The Love Laws (37 page)

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Authors: Tamara Larson

BOOK: The Love Laws
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she gasped and whirled back around to face him. “I can’t believe you just did

laughed. “Sorry. Couldn’t resist. Now why don`t you come here and wrap those
gorgeous legs around me? Hmmm?” He shifted back in the window seat until his
naked back was almost touching the glass and beckoned her forward.

a small, seductive smile Jamie braced her hands on his wide shoulders and
gracefully straddled his lap. They both groaned as she slid her body down until
her mound rested directly over the prominent ridge under his zipper.

her bottom tightly with both hands, Kevin ground her pussy against the front of
his jeans as he thrust his hips. Her jagged cry of pleasure echoed in his ear
as he found one of her hard nipples with his lips and suckled hard, taking most
of her breast deep into his mouth.

could smell her arousal. It was a heady, sweet scent that made him want to
taste her.

warning, he held her legs tightly in place around his hips and stood up.

could only hold onto his shoulders as Kevin dropped to his knees and sat her on
the edge of the window seat. Kneeling between her legs he placed his large
palms on the inside of both knees and pushed gently until her thighs were
spread wide, exposing her damp panties to his eager gaze.

Look at you. I can’t wait to kiss you here,” he said, rubbing one thumb along
the centre of her pussy from top to bottom. He did it again, this time pausing
to dip his thumb into her slippery cleft before sliding away to brush
delicately against where her clit clamored for attention under the satin of her

leaned back on her hands and watched as Kevin lowered his head and kissed his
way up the inside of her thigh. He took his time, nibbling and licking his way
up her body while his thumb and fingertips made lazy circles around her mound.

his mouth finally reached the juncture of her thighs she nearly wept in relief.
She was incredibly wet and so aroused it was all she could do not to grab his
head and thrust it between her legs.

down hard on her lips to stifle her cries she closed her eyes and waited for
him to remove her panties. But he didn’t. Instead he actually licked her
through the slippery material. Just a few swipes of the broad side of his
tongue and then he was slowly sinking his tongue into her, burying it as far as
the material would allow.

let out a small cry and grabbed his hair with both hands as he shifted the
crotch of her panties to the side and covered her naked pussy with his mouth. He
thrust his tongue deep, in and out, faster and faster, while his thumbs held
her wide open to his invasion.

yes. That’s so good,” she gasped as he replaced his tongue with three blunt,
thrusting fingers and licked his way up to her clit. He flicked his tongue
against her distended nub a few lazy times and then sucked it, hard. That was
all it took. Jamie came around him with a cry and a tightening of muscles
around his fingers that made him ache to be inside her.

she had time to catch her breath Kevin was ripping at the closure on his jeans.
With a muttered curse he lowered his straining zipper and yanked both his
briefs and jeans down to his knees. He sighed with relief as his heavy erection
was unleashed from its cotton prison.

he ran his hand up and down its length as he watched Jamie. She was slumped
against the cold glass with her hands braced on the window frame. From the
street below her bright hair and white shoulders would be visible but she didn’t
seem to care.

he could see how her hard little nipples begged for his lips and how her long,
elegant legs were spread wide in invitation. The pink flesh between her thighs
was wet, glistening in the dim light. Best of all her eyes were hooded as she
watched the movement of his hand along his own hard flesh. Then she licked her
lips and looked up at him with such a hungry expression that he had to close
his own eyes or be lost. She was the sexiest thing he’d ever seen and she
wanted him. The knowledge made him feel like a superhero.

you want this?” He rasped, circling his aching cock with his fingers.

nodded and watched his hand race along his long shaft.

‘Cause I can`t wait to give it to you.”

raised up on his knees and rubbed his hardness along her slippery folds.

made an impatient sound and glared up at him.

chuckled. “What’s wrong? Taking too long?”

teasing. And do it.”

Impatient. I like that. Just give me one more minute.”

parted her with his fingers and found her hard little clit. Gently, he brushed
it with the silky head of his cock and nearly came himself as Jamie cried out
in pleasure.

him she thrust her hips upward, trying to maximize the contact between her most
sensitive flesh and his but he held her down with one hand as he circled her
nub again and again.

sweet pussy seemed to grow more slippery with each pass of his hard cock. Her
heat and scent were driving him wild to take her. When she finally stared up at
him with glazed eyes and begged him to fuck her that was all he could take.

he found the condom he’d stashed under the cushion with one hand, ripped open
the wrapper with his teeth and slid it onto his massive erection in record

her hips, he finally entered her, slowly filling her slick channel with his
hard cock one inch at a time.

wasn’t fast enough for Jamie. She began bucking her hips in quick little pulses
while squeezing her inner muscles tight enough to make him see stars.

thoughts of control vanished as Kevin became aware of how perfectly they fit
together. How tight and hot she was around him and how beautiful her face was
as she strained towards climax, her mouth open and her eyes shut tight in
complete abandonment.

couldn`t help it. He began thrusting wildly. To his delight, she wrapped her
legs around his back and began meeting his powerful movements as he lunged
faster and faster, pounding his cock deep between her slick thighs.

she opened her eyes wide, their gazes locked and her entire body went still.
She cried out as her orgasm overtook her. Reaching for his neck she pulled him
forward until she was able to kiss him with savage passion.

