The Life of Anna, Part 5: Emerged (19 page)

Read The Life of Anna, Part 5: Emerged Online

Authors: Marissa Honeycutt

Tags: #romance, #paranormal, #dark, #illuminati, #ending, #slave, #torture, #immortal, #immortal being, #slave and sex

BOOK: The Life of Anna, Part 5: Emerged
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A while later, the limo pulled up in front of
a tall narrow building at the corner of 41
street and
Madison. The entrance was a gothic marble archway with library-type
windows around it that glowed yellow from interior lights. When she
stepped inside, she felt like she had, indeed, walked into a
library. The walls were paneled in dark wood and shelves of books
surrounded her.

A few people gave her strange looks as she
walked in and she crossed her arms over her chest and blushed,
remembering what she was wearing. She looked like a prostitute. And
she would have to go home like this tomorrow.

Oh, this was not a good idea. She turned to
leave when Simon appeared at her arm. “Miss Katrina. I’m so glad
you came. Right this way.”

Anna flushed again but allowed Simon to guide
her to the bank of elevators. She couldn't help but stare at the
room. “It’s beautiful.” She glanced sideways at him. “How
...choose this place?”

Simon grinned. “He had a feeling you might
like something...unusual.” He pushed the call button for the

“Does he have a name?” she asked as they
stepped into the wood-paneled elevator.

“All people have names,” Simon answered with
a smile. “You may call him Mr. J.” He pushed the button for the
eighth floor.

“Mr. J?”

“Anonymity, Katrina.”

“Oh. Right.” Mr. J? What did the J stand for?
Jones? Johnson? Jerk? Anna smiled to herself at the last one.
Unlikely, though one could never tell. “Have you worked for him

“I have known him for more than half my

“Is he a good man?”

Simon smiled. “One of the best I have ever

Tears burned unexpectedly. Alex had been
referred to as that many times. Oh, she missed him.

The elevator doors slid open silently and she
followed Simon down the hall. “Eighth floor...eight hundred,” Anna
murmured to herself. “Literature.”

“Smart girl.” He stopped at the end of the

“Mystery.” Anna read the plaque next to the
door and then grinned. “I love it.”

“He will be pleased to know you approve.”
Simon produced a black silk scrap of fabric from his pocket. “You
will wear this the entire time you are with him. If you take it
off, I will be forced to contact your fiancé and tell him of your

Anna gasped.

“I have no wish to do this, Katrina. But you
must realize how serious he is about staying hidden.”

“Okay,” she said nervously. Maybe this was a
bad idea. “You know who my fiancé is?”

“You are fairly well known in this town. It’s
not hard to find out information.”

“Oh.” She stared at the ground.

“Katrina,” he said in a gentle voice. “I will
not call him. I only said that so you understand. My employer
desires to stay as hidden as you desire to keep this from your

“Okay.” She swallowed nervously.

“He will not speak to you. You will not touch
him unless he initiates it. You may speak to him, but his silence
limits the questions he can answer. ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ questions work.”
Simon grinned. “If the answer is no, he will tap you on the nose.
No, nose? Get it?”

Anna giggled and nodded. At least he seemed
to have a sense of humor.

“If he strokes your cheek, it means


“He will not hurt you. If you don’t like
something he’s doing, tell him and he will stop. He wants this to
be a mutually enjoyable experience.”


“When you two are...done, he will leave and
you may stay the rest of the night in the room and leave whenever
you are ready in the morning. There is a change of clothing in the
bathroom for you and a car will be available to take you home. Just
speak to the front desk.”

“How will I know when we’re done?” She
blushed at Simon’s arched brow. “I mean...sometimes men like to do
things multiple times.”

Simon chuckled. “He will hand you something
before he leaves. After he hands you the item and you hear the door
close, you may remove your blindfold and do whatever you wish for
the remainder of the night. However,” He turned serious again. “If
you attempt to follow him, I will again be forced to contact your

Anna nodded in understanding.

“I will be in touch with you within a few
days to see how you enjoyed yourself. Like I said at the club, if
the two of you enjoy each other’s company, we can arrange more
evenings like this one.”

Anna took in a shaky breath. “Okay.”

