The Law of Motion (Law Series) (28 page)

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Authors: Di'Nisha Robinson

BOOK: The Law of Motion (Law Series)
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Myles was pissed, "I'm not fucking stupid, Alyssa, I know this place is fucking surrounded."

"Then let's cut the shit” She snapped back,  "I've got what you want, and you've got what I want. I want to see the!"

"Yes, but what you don't seem to realize is that you're coming with us," Myles let out a sick laugh, his own plans interfering with our own. "Consider on getting out of here we clear?"

Victor’s voice came into my headset. “He has a gun, but I’m not that far.” He informed, but reassured at the same time.

“Don’t let her out of your sight for a second, Vic.” My dad ordered from his spot in the parking deck.

"I'm not going anywhere until you release Juan and his friend inside this fucking station,” There was my girl.

But that bastard Myles was persistent. "You're coming. Grab that fucking bag, shut your fucking mouth, and walk."

There were loud pops coming across the street and my head whipped in that direction seeing smoke coming from other sides. "I've guns in the park!" Cam yelled. "Take them down! Take them down! Someone get to Lopez, now! Don't let him get caught up in this shit..."

Jackson went into action, leaning into his rifle getting ready to shoot. "I've got an asshole making their way through the crowd, Cam," Jackson announced. "He's heading straight for that senator."

"Take him down...shoot to wound only, J” Cam ordered. "I've got that minivan pulling up front!"

It was Alyssa’s whisper that made me feel uneasy. "Leave it,” Was her last order before she let out a sigh, "I'm off the radio, Hunter, go…"

“Alyssa, no!" I growled. “Grayson, Victor, stay on her. Tink pull up a map of the station and tell them where they need to go. Don’t lose her.”

“On it Adrian.” Tink assured her fingers typing and I could hear the girls going crazy in the background.

There was static over the headset as I tried to listen on the whereabouts of Alyssa, communication was going out like hell. “Macon…..” Tink’s voice came in barely audible, her words mixed with the sound of white noise.

“What’s that I can’t hear you Tink?” Ross called out the door of the chopper in looking over the panicked crowd searching for a sign of Alyssa. There were no explosive’s out there, just noise and smoke, an effective distraction nonetheless.

“Check your frequency,” I hissed flying lower than I was legally allowed to, looking for her.

Kristen’s voice came through the headset, “Liam….downstairs…main floor south entrance.” It was surrounded by static but it was something my dad could understand at least.

Doc’s voice filled in after.  “Danny…south entrance, side door.”

I felt a sense of relief that members were en route to her. “Victor stay on her.” I begged hoping he could hear me, his own radio silent.

There was too much static in my ear to get any type of communication from the men on the ground though there was screaming beneath me, I sorted through the crowds looking for the tan van.

“Everyone switch to a local frequency.” I ordered in frustration.

“But we’ll lose Tink and the girls.” Ross argued but did what I said. It took only a few seconds for all of the ground men to do the same.

“You hear us Macon, Danny? Do you see them?” Jackson asked after taking out a guy that was holding a gun to a civilians head.

Macon’s frustrated voice boomed in. “Tiny Tink must have confused the mapping or something, because all of us have the south entrance covered, and we don’t see her anywhere.”

“What?!” I yelled.

My dad was just as confused. “There is something wrong, we must have missed them.”


Find her
,” Ross ordered maiming one of the guys so that Cam could question them later.

Victor finally found us on the local frequency, “You guys are on the wrong end, they’re at the west entrance, getting into the fucking van!”

I moved the helicopter, Jackson having to hold on for dear life. “Do you have a shot? If you can’t get the driver, get the fucking tire or some shit.”

“On it son, she isn’t going anywhere.” he promised. Then I heard scuffling “What in the hell are you doing Grayson!?” He asked just as I came into sight.

The van was screeching away and Hunter was on the ground picking himself up and helping Victor on his feet. “Fucking crowds,” he apologized.

“Well, she just got away!” Victor yelled in the set.

I started to bank and go after her, but Ross and Jackson stopped me. "Boss, don't even fucking think about it," Ross warned as the van that contained my Alyssa sped away from the shit down below.

"I get it...I really do. But our chance to get her is gone now. If we follow them, they may kill her. She's strong as shit. Let her go for now. It’s not how we wanted it, hell we fought for it, but luck wasn’t on our side this time."

"Goddamn, son of a bitch!" I growled, wanting to fucking punch someone or something. Anything.

"We’ll get her back. Now, your dad said land," Jackson said, pointing over to the garage where Alyssa’s car was parked along the far wall. "Set this thing down over there. Cam is giving you clearance."

"Tink!" I barked over the radio going back to the frequency they were on.

“Something went wrong with the  patch,” she answered immediately. Her voice almost robotic.

“I need to know
went wrong.” I demanded setting the chopper down. I powered her down as Ross and Jackson piled out to run to my dad, who had just emerged from the stairwell.

