The Law of Motion (Law Series) (30 page)

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Authors: Di'Nisha Robinson

BOOK: The Law of Motion (Law Series)
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"It would take your chopper, ATVs, and some tough fucking hiking to reach it. It's set deep in the woods and pretty high up on the mountain," she replied. "It would be a bitch to go in."

"Thank you, Tink," I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose.

"Adrian?" she called.


"From what I can tell...they're fortified up there. It would be a fucking battle maybe not a huge one like last time, but still a battle," her voice sounding nervous.

"Okay, thanks again. Call me when you know something," I told her, and she ended the call. I shook my head, looking over at Dario "We'd better hope that Alyssa doesn't get taken to that cabin."

He nodded, wadding up his French fry container and tossing it into the bag with the rest of the garbage. "That won't stop us, kid," he chuckled, gripping my shoulder.

Victor laughed from the seat behind me, he was in his mid fifties, but he was tough as shit. "Hell, I'm not even sure it would slow us down."

"No shit," Ross muttered from the backseat.

I smirked and nodded. "No... No, it wouldn't stop us.

Chapter 12- Déjà vu


My tongue felt thick and dry, my hea
fuzzy. I could hear muffled voices nearby, and I slowl

without trying to look awak

tried to take a physical inventory on my body. I didn't open my eyes as I tried to move, but I seemed to be sitting up in a hard seat, my arms bound behind my back, my fee
to the legs of the fairly wobbly chair.

I felt okay, just groggy from whatever Myles had injected into me, but my head was quickly clearing. I peeked an eye open, taking a quick glance around at what seemed to be a very old, very cheap motel room. It stunk, like old cigarette smoke and cheap cleaner, like stale sheets and spilled bee

and pretty recent pizza.

From where I was, I couldn't see anything other than the window that was covered by old, heavy curtains, but I could at least tell that the sun was about to set. I closed my eyes again when voices rang in from the other room, because apparently, there was dissension among Myles’s little clan.

"Damn it to hell, David," a male voice hissed. "What the fuck did you give them?"

"Just some night time cold meds. They wouldn't sit the fuck still!" David yelled back. "Zoe said I could... Hell, they weren't sleeping well at night anyway."

"Shut up," Zoe snapped, "the both of you. Kris, take them in there with that bitch. Put them on the bed."

I waited, holding my breath, because I knew that they were talking about Juan and Cedrick, my heart was about to pound out of my chest. I was going to at least be able to lay eyes on them.

But a loud, long string of profanities and the sound of something smashing against the wall of the next hotel room caused me to snap my eyes open completely. Fuck the ruse of being asleep; Myles and Zoe had just discovered what was in my bag.

The door between the two rooms was yanked open, and a fuming Zoe stormed in. "You stupid bitch!" she snarled, and I braced myself, because her hand was raised before she was even close enough to me to strike.

The hit was open handed and stung my cheek, my head snapping to the left. I grimaced, feeling my chair rock on its legs briefly.

"What is this shit?" she screamed, holding up clothes and Mr. Bear.

"Well," I started calmly, taking a deep breath and sitting up straighter, because I knew there would be more hits, "I knew you lacked common care giving sense, so I assumed those boys would need all the help they could get. Am I right?" I asked her, glaring at her with pure hatred.

God, I really was starting to hate her, and there was no way for me to even try to attempt to hide it.

She threw the clothes and the stuffed animal on the closest bed and swung on me again; this time, the fist was closed. The legs of my chair gave an eerie creak, I was happy to note.

I grunted, feeling the sting of a split lip and the warmth of the blood seeping from it running down my chin. I sat up straight again and said, "Hit me again, and I'll kick your ass while I'm still cuffed in this chair."

I was really, really hoping she'd hit me again, because I was going to use the momentum in my favor. I wasn't disappointed, because she came at me full force this time, despite the fact that three men were trying to stop her.

Her foot landed in the middle of my chest, and I pushed back at the same time, using gravity and my weight to fall to the floor. My chair gave a satisfying crack, collapsing underneath me, the back giving way to allow my handcuffs to slip off. The legs never stood a chance, and I was rolling across the floor backwards, tucking my feet and legs through, bringing my hands to the front.

Launching myself up, I dove for her, driving my shoulder into her stomach and landing on her with a grunt from me and a cry out from her. Using my cuffed hands, I braced myself over her, straddling her stomach. I swung them both , left to right, catching her mouth in a loud and really rewarding smack. I was just about to swing again, when I found myself yanked away.

"Enough!" Myles growled, gripping my hair, but it was the soft click of the hammer of his gun that stopped me from fighting everyone in the room. He pressed it to my temple, his breathing heavy. "Where's the money, Alyssa?" he asked, his voice low and menacing.

"No idea," I snickered, spitting blood to the floor. "With my friends? Family? The police? No clue." I smirked, looking at him over my shoulder. "Could be with any of them." I shrugged a shoulder in an insolent manner, just to piss him off.

"You're the Neil Industries heiress," he pointed out, his eyes dark with his anger. "Couldn't you spare it?"

