The Last Patrician (44 page)

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Authors: Michael Knox Beran

BOOK: The Last Patrician
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Protestant establishment

establishment theory

see also
Patrician elite; Stimsonian statesmen

Public service

Stimsonian statesmen and

Queen Kelly

Quiet American, The

Quinn, Charles




Rare Art Traditions

Reagan, Nancy

Reagan, Ronald

as California governor

Congressional medal for Bobby Kennedy, posthumous

rugged individualism of the West, identification with

Reardon, Ted


consoling power of

family and

war against poverty and


Republic, The

Resor, Stan

Ribicoff, Abraham

Richardson, Elliot

Riesman, David

Rifkind, Simon

Riots of 1967, urban

Robert F. Kennedy, Emerging American Dictator

Robert Kennedy: A Memoir

Robert Kennedy and His Times

Robespierre, Maximilien

Rockefeller, David

Rockefeller, Nelson

Roman Catholic Church

Vatican II reforms

Roman republic

Romero, Juan

Roosevelt, Eleanor

Kennedy family and

Roosevelt, Franklin D.

aristocratic pretensions of

bitterness underlying achievements of

cruelty, personal

education of

law career

New Deal,
New Deal

paternalistic state and

Yalta conference

Roosevelt, Franklin D., Jr.

Roosevelt, John

Roosevelt, Theodore

Roosevelts, Hyde Park

Root, Elihu

Roth, Philip

Rousseau, Jean Jacques

Rovere, Richard

Rusk, Dean

Ruskin, John

Sackville-West, Vita

St. Paul's


Saint-Just, Louis de

Salinger, Pierre



Salvation Army

Sandel, Michael

Sargent, John Singer

Sartor Resartus

Saturday Evening Post, The

Scheer, Robert

Schiff, Dorothy

Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr.

Age of Jackson, The

The Age of Roosevelt

Bobby's presidential race and

conversion to Kennedy cause

Robert Kennedy and His Times

seminars arranged by

Schlesinger, Arthur M., Sr.

Schlossberg, Caroline Kennedy

Schlossberg, Ed

Schmidt, Benno

Secret Service

Securities and Exchange Commission

Sedgwick, Edie

Seigenthaler, John


community and

compassion's role in nurturing

Kennedys and

as mass problem


see also
Individual effort, change as result of

Senate, U.S.

Foreign Relations Committee

McCarthy's Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations

Ribicoff hearings on urban poverty

see also names of individual senators

Separate Peace, A

Sexual revolution

Shakespeare, William

Shaw, George Bernard

Sheehan, Neil,
Cold War

Sheridan, Walter

Shriver, Eunice Kennedy

Siegenthaler, John

Silver King

Silverman, Sam

Sirhan Sirhan

Skakel, Ethel,
Kennedy, Ethel

Skull and Bones

Smith, Adam

Smith, Jean Kennedy

Smith, Jerome

Smith, Steve

Social Register

Social Register Association

Social Security Act

Society of the Cincinnati

Solbert, Peter

Sorensen, Theodore

South Africa

South Vietnam

see also
Vietnam War

Soviet Union

Cold War,
Cold War

Spalding, Chuck


“Special impact” funds

St. Paul's

State Department, U.S.

China hands and

Vietnam War and

Stein, Jules

Stevenson, Adlai

Bobby's Senate race and

career of

judged too weak to be president

presidential races

Schlesinger and

as UN ambassador

Stevenson, Adlai Ewing

Stevenson, Letitia

Stimson, Henry

Stimsonian statesmen

administrative state and

backgrounds of

Bobby's break with


demise of


free market economy and

Johnson and

lack of intellectual and imaginative excellence among

lack of political base

national security state and

paternalistic view of government

pleasures of the empire and

practical achievements of

problem of individual self-confidence and

public service and

reverence of English aristocracy

schooling of

spiritual life and

Stimsonian establishment

twentieth-century liberalism and

welfare state and

see also names of individuals

Stover at Yale

Styron, William

Suffering, human

Bobby's compassion for

the paternalistic state and

Sunday-night supper club

Sunday Telegraph

Supreme Court


New Deal and

Swanson, Gloria

Syme, Ronald


Taft, Robert A.

