The Master's Choice (8 page)

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Authors: Abby Gordon

Tags: #Erotic Romance

BOOK: The Master's Choice
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She couldn’t protest as the hard rubber tips were tightened around her puckered nipples. JW tugged on the chain, then clipped a second chain to it, and she felt the cool metal on her stomach.

Ally gasped as he pinched her clit, tugging it from under its hood. And then she felt the clamp. Pain shot through her body even as he stepped away and rolled her back onto her tummy.

His hand splayed between her shoulder blades and she squeezed her eyes shut, knowing the blow was coming but unable to mentally prepare because she had no idea what he was using.

She whimpered as the paddle landed on her right ass cheek. JW alternated smacking her ass and upper thighs, his feet nudging her legs farther apart. To stay on the bed, she clutched at the bedspread. Even then, her body shifted and the nipple clamps bit in deep, tugging on the chain that ran to her clit.

Tears filled her eyes as he continued to spank her. She didn’t sense any anger in him, just the steady controlled rise and fall of his hand. Ally couldn’t feel his body heat any longer and bit her bottom lip. That was the worst part—the disconnect. The other time he’d spanked her, he’d been close so she could feel the brush of his leg, hip, or sometimes even his cock.

Her ass and thighs were burning, and she realized that he was being careful. None of the smacks were near her tailbone where he might have caused nerve damage.
His thigh touched hers as he gave her the last two spankings. She moaned and felt part of her relax. And grow hotter.

The paddle landed on the bed near her head. With blurry vision, she stared at it. His hands gripped her hips, lifting her right off the floor to meet his thrust. As his cock pushed into her pussy, she struggled to hold her upper body still.

“Do your tits burn as much as your ass?”

His voice seemed calm. Too calm. She wished she dared risk peeking at his face.

“Yes, master,” she whimpered.

He pulled his swollen shaft nearly all the way out then drove into her pussy until she felt his balls against her heated skin. “Does your clit burn as much as your ass?”

“Yes, master,” she sobbed as her body shifted and the chain pulled on the clamp. “Please, master. Please take them off.”

His right arm snaked between her lower ribs and the bed, raising her chest slightly.

“No,” he said in that still too calm voice.

Ally tried to brace her lower arms against the mattress as he fucked her. Each time he shafted into her weeping core, her clit was caught between the weight of both their bodies and the bed. All while trapped by the clamp. The bundle of nerves were screaming to be released. Her poor brain couldn’t cope with the pain in her breasts and the fire in her ass. And shut down.

Somehow she managed to hold herself still as he jackhammered his cock in and out of her. Ally was able to shut everything out until he pushed her hair over her shoulder, making her neck available to his mouth. His chest brushed against her back a heartbeat before his lips and teeth began their own sweet torture against her flesh. Oh, God, she wanted more. She wriggled her hips against his, trying to pull him deeper, to keep him inside her. The heat consumed her and she wanted to throw herself into the flames.

“Master, please,” she begged. “Please.”

“You are not to come unless I give you permission,” he grunted.

With a surge, he was still, pressing his solid hips into her ass. Ally felt his cock pump his release into her and squeezed her pussy muscles tight around him. The rigid flesh pulsed and throbbed until his orgasm receded.

“Good slave,” he sighed. “You remembered to squeeze my dick with your cunt.”

His lips were gentle now as he nuzzled her shoulder. His hands were light as he caressed her sides. Pulling his cock from her needy flesh, JW turned her over and released the clit clamp and then both nipple clamps at the same time. She gasped as the pain surged through the abused buds, then sighed as she felt the heat follow.

Weak from the fucking and the spanking, she slid off the edge of the mattress and collapsed at his feet. Leaving her there, he returned the paddle and clamps to the dresser. Coming back to the bed, his hand tangled in her hair and pulled her to her feet. Struggling to breathe, she stood quietly, her head hanging, until his hands caught her waist and lifted her onto the bed.

“On your back. Head on the pillows, stretch out your arms and legs.”