"Maybe," I said with a smile. "Who double crossed whom, Myles? You didn't show with the boys."

" your family will pay more than that," he growled, throwing me to the bed and reaching into his pocket. "I'm pretty sure that the daughter of the CEO will bring a higher price than that little brat in the other room, but
of you...I'm pretty sure Paul Neil won't be able to resist."

I chuckled, shaking my head. "You really have no idea what you've done, do you?" I asked, looking up at his now confused face. I played on the fact that they were misinformed. "Go Better yet, try my
. Let them know what you're asking."

“Hey, the little boy is breathing funny.” David called from the other room and my heart stopped.

My head jerked towards the bag, “His inhaler is inside, take it to him!” I half begged, half demanded.

Zoe sneered, as I twisted trying to get my arms out of the cuffs. “So now she has fear.”

“Take it to him.” I begged listening to his wheezing in the other room. “He can die!”

Myles found my worry amusing. “
she wants play nice. Too late.”

I sat up and Zoe slapped me back onto the bed. I stared at her, with pure hatred. “If he dies, not only will you not get anything, but I will kill you myself.” I swore in a low voice, a tear running from my eyes listening to my godson suffering in the adjoined room.

“I’ll take my chances.” Myles shrugged. “Come on Zoe, let’s go get something to eat.”

Zoë’s shrill laughed echoed as they left me in the room by myself, less than a second later, the door cracked open quietly. He put a finger to his mouth as he crept over to my bag sorting through it, and it took me a second to realize he was searching for the inhaler.

“Front zip.” I whispered thankful that he was going to take it to him. When I got out of here, he was going to be the only persons who’s life I spared.

He nodded taking it out. “I’ll take care of it.” He promised, his hazel eyes apologetic. He looked barely twenty-one, and part of me wondered why or what got him in this situation.

Myles and Zoe came back through the other door catching Myles in the room. He slid it into his pocket smoothly as he stood against the adjoining hotel room door.

“What in the hell are you doing in here
?” He spat looking between the two of us.

Kris shrugged lying smoothly. “We can’t have her screaming and alerting the other people in the hotel, I was going to gag her man.”

This seemed to please Myles. “There’s hope for you yet Kris, but it’s not needed. I have something for that.”

He pulled me up by my hair, his breath smelling like cough drops and whiskey. “You aren’t going to get shit.” I spat with hatred. My eyes fell for a second to Kris, who had slid out the door to the room where the kids were.

"Oh, we will, Alyssa," he told me, holding up another syringe. "But why don't we save that for later? You need your rest, we'll be traveling tomorrow." His voice was snide and sarcastic, and without any hesitation, he sank the needle into my neck, once again plunging my world into darkness.


I woke up feeling the hits that Zoe had put to my face, but at least Myles had left me on the bed. My hands were still cuffed, but he hadn't bothered to readjust them to my back, so they were still in front of me. A quick glance around the room gave me a little relief. It was late, and everyone seemed to be quiet for now.

Asleep in a chair, his head back and mouth open, was the young man I recognized as Kris. The one that took my godson his inhaler. His legs were stretched out in front of him, with his feet propped up in the chair on the other side of the table. He was young, rather handsome, and a little thin. A gun was sticking  out of his waistband, and his hair was short and almost black, his jaw strong, with a touch of stubble. He snored softly, and I relaxed a bit.

I rolled over to look at the other side of the room, and my heart soared. Cuddled around each other were Cedrick and Juan. They were sound asleep, a little messy, but completely unharmed, from what I could tell. They weren't even tied or restrained in any way. They were still completely dressed, down to their shoes, in the same clothes they'd been wearing since the expo. Zoë’s stupid ass hadn't even bothered to bathe them.

Another look to Kris, and I sat up in bed as silently as I could. There were doors leading to neighboring hotel rooms, but they were barely cracked open. The light from the TV flickered through the room, and the bathroom light gleamed brightly.

I looked down at myself, grimacing that my boots were missing. "Fuck," I hissed to myself, just barely letting the sound out, because the GPS chip was in the top portion of the right shoe. At least I still had Mr. Bea
left by Zoe after her temper tantrum.

Feeling along the hem of my pants, I found what I was looking for and worked a long, thin metal strip from the material. Tink had hidden several things like that in the cargo pants I was wearing. In less than thirty seconds, I had the cuffs off of my wrists and the metal strip stored back where I had got it. I really needed to thank Doc for showing me a few of her tricks.

I inched off of the bed, giving a snoring Kris a wary glance before I walked to the other bed. I needed to see him, touch him. I needed to make sure he was really there, because I'd dreamed this type of shit more times than I could count since he'd been taken.

He was on the outside of the bed, his face buried in his pillow, with Cedrick's hand twitching at his shoulder. I knelt beside him, reaching up and lightly brushing his hair away from his face. His face relaxed in his sleep with a beautiful pout on his lips. His hair was wild, no longer gelled after a week of mismanage. There were smudges of dirt on his nose, chin, and cheek, and his little fingernails were filthy, but otherwise, he was perfect. He sighed contentedly, but suddenly, I was looking into sweet, brown eyes.

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