The Love Series Complete Box Set (46 page)

BOOK: The Love Series Complete Box Set
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She looks beautiful. Her hair is pulled back into a pony tail and her long, graceful neck is exposed. I can’t really make out much of her figure underneath the puffy, winter coat that she’s wearing and the baggy baby blue scrubs do nothing to showcase her fantastic legs. Just thinking about her strong, lean legs wrapped around my waist makes my cock twitch in anticipation.

Lost in my erotic fantasy, I don’t immediately notice it, but leaning-up-against-his-car guy is approaching Maddy. For a split second, I tense worrying that he’s going to harm her, but when I see her face light up in a huge smile at seeing him, fury takes over.

The fuck? She’s out of my life for less than a week. She’s pregnant with my baby. She calls me to tell me that she loves me and misses me. And then she goes behind my back? Yeah, I don’t think so.

I get out of the truck and walk over towards the two of them. Maddy’s back is to me as I approach her and her date, so she doesn’t see me right away. But once the guy sees me, she spins around to look at what has caught his eye.

Her face is shocked and when our eyes lock, my heart skips a beat. There’s a pull between us. As much as I hate to admit it, she owns me. Her eyes are magical. They dance with light and passion and when she looks at me, they are filled with love.

The love and passion that are sparkling in her emerald green eyes evaporate when she realizes the scene that I’ve just stumbled upon. I can only imagine what’s going through her mind, but I’m sure the images of me kicking Logan’s ass are flashing vividly through her mind.

I’m no more than a few feet from them when the guy pushes Maddy behind him to protect her from what he perceives as a threat. He’s not very far from the truth, but she’s not the one who needs protecting.

Menacingly close now, he pipes up. “Who the fuck are you? What do you want?” Okay, I’ll give the prick a little bit of credit for trying to stand up to me, but he has no clue what he’s competing against here.

The caveman in me wants to deck this guy and drag Maddy into a bed—any bed—and claim her, repeatedly, until she understands that she’s mine and no one else’s. I’m going to do that anyway, but hopefully I can refrain from knocking this guy on his ass. I’d like to have the use of my hands tonight.

My eyes never leave Maddy’s, but my words are directed at him. “Me? I’m the boyfriend, asshole.” Maddy’s eyes widen slightly as I say “boyfriend.” Did she really think we ever broke up?

I avert my gaze from Maddy for a minute to stare this douchebag down. “And who the fuck do you think you are?” He falters, not enough that most people would notice, but I’m in predator mode. I see his throat work hard to swallow past the newly formed fear. His pupils dilate slightly and the pulse beating in his neck picks up as adrenaline surges through him. If he thinks he’s going to win this battle, he is wrong—so fucking wrong.

He puffs out his chest as he says, “I’m Maddy’s date for tonight.” He snickers lightly as he says, “You know? She never mentioned a boyfriend when I asked her out. Must not be much of a boyfriend if she doesn’t even mention you.” He swells with pride at his snarky little quip. In the split second he looks away from me to gauge Maddy’s approval, I lay him flat on the ground as I drop my shoulder into his gut and take his legs out from underneath him with one of my own. I freaking love my takedown skills. I didn’t even have to bust up my hands. I’m definitely going to need them in a little bit.

I straddle over him and pull him up by the collar. “Whether she mentioned me or not, she’s mine, so lay the fuck off. Got it?”

Maddy still hasn’t said a word and I haven’t actually spoken directly to her. I’m pretty sure she understands my actions though. Wordlessly, I reach my hand out to her. This is her chance. If she still wants me, then she’ll come with me. This is who I am, who I’ve always been. If she can’t understand that I love her, that I want her more than anything, then it’s not because I haven’t tried as hard as I possibly could to prove it to her.

Hand still outstretched, I look her directly in the eyes, as I try to convey everything that I’m thinking, that I’m feeling. In what feels like an act of God, she understands me and laces her hand in mine.

