The Life of Anna, Part 5: Emerged (15 page)

Read The Life of Anna, Part 5: Emerged Online

Authors: Marissa Honeycutt

Tags: #romance, #paranormal, #dark, #illuminati, #ending, #slave, #torture, #immortal, #immortal being, #slave and sex

BOOK: The Life of Anna, Part 5: Emerged
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“I think you succeeded,” Aaron commented
dryly, glancing at Anna.

Anna didn’t know how she felt about the whole
thing. She still had feelings for Hugo, and Kurt lived thousands of
miles away.

Kurt was...different. Possessive, even. He
had been before, but not like this. He was usually more...gentle
with her. What had gotten into him?

Kurt kept his hand on her back as he led her
back to the table a little bit later. “I did not realize Hugo was

“Does it matter?” she asked, the coolness in
her voice coming through a little more strongly than she'd
intended. “Am I allowed only to date Germans?”

“I would rather you fuck a German over anyone

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Anna could
feel her anger rising. “You live thousands of miles away and I just
found out from your father that no matter what happens, I’ll still
end up with you owning me.” She knew deep inside that she didn’t
dislike the idea of being with Kurt, but she was angry at his

“I just think that if you are going to have a
boyfriend here, I am glad he is German.”

Anna glared at him. “So you don’t mind me
fucking around as long as he’s German?”

Kurt shrugged. “I know you have needs and I
am not here enough to fulfill them properly. I am not saying he
to be German, I am just saying I am glad he

Anna shook her head in bewilderment. “So you
and I are ‘together’ now?”

“I suppose you could see it that way.”

“Were you planning on telling me this? I was
under the impression that I was free to do as I liked.”

“You are...when I am not around.”

Anna stopped and stared at Kurt. She couldn’t
believe what she was hearing. She squinted in disbelief and shook
her head. “You’re as bad as Devin,” she whispered and turned to
walk away, but he grabbed her arm.

He forced a smile onto his face, though his
eyes were chilled. “I am going to pretend I did not hear that,” he
said looking around and then locking onto her eyes. “I am
Devin and you know it.”

She opened her mouth to retort, but the MC
began speaking and Kurt pushed her gently to her seat. She sat down
and crossed her arms over her chest. Kurt gave her a look and she
sighed and dropped her hands into her lap.

During the dinner, she remained silent except
when asked a direct question. Kurt was very affectionate, at least
physically, ignoring her coldness and keeping his arm around her
between courses or leaning in to whisper something in her ear,
which she ignored in turn.

The dancing began after the final course and
Kurt led her out to the floor as it filled up with couples. He held
her close, intertwining his fingers with hers and holding them to
his chest.

“Why are you being so hostile?” he asked

“Why are you being an ass?” she retorted.

“I am not trying to be an ass, Anna. I am
trying to...get control of the situation. To establish your

“Don’t you think you’re making me look like a
bitch? Lavishing my affections on the handsome foreigner while
ignoring my boyfriend?”

He looked down at her, startled. “I...had not
thought of it that way. But you should not have a boyfriend
anyway,” he added quickly.

Anna huffed. “When did all these rules come
into play and why wasn’t I told about them? If I had known....” She
sighed. “God, Kurt, if I’d known I never would have gotten involved
with Hugo. I could have saved us both a tremendous amount of


“Hugo and I.” She sighed. “We broke up last
week because of what I learned talking to your father. Don’t worry.
I won’t get into any more relationships. I don’t want to hurt
someone else.”

“I thought you were just fucking him.”

“We haven’t been together like that, Kurt. We
were going to and then Jack showed up and....” She swallowed.
“Because of everything, we decided it would be better if we ended
things sooner rather than later.”

“You have not fucked him?” he said softly.

“He was determined to be a gentleman and not
push things too far. He didn’t know what I was until I told him
last week.”

They danced in silence for a while then Kurt
broke the silence. “When was the last time you had sex?”

She shrugged. “I dunno. Couple weeks I

Kurt’s eyes widened in surprise. “I did not
think you could go that long.”