As her mind cleared, Ally found herself strapped to the bed with a pillow near her hips. Blinking, she tracked his movements as he returned to the dresser. He came back with a blindfold. She watched his face until the cloth covered her eyes, hoping to read his expression and fighting despair when she saw nothing at all.


Now unable to see, she had no choice but to trust him. And prayed that when it was all over, he wouldn’t leave her the way he had before. Deep in her heart, she knew he would. He wouldn’t let her in. He didn’t want anyone in.

She heard the hum of the vibrator and felt the tip brush the inside of her thigh. He was going to push her. Push her into having more orgasms without permission. What she didn’t understand was why.

As the vibrator caressed her damp and swollen folds, she knew the cycle was just beginning and could have wept from frustration.

JW watched her as he moved the dildo in and out of her pussy. She obviously struggled to keep her orgasms at bay. It was inevitable. He would drive her over the edge repeatedly as she begged for permission. He’d spank her, then fuck her mouth or her ass, or both. He glanced at the clock over the door. He could do this for a few hours, let her sleep then start up again. He would give her permission to come only near the end. As he fucked her pussy for the last time.


JW woke and felt at peace for the first time in years. The warm and exhausted woman in his arms was the reason. Tightening his hold on her, he thought hard about his next decision. His cock had other ideas, already stiffening against Ally’s rounded bottom. He’d never be able to think if he stayed in the room with her.

Carefully, he eased himself from the bed and brought the covers over her shoulders. She stirred slightly, then wriggled back slightly to the warmth where he’d been. Smoothing her hair off her face, he studied her for a moment.

Such a small woman, yet so strong. He’d been five years ahead of Kevin MacLauren in the elite prep school they’d gone to, but remembered him as a bully. He wasn’t surprised that Kevin hadn’t recognized him. The stigma of his illegitimacy had hung over him and he’d been a loner even then. Not to mention his appearance had changed…from a tall, lanky teenager with hair halfway down his back to a tall, muscular man with short hair and combat weariness in his eyes.

And Ally had been married to Kevin. Having heard bits of gossip over the years, JW could only imagine what that had been like. Kevin wasn’t known for being a considerate lover or gentleman. His family name and money had shielded him. So far.

Ally sighed in her sleep and JW was tempted to crawl back into bed with her. Clenching his jaw, he forced himself to step back. Quickly pulling on his sweater, jeans, and boots, JW slipped out of the room.

A drink. He needed a drink. He needed to think this through. He started down the hall to the stairs. A few moments in the pub and he’d figure things out.


Something was different, but Ally’s tired brain couldn’t figure it out. Shivering slightly, she tugged the comforter over her shoulder and then stopped.
Where was Master JW?

Heart in her throat, she took a breath.

“Master? Master, are you here?”

When there was only silence, she forced herself to sit up and look around the room. The bathroom door was open, the room beyond dark. She was alone.

She slumped forward, fingers tightening on the covers. Again!
Damn him!
He’d left her alone again. Tears filled her eyes and slid down her cheeks. She’d felt their connection, hoping that he had as well, especially when he’d pulled her close and fallen asleep. And…nothing. She really had been nothing more than a twenty-four hour fuck-fest for him. Twice.

“Dammit, Ally,” she muttered, swinging her legs over the edge of the mattress. “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.” She tried to stand and collapsed to the floor.

Pulling herself back onto the bed, she reached behind the nightstand and found the intercom button.

“Hello? This is Master Trainee Seamus.”

“Hello, Master Seamus,” she replied. “I’m submissive Ally. I, uh, the master has left and…well, I need help getting back to my room.”

“I’ll have a guard and a slave there in a few minutes, Ally.”

“Thank you, sir,” she whispered.

“Ally, who was with you?”

“Master JW, sir.”

“I’ve noted it. Escort is on the way.”

In moments, a guard and slave were opening the door. The guard helped her wrap the sheet around her while the slave gathered her things. Inside a minute, they were on their way to the submissives’ rooms.


