.”

“Holy shit,” breathed Liam.

“Who knows about the viewing?”

Liam grimaced and JW felt his gut clench. He’d been hoping he was the first Liam had notified. “Seamus was with me when Ally came in my office. He emailed all the most senior Doms before I could stop him.”


“Madison wants her. He’ll try to get to her no matter what.”

JW growled at the thought of Liam’s cousin getting his hands on Ally. The memory of what Madison had done to the slave Julie still pissed him off. “Why don’t you just dismiss his ass and be done with him?”

“Believe me, I wish I could,” replied Liam wearily. “But rules are rules and he is still a member of the Board.”

“You can’t choose your family,” muttered JW.

“Yeah, but you can choose your friends,” agreed Liam with a nod. “I think I can convince most of them that this is a tantrum of sorts, a conflict between you and Ally and you’re handling it.” He smiled. “And next time, try to resolve your communication problems without involving me and half the Club, okay?”

JW looked at him and smiled.

“Now, could you go take a shower and get dressed?” Liam asked.

“I’ve always wondered what you were into,” JW threw at him as he headed for the bathroom.

“Not you, that’s for damn sure! I’m going home. Get your ass in gear.” Liam laughed as he headed for the door.


Ally stared up at the ceiling.

Tears flooded her eyes. It was six o’clock. In two hours, she would be put on display for a permanent slave contract.

Andy and Belinda had visited her that day. Both were shaken from the email she had sent them alerting them to her plans. She’d listened to them, then stated that she wasn’t changing her mind. Belinda had been in tears and hugged her tightly, begging her one last time to ask Master Liam to cancel the display. Whispering that if she ever needed him, she had only to call, Andy had taken his wife from the room.

She held out no hope that JW would decide he wanted her. Why should she think that? He’d left her twice and the only reason there had been a second time was because of sheer coincidence.

She curled up on the bed and let all the pent up emotions out. Better to cry her fill now so she had a chance to recover. She knew how puffy and red her eyes got when she cried. When there were no more tears, she got up, showered, and cupped cold water in her hands to her eyes to decrease the swelling. Moments before eight, she gave her long dark hair a final brushing and pulled on her silver cloak. She stepped into the hall and found Master Liam waiting.

“Are you ready?”

“Yes, Master Liam.”

He hesitated a moment.

“Follow me.”

Staying silent, Ally walked at his side down the hall to the elevator. The doors opened as they approached. Entering, he punched in the code and stood in silence as they went down to the second floor. He took her elbow and guided her down the corridor, paused to enter another code, and then put her on a four-foot in diameter dais. Turning her around, he tilted her chin.

“Last chance.”

In silent response, Ally raised her hands and released the clasp of her cloak, meeting his gaze defiantly. She saw his lips press together before he nodded and left the room. Slowly, the dais began to turn.

Startled, she realized that she was already on display. The room was circular with mirrored panels about six feet wide. She could see only her own reflection, but the potential Doms saw every inch of her.

Taking a deep breath, she gathered up all her courage and forced her knees to straighten.

She lost track of time, but finally Master Liam returned as the dais stopped spinning.

“Did…” she faltered as he bent to pick up her cloak. “Did someone choose me?”

He swept the material over her shoulders and secured the toggle. Without a word, he left. Startled, she hurried after him and followed him to his office across the hall. He sat down at his desk and gestured for her to sit in the chair opposite.

“This is your slave contract,” he told her, pushing a folder across to her. “Once you sign at the tabs, that’s it.”

Nodding, she picked up the pen to her right and opened the folder. Blindly, she looked for the tabs and signed her name four times. Putting the pen down, she closed the folder and put her hands in her lap, keeping her gaze on her fingers.

“Damn,” he muttered. “All right then. Fuck.”

He stood and she scrambled to her feet. Weaving from stress-induced exhaustion, she faltered and black spots danced before her eyes.


As if from a distance, she heard the one voice she longed for just before she collapsed to the floor. Ally tried in vain to open her eyes but it took too much energy. Warmth cocooned her, and she was lifted by strong arms. Under her head, she heard a steady heartbeat.

“I’ll punish you in the morning, slave,” a man whispered.

“Yes, master,” she sighed, before darkness overwhelmed her.