Anna frowned. “Thanks,” she said bitterly.
Kurt was just really trying to endear himself to her, wasn’t

“No, I meant....” He sighed. “I think it is
good....” He trailed off as the music ended.

“Can I go?”

Kurt nodded and she left him standing in the
middle of the dance floor. She needed some fresh air and headed


Anna turned to see Stefanie walking quickly
to her. “Are you okay? Is he another bad guy from your past?”

Ever since Stefanie had learned about Jack,
she’d become Anna’s protector. If Anna was unhappy, Stef was the
first one by her side to make sure she was okay. Anna was grateful
to have a friend. A female friend.

“No, he’s actually a good guy from my past.
He’s just acting like an ass tonight.”

“I’m glad. Because he’s yummy and I’d hate to
have to take him out behind the theater and kick his ass.”

Anna smiled.

“Is he why you and Hugo broke up?”

Anna shook her head. “Well, indirectly yes.”
She sighed. Her heart ached for Hugo. “I was married to Kurt’s
brother a long time ago. He died and now I’m expected to marry

Stef grinned. “That doesn’t seem like such a
bad be stuck with someone like him. But...I mean, why
are you expected to marry your husband’s brother? That seems
so...old fashioned.”

“They’re a very old German family and that’s
the way things work. Even Hugo, once he found out, knew eventually
I’d have to go to Kurt. That’s why we broke up. Because we care
about each other too much to have to end things later under
duress.” Anna sat down next to the fountain and rested her chin on
her hands. “But Kurt’s being a jerk tonight and I don’t understand
why. He’s usually so sweet and laid back.”

“He’s hot!”

“You should have seen his brother,” Anna said
fondly. “He was the most handsome man I’d ever seen.”

“Damn, girl. Any other brothers?”

Anna shook her head. “No, but several
cousins, though I can’t remember who’s married and who’s not. It’s
been years since I’ve seen them. They all look alike. It’s

“You better invite me to the wedding,” Stef

“Of course, though German weddings are very
different than American ones.” Anna told her about getting married
at the JP’s office and the lack of a big church wedding.

“That is fucked up,” she said. “How can an
American girl not have a big white wedding?”

“Did I mention he’s a Duke?” Anna

Stef hit her in the arm. “Shut up!” she
laughed. “Damn girl. Stop complaining and get back in there and
jump his bones.”

Anna sighed and leaned back, looking up at
the starless night sky. “I don't know what’s gotten into him.” She
had a feeling she needed to get back inside and she reluctantly
stood with Stefanie and headed back across the cement courtyard to
the theater.

Kurt was near the door, talking with Aaron
and a few other dancers. The girls were flirting with him
shamelessly and he laughed with them, almost flirting back, but not

Anna sighed. This is what it would be like,
being married to an Elder-Son. They were free to do as they pleased
while their wives stood by and made sure everything stayed perfect
at home for them. Anna just happened to have other duties to
perform in addition to the wifely ones.

Stef smiled sympathetically. “I’m sorry he’s
being a jerk. Maybe you should make him jealous.” She grinned. “You
look fantastic tonight. You could have any guy here.”

Anna knew that was true. Even if the man
wasn’t interested at first, she could seduce him. But did she want
to? Was she angry enough to play that game with Kurt? What would he
do if he were jealous? She’d didn’t recall seeing him angry before.
Had his temper grown to be like his father’s?

Kurt turned towards her and she quickly
turned away so he wouldn’t see her watching him. Over Stefanie's
shoulder she saw Hugo dancing with a woman wearing a slim red dress
and laughing with him. Her heart twisted in her chest and she
turned further away.

“There you are, Katrina.” Tommy appeared in
front of her. “Dance with me?”

She looked at him with a blank expression for
a moment before nodding with a small smile. Stefanie winked at her.
If nothing else, it might make Kurt jealous. It was petty, she
knew, but she didn’t care.

“Where’s Kim?” Anna asked as Tommy held her
close on the dance floor.

“With my mom, I think, getting some fresh


“Anna, I’m sorry for what I did to you...a
few weeks ago. I hated leaving you the way I did, but I couldn’t
ignore the call.”