Tampa, Florida


Taylor, Elizabeth

Taylor, Telford

Teamsters Union

“Teddy's Women Problem/Women's Teddy Problem”

Thomas, Evan

Thoreau, Henry David


Tocqueville, Alexis de

Tory Party

To Seek a Newer World

“Tradition and the Individual Talent”

Tree, Ronald

Trilling, Diana

Trilling, Lionel

Truman, Harry S

Truman Doctrine

Tuchman, Barbara


United Nations

University of Virginia Law School

Updike, John

Urban riots of 1967

Vance, Cyrus

vanden Heuvel, William


Vidal, Gore


Vietnam War

Bobby and

Dien Bien Phu

Tet offensive

Village Voice, The

Wagner, Robert

Wagner Act


Wales, Prince of

Walinsky, Adam

Bedford Stuyvesant restoration project and

Police Corps and

Wallace, George

Walton, Bill

Warren Commission report

Washington, George

Washington Monthly, The

Wasserman, Lew

Watson, Thomas J., Jr.

Watts riots of 1965

Waugh, Evelyn

Wayne, John

Weld, William

Welfare state

Bobby and,
Kennedy, Robert F. “Bobby,” welfare state and

bureaucracy of,

intellectual origins of

Stimsonians and,
Stimsonian statesmen, welfare state and undermining of individual's capacity for achievement

welfare reform bill of 1996

Welles, Sumner

Wharton, Edith

White, Byron R. “Whizzer”

White, Theodore

Whitney, Dick

Why England Slept

Whyte, W. H.

Williams, Edward Bennett

Williams, G. Mennen “Soapy”

Williams, Hosea

Wills, Garry

Wilson, Edmund

Wilson, Harold

Wilson, Sloan

Wilson, Woodrow

Women in political life

Wood, Gordon

Wood, Natalie

Woodin, William

Yale Law School

Yale University

Yalta conference

Young, Andrew

Young England movement

About the Author

Michael Knox Beran
was born in Dallas, Texas, in 1966. He graduated from Groton School in 1984 and holds degrees from Columbia and Cambridge Universities as well as from Yale Law School. A lawyer, he lives in Westchester County, New York, with his wife, Mary. You can sign up for email updates


“Unorthodox and stimulating … [
The Last Patrician
] will force many to reevaluate the Kennedy they thought they knew.”

Publishers Weekly

“A lively, audacious argument.”

The New York Times Book Review

The Last Patrician
is likely to provoke and enlighten readers, regardless of their predispositions. As such, it is a rare work, well worth the read.”

Mobile Register

“A fascinating portrait of an American aristocracy that sought grandeur and importance in government service.…
The Last Patrician
is both engaging and effective.”

The Roanoke Times

“Utterly convincing … [Beran] reminds us how much we lost when Bobby Kennedy fell to an assassin's bullet thirty years ago.”

Kirkus Reviews

“This stunning and most reflective of the current RFK books ponders the historical and intellectual roots of his political philosophy.”

Library Journal

“This is a book of wide breadth that questions many of our assumptions.… Highly recommended.”


“Fascinating … A truly exciting book, by a very young author, one of those all-too-rare experiences where the reader is drawn back again to rethink and reconsider what he thought he knew.”

History Book Club

“Beran writes so gracefully.…”


“Spirited and thoughtful…”

The Globe and Mail

“[A] remarkable book…”

The Boston Globe Magazine

“A welcome rejoinder to the customary take on the Kennedy family.…”

Tucson Weekly


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Title Page

Copyright Notice





A Patrician in Pain

Part I
: The Making of an Aristocrat

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Part II
: The Portrait of a Rebel

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

The End of Aristocracy




About the Author

Praise for
The Last Patrician


. Copyright © 1998 by Michael Knox Beran. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews. For information, address St. Martin's Press, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10010.

Frontispiece: Bobby Kennedy on the Acropolis, mid-1960s (
AP/Wide World Photos

Part One,
: Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Kennedy posed with their nine children for this photo in 1938 in Bronxville, New York. From left, seated, are Eunice, Jean, Edward (on lap of his father), Kennedy, Patricia, and Kathleen, and standing, Rosemary, Robert, John, Mrs. Kennedy, and Joseph Jr. (
AP/Wide World Photos

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