The Life of Anna, Part 5: Emerged (41 page)

Read The Life of Anna, Part 5: Emerged Online

Authors: Marissa Honeycutt

Tags: #romance, #paranormal, #dark, #illuminati, #ending, #slave, #torture, #immortal, #immortal being, #slave and sex

BOOK: The Life of Anna, Part 5: Emerged
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Anna nodded and gave him a grateful smile.
“He will do whatever he can to keep me safe, won’t he?”

Seth’s eyes softened. “Yes. As will the rest
of us.”

Anna wrapped her arms around his waist and
buried her face in his chest. “Is Alex mad?”

Seth chuckled and hugged her back. “Not at

She closed her eyes and savored Seth’s
embrace. She’d grown close to him, Tony and Greg when they’d lived
together in San Francisco. She hadn’t known the rest of Alex’s men
as well, but was grieved to hear that they hadn’t made it back.
“I’m glad you made it back, Seth,” she said softly.

Seth squeezed her gently. “Me too.” He pulled
away. “C’mon. It’s getting a little chilly, and Alex is worried
about you.”

The doorman nodded politely as they went
through the doors and into the marbled lobby with the stained-glass
arched ceiling.

“It’s so pretty!” Anna exclaimed as they
walked, her voice echoing slightly on the hard walls.

“You didn’t see it last night?” Seth asked
with a laugh.

She felt her cheeks warm. “I wasn’t paying
any attention.”


Anna walked nervously into the living room
where Alex was visiting with his father and brother. It was really
a beautiful apartment, with carved columns and paneled walls. Huge
windows overlooked Central Park that would be nice to look out in
the morning.

Alex stood when he saw her and gave her an
apologetic smile as he walked over to her. “Anna, I’m so—”

Anna shook her head. “I’m sorry I left. I was
angry, but I know—I understand why things are the way they are.
Considering the circumstances, I couldn’t ask for, or expect,
things to be more than they are. I belong with you. I know this,
and I don’t want to be anywhere else.”

Alex’s eyes brimmed with tears. “I know the
truth was difficult, but I didn’t want to lie.”

“I know.” Anna smiled and then reached up on
tiptoe to kiss him. He still had to bend over for her lips to reach
his, but she didn’t think he minded.

A throat cleared behind Alex and he pulled
away slowly. “I think someone wants to say hello,” he said

“Your dad?”

Alex nodded and straightened. He took her
hand and led her the rest of the way into the room. Wilhelm and
Kurt sat on either end of a long couch and they stood when they saw

Anna twisted her rings as she looked between
the two men who had both hurt her and loved her for so long. They
were caring for her long before she’d married Alex. Oh, how long
ago all that was. How different she was. How different they

Kurt’s hair had grown out longer, like he’d
worn it when she’d met him. His goatee was scruffier than it had
been, though fashionably so. He still had some of the seriousness
he’d gained over the last few years, but seemed to be relaxing a
bit. His eyes were apologetic.

Wilhelm was as debonair and noble as ever,
though he had aged as well. The aura of sadness that she’d grown
accustomed to seeing him with was gone. She supposed with Alex
alive “again,” that burden had disappeared.

“Hello,” she said softly, clinging to Alex’s
hand and hiding behind him slightly.

Wilhelm’s face broke into an affectionate
smile. “Hello,
,” he said in a gentle voice.

He opened his arms and Anna looked up at
Alex. Alex nodded and Anna nervously walked over to him. Once she
was in his arms, though, she relaxed, inhaling his scent and
warmth. He stroked her hair gently and kissed the top of her

He released her after a few minutes, turning
her towards Kurt.

Kurt, who had loved her and hurt her so much.
She gazed up into his sad eyes. “Why?” she whispered. It was all
she could bring herself to say without erupting in tears.

He closed his eyes, as if in pain, and took a
deep breath. When he opened them, they were even more pain filled.
“I can never apologize enough for hurting you the way I did, Anna.
I—” He swallowed and glanced at Alex. “I was angry that I was
losing you and I took it out on you. I am so sorry.” His brow
twitched and his jaw clenched. He was trying to stay in control of
his emotions. “I am so sorry,” he repeated in a whisper.

