The Master's Choice (7 page)

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Authors: Abby Gordon

Tags: #Erotic Romance

BOOK: The Master's Choice
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His fingers lightly gripped her jaw and she swallowed nervously. Her pussy clenched. He was right. About all of it. Did he understand that it was because of him? That in twenty-four hours, she had given him everything of herself. She had completely trusted him and couldn’t manage that with anyone else. Terrified that he might reject her, she stayed quiet.

His eyes seemed to flicker and he smiled slightly. His left hand went to her knees and slid between her thighs. When his fingers brushed her damp panties, he chuckled softly in her ear. His right hand went to the back of her head. She didn’t move. He had her completely in his control. The expression in his eyes told her that he knew it.

“I could do what I want with you right now, couldn’t I? You would do anything I commanded if you thought I’d fuck you, wouldn’t you?”

A shudder swept through her body and she closed her eyes at the flash of pleasure. He was right again. And from the timber of his voice, she could tell he relished the knowledge.

“Master,” she whispered. “Please.”

His finger pushed the cotton panties aside and stroked her folds. She gasped as his mouth covered hers. Two of his fingers slipped inside her pussy, hooking up and finding the hub of nerves. His palm rubbed her clit. Feeling full, Ally moaned in his mouth as his tongue thrust into her in the same rhythm. Her hands came up and clutched at his sweater, tugging him closer. She felt the hunger rise and just when she was on the verge of orgasm, his fingers stilled in her and he raised his head.

Ready to beg, she opened her eyes and saw his expression. She knew what he would say before he spoke.

“No, slave. No orgasm until I give you permission.”

“Yes, master,” she replied, even as her pussy tightened around his fingers.

He gave her a knowing look as he removed his hand from between her thighs.

“Trying to get around me?” he whispered. “Hoping to convince me, slave?”

“No, master,” she said quickly, shaking her head.

“Mmmhmm,” answered JW, his right thumb stroking her neck. “Twenty-four hours. And you’ll know what you really are.”

“Yes, master,” whispered Ally. If that’s all she could have of him, she would take it.

Chapter Five

JW couldn’t have explained to anyone why he’d taunted Ally with being a slave. He couldn’t understand the need to have her completely under his control again. And this time with absolutely no limits. He didn’t want her to be able to refuse anything. Nothing violent or painful, but…he needed absolute control of something before his aggression overflowed in a destructive way.

He recalled how Wesley had read him so easily less than half an hour after meeting him. And he didn’t like that the kid was right. The need, the instinctive hunger to utterly dominate her. This scared the hell out of him. But it was the only thing he could do.

Without letting himself think about it another second, he started the engine and backed out of the parking space. Beside him, Ally was silent, her hands clasped calmly on her lap. Her acquiescence stunned him. No protests, no argument, no demands.

Pulling out of the garage, he made a left and headed for the Club. He fished his cell phone out of his coat pocket and punched several buttons.

“It’s Master JW,” he said before the person answering could say a word. “I’m coming in. I want a room for twenty-four hours.”

“Of course, Master JW,” the woman replied calmly. “Will you need anything else?”

“No. I’m bringing what I need. Should be there in about five minutes.”

“Room seven-ten is available, sir. I’ll send two slaves to ensure it’s ready for your arrival. Parking space seventy-one.”

“Perfect.” He switched the phone off and dropped it in a cup holder. “We get there and there’s no turning back or running away.”

“I know.” Those dark eyes looked at him with calm acceptance.

Once in the underground garage of the Club, JW parked in the assigned space and went around to open her door. Taking her by the waist, he lifted her out. She stood quietly as he closed the door and initiated the alarm. He turned to her and saw the shiver that swept her body. Instinct told him that she was even wetter than she had been when he’d fingerfucked her in the car. She would try to control her orgasms, but she was wound so tight that eventually she would come without permission.

He took her by the elbow and headed swiftly for the elevator. He couldn’t wait to push her as hard as he could. To make her willing to do anything to come. He wouldn’t give her permission, of course. He’d already learned that she craved the punishment as much as the reward.