Electricity fires between us. She’s wrapping her hand around mine, but I feel her touch everywhere on my body- tracing the lines of my chest and toned abs, tickling the trail that descends low on my belly, encasing my hardened length as she brings me to the heights of ecstasy that I’ve only experienced with her.

This is what Maddy does to me. She owns me, but tonight, tonight I’m going to show her that I own her.

As she steps over what’s-his-face, she bends down, without ever letting go of my hand, and says, “Are you alright? I’m sorry, Jay. I’ve got to go. I’ll talk to you soon.” He tries to respond to her, but he’s still trying to catch his breath from my takedown.

When we’re a few steps past Jay, whoever the fuck that is, I turn her so that she’s facing me. “You will not talk to him soon. Over my fucking dead body.” She opens her mouth to say something, but I don’t give her the opportunity to form any words.

I wrap my other arm around her waist and pull her up to my mouth. When our lips crash together, my body shudders in delight. I let go of her hand and grab the back of her head to pull her mouth closer to mine. She’s not close enough because in this moment I could devour her. I’m losing myself in her taste, in her fine, perfect mouth. I can’t control myself—biting, licking, savoring—she’s just so fucking sweet that I know I will never be able to get enough.

Lust takes over and I wrap her long, golden pony tail around my wrist and pull her head back to expose the creamy, delicate skin of her neck. I see her pulse beat beneath the surface. Running my nose up the length of her neck, I inhale her scent—some fruity shampoo mixed with pure desire.

Almost involuntarily, my tongue darts out and runs a hot, wet, seductive path up from the small exposed patch of her throat to the tender spot of flesh right below her earlobe that makes her knees quiver.

And wouldn’t you know it? That’s exactly what happens. Lips pressed against her neck, I smile and whisper in her ear, “Did you miss me, Maddy?” Goose bumps pimple her flesh immediately and without having to say a word, I know her answer. Damn this bulky winter jacket for getting in my way, because my palms long to squeeze her pebbled nipples. I need to get her out of here now.

Hair still wrapped around my wrist, lips still pressed up against her exposed neck, I smile into her skin and say, “Now here’s what’s going to happen, Maddy. You’re going to text Mel and let her know that I came and picked you up like I said I would and that you’re staying out for the night. Got it?” She nods in response and my ego fist pumps the air knowing that I’ve rendered her speechless. “And then you’re going to shut off your phone and we’re going to a hotel so I can show you over and over again that you belong to me. Okay?”

This time I don’t wait for her response, verbal or otherwise. I just release her from my grasp and stalk away towards the truck. Sliding into the cabin, I look at her furiously typing away on her phone. I see her hold down a single button and I smile at her ability to follow instructions.

That’s a skill that will come in handy for her tonight.

When she gets in the truck, she’s still shocked into silence. “Where’s the nearest hotel?” I ask; my words are gruff and harsh. She seems surprised by my question, but after a kiss like that, what did she expect?

“There’s a Holiday Inn on route 17. It’s only about ten minutes from here.” Her voice is timid and weak. She may be scared, but she’s got nothing to fear. I’m just here to take back what’s mine.

“Okay, good.” My curt response forces her to turn towards me, rather than facing straight in the seat. I shift the truck into drive and turn to look behind me before pulling out of the spot.

“Why are you so angry, Reid? What are you even doing here?” Seriously? That’s how she wants to approach this. Abruptly, I shift the truck back into park and it rocks a few times before stopping completely.

“Why am I angry?” The question comes out through my clenched jaw. I know I have to temper back my fury, so I take a deep breath and try to relax. I shift so that I can face her, so I can look into her deep green eyes.

“I’m angry that you pushed me away because I was shocked to find out you are pregnant. I’m furious that you think I can’t love you just because I can’t forgive my family. I’m beyond pissed that I actually listened to you and tried to make amends at home and all it did was cause more pain.” I notice her eyes widen in shock as I mention that I did, in fact, go home. “But what infuriates me, more than anything, is that you were about to go out with some other guy when you just called me yesterday to tell me that you missed me, that you still loved me.” I run my hand through my hair and let out a loud almost growl-like sound.

