Read The Madam Online

Authors: M Robinson

The Madam (14 page)

BOOK: The Madam
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I showered and got dressed in a dark maroon,
tight silk blouse, with a low lying v-cut neckline; a black pencil
skirt that had a slit up my right thigh, and black knee high boots.
I kept myself busy doing a few lines of cocaine as I waited for
Madam to arrive. Concierge rang, informing me that a white stretch
limo was waiting for me downstairs. I was greeted with a glass of
champagne from the driver that I gladly accepted. Madam was on the
phone when I entered the limo and she raised an eyebrow,
questioning my outfit when she saw me; I smiled in return.

“Ciao, bella,” she said into the phone as she
hung up.

“The boots are a little much, don’t you
think?” She examined my wardrobe, tilting her head to the side.

“Not at all,” I replied with a satisfied
grin. “Where are we going?”

She smirked and before she could answer, the
limo phone rang and she remained on it for the duration of our
ride. Twenty-five minutes later, we arrived at our location. I
enjoyed almost a half of bottle of champagne on my own, the cocaine
allowing the leniency to do so. The car came to a complete stop and
Madam opened the door.

“Get out,” she hissed.

I looked at her confused and stepped out of
the vehicle expecting her to follow me as I got out, but the limo
left as soon as I closed the door.

“What the fuck?” I whispered to myself.

I took in my surroundings and the street
signs indicated that I was on 79th and Biscayne Blvd. It was dark,
dingy, and dirty. I started to feel anxious and nervous; I had
never been to that part of town. Women, from what I could only
assume were hookers, were everywhere. They were on the street
corners and by the intersection. Some were in groups and others
were completely alone. They were dressed in trashy lingerie that
left very little to the imagination.

I gradually felt the panic that started to
arise from the pit of my stomach. I didn’t have a dollar on me and
from what I gathered standing there for the last ten minutes; cabs
didn’t bother to come to this part of town. I took a deep breath
and started to walk my happy ass toward the next gas station, which
seemed to be miles away, and my poor choice of five-inch stilettos
weren’t exactly accommodating. I could see him from the corner of
my eye; a man had been eyeing me since the second I got out of the
limo. I was tired of this cat and mouse game he appeared to be
playing and I spun quickly around to face him, catching him off

“What?” I shouted, annoyed at his blatant

He cocked his head to the side. “You lost,
Little Red Riding Hood? Off to grandma’s you go?” he mocked in a
suggestive tone that disgusted me.

“What the fuck is it to you what I’m doing?
Mind your own goddamn business, unless asked for an opinion,
asshole! Women don’t like men who talk,” I stated, turning around,
but he caught my arm before I could take the next step.

“Who the fuck do you think you are, little
girl? I own this corner and since you’re standing on it, guess
what, princess? I own you too,” he seethed in my ear.

“Fuck. You!” I shouted spitting in his

“You little cunt!” he sneered as he pulled my
hair back to expose my neck, he slowly took his tongue and licked
from my collarbone to my chin and all I wanted to do was throw up
in my mouth. “You’re mine now.”

He started to drag me toward a dark alley,
covering my mouth so I wasn’t able to scream. A strange and
unfamiliar feeling coursed through my body. I knew it couldn’t have
been fear- I don’t fear anything- but it was something similar to

A car approached us and I silently prayed
that it was a police officer.

“Miguel!” a man shouted from the driver’s
side of the vehicle.

He completely stopped and I could feel his
elaborate heartbeat on my back.

The man got out of the vehicle and Miguel
released me. I was about to take off running but watched as he
right hooked Miguel in the face, making him fall to the ground and

“I have told you time and time again to keep
your fucking dick in your pants. Get yourself cleaned up and go
home. You’re done for the night,” he growled through gritted

“Get in,” he demanded once he turned to face

I didn’t have much of a choice at that point,
so I got in the car.

I put my seatbelt on as I waited for him to
do the same and then we drove off.

“Ocean Drive please,” I requested, thankful
for the rescue.

He nodded. “What are you doing in this part
of town?”

“Being punished,” I blatantly said, knowing
it was the truth.

