Read The Love Laws Online

Authors: Tamara Larson

The Love Laws (36 page)

BOOK: The Love Laws
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words were out before she realized what she was saying. All along this had been
her issue. It wasn’t Kevin’s past that she was concerned with. It was hers. Her
whole life she’d felt that she wasn’t good enough. She’d never quite fit in
with her conservative family. Her parents were never cruel to her but they made
it clear to her on a daily basis that she didn’t meet their expectations. When
they died so unexpectedly she’d finally embraced her unconventional personality
in a fit of rebellion. Instead of honoring their memory she’d reveled in
finally being free of their constant reproach.

does it matter now? They’re gone so I can never live up to their impossible standards
anyway. I might as well fulfil their dire predictions and really make a mess of
my life,
Working at the Kitty-Kat, dressing outrageously, seducing men –
she’d done all of these things because she’d wanted to defy them. She’d had no
idea she was acting out of pain and anger rather than sincere enjoyment of her
hedonistic lifestyle.

was so caught up in embracing her freedom that it took two years for her to
realize that she was living her life to hurt them – her dead parents. Then the
guilt and shame set in. What kind of person was she to act so bitter and
resentful? She needed to grow up and take responsibility for her actions. The
problem was that she didn’t know how to do that. She’d always been such an
emotional, impulsive person. Making plans wasn’t exactly her strong suit.

her sister met Detective Duncan Reinhold and made some dramatic changes in her
own life Jamie decided she also needed to make a change. She wasn’t trapped and
didn’t have to be a screw-up just to spite her poor misguided parents. So she
took steps to turn her life around, starting with quitting The Kitty-Kat and
putting her design background to good use.

Hidden Treasure was the start of a new and respectable chapter in her life.
With a lot of sacrifice and hard work she became someone her parents could be
proud of but in the process she lost sight of what she really wanted and who
she really was. As a result she felt like a complete fraud both personally and

she’d met Kevin there’d been something unnerving between them from the very
beginning. It almost seemed like he could see right through her. There would be
no hiding the horrible person she kept so carefully hidden from his perceptive

that he wouldn’t want her when he discovered all her many deficiencies she’d rejected
him first to avoid the pain of being abandoned again. What she hadn’t been
prepared for was that Kevin didn’t care about her past. He wanted a future with
her and even seeing her at her absolute worst didn’t discourage him from his
goal. He thought she was worthy of love, even with all her glaring flaws.

I don’t see that at all.” He replied gently, confirming her dearest hope. “When
I look at you, I see everything I could possibly want in a woman. And just for
the record, you never have to apologize for pogo-stick sex. Or any kind of sex,
for that matter.”

turned in his arms, hiding her suddenly wet face in his hard chest. Her voice
was muffled when she spoke. “This can’t be happening. You should have given up
on me. Anyone one else would have.”

he buried one hand under her hair and massaged the back of her neck in a
soothing gesture. “Never. I’m in this for the long haul. Or at least until you
file a restraining order.”

laughed and pulled back a bit, still looking down to hide her leaking eyes. “You’re
safe. I have no intention of discouraging you. Ever again.”

crouched down so he could look her directly in the eye. The expression on his
face was incredibly vulnerable and sweet. “Angel? Does that mean you don’t
think I’m a lost cause anymore?”

stared into his tawny eyes for a long moment, humbled by the raw emotion she
saw there. Taking a deep breath she somehow found the courage to say what she
truly felt. “It means that I think you’re the most worthy cause I can think of.
And I am so on board with your man-whore reformation.”

lips quirked up in a crooked half smile at her words. “And what will that
involve exactly?”

pretended to think about it. “Well, monogamy, of course.”

can’t believe I’m saying this but I’m good with that.”

sex. Lots and lots of sex.”

what I had in mind. What else?”

True Love. Hopefully. ”

nodded. “I like the sound of that. Now, I know which part I’d like to start
with.” Leaning down, he tipped her chin up with one finger and touched his lips
to hers with heart wrenching gentleness.

a soft growl, Jamie stood up on her tip-toes and took control of the kiss,
thrusting her tongue into his mouth and digging her nails into his broad
shoulders. Her desperation added a roughness to her actions that she’d never
felt before.

was done pretending she didn’t want him. It was such a relief to not have to
hide her feelings anymore. Now she could finally show him exactly how much she
needed to be close to him.

Chapter Eighteen

never admit it to anyone, but Kevin was actually a bit nervous. He’d had sex
with countless women in his notorious past but this time was different. Tonight
was about two people coming together to express something real and lasting. And
he didn’t really know how to do that. He was more than confident in his mad
sexual skills but this whole love thing was something new. And he was man
enough to admit that he was intimidated by the prospect of failing to impress.

wanted to show Jamie how incredible sex could be between them. To give her more
pleasure than she’d ever experienced before. But there was one big problem:
they’d barely kissed and he was already losing control. If possible, he was
even more turned on than that afternoon at the Pier. At this rate he was more
than a little concerned that he was going to finish all by himself, leaving
Jamie to stand there unsatisfied and disappointed. Talk about an anti-climax.

needed to slow things down but she was kissing him with such unrestrained
passion that he was completely helpless to stop her. It had been almost two
weeks of unsatisfactory lonely guy sex for him after all. As a result he’d been
hard and primed since the moment she’d entered the room and he’d gotten a whiff
of her perfume.