And he needed the total control of her as much as she needed to give it to him.

That thought jolted him as they stepped into the elevator and he entered his code. The elevator rose, programmed to take them directly to the seventh floor. He didn’t
a slave. Or a submissive. Certainly nothing permanent. He’d been perfectly happy hibernating in his cabin before Grant’s call had forced him into town for the board meeting. Seeing Ally being mauled by Kevin MacLauren had been purely coincidental, and he wasn’t above taking advantage of the situation, especially if it meant he got to fuck her again.

When the twenty-four hours were over, he’d go back to his cabin and she would stay at the Club, accepting her true sexual needs and nature.

He ignored the sudden rage that reared its head at the idea of Ally being someone else’s slave. That was simply the way things had to be. The way things would be. Because he sure as hell wasn’t mentally fit to be anyone’s master for more than short periods of time. He’d seen too much, done too much. He’d done what he had for his country, but dealing with the nightmares was nearly more than he could handle. He sure as hell wouldn’t subject someone else to them.

The elevator doors opened and his fingers tightened on her arm as they walked down the hall.

“When we get in the room, take your clothes off quickly unless you want them torn off.”

That got a reaction from her. Her head whipped around and he saw the dash of fear and excitement ripple in her eyes. He could just imagine how her pussy was dripping.

At the door, he punched his code in and pushed through the entry quickly. Ally practically ran in and began stripping. He closed the door and leaned against it to watch her. He could see that the mandated workouts for all Club subs and slaves had improved her muscle tone. The softness of her curves was still there, and his cock hardened as she carefully folded her clothes and put them on a chair.

Straightening, she turned to face him.

“How would you like me, master?” she asked, a tremor in her voice.

Pushing away from the door, he removed his heavy coat and draped it across the dresser to his right. Crooking his finger at her, he waited for her to cross the room to him. As soon as she was in arm’s reach, he caught her upper arm and yanked her forward to slam into his chest.

He wanted to fuck her. No preliminaries, just straight fucking.

Turning, he pushed her back against the door and held her there with one hand lightly around her throat. His other hand worked his belt and zipper, then shoved his pants and briefs down to free his aching cock. Her breathing hitched under his palm and her soft breasts bobbed. Giving in to his urges, he lowered his head to her tits and devoured the pale rose tips.

She cried out as her body arched off the door. He knew he was being rougher than he’d ever been with a woman, but he didn’t care. For twenty-four hours he was going to let the animal out and she was just going to have to deal with it.

He worked his way from her breasts to her neck. Like a vampire, he sank his teeth into the delicate skin. She was panting, low mewling sounds coming from her mouth. Covering her breasts with his hands, he kneaded the already sensitive mounds and felt her body thrash against his.

Knowing she had been on edge for a while, probably since she’d first seen him in the elevator, he gripped her thighs and pulled her legs wide.

“Look at me, Ally,” his voice rasped in her ear.

With a gasp, she tried to lift her head but just barely managed to meet his gaze.

“Don’t come,” he growled. “Not until I give you permission.”

“Yes, master,” she whispered weakly.

Her head lolled to the other side and he smiled. She wouldn’t be able to hold back. Not the way he liked to fuck her. He remembered how she’d been that one night. She loved hard, wild fucking and that was exactly what she was going to get from him.

He bent his knees for the perfect angle to thrust his cock up and into her pussy.

Ally moaned against his fierce intrusion as he muscled his engorged flesh into her tight pussy. She had known she wouldn’t be able to control herself. Not from the second she’d heard his voice. He came at her like a wild man and she reveled in it, even as she briefly wondered what it was about him that made her love the way he fucked her. As long as it was him. Other Doms had fucked her since that first night. They’d taken her hard and rough, and she’d had orgasms. But nothing compared with him.

Twenty-four hours he’d said.
Just like before.
She closed her eyes as he fucked her, hips pounding rapidly against her flesh. He was hers for such a short time.
Just like before.
Well, she would have to make it memorable for both of them.

“Wrap your legs around my waist.” His order was curt and he wouldn’t be denied.

