The Living Bible (446 page)

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Job 14:11-12
he shall not awaken, nor be roused from his sleep.
Matt 9:24
the little girl isnt dead; she is only sleeping!
Mark 5:39
The child isnt dead; she is only asleep!
Luke 8:52
Stop the weeping! She isnt dead; she is only asleep!
John 11:11
Then he said, Our friend Lazarus has gone to sleep,



Job 18:8-9
He walks into traps, and robbers will ambush him.
Psa 91:3
For he rescues you from every trap,
Jer 5:26
They set their traps for men.
Amos 3:5
A trap doesnt snap shut unless it is stepped on;

, see


Examples of those who practiced

Exod 7:11
Then Pharaoh called in his sorcerersthe magicians
Isa 19:3
call upon mediums, wizards and witches
Ezek 21:21
He will call his magicians to use divination;
Dan 2:1-3
called in all his magicians, incantationists, sorcerers,
Dan 5:7
Bring the Chaldeans! Whoever reads that writing
Matt 24:24
For false Christs shall arise, and false prophets,
Acts 8:9-11
A man named Simon had formerly been a sorcerer
Acts 13:8
But the sorcerer, Elymas
Acts 16:16
a slave girl who was a fortune-teller,

Laws concerning

Lev 19:26
nor use fortune telling or witchcraft.
Lev 19:31
Do not defile yourselves by consulting mediums
Lev 20:6
set my face against anyone who consults mediums
Deut 18:10
No Israeli may practice black magic,

Punishment for

Exod 22:18
A sorceress shall be put to death.
Lev 20:27
whether man or womanshall be stoned to death.

Denounced by the prophets

Ezek 13:23
you talk of seeing visions that you never saw,
Mic 5:12
I will put an end to all witchcraft

Evils of

1 Sam 15:23
rebellion is as bad as the sin of witchcraft,
Gal 5:20
spiritism (that is, encouraging the activity of demons),

Books of, destroyed

Acts 19:18-19
incantation books and charms and burned them


Examples of

1 Sam 1:15
I am very sad and I was pouring out my heart
2 Sam 18:33
the king broke into tears, and went to his room
2 Sam 19:1
the king was weeping and mourning for Absalom.
Lam 1:12
Look and see if there is any sorrow like my sorrow,
Matt 26:37
began to be filled with anguish and despair.

For sin, see
Sin, conviction of

2 Cor 7:10
sorrow in our lives to help us turn away from sin

Over the death of a loved one, see

Of the lost

Matt 8:12
into outer darkness, into a place of weeping
Matt 22:13
there is weeping and gnashing of teeth.
Luke 13:28
will be great weeping and gnashing of teeth
Luke 16:23
in torment, he saw Lazarus

None in heaven

Rev 21:4
no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying, nor pain.

, see

Of man

Gen 2:7
the breath of life. And man became a living person.
Exod 30:11-12
shall give a ransom to the Lord for his soul,
1 Sam 20:3
I swear it by the Lord and by your own soul!
Job 24:5
barely enough to keep soul and body together.
Psa 31:7
have seen the crisis in my soul.
Psa 49:8-9
a soul is far too precious to be ransomed
Prov 6:32
an utter fool, for he destroys his own soul.
Isa 55:3
Listen, for the life of your soul is at stake.
Lam 1:20
my soul despairs, for I have terribly rebelled.
Ezek 18:27
obeys the law, and does right, he shall save his soul,
Matt 10:28
only God who can destroy both soul and body in hell.
Mark 7:18
what you eat wont harm your soul?
Luke 16:23
his soul went into hell.
1 Thes 5:23
may your spirit and soul and body be kept strong
Jas 5:20
will have saved a wandering soul from death,

Redemption of the

Psa 49:8-9
eternal life for just one soul,
Psa 49:15
God will redeem my soul from the power of death,
1 Tim 2:15
he will save their souls if they trust in him,
Heb 10:39
our faith in him assures our souls salvation.
1 Pet 1:9
trusting him will be the salvation of your souls.

Worth of the

Mark 8:37
For is anything worth more than his soul?


Of man

Job 32:8-9
the spirit in a man, the breath of the Almighty
Psa 31:5-6
Into your hand I commit my spirit.
Prov 20:27
A mans conscience is the Lords searchlight
Eccl 3:21
who can prove that the spirit of man goes upward
Zec 12:1
formed the spirit of a man within him:
Matt 26:41
the spirit is indeed willing, but how weak
Acts 7:59
Stephen prayed, Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.
Jas 2:26
the body is dead when there is no spirit in it,

Of Christ

Luke 23:46
Father, I commit my spirit to you,

Lepers cleansed by

Lev 14:7
upon the man cured of his leprosy,

, see


Examples of

Gen 43:19
they went over to Josephs household manager,
1 Chr 28:1
those in charge of his property and livestock
Luke 8:3
(Chuza was King Herods business manager


Luke 12:42-44
put him in charge of all he owns.
Luke 16:1
A rich man hired an accountant


Commandments engraved on

Exod 24:12
commandments I have written on tablets of stone,
Deut 4:13
Ten Commandmentsand wrote them on two stone tablets.
Deut 5:22
he wrote them out on two stone tablets

The law engraved on

Josh 8:32
Joshua carved upon the stones of the altar

Used as building material

1 Kgs 5:17
for the foundation of the Temple.
1 Kgs 7:9
constructed entirely from huge expensive stones,
Amos 5:11
you will never live in the beautiful stone houses
Luke 19:44
your enemies will not leave one stone upon another

Preparation of

Exod 34:1
Prepare two stone tablets like the first ones
Deut 10:1
cut two more stone tablets like the first ones,
1 Kgs 5:17
stonecutters quarried and shaped huge blocks of stone
1 Chr 22:2
to prepare blocks of squared stone for the Temple.

Used to seal graves

Matt 27:60
rolled a great stone across the entrance
Mark 15:46
rolled a stone in front of the entrance.
Mark 16:3
could ever roll aside the huge stone

Idols made of

Deut 4:28
you will worship idols made from wood and stone,
Deut 29:17
their heathen idols made of stone, silver, and gold.
2 Kgs 19:18
things that men had made of wood and stone.
Ezek 20:32
serving gods of wood and stone.


Exod 28:9
Take two onyx stones, and engrave upon them
1 Kgs 10:2
train of camels carrying spices, gold, jewels;
2 Chr 9:9
spices of incomparable quality, and many jewels.
Ezek 28:13
precious stoneruby, topaz, diamond, onyx,
Rev 21:18-20
The first layer with jasper;


Dan 2:34
a Rock was cut from the mountainside


Psa 118:22
The stone rejected by the builders
Isa 8:14-15
stumbled against the Rock of their salvation
Zec 3:9
He will become the Foundation Stone of the Temple
Mark 12:10
The Rock the builders threw away became the cornerstone,
Luke 20:17
The Stone rejected by the builders was made the cornerstone?
Acts 4:11
stone discarded by the builders which became the capstone
1 Cor 10:3-4
as a mighty Rock of spiritual refreshment.
1 Pet 2:4
the living Foundation of Rock upon which God builds;
Rev 2:17
I will give to each a white stone,

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