JW was outside the door, still unable to believe he was going to do it. He tapped in the code, opened the door, and froze. The bed was empty. A glance at the chair she’d put her folded clothes on told him that her things were gone as well. His hand gripped the door frame. She was gone. This time
had left without a word.

Fighting back the emotions he’d only just admitted to himself, he went to the closet, took his coat out, and left.

Chapter Six

JW rolled over and pulled the pillow over his head. The pounding continued for several minutes. Finally, it stopped, only to be replaced by his cell phone ringing.

“Goddammit!” he yelled, flinging the pillow across the room toward the dresser where his phone sat.

The pillow barely made it to the end of the bed. It balanced on the railing before rolling out of sight. As it plopped on the floor, the ringing continued. Muttering every foul oath he’d learned since Basic Training twenty years earlier, JW jerked from the bed and stalked over to the offending device.

“What the hell do you want?” he barked into the receiver.

“Open your damned door or I’ll break it down and then break your fucking neck,” Liam O’Grady growled back at him.

“What the fuck is your problem?” JW demanded.

“Open the damned door.”

The phone went silent but the pounding began again.

Continuing his oaths of rage, JW marched out of the bedroom through the living area and unlocked his door. Liam was through and swinging before he’d taken two steps back. Only instincts honed through years of training and battle kept JW’s head out of the way so the fist glanced across his temple and not his nose.

“What the fuck is your problem?” he yelled, quickly backing away from the enraged man.

Kicking the door shut, Liam stalked after him.

“You’re out,” he snarled. “Out of the Club and everything else I can manage.”

“I’ll say it a third time since you didn’t seem to hear me. What the fuck is your problem?”

Liam got close, right up in his face.

“Ally. She barely had a clue what was going on in June. But this time…” As if realizing how close he was to swinging again, Liam turned away, running a hand through his red-brown hair. “I was out of the country or I would have been on your ass last week. What the hell got into you? She responds to nothing and no one!”

“I spanked her and…I was careful with her,” JW defended himself. “And she enjoyed the fucking. Trust me.”

“That’s what she said,” Liam confirmed with a sigh, looking out the front window. “And each fucking time, you left her alone,” Liam fumed, pacing back and forth. “You can’t fucking do that. It screws with a submissive’s mind like…”

“I didn’t leave her.” JW stated, stepping forward, hands clenching into fists. “I went down to the pub to clear my mind so I could think and when I came back up,
was gone.”

“Ah shit. Are you serious?” Now near the door, Liam turned.

“Completely. Ask Tom, he was tending the bar.”

Liam studied him a moment and JW felt distinctly uneasy. His friend had a way of coming out with some crazy shit about a person when he looked at them like that.

“How much have you been drinking?”

“What? What the hell does that have to do with anything?”

“I can smell it,” Liam replied, going through the cabin to the kitchen. He lifted the lid to the trash can and shook his head. “I’m seeing lots of bottles and nothing that looks like it contained food.” He looked over his shoulder at JW. “Well, that explains why you look like shit.”

JW frowned and glanced down at himself. And realized he was naked. He could tell he’d lost weight as his ribs and hip bones protruded more than they had…eight days ago.

“Yeah, um…”

“Congratulations, JW. You broke her. You did in forty-eight hours what Kevin MacLauren couldn’t do in six months. She doesn’t care what happens to her. Nothing anyone says to her can change her mind.” Liam walked toward the door. “She wants me to put her on display for a contract. As a slave. She doesn’t care to whom, what their reputation is, or what they end up doing to her.”

JW blinked.
What the hell?
His head spun and he grabbed at the back of the chair to stay balanced.


“Aren’t you listening? You don’t have a say in any of this. As far as the Board is concerned, this whole situation is your fault.”

“No!” JW launched himself at Liam and caught him as he reached for the doorknob. Turning the large man around, his forearm pressed against his friend’s throat. “You’re not doing this.”

“It’s none of your business anymore,” Liam told him.

“I’m fucking making it my business,” JW growled at him, thinking Liam was pretty damn calm considering JW could kill him in five seconds. “When is the display?”

“Tomorrow. Eight o’clock.”

“Did she put you up to this?”

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