We rode in silence for the next ten minutes
and when he didn’t take the turn needed to get to South Beach, I
realized that my punishment wasn’t over.

I hesitated. “Where are we going?”

He smiled but didn’t answer. We came to a red
light and I quickly tried to open the door to get out and it
wouldn’t budge. The fucking door was on child lock. I screamed in

“Please...don’t do this. I have money; I have
lots of money. If you take me home, I will give it all to you,” I
unashamedly begged.

“I have money, I don’t need any more.”

“Really?! Because judging by this piece of
shit car it doesn’t seem that way,” I aggressively shouted, angry
over the turn of events.

His hand reached over to graze my cheek and I
closed my eyes in disgust.

“I’m not going to hurt you, calm down,” he
coolly stated.

I wasn’t stupid, I knew whatever he had
planned it wasn’t anything that I wanted to be a part of.

He parked his car in an alley that I had
never seen before in my life.

I glared at the darkness before me, not
wanting to face him in any way. I heard him take his seat belt off
and then he did the same to mine. I stood my ground; I didn’t want
to give him the satisfaction of making me feel weak.

He started stroking my arm with his
fingertips in an up and down motion.

“Oh come on…this isn’t so bad. I saved you
back there and I think I should get something of a reward. Don’t
you think?”

I didn’t respond.

“All I want is to finger fuck you, gorgeous.
You come, and I drive you home. It’s as easy as that,” he

“It’s still rape,” I retorted, still not
looking at him.

“Geez, you women nowadays, so quick to throw
out the rape card. The thing is you’re going to enjoy it and you’re
going to tell me exactly how you love it.” He got close to my ear.
“Exactly…how you want me to touch you…the faster you come, the
faster you get to go home. Simple as that.” He crudely grabbed my
chin. “Look at me.”

I did. It was the first time I looked at him,
and he was actually a handsome looking guy and if he wasn’t about
to violate me and make me enjoy it, I probably would have liked
him. He had piercing green eyes and slick black hair that was tied
in a ponytail; his facial features were rough but strong.

He rubbed his nose on mine and then brought
his thumb to my mouth tracing my bottom lip.

“Get it nice and wet for me,” he said.

My tongue sought out his finger and I licked
it just how he wanted me too, he groaned in appreciation.

“I know what kind of girl you are. What makes
you think what we’re doing is any different than what you will do
with other clients, huh? Consider me driving you home as payment.
Just because I don’t drive a Bentley doesn’t mean I don’t have
money.” His voice was deep and raspy, causing the air inside the
car to feel thick and warm.

Did I believe him? Who the fuck knows…Miami
is full of all kinds of people. Did that change the fact that I
didn’t want him to do and get what he was going to take? Absolutely
not. The ending was going to be the same, regardless if I wanted it
or not.

He pulled his thumb out of my mouth and went
right for the edge of my panties, moving them to the side to rub my
clit with his thumb in a circular motion.

I wanted to cry, and if I thought for one
second that I could overpower the son of a bitch I would have.
Though, that would only leave me more broken and bruised. I hated
that this fucker had the control, I hated that I wasn’t getting
paid, but most of all, I hated that my body was betraying me and my
pussy was getting wet. He knew what he was doing. I didn’t have to
tell him shit. All he wanted was to belittle me, and make me feel
like the piece of shit that he was.

The way his lust-filled eyes stared at me
made me want to turn away. I wanted nothing more than to close my
eyes and make it all go away. The way he manipulated my sex
reminded me of Anderson and how he used my body to do exactly the
same thing. Even though he was handling me with more attentiveness
and care, it didn’t matter; it made me feel cheap and used, like I
could be easily discarded, like some drug addict sucking cock. In
that instant I didn’t feel like a VIP, I felt like a toy, like a
fucking puppet that was not only being controlled by this man, but
also by my mother.

“It’s show time,” he reminded me, bringing my
thoughts back to the present. “Tell me…let me hear you say the
words to make you come.”

I slightly panted, “Keep moving your thumb
like that. Push a little firmer on my clit…yes like that. Take your
index and middle finger and push them inside me.”

