The Last Patrician (43 page)

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Authors: Michael Knox Beran

BOOK: The Last Patrician
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Didion, Joan

Dien Bien Phu

Dillon, Douglas

Disraeli, Benjamin

Dole, Bob

Douglas, John

Douglas, Paul

Douglas, William O.

Drew, Daniel

Dulles, Allen

Dutton, Fred

Edelman, Marian Wright

Edelman, Peter

Edgartown Regatta


Eichmann, Adolf

Eisenhower, Dwight D.

Eliot, T. S.

Emerson, Ralph Waldo


English, John

English Traits


Entrepreneurial tradition

Bobby's embrace of

hero of


Establishment theory

Etzioni, Amitai

Evers, Charles


Fabian socialism

Faith-based rescue programs



Bobby's devotion to,
Kennedy, Robert F. “Bobby,” family and

the Greeks and

religion and

Fay, Paul “Redhead”

Feiffer, Jules

First Amendment

Fisk, Jim

FitzGerald, Desmond

Fitzgerald, John F. “Honey Fitz”

Fitzwilliam, Peter

Fonda, Jane

Fonteyn, Margot

Ford Foundation

Forrestal, James V.

Forster, E. M.


Four Hundred families, descendants of New York's

Fox, Charles James

Frank, Jerome

Frankenheimer, John

Frankfurter, Felix

Frankfurter, Joseph

Free market

French, Daniel Chester

Frick, Henry Clay

Fruitful Bough, The

Galbraith, John Kenneth

Gates, Bill

General Electric Corporation

General Electric Theater

Inner-city ghettos

Gilpatric, Roswell

Glenn, Colonel

Glenn, John

Goldwater, Barry

Goodman, Paul

Goodwin, Richard

Gore, Al

Graham, Katherine

Graham, Philip

Gray v. Sanders

Great Society


Greek civilization

Greek polis

Greek Way, The

Greene, Graham

Greenfield, Jeff

Grier, Rosey


Guevara, Che

Guthman, Ed

Gwirtzman, Milton

Hackett, Dave

Halberstam, David

Hamill, Pete

Hamilton, Alexander

Hamilton, Edith

Hand, Learned

Hansberry, Lorraine

Harlech, Lord and Lady

Harriman, Averell

Harrington, Billy

Harrington, Michael

Harris, LaDonna

Hartington, Billy

Harvard College

Board of Overseers


Harvard Law School

Hayden, Tom

Hayek, Friedrich von

Herndon, William

Hewitt, Don

Hickory Hill

Hill, Clint

Hinchman, Walter

Hiss, Alger

Hitler, Adolph

Hoffa, Jimmy

Hofstadter, Richard

on the New Deal

Holmes, Oliver Wendell

Hoover, J. Edgar

Hopkins, Harry

Horne, Lena

Horowitz, David

Huerta, Dolores

Humphrey, Hubert

Ickes, Harold

I'm for Roosevelt

Individual effort, change as result of

Bedford-Stuyvesant renewal project

presidents identifying with

Individualism, liberal

In Memoriam

Inner-city ghettos

absence of self-confidence in

Bedford-Stuyvesant restoration project

loss of community in

Moynihan report on families in

Isaacson, Walter

Jackson, Andrew

James, Henry

Javits, Jacob

Jefferson, Thomas

Jefferson Airplane

Johnson, Lyndon B.

assumes presidency

Bobby and

Great Society

presidential race of 1968 and

Vietnam and

Johnson, Owen

Johnson, Rafer

Jones, Judge Thomas R.

Justice Department, U.S.

Bobby as Attorney General

Civil Rights Division

Criminal Division

MCA and

Kaplan, J. M.

Katzenbach, Nicholas deB.

Katzenbach family

Keating, Kenneth B.

Keats, John

Kelly, Gene

Kemp, Jack

Kempton, Murray

Kennan, George

Kennedy, Caroline,
Schlossberg, Caroline Kennedy

Kennedy, David

Kennedy, Edward “Teddy”

Chappaquiddick and


education of

entry into politics

patrician elite, raised to be among

as senator

sports and

Kennedy, Ethel

Congressional medal for Bobby presented to


marriage to Bobby

parties at Hickory Hill

presidential race of 1968 and

Kennedy, Eunice,
Shriver, Eunice Kennedy

Kennedy, Jacqueline Bouvier

assassination of JFK and

Bobby and


Georgetown home

marriage of

White House parties

Kennedy, Joan Bennett

Kennedy, John F. “Jack”

assassination of

Bobby and,
Kennedy, Robert F. “Bobby,” JFK and

as congressman

conversion of Stimsonians to

Georgetown home

at Harvard

historians' views of

Hyannis Port home

marriage of

patrician elite, raised to be among

physical pain suffered by

presidency of:

domestic policy

foreign policy


Stimsonians in administration of

presidential election of 1960

the debates with Nixon

Profiles in Courage

self-confidence of

as senator

sports and

women and politics, view of

Kennedy, Joseph P.