lips met as his own orgasm rocketed through him with all the power of a riptide.
Then he slumped forward, buried his face in her fragrant neck and wound his
arms tightly around her waist. His deep breathing and the pounding of his heart
drowned out everything as he recovered from the most incredible sex of his


recovered her wits first. “Kevin?” She whispered as she smoothed his golden
hair away from his sweaty forehead with one hand. “Are you alright?”

was still for a few moments and then just shook his head against her neck. His
grip on her did not slacken and he remained buried to the hilt inside her.

felt her lips quirk up in amusement at his reaction. “Do I need to call an ambulance?
Or start CPR?” She asked in a mock serious tone.

groaned and pulled back a few inches until she could see his face. He was
smiling and his eyes were at half mast. He looked ridiculously happy and
satisfied, like a big lion after a particularly good feast. “No CPR. But some
mouth-to-mouth resuscitation might be in order,” he growled as he captured her
lips in a fiercely possessive kiss.

couldn’t believe what had just happened. Sex with Kevin was mind-blowing. Even
better now that she had revealed her true feelings. When he’d been thrusting so
hard and deep inside her and their eyes had locked she’d seen how much he cared
for her it had made her feel like the most beautiful and cherished woman in the
world. She wanted to experience that again and again with this incredible man.
Nothing came close to the connection she had with him. And to think she’d
nearly missed out on this relationship because she’d been insecure and scared.
All her reservations seemed so foolish now.

this moment, she had to fight to think because Kevin was in the process of
thoroughly kissing her neck. Her body reacted to his expert touch with renewed
enthusiasm but her mind, as usual, needed more information. She yanked gently
on the back of his hair to distract him. “Can I ask you a question?”

didn’t even pause in his exploration of her collar bone. “Yes, I will have sex
with you again,” he muttered into the sensitive skin beneath her ear.

yanked again. This time a little harder. “Not the question. But good to know.”

he removed his mouth from her neck with a sigh. Pulling back he loosened his
grip on her, reluctantly disengaged himself from her body and discreetly
disposed of the condom. Then he gathered her up in his arms and sat back down
on the window seat with her in his lap, both of them buck naked.

Don’t want to shock the neighbors,” he said with a teasing grin as he pulled
his leather jacket around her, taking extra special attention to tuck the coat
around her full breasts and smooth thighs. Finally satisfied with the modest picture
she made, he nodded. “Okay. One question. Then we get back to making you

She gave his upper arm a small pinch. “I do not squeal.”

grabbed her pinching hand and brought it to his lips for a quick nibble. “Yes,
you do. And I can’t wait to hear it again. You sound like the world’s sexiest

retrieved her hand from his mouth and rolled her eyes. “And once again I’m
being compared to a fish. Not exactly flattering.”

I said a sexy dolphin, didn’t I? And a dolphin is a mammal. Not a fish.”

Not hot.”

shifted his hips forward and she felt his penis, already hard and insistent
against her hip. “Feels pretty hot to me,” he rumbled. “Now, what was your
question before I have to demonstrate exactly how squealy and sexy you are, once

wriggled slightly in his lap and giggled as he groaned into her hair. In
retaliation he slid his hands under his coat and palmed her breasts, tweaking her
nipples into hard points which made her want to forget her question entirely.
With some effort she managed to focus. “Seriously. Why here? This place? I mean
there’s a couch in the living room off the kitchen and my room downstairs has
an actual bed in it. What made you decide to bring me up here?”

gave her a lecherous look. “As soon as I saw the window seat I imagined you
spread-eagled on it. Consider that one fantasy fulfilled in truly spectacular


shrugged and looked around. “There’s just something about this room. I loved
the space the second I came in. I looked around and I could imagine you here as
a kid, playing and daydreaming as you stared out at the water. It made me feel good
thinking of you here. I felt like I could work here and be absolutely content
as long as you were here to share it with me.”

stared at him for a long moment, hardly believing that he could speak of their
future together with so much certainty and confidence. “Thank you,” she
whispered as she leaned forward and kissed him above one tawny eyebrow.

gave her a confused look. “For stalking you? Making you squeal? Or for making
love to you on a hard bench rather than a proper bed? What exactly are you
thanking me for?”

the fact that her eyes were brimming with unshed tears, Jamie did not shield
her face from his perceptive gaze. This was a first for her. To her tears were
a sign of weakness and she hated exposing her raw emotions to other people.
She’d spent most of her life hiding her feelings behind a bold façade. But with
Kevin she would allow her vulnerability to show. He deserved to see all of her.
Even the basket case bits of her that she tried so hard to deny.

tilted her chin up and traced his cheekbone with one finger. “Those things. But
also for bringing me here. For giving me a good memory of this place.”

looked concerned. “You had bad memories here? I had no idea. Damn it. I’m
sorry. Jessica always made your parents sound like saints. I just assumed this
was a happy place for you.”

shook her head and patted his chest soothingly. “It’s okay. Nothing really
terrible happened to me here. And our parents were great. Well, they were great
with Jessica. With me, they were always bewildered and vaguely disappointed.”

brows furrowed. “What? That’s crazy. You’re amazing. I’m sure they knew that.”

sighed. “Unfortunately, they didn’t think I was amazing in the slightest. I was
usually in trouble. And this...” She pointed to a spot in front of the window
seat. “…Was usually where they brought me to discuss my latest failure.” She
spoke matter-of-factly but the hurt behind the casual words still filtered

I’m so sorry.” Kevin smoothed her hair back from her brow and placed a warm
kiss against each eyelid. This tender gesture caused Jamie’s tears to start
sliding down her cheeks uncontrollably.

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