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Authors: M Robinson

The Madam (19 page)

BOOK: The Madam
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He didn’t have to say a damn thing. He would
have done anything for me at that moment if I had asked him. He
slowly and determinedly stood up, getting mere inches away from my
face and waited. He wanted me to make the first move, and I gave
him exactly what he wanted.

It’s give and take. Except…when you’re
dealing with me. He may think that he was the one in control, but
it was the exact opposite. I was driving the car and I let him
believe that he also had his hands on the wheel, when in reality he
was in the fucking trunk.

The second my lips touched his mouth he
growled and opened them. His tongue plunged deep into my mouth and
I moaned. His hands were all over me, he couldn’t decide where he
wanted to touch me the most and I leaned into every touch and
sensation. Enjoying the thrill of what was to come.

I reached for his belt and he eagerly moved
his hips into my hands. I couldn’t get them off fast enough. I
pulled out his long, thick cock and aggressively stroked it back
and forth. He picked me up under my arms and I wrapped my legs
around him as he spun me around. My back hit the door so fast that
it should have surprised me, but it didn’t.

I vaguely felt him sheath his cock with a
condom before he slammed into my wet cunt and it had me scratching
at his back. He roughly pushed in and out of me, hitting my g-spot
with every push and pull. It wasn’t nice or soft. It was pure,
unadulterated abandonment. We were fucking. I was close to release
within minutes. He thrust deep into the back of my pussy and just
started to move his hips; his lower abdomen glided on my clit and I
threw my head back against the wall matching his hip movement.

I came hard.

His hips jerked forward and his hand covered
my overly enthused mouth, making me whimper.

“Pablo, Lilith!” I heard Madam say from
behind the door.

We placed our foreheads on each other, trying
to come down from the intense orgasms we had just shared and remain
quiet at the same time. We finally heard Madam’s heels clicking
toward the opposite direction before he slowly placed me on the
ground. At first, it was hard to find my balance on my heels. His
strong arms held me up.

I could smell the perspiration on his neck
and it was all man. When he realized that I could hold myself up,
he removed the condom from his cock and disposed of it in the trash
can. It was the first time I had ever used a condom with a man
before. I briefly contemplated what it would feel like to have him
bare inside of me, and it made me anticipate the feel of him
between my thighs, again.

I watched as he buckled his pants and
composed himself, it took me out of my daze to do the same.

“I will be in touch,” I said, breaking the

He nodded and I moved away from the door as
he opened it. He glanced out, and when he knew we were safe to
exit, he gestured for me to quietly follow.

We made it outside without being discovered
and Madam was talking to the same people she was when we

I waited until she realized I was near her.
“Where did you go?”

“I needed to use the restroom,” I calmly

“That’s what you get for being such a lush. I
can only hope that you squatted, darling.”

I had my eyes closed the entire plane ride
home, feigning sleep. We landed and there were two chauffeur’s
waiting for us. Madam kissed my cheek and went on her way.

Later that night I lay in bed, unable to

The time had come.

VIP would be mine.

Chapter 20

next several months weren’t as bad as I had expected them to be.
Everything went rather smoothly. We were transporting hundreds and
hundreds of kilos per week and I had five VIP girls working the
clients whenever they needed it. I was giving them 75% of their cut
from every date. They were ecstatic and it assured they kept their
mouths shut. It just further ingrained in my mind that you can’t
trust anyone in this world other than yourself.

I didn’t care that I was only getting 25% of
the dates because it was never about the money. It was beyond that.
I was still making millions off the cocaine. Everything continued
as it should be.

I was a VIP and Madam still ran the show.




As I was saying before, Mika and I became
friends, but it was more like partners. He jumped at the chance
when I told him about what I was doing. He always marched to the
beat of his own drum, which is one of the reasons I enjoyed his
company. Mika was a trust fund baby. He had all the money in the
world and didn’t care one bit about it. He wanted to live in the
fast lane. His motto was “you only live once”, and he made sure to
make every minute count.