that she was actually here in his arms he was completely lost to sensation. The
silky thrust of her tongue between his lips combined with the warm press of her
generous breasts against his chest and the small kittenish sounds she was
making caught him completely off guard. He’d been expecting her to be soft and
romantic given the situation and setting. Yet she’d managed to surprise him
again. Instead of Rom-Com sex she was bringing her porno game and he was unable
to discourage her enthusiasm.

actually felt his eyes start to roll back in his head when she reached down and
palmed his ass with both hands as she simultaneously sucked on his tongue.

he grunted, his voice sounding more than a bit desperate to his own ears.
“We’ve got all night. Let’s slow down.” He pulled her wandering hands away from
his ass and placed them around his neck where they could do less damage to his
fading control.

want to slow down,” Jamie panted as she rubbed her breasts against his chest. “Let’s
have a race instead.” Reaching up she nipped his ear lobe with her small sharp
teeth and then sucked it into her mouth to sooth the sting.

race?” He asked dumbly as gooseflesh broke out along his neck.

pulled back far enough to look up at him through her long flirty lashes. “Yeah.
Let’s see who can get the other to climax first. Loser is the other’s slave for
the night.”

nearly choked. He knew who was going to lose that race.

As much fun as that sounds. You have me at a bit of a disadvantage.”

gave him a puzzled look. “What do you mean?”

gestured down at his hugely tented jeans and sighed. “It means you already have
me so excited I’m about to be sporting a pretty impressive stain in about a
second. Still want to race?”

eyes widened and she covered her mouth with one hand to stifle a giggle.
“Seriously? I thought given your history I was going to have to break out the contortions
and candlewax to keep up with you. But kissing is all it takes? Really?” She
sounded impressed rather than disappointed.

ran his thumb over her full bottom lip. “Kissing YOU is all it takes. Now can
we leave the
Kama Sutra
for another night and just enjoy each other?”

beamed. “That sounds perfect.”

a wince Kevin sat down on the window seat and looked up at her expectantly.
Jamie chuckled as he furtively adjusted himself and then stepped between his
widely spread legs, placing her hands primly on his broad shoulders.

has been averted. Come here,” he said with a growl. He tugged her close, until
his face was buried in her abundant cleavage and his hands were full of her
round ass. She felt incredible - so soft and warm. He could easily lose himself
in just the perfection of her lush body. He never wanted to let her go.

wrapped her arms around his head and tugged on his silky hair. “Are you sure? I
don’t want to be responsible for any unwanted stains,” she teased. “What will
the chambermaid at your hotel say?”

sighed against her breast. “I’m never going to live this down, am I?”

Sorry. But fortunately for you we have the next forty years or so to work on your
stamina.” She scraped the nails of one hand along the back of his neck and
smiled as he shivered in response. “Would you like that?”

groaned and breathed in her heavenly wildflower scent. “I think it will take at
least that long to learn how to control myself around you. Pretty sure I’m
going to be the embarrassing old geezer who sits around the nursing room with a
permanent hard-on every time you come in to give me a sponge bath.”

laughed. “Now that’s a romantic picture.”

can I say? I’m a sweet talker. Now, let’s get naked.”

plan,” Jamie said as she reached down to grasp the back of Kevin’s shirt. With
a tug, she yanked it off and his massive golden chest was finally exposed to
her gaze.

she said, running her hands over his incredibly wide shoulders. “You are so

felt his face flushing and was glad for the dim lighting. “Whatever,” he said, ducking
his head. He was clearly embarrassed at the awe in her tone.

You really are. Truly. I don’t know where to start. Everything looks so good.”
She ran her hands over his firm pectoral muscles.

I make a suggestion?” He asked and pointed to his mouth.

choice,” she giggled and leaned down to kiss him.

time she was gentle, pressing soft butterfly kisses along the outline of his
full lips while her hands smoothed over his long, muscular back.

tried to hold still and allow her to slowly explore his mouth and body but it
wasn’t in his nature to be submissive for long. Perhaps if her nipples hadn’t
been straining for release against his chest he could have held on a little longer
and allowed Jamie to play but those hard little nubs were just too tempting.

one hand from her bottom he slid his fingers up her torso until he could pluck
at one distended nipple through her blouse and bra. It instantly pebbled under
his touch and he cupped her breast with his hand, lifting it and testing its
firm, smooth weight.

gasped in reaction and he slid his mouth down her throat, pausing to suck the
side of her neck for one brief moment before lifting her breast to his lips. He
suckled the tip through the layers of material between them and pulled her body
tight into the juncture of his thighs where his massive erection twitched and

whimpered and began yanking impatiently at the buttons on her blouse. Her hands
were clumsy but she was able to remove the garment. She threw it on the window
seat and began sliding her skirt down her legs. In a moment, she was standing
in front of him in just her black and white polka dot bra and matching panties.

Kevin remarked, leaning back to admire the view. “Gotta say, finally checking
out your underwear has been totally worth the wait. You’re so sexy, Angel.” He
traced the intricate ribbon detail along the full cups of her bra. “But as
pretty as this is, I’m definitely going to rip it if you don’t get it off in
about two seconds.”

laughed and playfully turned around until her back was to him. Pulling her long
hair out of the way she arched her spine and glanced back at him.  “Unsnap me?”
She demanded.

expertly released the triple hooks with a flick of his fingertips. Jamie
shrugged out of the arms straps and threw the bra in his stunned face. Kevin
was too distracted to notice. He took in the sight of Jamie’s long, smooth back
and mouth-watering ass. Just the thinnest of polka-dot thongs framed those twin
mounds of flesh. She was so voluptuous and firm he couldn’t resist leaning down
and taking a little nibble of one full cheek.

BOOK: The Love Laws
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