as ambassador to England

as entrepreneur

Hollywood film industry and

Malcolm cottage and

patrician elite and

postwar foreign policy and

residences of

Roosevelts and

as SEC chairman

self-confidence instilled in family of

wealth of

Kennedy, Kathleen

Kennedy, Kathleen Hartington

Kennedy, Patricia,
Lawford, Patricia Kennedy

Kennedy, Robert F. “Bobby”:

aristocratic pretensions

assassination of

as Attorney General

Bedford-Stuyvesant and,
Bedford-Stuyvesant restoration project

bureaucracy criticized by,
Bureaucracy, Bobby's criticism of

condescension to social inferiors

as conservative

education of

family and

deference to be accorded to

importance of

funeral of

Greek civilization and

Hickory Hill home,
Hickory Hill

Hyannis Port home

JFK and

death of

differences in personality and style

legacy of JFK

presidential campaign of 1960

Senate campaign of 1952

legacy of


remembered for

McCarthy Subcommittee and

marriage to Ethel

moral code

New York residences

patrician elite, raised to be among

political power, view of

presidential campaign of 1968

decision to enter

the primaries

priesthood and

ritual of humiliation

as Roman Catholic

as ruthless

self-confidence, battle to achieve

as senator

1964 campaign

shyness of

sports and

Stevenson presidential campaign and

Stimsonian aristocracy and

suffering and pain, compassion for

Vietnam War and

welfare state and

criticism of

Western Senate seat, contemplates

women's role in life of

Kennedy, Robert F., Jr.

Kennedy, Rose

piety of

raising of her children

Kennedy compound

Kennedy Imprisonment, The

Kennedy Library

Keogh, Eugene

Kerner, Otto

Kerner Commission

Keynes, John Maynard

Khrushchev, Nikita

Kiesinger, Kurt-Georg

King, Rev. Martin Luther, Jr.

Korean War

Kozol, Jonathan

Kraft, Joseph

Krim, Arthur

Krock, Arthur

Labor movement

Landis, James

Lansdale, Colonel


La Rouchefoucauld

Lawford, Patricia Kennedy

Lawford, Peter

Lee, Robert E.

Le Hand, Marguerite “Missy”

Lehman, Mrs. Herbert

Leigh, Janet

Lemon v. Kurtzman

Leonardo da Vinci

Lessard, Suzannah

“Letter from a Region in My Mind”

Lewis, Anthony

Liancourt, Duc de

Liberal Imagination, The


Bobby and,
Kennedy, Robert F. “Bobby,” liberalism and

Stimsonian statesmen and twentieth-century

see also
Individualism, liberal

Lincoln, Abraham

Lindsay, John

Linowitz, Sol

Lippmann, Walter


Lodge, Cabot

Longworth, Alice Roosevelt


Lord Jim

Lovett, Bob

Lovett, Robert

Lowenstein, Allard

Luce, Clare Boothe

Lynd, Staughton

McCarthy, Eugene

McCarthy, Joseph

McCarthy, Mary

McCloy, John J.

Vietnam War and

McCormack, Edward J. “Knocko,” Sr.

McDonough, Patrick J. “Sonny”


MacLaine, Shirley

MacLeish, Archibald

McLuhan, Marshal

McNamara, Robert

Defense Department under

McNamara family

Making of the President 1960, The

Malcolm cottage, Hyannis Port

Malraux, André

Manac'h, Etienne

Manchester, William

Marlborough, Duke of

Marquand, John

Marshall, Burke

Marshall, General

Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts

Martin, John Bartlow

Marx, Karl

Massachusetts Electric Company

Matthews, Christopher

Matthews, J. B.

Mayflower Descendants


Meany, George


Melbourne, William Lamb

Mellon, Mrs. Paul

Melville, Herman

Mends-France, Pierre

Mercouri, Melina

Meredith, James

Meyer, André

Mills, C. Wright


Milton, John

Milwaukee, Wisconsin


Mississippi Delta

Mollo, Silvio

Monroe, Marilyn

Moore, George

Morgan, J. P., Jr.

Morgenthau, Henry

Morgenthau, Robert

Moro, Aldo

Moses, Robert

Moynihan, Daniel Patrick

Mumford, Lewis

Myriels, Monseigneur


Nantucket, Massachusetts

National Industrial Recovery Act

National Press Club

National Recovery Administration

National Security Council

National security state

Nitze blueprint for

Nazi Party

Neustadt, Richard

Newark, New Jersey

New Deal

as revolutionary

Newfield, Jack

New Haven, Connecticut


New Yorker, The

New York
Herald Tribune

New York Times, The

Nhu, Madame

Nickerson, Eugene

Niebuhr, Reinhold

Nietzsche, Friedrich

Nitze, Paul

Nixon, Richard

admiration of JFK

presidential election of 1960

rugged individualism of the West, identification with

Vietnam War and

Novak, Kim

Novello, Angie

Nureyev, Rudolf

Oberdorfer, Louis

O'Brien, Hugh

O'Connor, Frank

O'Donnell, Kenny


Office of Price Administration

Old Money


Oswald, Lee Harvey

Other America, The

Suffering, human

Paley, William

Pascal, Blaise

Passage to India, A

Pater, Walter

Patrician elite:

establishment theory

Kennedys raised in tradition of

in late-nineteenth century

rebirth as ruling class in twentieth century

Stimsonian statesmen,
Stimsonian statesmen

travel to the East and

Paul VI, Pope

Pax Americana

Peabody, Endicott

Pei, I. M.


Philadelphia Gentlemen

Phillips Exeter Academy

Pinchot, Gifford



Plimpton, George


Pocock, J. G. A.

Police Corps



Portsmouth Priory

Prince, The

Princeton University

Profiles in Courage

Profumo affair

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