It also didn’t hurt that he looked like a
badass and fucked like a King. It wasn’t all about sex with us; it
was more than that. He was real. I know that doesn’t really make
any sense, but let me try to explain it. Mika didn’t pretend. He
was what he was and if you didn’t like it then you could go fuck
yourself, and he would tell you that to your face. He often put me
in my place and as much as I hated it, I also needed it. I didn’t
threaten him, there was no competition there, and I know that I met
my match when I met Mika.

Now, don’t let your mind wander. This isn’t a
love story. Mika and I didn’t ride off into the sunset together. He
was my means to an end.

A year went by and several disturbing things
started happening in Miami. It had been the drug trafficking
capitol of the world for many years. Everyone, and I do mean
everyone, was involved. If you had money or status, you were doing
something dirty. Over the last few years or so, people started
getting murdered left and right, fighting for greed and power. It
got so bad that tourists weren’t traveling as much as they were
before, and Miami went from becoming the “Magic City” to the
“Blanca Cuidad”, meaning “the white city”. Time magazine had also
put out an article slaughtering the reputation of the city, calling
it the “most dangerous place in the world”. It was bullshit, but at
least it didn’t affect me.

But…there was money. It was everywhere. I
couldn’t keep up, no one could. Corruption led the city; even cops
were in on it. Top dogs were going down daily; attorneys,
celebrities, politicians, CEOs, et cetera. Madam started to get
worried; I could see it every time something hit the news or the
papers. Sometimes I wondered if she knew it was coming, if she
could sense it somehow. I knew she protected herself; I didn’t know
to what means, but I knew that she had to have something in place
if someone were to rat her out. Whatever it was, it wasn’t good
enough to protect her from me.

However, it only made what I was doing that
much easier.

The sad thing is, some VIPs started going
down. I personally watched their demise as they let the white
takeover. Some overdosed, and two died. I’ve told you time and time
again; that I don’t do weakness and neither does Madam. To her, it
was like she was weaning out the weak and only the strong survive.
She got more girls, better ones.




I lay out naked on Mika’s lanai furniture as
I watched him swim laps in the pool. I moved my position on the
chase lounger from my back to my front.

“I liked the position you were sitting in
before, Angel. Your pussy was like the end goal of the lap,” he
said as he started to do the back stroke.

“I needed to turn over. You don’t want me to
look uneven, do you?”

“I suppose not. I’m surprised you’re still
here, you usually fuck and run.”

I laughed at his depiction of me, mostly
because it was true. “That’s completely not true, sometimes it’s
just foreplay or a good ass beating.”

“Oh, how you love the belt on your ass,

He continued to swim laps and I hungrily took
him in. Mika was a fine specimen of male. He knew I was gawking and
lavished in the attention. I watched as he got out of the pool and
shook the water out of his hair. The water dripped off his body
with every step that he took and his cock just hung free in between
his legs.

I could see it coming before it happened. He
jumped on the back of my body, soaking me completely with his. I
squirmed, trying to get loose.

“You know you love it. Stop moving, I’m
trying to get comfortable,” he demanded as he placed his body on
top of mine.

“I can’t breathe,” I mumbled into the cushion
below me.

“Shut up. You just don’t like cuddling.”

“Oh, is this what this is? Here I thought you
were just trying to get me wet.”

He cocked an eyebrow. “Angel, you’re always
wet. It’s one of the reasons I like you around.”

“Really? Because the only reason I have you
around is because you’re nice to look at. You make for better
scenery in my life. I don’t care too much about you talking as much
as you do, though. Which is why I always like to sit on your face.
It’s the only way I can shut you the fuck up,” I teasingly

“Do you kiss your Madam with that mouth?”

“No, I kiss her ass with it.”

He slid to lie on the right side of me and we
faced each other. He pulled my wet hair out of my face.

His hand lingered on my cheek. “Don’t change
once you take over, Angel.”

“I wouldn’t dream of it.”