Simon held up the blindfold. “Are you

Anna nodded and bit her lip. What was she

Simon walked around behind her and tied the
soft fabric across her eyes. “Can you see anything?”

“No,” she answered barely above a

She heard Simon knock on the door and her
heart pounded as the door opened. Mr. J. didn’t move for a moment
and she began to tremble as she felt his eyes take her in. A large
warm hand enveloped hers and she was led into the room, the door
closing behind her with a soft click.

Chapter Sixteen



Mr. J. took her by her two hands and led her
across the room slowly. Not being able to see made her rely on her
other senses. She smelled something sweet, roses perhaps? Yes,
definitely roses. And something else...vanilla. She could hear Mr.
J’s breathing, steady and above her head as if he were quite tall.
Her heart quickened and she gave a small smile. She did have a
thing for tall men.

He stopped and put his hands on her upper
arms and squeezed gently as if to say ‘stay.’ She felt the heat of
his body come close and then felt the gentle scratch of a beard as
he kissed her cheek. Shivers ran down her arms at that simple touch
and she swallowed hard.

The mattress made a noise as if he sat down
on it and then he took her hands again, pulling her closer to him
with several small steps on her part. He took hold of her ankle and
she shifted her weight so he could slide the strappy sandal off,
and then did the same with her other foot.

“Thank you,” she said softly. She felt much
steadier on bare feet while blindfolded. Did she just
him smile?

His fingers touched her jaw line and trailed
gently down her neck and along the deep neckline of her shirt.
Goosebumps emerged in the wake of his touch. She heard the sound of
fabric sliding against itself and realized he was untying her

She let out a very shaky breath as he parted
her shirt and let it fall off her shoulders. She heard the rustle
of fabric as it settled onto the floor. When he didn’t move, she
trembled. Did he know what her piercings meant? She stepped back
unconsciously but he grasped her hand and held her in place, then
traced the underside of her breasts with a finger. Her nipples
tightened into hard pebbles at his touch and she sucked in short,
stabbing breaths. He pulled her skirt and thong down and she stood
in front of him, naked. She wasn’t normally ashamed of how she
looked, but she couldn’t see his face to see if he was pleased or
not, and it made her nervous.

When he finally cupped her left breast in his
large hand, she moaned softly and parted her lips, gasping for
breath. It had been far too long since she’d been touched. How had
she survived?

He plucked gently at her nipple and tugged at
her ring, still holding her other hand. The heat that had already
been forming between her legs roared into a blazing inferno and she
squeezed her legs together.

He squeezed her breast gently and pulled her
even closer with the ring. She could feel his hard thighs on either
side of her own legs, covered in soft material. Finely woven wool

“Oh, God!” she cried as he took her nipple
into his mouth. She instinctively reached out for his shoulders but
he caught her hands before she could and held them at the small of
her back.

“I’m sorry,” she said breathlessly. “I didn’t
mean...Oh!” He sucked at her breast with increasing pressure and
she felt like she could have come right then and there. His hands
caressed her back slowly as his tongue swirled around her

He released her breast, the air cold after
his hot mouth, and kissed his way to her other breast, lapping at
it with his tongue a little before taking it into his mouth like
the other.

“Oh, God!” she moaned, tilting her head back.
If his hands hadn’t been there, she would have fallen backwards. As
it was, she was having a difficult time making her knees stay
straight. His hands separated and ran around to the side of her
ribs. His thumbs caressed the side of her breasts and her knees
buckled. He caught her and released her breast.

“I’m sorry. It’s been a while....” She
swallowed nervously. He caressed her cheek gently. “Is that okay?”
she whispered. He paused and then stroked her cheek again. She
blushed and smiled shyly.