Tears filled Anna’s eyes and she went to him,
wrapping her arms around him tightly. He held her so tightly she
couldn’t move, even if she wanted to.


Alex’s jaw clenched as he watched his wife
and brother embrace. He’d known Kurt cared for her, but didn’t
realize how much until now. And watching Anna cling to him didn’t
make him feel any better.

His head told him that he shouldn’t be
surprised. She’d spent more time with Kurt than she had with

Alex’s heart was being torn apart. Anna had
loved Kurt. Did she still? If it weren’t for Devin’s interference,
they would be married and Alex would be out of the picture. It was
thing Alex would ever thank Devin for.

Alex stood there for a few minutes and then
walked into the library and poured himself a drink. Maybe he
shouldn’t have had Kurt come. Maybe he should have told Vati and
Kurt to just go home after the funeral was over.

He walked to the window that overlooked
Central Park and stared out at the orange lights that dotted the
huge rectangle. Was it possible that he was actually jealous of his
little brother? He’d never felt that before. Kurt was always
popular with the women, but given the choice, the woman would
choose Alex over Kurt. More than once, he’d taken advantage of that

Kurt’s anger made more sense now. A lot more
sense. Alex would probably feel the same way if he were in his
brother’s shoes. Hell, Kurt had even divorced Gretchen so that he
could marry Anna. Not that the divorce was necessarily a bad thing.
It got rid of a blight in the family.

He heard footsteps behind him and turned to
see Vati striding into the room.

“He loves her, doesn’t he?” Alex said in

“Yes, son. He does.”

Alex sighed and looked back out the window.
“I realize there is one thing I can thank Devin for.”


“For interfering and not letting the two of
them get married.”

Wilhelm chuckled softly. “Yes, I suppose you

“If they had gotten married...I would have
lost her, right?”

His father sighed. “Yes. Although I could
have forced a divorce. Or just declared the marriage annulled. I’m
glad it didn’t come to that.”

“Me, too.”


Anna gave Kurt a sad smile as they sat on the
couch. “I’m sorry you’re hurting Kurt. It’s the last thing in the
world I want for you.”

Kurt grimaced. “I love my brother, but
sometimes I wish he had not returned.”

She understood. Although she belonged with
Alex, she couldn’t help but miss Kurt. Kurt, Hugo, Peter...all men
that she had spent time with...that she had fallen in love with
while Alex was gone. Was it wrong for her heart to ache for

Suddenly, Kurt smiled and got a glint in his
eye. “You know, Alex and I used to share women....”

Anna giggled. “I don’t think he’d be keen on
sharing me anymore, though we did talk about it before
he...disappeared.” She took his hand. “You’ll make a wonderful
husband for a good German wife.”

He grimaced. “I think I have slept with all
the women in Frankfurt.”

Anna laughed. “So you can’t marry them?”

“None were interesting enough to call again.”
He gave her a half-smile. “Guess I will have to look around

Anna rolled her eyes, but was glad to see the
old Kurt emerging.

Kurt leaned forward and kissed her cheek. “If
Alex ever hurts you, let me know. I can almost keep up with him in
a fight now.”

Anna laughed and then looked up to see Alex
frowning at them. She sobered immediately. Kurt saw her looking and
turned around.

“Do not worry, big brother. I will not try
and steal her away.”

.” Alex sat down heavily on the
couch with a drink in his hand. He gave her a pointed look and she
went to sit next to him.

He pulled her close and she felt a tremor of
fear. Was he jealous? Would he lash out at her?


Later, as Anna was changing for bed, Alex
came into the walk-in closet with an apologetic look on his face.
She clutched her top to her chest, covering her breasts, more out
of habit than anything else.

“I’m sorry I was acting jealous,” he said
softly. “I scared you, didn’t I?”

She nodded.

“I don’t recall ever being jealous of my
brother before. I’ve always had confidence, never doubting my place
in the world. After being gone for so long....” He shook his head.
“I’m having trouble figuring out where I fit. Everyone moved on,
which they should have. But, it leaves me a little lost.”