He did as he was told and my breathing
accelerated along with his. I could smell the vodka and tobacco on
his breath.

He eased his fingers into me, my dampness
making it easy for him.

“Hmmm…your cunt feels tight. I can’t wait to
taste you on my fingers,” he huskily stated. Normally these words
would have affected me and I would have been agreeably willing to
give him whatever he wanted. But I didn’t want to, I felt like a
slut, a hooker, a prostitute. Everything I was told that I would
never be. I wanted to get this over as fast as possible. I wanted
to shower and crawl into my bed, wishing this whole ordeal never

I played my part. “Curl your fingers in an
upward motion. Ahhh…yes…you feel that rigid end?” I heard him

“Yeah…right there…fuck me there…move your
fingers in and out… faster… harder…” I whimpered, trying to control
the tears that were stabbing the backs of my eyes, begging to be
released. I was in this fucked up limbo of wanting to get off and
wanting to crawl into a hole. My emotions were all over the

“Your pussy is gripping my fingers, you love
this you dirty whore, don’t you? You want to be used…want to be
fucked and put in your place. Rich bitches like you always want to
be abused.” I tried to block out his words, refusing to let them
sink into my mind. There was no aiding it, his cruel and vicious
statements sunk into the bottom of my being and I shut my eyes,
hoping that it would take away the pain. The anguish and discomfort
that I felt couldn’t be controlled. He fucked my g-spot over and
over again until my mind went blank and I came.

I didn’t open my eyes to watch the satisfied
glow in his smile and demeanor, I knew the second his fingers left
my sex they were going straight to his mouth. I turned back around,
pulling down my skirt and hanging my head in shame.

I gave him the directions to my condo and we
didn’t talk the entire time. We made it to my front entrance and I
waited for him to get out of the car to open my door.

“You enjoyed it, princess; don’t act as if
you’re high and mighty now. It’s a little late for that.”

I didn’t say anything to him, wanting him to
leave so I could be alone.

“You’re welcome. Come on…let me hear you say
it and you can go.”

I bit my lip and tasted blood. “Thank you,” I
whispered, hoping that he heard it, so that I didn’t have to repeat
it again.

“Thank you for what, again?” he continued to
taunt me.

“Thank you for driving me home.”

“And…” Once again, he grabbed my chin to make
me look at him. It took everything I had not to smack that smug
look off his face.

“Thank you…for making me come,” I stated
through clenched teeth.

He smiled wide and I jerked my chin away,
huffing in disgust.

I walked into my condo in a trance. I stood
there with the door open, looking at all the extravagant beauty
before me. My stomach churned and I ran to the sink, throwing up
every last substance that was left. I rinsed my mouth out and I
turned off the sink. I went to the fridge and grabbed the
Pellegrino and poured myself a glass, I took two sips and hurled it
across the room. I watched as it shattered against the wall,
falling into shards on the ground.

My body moved fast and I started to push over
everything that was in my immediate eyesight. I threw, flung, and
swung at anything I could find. I screamed at the top of my lungs
over and over again, until my throat burned raw. Minutes later, and
I just stood there, panting and heaving; my chest propelling itself
upward with every few hyper-vented breaths. I walked toward the
trash and immediately removed all of my clothing, throwing away
every article I was wearing in the receptacle.

I walked into the bathroom, never once
looking in the mirror and turned on the shower. I stood under the
running water for what seemed like hours, longing for the water to
wash away my thoughts, my memory. Finally, my body and mind
couldn’t take it anymore and I fell to the floor crying.

The moment of a realization is a brutal and
an ugly bitch.

I was a pawn, and my mother just checkmated

Chapter 15

The next morning I awoke with the memory of
the night before still fresh in my mind. I heard noises coming from
my kitchen and I didn’t have to wonder who it was. I grabbed my
black silk robe and took care of my morning routine before making
my way into the kitchen. I could smell the delicacy before stepping
into the foyer. There was a huge spread of breakfast laid out on my
island, you name it, and it was there. My condo was also spotless,
and I had nothing to do with that. I rolled my eyes and grabbed
some coffee.

BOOK: The Madam
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