He moved his hand and his thumb brushed her
bottom lip. She fisted her hands at her sides, itching to touch
him, but knowing she couldn’t. He took her hands in his and
intertwined his fingers with hers. Her heart pounded at the
intimate gesture and when his lips brushed hers, she whimpered
slightly at the quiet intensity of the moment. She tilted her head
slightly, letting him know she wanted to kiss him. He hesitated for
a moment and then nibbled on her lower lip, making her lips part.
He pressed his lips to hers and his tongue darted between her

He tasted of sweet red wine and man. His
scent was very masculine, in an outdoorsy way. A hint of lemon and
cinnamon, and cypress. His facial hair tickled her lips as she
groaned against his mouth and leaned in against him. Her nipples
came in contact with a hard chest. He didn’t pull away and she
increased the pressure, her breasts now firmly against his bare

She heard a growl in his chest and he snaked
his arms around her and pulled her to the bed, rolling on top of
her. His kisses became intensely passionate and she gasped for
breath as he released her mouth and kissed down her neck and
between her breasts. He lavished attention on one breast with his
mouth as his hand kneaded her other breast. He rolled her nipple
between his fingers and pulled slightly, eliciting another deep
moan from her.

She could feel his erection at her thigh. It
was very, very hard beneath the soft wool of his pants. Unthinking,
she reached for him and he caught her hands and held them above her
head. He pushed them gently and then released them. She took that
to mean to keep them up there. His hands trailed down her sides and
his mouth kissed down between her breasts and to her belly where he
swirled his tongue around her belly ring.

He kissed across her stomach and down to her
hips, and then trailed his tongue along her hipbone. She squirmed
and he held her hips gently and traced her other hipbone with his

Her pussy was on fire. She wanted him inside
her so badly.

She wanted his mouth between her legs, but
when he kissed the top of her mound gently, she jerked and cried
out “No!” Horrible memories of what Devin had done to her every
night flooded in and she twisted to get away.

Mr. J. released her, though whether it was
from shock or concern, she wasn’t sure. She rolled to her side and
curled up in a ball.

She felt him looking at her and could almost
feel his concern. She felt bad. “I’m sorry,” she whimpered.
“Just...give me a minute.”

After a moment, Mr. J. lay down behind her
and tucked her in close. She could feel his heart pounding against
her back. He stroked her arm gently and she slowly relaxed. She
swallowed nervously and turned over, even though she couldn't see
him. “I’m sorry. I just....”

He pressed his finger to her lips and then
caressed her cheek. She smiled at his kindness. She leaned forward
and searched for his mouth using his breathing as a guide. She
pressed her lips gently to his. “I’m okay now. Just...don’t kiss me
there. Please.”

He didn’t move and she began to worry that
she’d offended him, but she felt his gentle fingers on her cheek
and his lips pressed gently against hers. All at once, the fire
returned as he slid his hand down her back and to her ass. They
moved to the side of her hip and stopped.

“It’s okay if you use your hand,” she said in
a strained whisper. That she could handle. She just didn’t want to
remember the pain of what Devin had done with his mouth.

He pressed at her hip and she rolled to her
back. He tickled her belly gently and stroked her inner thighs,
running them lightly and slowly up and down. Every time he
approached her pussy, she held her breath but he didn’t touch her.
After several minutes of teasing on his part and wiggling on hers,
his fingers lightly brushed the outer lips of her sex.

She moaned as his fingers traced the swollen
lobes. They went lower and gently probed the wet inner petals. She
spread her legs apart, wanting more. He sat up and then tugged at
the rings.

Anna wondered what he thought of all her
piercings. “ rings,” she said lamely. He tapped her nose
and she jumped. “I don’t like rings?” He tapped her nose again. Did
she dare ask? “Do you know what they are?” she whispered.

He didn’t move for a long minute. She could
feel his hesitation and then a gentle caress on her cheek. She
inhaled sharply and blew it out. “Did you know before you...asked
for me?”

Another hesitation and then a gentle tap on
the nose. “I won’t tell if you don’t.” She smiled nervously.

He caressed her cheek and then leaned in to
kiss her on the mouth again while he slid his fingers slowly inside
her. She broke the kiss as she gasped at his large fingers entering
the tight space. “Oh!”

He took her hands and held them above her
head as if he knew she was about to reach for him, which she was.
She wanted to touch him as he touched her. He slowly pressed his
fingers in and out of her as he kissed her deeply. When her body
had adjusted to that, he slipped in another one. She arched her
back in pleasure, breaking the kiss once more. She gasped for
breath and he kissed her neck. Her eyes rolled back into her head
as she moved her hips in sync with his hand.

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