Chapter Seven

Ally opened her eyes and didn’t recognize the ceiling. Rolling to her right, she winced and her memory came back with painful clarity. She’d signed the contract, tried to stand, and passed out. What a lovely first impression to make on her new master.

Logically, Ally knew she was with her new owner. Taking stock of how her body was feeling, she was pretty sure he hadn’t fucked her while she’d been unconscious. Sitting up, she closed her eyes as the room spun around her. Taking several breaths, she opened her eyes and slowly moved her head to look around.

Frowning, she took in the furnishings. They were rustic, comfortable, and worn from use. The walls resembled the inside of a log cabin. Twisting to the window behind the bed, she separated the curtains and peered out into the darkness. Starlight glittered off the snow and she realized that she was in a log cabin in the middle of a clearing surrounded by tall trees. That told her absolutely nothing about her new master. Nearly any of the Club members could afford a place in the country and a number of them were into hunting and fishing.

Relief swept her though. She was fairly certain that Madison and a couple others into the extreme pleasures of the lifestyle rarely left the city. Which still left quite a few that she might need to worry about.

Glancing at the clock, she realized it was five o’clock. She guessed it must be morning as she didn’t feel like she’d slept for an entire day. Ally’s stomach rumbled loudly and cramped as if she hadn’t eaten in days. Then again, maybe she hadn’t.

To her right, a piece of paper sat propped up against the lamp on the nightstand. Taking it, she read the handwriting:


Take a shower and groom yourself completely. Leave the bedroom and kneel in the center of the rug facing the fireplace. Put the blindfold on and wait for me.


No clue as to who her master was. Through the open door to the right, she could see the shower and, sliding from the bed, headed off to follow his orders. After using the toilet.

She shampooed and conditioned her hair then carefully shaved her legs, pussy, and armpits. Drying herself, she rubbed the lotion set out into her skin and combed her hair. Unable to find a hair dryer, Ally hoped that her new master didn’t mind damp hair, and left the bathroom.

She paused in the bedroom. Her mind screamed that this was wrong. Whoever was out there wasn’t Master JW. Could never be who she wanted and needed.

I’ll punish you in the morning.
Ally grabbed the edge of the mattress. Punish her for what? She hadn’t had a chance to do anything! Or had she? Had she said something after she’d passed out? Or had her fainting angered him? Was that why her new master intended to punish her?

Turning to the now open bedroom door, she swallowed. Her master was out there. He could do anything he wanted to her. Given the contract that she’d signed, she had no recourse, no way to fight him. Wrapping her arms around her waist, she walked slowly to the door and paused. Taking a deep breath and wishing she hadn’t done this, she looked around.

Seeing the fireplace to her right, she moved in that direction. A black silk blindfold lay on the edge of the large cushion. That consideration surprised her. Everything she’d heard about slave masters had indicated cages, confinement, and harsh treatment.

A flash of memory forced her to grab the back of the nearby leather chair. Master JW had bound her to a spanking bench after she’d had several orgasms. Unable to move and helpless, she had still trusted him completely. Could she trust another man like that? She had tried at the Club and not been able to. So what did she do?

Ally, you idiot! You should have tried to contact him, asked Master Liam to get a message to him, something, anything besides this. And now, it’s too late.
Fingers tightening on the leather, she took a deep breath and forced her feet to move. She had done this. She had given her word and she would see it through.

Lowering herself to the cushion, she spread her knees and sat back on her heels. The heat of the fire felt good and for a moment she savored the warmth. Picking up the blindfold, she managed to put it on, hoping her new master would think it secure enough.

Unable to see, she tried to steady her breathing, ears straining to catch the slightest sound that might indicate the presence of her master.

She first sensed him when the heat of the fire suddenly dropped as he stepped in front of her. His hands gripped her head and pulled her off her heels. Almost immediately, she felt the head of his cock against her lips. Obedient to his implicit command, she opened her mouth and he thrust deep into her wet heat.

“Oh, yes. Good girl.”

For a moment, she couldn’t move, think, or breathe. Her brain froze at the sound of his voice.
His voice
. He pulled his thick shaft nearly out then forced it back in. She shuddered at the familiar taste of him on her tongue.
What the hell was going on?
When he withdrew again, she reacted instinctively.

Reaching up, she pulled the blindfold off and stared up into gray eyes. Not recognizing the wounded cry that came from her own throat, she scrambled off the cushion, not stopping until she collided with the couch.

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