The Last Patrician (42 page)

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Authors: Michael Knox Beran

BOOK: The Last Patrician
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Abernathy, Ralph

Acheson, Dean

Vietnam and

Ackerman, Bruce

Adams, Brooks

Adams, Henry

Administrative state


Age of Jackson, The

Age of Roosevelt, The

Agricultural Adjustment Administration


Aldrich, Nelson

Alphand, Hervé and Nicole

Alsop, Joseph

on American aristocrats

as columnist

conversion to Kennedy fold

the East and

on Franklin Roosevelt

Alsop, Stewart

Alsop, Susan Mary

Amazing Grace

“American Scholar, The”

Angleton, James Jesus


Antonioni, Michelangelo

Appleton, Ann


Arnold, Dr.

Astor Foundation


Attlee, Clement

Ayer, A. J.

Baby boomers

Bagehot, Walter

Bailyn, Bernard

Baldwin, James

Baltzell, E. Digby

Barnes, Tracy

Barnett, Ross

Barry, Bill

Bay of Pigs crisis

Beaverbrook, Lord

Bedford-Stuyvesant restoration project

community control of

political purpose of

Belafonte, Harry

Bennett, William

Bergen, Candice

Berlin, Sir Isaiah

Berlin Wall

Bernstein, Leonard

Bernstein, Mrs. Leonard

Berry, Edwin C.

Best and the Brightest, The

Bevel, James

Biddle, Francis

Billings, Lem

Bissell, Richard


Bohlen, Chip

Bolingbroke, Henry St. John Viscount

Bolshakov, Georgei

Borgia, Cesare

Boston, Massachusetts

Boston Brahmins

Boston Latin School

Bouvier, Jacqueline,
Kennedy, Jacqueline Bouvier

Bowles, Chester

Bradlee, Benjamin

Brandt, Willy

Breslin, Jimmy

Brideshead Revisited

Brown, Pat

Bruce, David

Brumus (RFK dog)

Buchwald, Art

Buckley, Charles

Bundy, Bill

Bundy, McGeorge

Bundy family

Bunker, Ellsworth

Burden, Carter


Bobby's criticism of

Burke, Edmund

Burton, Richard

Bush, George

Byron, Lord

Caesar, Julius

Camus, Albert

Cannadine, David

Canterbury prep school

Capell, Frank

Capote, Truman

Cardin, Pierre

Carey, Hugh

Carlyle, Thomas

Carnegie Endowment

Carter, Jimmy

Casals, Pablo

Castro, Fidel


Cecil, David

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)

Chamberlain, Neville

Chapman, John Jay


Chavez, Cesar

Cheyfitz, Eddie

Chiang, Mme.


Churchill, Randolph

Churchill, Winston

Cicognani, Cardinal

Cincinnati, Ohio

City-states, ancient

see also
Athens; Greek polis; Sparta

Civil rights

Clark, Kenneth B.

Cleaver, Eldridge

Clifford, Clark

Clinton, Bill

Clinton, Hillary Rodham

Clougherty, Peter “Leather Lungs”

Cohn, Roy

Cold War

Coles, Robert

Collier, Peter

Columbia Law School

Common man


antagonism between family and

as idealistic notion

self-confidence and sense of

Community development corporations


Kennedy, Robert F. “Bobby,” suffering and pain, compassion for

self-confidence and

Confidential Agent, The

Conrad, Joseph

Containment theory

Cooper, Duff and Diana

Cooper, James Fennimore

Corbin, Paul

Corcoran, Tommy

Council on Foreign Relations

Cox, Archibald

Cravath, Paul Drennan

Crespi, Contessa

Crotty, Peter

Daley, Richard

Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR)

Davis, Judge David

Davis, John W.

Dean, John Gunther

Death of a President, The

Defense Department, U.S.

de Gaulle, Charles

Deneuve, Catherine

Detroit, Michigan

Devonshire, Duke of

Diana, Princess

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