The Living Bible (443 page)

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Authors: Inc. Tyndale House Publishers

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BOOK: The Living Bible
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Types of Christ

Heb 9:10
had to keep these rules to tide them over until Christ
Heb 10:2
one offering would have been enough


Psa 116:17
offer you a sacrifice of thanksgiving.
Isa 34:6
used for slaying lambs and goats for sacrifice.
Rom 12:1
Let them be a living sacrifice, holy
Phil 2:17
which I am offering up to God as a sacrifice
Phil 4:18
a sweet-smelling sacrifice that pleases God


Condemned by John the Baptist and Jesus

Matt 3:7
Sadducees coming to be baptized, he denounced them.
Matt 16:6
beware of the yeast of the Pharisees and Sadducees.

Beliefs of the

Matt 22:23
the Sadducees, who say there is no resurrection
Mark 12:18
a group who say there is no resurrection.
Luke 20:27
Sadduceesmen who believed that death is the end
Acts 23:8
no resurrection or angels or even eternal spirit

Persecuted the apostles

Acts 4:1
some of the Sadducees came over to them,
Acts 5:17
the Sadducees reacted with violent jealousy
Acts 23:6
Part of the Council were Sadducees,


Believers as

Eph 2:19
you are members of Gods very own family,
Col 1:12
always thankful to the Father who has made us fit
Rev 5:8
incensethe prayers of Gods people!

Obligations of

2 Chr 6:41
let your saints rejoice in your kind deeds.
Psa 31:23
love the Lord, all of you who are his people;
Rom 16:2
Help her in every way you can, for she has helped many
Eph 6:18
Plead with him, reminding him of your needs,
Heb 6:11
keep right on loving others as long as life lasts,
Heb 13:2
Dont forget to be kind to strangers,

, see

Plan of

Acts 3:18
the prophecies that the Messiah must suffer
Acts 17:3
the sufferings of the Messiah and his coming back to life,
Rom 10:4
that Christ gives to those who trust in him
Rom 10:9
believe in your own heart that God has raised him
1 Cor 1:23
we preach about Christ dying to save them,
2 Cor 5:19
God was in Christ, restoring the world to himself,
Eph 1:7
he took away all our sins through the blood of his Son,
Eph 3:6
promises of mighty blessings through Christ
1 Tim 3:16
Christ, who came to earth as a man,
Heb 2:9
Jesus tasted death for everyone in all the world.

Conditions of

Matt 3:2
Turn from your sins . . . turn to God . . .
Matt 24:13
But those enduring to the end shall be saved.
Luke 3:8
prove by the way you live that you really have repented.
Luke 14:27
no one can be my disciple who does not carry his own cross
John 3:3
Unless you are born again, you can never be saved
John 5:24
believes in God who sent me has eternal life,
John 6:47
anyone who believes in me already has eternal life!
Acts 2:38
turn from sin, return to God, and be baptized

Illustrations of

2 Sam 22:51
He gives wonderful deliverance to his king,
2 Chr 6:41
Let your priests be clothed with salvation,
Psa 18:2
he is my Savior, a rock where none can reach me,
Isa 12:3
drinking deeply from the Fountain of Salvation!
Isa 26:1
We are surrounded by the walls of his salvation!
Hab 3:8-9
No, you were sending your chariots of salvation!
Eph 6:17
you will need the helmet of salvation


Num 21:8
Make a bronze replica of one of these snakes
John 3:14
lifted up the bronze image of a serpent on a pole,


Through Christ

Heb 2:11
We who have been made holy by Jesus,
Heb 10:10
made clean by Christs dying for us once and for all.
Heb 13:12
where his blood washed our sins away.
1 Joh 1:9
depended on to forgive us and to cleanse us
Rev 7:14
washed their robes and whitened them by the blood

By the Holy Spirit

Rom 15:15-16
pure and pleasing to him by the Holy Spirit.
1 Cor 6:11
the Spirit of our God have done for you.
2 Thes 2:13
cleansing you by the work of the Holy Spirit
1 Pet 1:2
the Holy Spirit has been at work in your hearts,

By God

Exod 31:12-13
remember that I am Jehovah who makes you holy.
Ezek 37:28
I, the Lord, have set Israel apart
John 17:17
Make them pure and holy through teaching them
2 Cor 1:21
who has made you and me into faithful Christians
Eph 1:4
he decided then to make us holy in his eyes,
1 Thes 4:3-4
For God wants you to be holy and pure,
1 Thes 5:23
the God of peace himself make you entirely pure

Exhortations concerning

Eph 5:26
to make her holy and clean, washed by baptism
1 Thes 4:7
full of lust, but to be holy and clean.
Heb 13:22
listen patiently to what I have said

, see

, see


A transcriber of the law

1 Chr 24:6
the son of Nethanel, acted as recording secretary
Neh 13:13
Shelemiah the priest, Zadok the scribe,
Jer 36:12
Elishama (the scribe) was there,

A teacher of the law

Matt 7:29
not as their Jewish leaders.
Matt 13:52
Those experts in Jewish law who are now my disciples
Matt 17:10
Jewish leaders insist Elijah must return
Matt 23:2
they keep making up so many laws!

Examples of

Ezra 4:8-9
Governor Rehum, Shimshai (a scribe), several judges
Neh 13:13
Zadok the scribe, and Pedaiah the Lvite in charge
Isa 36:3
Shebna, the kings scribe,
Jer 36:10
Baruch went to the office of Gemariah the Scribe
Jer 37:15-16
under the house of Jonathan the scribe,

Conspiracy of, against Jesus

Matt 26:3
the chief priests and other Jewish officials
Mark 14:1
Jewish leaders were still looking to arrest Jesus
Luke 22:66
chief priests and all the top religious authorities

Jesus condemnation of

Matt 5:20
unless your goodness is greater than theirs
Matt 12:39-40
Only an evil, faithless nation would ask
Matt 21:16
Jesus replied, Didnt you ever read the Scriptures?


Inspiration of

Exod 24:12
I give you the laws and commandments I have written
Exod 32:16
(God himself had written the commandments
Isa 34:16
the Lord has said it, and his Spirit will make it
Jer 36:2
Get a scroll and write down all my messages
Zec 7:12
the laws he had revealed to them by his Spirit
Acts 1:16
this was predicted long ago by the Holy Spirit,
1 Tim 3:16
The whole Bible was given to us by inspiration
2 Pet 1:20-21
It was the Holy Spirit within these godly men
1 Joh 1:5
This is the message God has given us to pass on

Useful for guidance

Psa 19:7-8
make us wise, and give us joy and light.
Acts 20:32
wonderful words which are able to build your faith
Rom 15:4
written in the Scriptures so long ago to teach us
2 Tim 3:17
It is Gods way of making us well prepared

Convicts of sin

2 Kgs 22:11
he heard what was written on it and tore his clothes
2 Chr 34:19
he ripped his clothing in despair,

To be read, publicly

Deut 31:10-11
that these laws be read to all the people
2 Kgs 23:1
read to them the entire book of Gods laws
Neh 8:1
to read to them the law of God
Jer 36:6
you read the scroll in the Temple on the next Day
Col 4:16
after you have read this letter will you pass it on
1 Thes 5:27
read this letter to all the Christians.

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