Once she was off, I scrambled down to join them.

"Fucking smoke bombs," he hissed, shaking his head. "every last one of them was a diversion tactic! Nothing but fucking smoke!"

"Casualties?" Ross asked him and everyone on the radio.

The calls back were two C&K men dead, several civilians injured from trampling and assaults, and two C&K men injured and in Cameron's custody.

"Dario, Victor, and Jeff...get your asses to the top level of the garage, ASAP," my dad ordered into the radio, and they all grunted with acknowledgment. He pointed his finger to me. "As soon as they get here, you'll stay close, wait for Tink's word, and you can pounce when she says so. There's a small industrial airfield not far from here. You can store the chopper there for now. Take the SUV that Macon drove, stay low, stay connected." He pointed to Hunter and Jackson. "Hunter...Cameron's going to have to explain this shit, so you'll help him. Jackson, you'll come with me to question those two men that survived."

My dad grabbed my arm, pulling me closer. "She didn't take the fucking money, my guess is they'll head to that house, but it's several hours drive. Son, they knocked her out as they drove past me, so they'll need a place to cool off before the last leg."

"Fuck," I hissed, shaking my head as I ran a hand roughly through my hair. "Knocked her"

"Something in a needle. Now...I think your best bet is to start north, lag back a bit, but be fucking ready for whatever happens, okay?"

"Sir," I sighed with a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach, glancing up at Dario, Jeff, and Victor as they double timed it across the parking lot. I had planned to wait for her, because the thought of going home without  my girl and those boys made me sick. So it was time to get to work. "Vic, take the keys to the SUV from my dad and meet us at the industrial airstrip just across town. Jeff,'re with me. We're hanging low in town until we hear from Tink. Load up," I ordered.

"Sir," they all grunted. Dario and Jeff jogged to the chopper, and Victor took the keys from my dad.

"Son..." My dad stopped me one more time with a grip to my shoulder. "She's tough. Give her a chance, okay?" he requested, and I nodded as he spun on his heel, barking into the radio, with Jackson on his trail. "Riley, I want those two suspects in a room, now! I have questions!"

              I looked up at Vic, who was waiting for me. "Let's go," I muttered, going back to my chopper. "I'll guide you into the airfield."

"Sure, Adrian," he answered, his voice subdued, but I knew he was worried.

I listened intently over the radio as different men checked in, calling an all clear. Macon called the garage safe, Cam called that the inside of the station was now clear of smoke, but all trains and people were being routed elsewhere, and he stated that the senator was now safely away and in the custody of his own security. I could already see the story they were going with: an attempted assassination on a political figure by an unstable militant group. It was easy, but certainly far from the fucking truth, I was pretty sure these idiots intention wasn't to kill Lopez, considering they'd used smoke bombs, instead of explosives.

I lifted smoothly off the garage, turning away from the train station and calling into the local airstrip. I used the call sign that Tink had assigned my flight, acting like the media. They granted my access, and Dario let Victor know where to follow me.

The hurry up and fucking wait feel of things made me uneasy. The loss of my girl made me feel empty. I wanted to storm the asshole's house right then, taking the lives of anyone that had played just the minimal part in this shit.

"Easy, pretty boy," Ross soothed from the co-pilot seat. "We’ll find her, you know that.”

"I know," I stated firmly. Of all the things I knew, I had faith that my Alyssa would fight to give us something. Her determination to protect Juan was almost deadly. It was all that was keeping her from losing it, and that I completely understood.

“I just don’t fucking get it.” Ross sighed stamping her foot. “It’s never gone down like this.”

“It’s like everything went wrong at once.”  Macon reiterated. “Fucking stream of bad luck.”

Dario sighed, “What if it wasn’t luck…” I think he meant it as an errant thought, but my ears perked the fuck up as well as Victor’s, the car slightly swerving below me.

“What do you mean Dario?” I demanded.

He sighed and there was a silence in my ear before he spoke up. “Look, I don’t want to cause trouble. Or bear false witness kid, but I was coming up from the rear of the park, and I got a pretty good look of the van that drove away.”

“And...” I demanded waiting with everyone else.

He sighed again. “From where
was standin
though I can’t be sure because that place was craz
but it didn’t look like Hunter was pushed into Victor. It looked like he dove on Vic to stop the shot on purpose.”

My blood boiled, at the thought of him sabotaging her rescue. I gripped the controls of the chopper until my knuckles were white. “You ok bro?” Ross asked looking at me.

“How sure are you?” Macon asked, borderline angry and borderline careful about what would happen next, because he was a dead mean if Dario gave me the wrong answer.

“About eighty percent.”

In that second the SUV whipped around on the road. Heading back south towards D.C., and I  banked doing the same.

“Where in the hell is he?” I hissed.

“He should be heading back towards the Gravity office.” Macon answered.

I sighed, “Mack, get my Dad and Jackson back there as soon as they are done, I want some fucking answers.”



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