Anna shrugged. “I know. It’s just part of
being a Mistress, I guess.” She glanced at Kurt across the room. “I
guess I’ll understand that more, eventually.”

Tommy turned his head and followed her gaze.
“I thought you liked him.”

Anna stared at the buttons on Tommy’s tuxedo
shirt. “I did. But he’s...different now.” She glanced up. “He’s
actually being an ass tonight.”

Tommy frowned. “I can’t imagine him doing
that. He was enthralled with you when you were dancing.” He
shrugged. “I guess we all were. You’re rather captivating when you

She half smiled at the compliment and then
looked up at him. “If you want to stop by sometime again, you

He arched his brow. “Are you sure?”

She shrugged her shoulders. “The freedom I
thought I had isn’t real, so I might as well get used to having my
duties again. At least I don’t have to worry about abusers coming
to see me.”

Tommy gave her a sad look. “I’m sorry, Anna.
I thought...I thought you were supposed to be free to do as you
pleased, but Dad’s been talking with Wilhelm a lot lately.
Something’s changed.”

“I wish I knew what it was. Then I might
understand my freedoms being taken away.” She sighed. “I don’t like
fighting with Kurt. I don’t like thinking of him as a jerk.” She
watched Kurt continue to laugh and joke around with the women
around him. What had caused this change in him?

When the song was over, they saw that Kim had
returned to the table and Tommy went to be with her. Anna wandered
around the outskirts of the party, wondering when she could go
home. Being tied to Kurt made her feel lonely. Her new “free” life
was now over and it was simply a waiting game until they would
marry and she would move to Germany.

“Where have you been?” Kurt asked as she
finally approached him a long while later. The circle widened for
her and he put his arm on her waist, taking possession of her

She’d made a long, slow circuit around the
promenade. “Wandering.”

The conversations continued around her and
she stared off into space. There were worse things than being
possessed by Kurt. Devin, for example. Kurt didn’t hurt her like
Devin did. She should simply be grateful for that. But she wished
she’d been told instead of just being expected to know what was
going on. She’d had a month to be herself and now it was over. She
would just have to accept that and hope to figure out whatever was
going on with Kurt.

When the party finally began to break up,
well after midnight, she went to the table to get her purse.

“Where is your apartment?” Kurt asked, as he
stood behind her, rubbing her upper arms in an affectionate

“It’s just a couple of blocks away.” She
turned. “Where are you staying?”

“The Plaza.”

“Oh.” Did he expect her to go with him? It
would surprise her if he didn’t.

“Do you need anything from backstage?”

Anna shook her head. She could get it
tomorrow. She just wanted to go home and sleep.

Kurt took her hand and led her out to the
valet where many guests were waiting for vehicles. “Do you want to
have dinner tomorrow night?”

Anna frowned in confusion. “You’re asking me
out for tomorrow night?”

He shrugged. “I did not know if you had plans
or not.” His expression made her suspect it didn’t matter if she
had plans or not.

“Are you asking me out or telling me we’re
going out?”

“Which would you prefer?”

“Does it matter?”

“I am trying to be nice, Katrina.”

Anna huffed. “What time do you want me

“When are you done with rehearsals?”

“Six at the latest.”

“I’ll pick you up at seven-thirty then.”


A limousine pulled up and Kurt led her to it
and they got in. “What is your address?”

“You’re not taking me back to your

Kurt clenched his jaw. “Do you want to


He closed his eyes for a long moment. “Then
what is your address?”

Anna told him and he repeated it to the

A few minutes later they pulled up to the
front of her building. He went with her up to her apartment, but
they didn’t speak until they were outside her door.

“Here.” He handed her a small box. “So people
know the status of our relationship.”

Inside was a beautiful diamond ring. Anna
looked up at the strained look on Kurt's face. “So, we’re

Kurt nodded.

“When are we going to get married?”

“We cannot marry until after you are freed
from Devin. It will be a long engagement.” The manner in which he
spoke about it seemed so businesslike. “I will keep my...private
time private. No one will think me a playboy here.”

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