“I do still love you.” Her voice is no more than a whisper. She reaches out to grab my hand and I let her. I’ve missed her touch and right now, I could use some comfort.

Running my thumb over her knuckles, I gaze into her teary eyes. A single tear streaks down her cheek and I swipe it away with the pad of my other thumb. I release her hand and cup her soft cheeks in my palms. Grazing her soft, full lips with my fingertips, my body can’t help but react to her sweetness.

I take a deep, cleansing breath and once my anger is washed away, I say, “I still love you too, Maddy. I never thought that I would love anyone, but you, my God, I love you so much it actually hurts. Just because I’ve never done this before,” I gesture between the two of us, “just because I haven’t been in a relationship before, doesn’t mean I’m not capable of loving you with everything that I am. I never should have walked away, but you shouldn’t have pushed me away either.”

More tears pour from her eyes and speech seems to elude her. She nods her head, acknowledging my words and I press my index finger to her lips.

“Shh, baby. Words aren’t necessary right now.” Again, she just nods in response and I shift the truck back into drive. Words may not be necessary, but actions will definitely help her understand just how much I love her, just how much she is mine.

After we check into the hotel, we ride the elevator up to the third floor in complete silence. Our fingers are interlaced and the energy that is pulsing and beating between us is like a powerful ocean wave threatening to crest and pull us under. In just a few short minutes, we’ll be consumed in each other; we’ll be drowning in the sea of bliss and pleasure, holding onto each other as if our lives depend on it.

I slide the card into the door handle. When the green light blinks and the lock clicks open, my heart beat quickens and Maddy’s grip on my hand tightens.

When we’re finally on the other side of door and inside of the room, I spin her around so that her back is up against the door. Immediately, I strip her of her bulky winter jacket and dispose of mine as well. I pull her baggy work uniform over her head and my mouth waters at the sight of her perfect body. Her hot pink lacy bra does nothing to cover her perfect breasts. They’re nearly spilling out of the cups and she’s already so aroused that her nipples are pushing against the see-through fabric.

Now that we’ve gotten all of the “I love you and you love me” details out of the way, I’m ready to play. I’m ready to take her back.

I capture her wrist, the one that’s not wrapped in a cast, and pull it above her head. Holding it in place, I trace a line down her other arm and marvel at how quickly she responds to my touch. “You know, Maddy, I had visions of you tied to that bed. I wanted to make you squirm, but this cast is just going to get in the way. So you’re just going to have to be a good girl and listen to what I tell you to do. Got it?” Her pupils dilate; her pulse beats wildly in her ensnared wrist. I place my palm across her frantically racing heart and my groin twitches in delight at the first contact with her skin. Her nipples pebble even more and I lean into her cleavage. I move my hand from above her heart, and cup her full, heavy breast in my hand. Inhaling her scent and pressing my lips to the creamy skin that’s exposed in between the plunging cups of her bra, I say, “These,” I squeeze her breast for emphasis, “have changed. They’re bigger.” Another squeeze elicits a moan. Her sharp intake of breath as I pull gently on her nipple through the lacy fabric makes my cock swell in anticipated delight.

“You like when I do that?” I let go of her wrist and using both hands, I pull both of her tight, pink tips. Her knees quake and she slides down the door slightly.

“Oh God, Reid. You know I like that. You know my body better than I do.” Her voice is a lust-filled whisper. I pull again, this time harder and she gasps. It’s a sound of pleasure mixed with pain. Her body recoils from mine slightly. “They’re just a little tender, but your fingers feel so amazing. Please don’t stop.” Her head falls to my shoulder and she nuzzles my neck, inhaling me.

Her finger tips are digging into the flesh of my back—scraping and clawing over the thin cotton fabric of my T-shirt. She moves her hands up to the nape of my neck and into my hair. Her fingers scorch my skin, igniting a passion that I’ve never felt before.

BOOK: The Love Series Complete Box Set
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