“I’m serious. I’ve known Madam for a very
long time. I know what it takes to run that empire. Power changes
people. I see it happen every day. Don’t let it take over you. Do
you hear me?” he demanded in a tone I didn’t appreciate.

“Why, Mika? I thought you liked it when I was
a bad girl.”

“I’m serious.”

“So am I.”

He shook his head. “Listen you stubborn ass
woman, people respect and admire kindness, even though you are a
bitch most of the time. There is still kindness in your eyes. Don’t
let them grow cold. Don’t become jaded. VIP can do that to you,
fair warning.” I leaned into his hand that was still resting in the
same spot.

“Everything happens for a reason, Mika.”

I quickly removed myself from him and went to
find a shower. I could not allow myself to get attached to Mika. I
had other plans, plans that I had been working on since I was a
child. It was my destiny. I couldn’t let feelings control me. It
wasn’t the way I operated. I wasn’t made like that. I noticed the
more time I spent with him, the deeper our connection became. I
didn’t know what to do about it.

I couldn’t walk away from him; he was helping
me in more ways than one. But my thoughts began to wander to him
sometimes, whether it was something that reminded me of him, or if
it was a memory. It was fucking with me. As I showered, I wanted to
remove him from my skin and my mind. But I couldn’t, I wanted to go
back out there and say something. To see if he was feeling the same
way I was.

I was scared, what if he was? What would

I wouldn’t know how to handle it and that’s
what terrified me the most. I had finally gotten to a point in my
life where I didn’t know how to control something. It pissed me
off, but it also reminded me that I was human. Maybe I did have a
heart. I continued my mind fuck as I showered and prepared myself
mentally for the possibility of something happening with Mika and

I turned off the shower and heard something
that sounded like moaning coming from the bedroom. I wrapped the
towel around my body and opened the door to find Mika’s face in
between some chick’s thighs.

I laughed. But on the inside, I was seething.
He looked up at me while he continued to devour her pussy; she
hadn’t even opened her eyes to see that I was in the room. She
moaned and grabbed the sheets above her head, kneading them in her
hands. He licked and sucked her, never taking his eyes off mine. I
could see the moisture on his mouth as he manipulated her body to
give him what he wanted. Her body started to tremble and we both
knew she was close to orgasm. When she called out his name in
ecstasy, he let her ride out her orgasm on his lips. He moved up
and wiped off her come from his mouth.

I shook my head.

He grinned seductively at me. “I got her for
you, Angel.”

“Oh really? Seems to me that you couldn’t
wait to get her open. You may have ruined my gift, Mika,” I stated
as I grabbed my clothes. I didn’t even bother changing; I wanted to
get the fuck out of there.

I got to the door and slightly opened it
before it was pushed closed from behind me. He grabbed my upper
arm, turning me around to face him.

“What the fuck was that?” he questioned with
anger and confusion in his eyes.

“Nothing. I need to go,” I stated, trying to
remove myself from him; it only made him hold me harder.

“Are you jealous?”

“Fuck you,” I said through gritted teeth. I
could still see the moisture around his mouth and smell her on him
and it made me sick to my stomach.

“Jesus, Angel. What the fuck? When the hell
did this happen?”

“I have no fucking clue what you’re talking
about. How about you take down your over inflated ego for one
second and let me go,” I demanded, trying to push him away from me.
He aggressively pushed me up against the door and grabbed my

“We have made no goddamn promises to each
other. We are birds of a feather that flock together. I don’t do
commitments or relationships and neither do you. That’s the beauty
about us, Angel. We are two of the same kind. Now get your ass back
in the room and have a good fucking time with me,” he insisted,
letting me go.

I pushed him, catching him off guard. “Don’t
tell me what to do. If I wanted to have a party I would have
invited the guests. Go fuck yourself. I’m not jealous. You are
nothing to me. Do you understand that, Mika? I use you. And the
feeling is mutual. That’s the beauty of us,” I responded and could
see the hurt look in his eyes. And it made me feel better.

BOOK: The Madam
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