Anna’s heart ached, listening to his humble
confession. Confidence had always been part of him, and to hear him
struggling was heart-wrenching. She let her top fall to the ground
and stepped closer, taking his hand. “I know exactly where you
fit,” she said softly and walked out of the closet and to their
bed, pulling him gently behind her.

Chapter Thirty-Nine



Alex smiled politely at the blonde and
redhead walking past him, Greg, Tony and Seth. Their eyes traveled
over each man, giving them knowing looks and then walked slowly
away, swinging their hips seductively.

Tonight was the Fall Gala for the City
Ballet, and everyone who was anyone was in attendance. He was doing
a lot of polite smiling. He’d forgotten how vulture-like women
could be in social situations.

It was finally intermission and Alex was
eager for it to be over so he could see Anna dance. Hugo’s new
ballet was the second half of the program.

“You know, you can pick up women,” Alex said
to his men with a chuckle. “As long as one of you is available, I
don’t care.”

Greg rolled his eyes. “I’ve been out of the
game for so long, I’m not even sure where to begin.”

Alex laughed, though Greg’s comment made him
a little sad. It was his fault his men had been locked up. “I think
smiling and saying hello is all you need to do.” He grinned. “Or do
we need to go out to a bar?”

Seth grinned back. “Might be nice to go out,
not hiding behind a curtain.”

“Or Anna and I could stay in this weekend and
give you a few days off to carouse and conquer.”

“Might be easier to pick up women without you
around,” Tony said with a laugh.

The idea of staying in all weekend with Anna
was very appealing. Last night he’d been reminded of how
magnificent her mouth was and he felt his cock twitch just thinking
about it.
Down boy.
She certainly helped his confidence,
letting him know exactly where he fit in her life: in her heart and
in between those amazingly sexy legs of hers.

Simon approached with a lovely blonde on his
arm; his wife, Emma. “Suffering through the attention, Alex?” he
asked in German. They were sitting with Alex and his men in the
theater, but had arrived just before the performance began and
hadn’t had a chance to speak.

Alex rolled his eyes. “You could have kept it
quiet about who I was.”

“It’s easier to just put it out there. In the
end, you will garner less attention. I did say that you were

“I don’t think that part has gotten spread
around as much as it should,” Alex grumbled, politely smiling at
another woman trying to get his attention.

“There was a time when Alex reveled in this
attention,” Seth remarked with a laugh.

“That was a long time ago. A very long time

Simon smiled at Alex. “Things are going well,
I presume?”

Alex gave Simon a goofy grin, making him
laugh. “Yes. I can’t wait to see her dance tonight.”

Simon grinned. “I think I like this
connection to you. I’ve never been able to attend the Gala

“It’s the least I could do in repayment for
all you’ve put up with these last few months.”

Emma laughed. “He’s enjoyed it more than he
will admit. I think he may have developed a crush on your pretty

“She’s a sweet girl,” Simon said with a
shrug. “But not tempting enough to lure me away from you.” He
kissed Emma on the cheek and she beamed.

The lights flickered and Alex’s heart
pounded. “It’s time.”

They made their way to their seats in the
first balcony, known as the first ring. Alex had hidden up here
when he first came to watch Anna dance. Alex settled in as best he
could. There were disadvantages to being six and a half feet tall
and broad shouldered, especially when the men next to him were the
same. Maybe not as tall, but he and Seth were about the same width
now, and Tony was about where Alex was before they’d gotten

Anna didn’t seem to mind though. He loved
catching her watching him as he did something without his shirt on.
He’d barely worn his shirt at home the last few days, just so he
could know she was watching him. Then again, he found himself
surreptitiously watching her in the shower, finding some excuse to
be in the bathroom. It had been so long since he’d seen a live,
naked woman, he couldn’t help himself.

He hadn’t been with a woman since the second
year of his imprisonment, save as Mr. J. with Anna, and while that
had been nice, it had been less than satisfactory. Lovemaking
without Anna’s arms around him had been difficult, but satisfied
his itch temporarily. He did everything he could to make sure Anna
enjoyed it too, but always had to be sure to hold her hands down.
She wasn’t trying to be rebellious, but whenever he didn’t hold
them, they inevitably strayed to his body. It was sheer hell
pulling her hands away from him, but he'd kept telling himself that
it wouldn’t always be that way.

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