She managed to obey, hooking her ankles over his slim hips. His cock went deep and he stilled inside her pulsing flesh. She trembled, remembering what he’d done before. His hand pinched her nipple before gliding down her stomach.

“Master, please,” she whimpered.

“Let’s see how long you can hold out,” he gritted, his breath fast and hot over her face.

“I won’t. I can’t. Please.”

His thumb found her clit and she caught her breath. Opening her eyes, she saw him watching her face, gauging her reactions. He shifted his balance, forcing his cock deeper and hitting nerves she’d long thought dead. His thumb rubbed the swollen bud and the electricity built.

“Please. Please let me come. Please, master.”

“Be a good slave,” he crooned.

“I’m trying, but I…”

His mouth found her earlobe and nibbled. She moaned and her legs quivered around his waist from the effort of holding back her orgasm. His thumb made another circle then pressed hard against her arousal.

“Master, please…”

“No, slave. Don’t come.”

His tongue circled her ear and then she felt his lips along her neck. He pulled his cock slowly from her sheath then drove back in as his fingers pinched her clit. The orgasm shot through her so fast her legs jerked away from his waist and her body arced off the door as the pulses of pleasure washed over her. She collapsed in his arms in the aftermath, unable and unwilling to care that she’d disobeyed him and earned a punishment. The sweet rush of euphoria overrode everything else.

Paradise. Heaven. Pure pleasure. That’s all she felt. The world could collapse around them and she wouldn’t care.

The low chuckle in her ear told her there was more to come. She’d earned a spanking. A harsh punishment because, given the still hard length in her pussy, he hadn’t found his release.

“I’m sorry, master.” She hoped he wouldn’t know it for the lie that it was. She wasn’t sorry. She’d wanted his cock in her pussy for months.

“Not yet,” he replied, pulling out of her. “But you will be.”

Taking a couple deep breaths to center herself, Ally lifted her head, saw his expression, and swallowed. His eyes gleamed and the left corner of his mouth tilted up. This would definitely be worse than before. And he was going to enjoy it. Nearly as much as she would.

He pulled his cock from her pussy and stepped back.

“Go to the side of the bed and lean your upper body on it. Spread your legs as wide as you can.”

“Yes, master,” she replied, standing as best as she could on legs that felt like limp noodles.

Tottering to the bed, she caught the bedpost to catch her balance. Putting her hands on the mattress, she stretched her torso on it. She was only five-four and, for her feet to touch the floor, her rib-cage rested on the edge. She turned her head to face the headboard.

She could hear him remove his clothes and then his footsteps as he went to the dresser. A drawer opened and closed, then another was opened. She bit her bottom lip as she realized he was looking for something in particular. As a submissive, she might have risked a peek and relied on her safeword if his choice was a hard limit for her.

Ally squeezed her eyes shut. As a slave, which he clearly considered her, she had no safeword, no limits, nothing. She could only trust him and hope he didn’t do any real damage.

The weight of his body was suddenly over her, pressing her against the mattress. Between her ass cheeks, his cock was still hard. She swallowed, her mind running wild, imagining what he could do to her. And she wanted him to do anything he wanted. She didn’t care what it was or how depraved others might consider it. She wanted everything he could give her.

He lifted Ally and turned her over. Her master’s hips pressed against her cunt as he hungrily feasted on her body. Nibbles, licks, fingers fondling everywhere—she writhed beneath him. Helpless, she felt her pussy tightening again as his cock rubbed across her folds. She rolled her pelvis against his cock and he bit a nipple.

“Master!” Ally’s scream cut into the sexual tension. “Please!”

JW’s head came up just enough so he could see her face. He raised a hand into her line of sight so she could see what he held—nipple clamps with chains connecting them. Ally couldn’t move as her brain froze at the prospect of so much pleasure and pain. Her nipples seemed connected to her pussy, controlling her orgasms. He’d remembered that she had loved it when he tugged and pinched them.

Ally caught her breath. If he remembered that, did that mean he had thought of her? Had he wanted her since? If so, why hadn’t he come back to the Club? Or contacted Master Liam to have her sent to him?

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