The Kennedy Men: 1901-1963 (157 page)

Read The Kennedy Men: 1901-1963 Online

Authors: Laurence Leamer

Tags: #Biography & Autobiography, #General, #History, #United States, #20th Century, #Rich & Famous

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Cuban Missile Crisis, 631–63, 673–74, 678, 702, 708, 736
Cubela Secades, Rolando, 729, 736
Culver, John, 582–83
Cunningham, Bill, 259
Curley, James Michael, 52, 54, 223, 231
pardon of, 247–48
Cushing, Richard Cardinal, 241–42, 258–59, 280, 384–85, 393–95, 428–29, 697–98
Daley, Richard, 434, 465, 468
Dallas, Rita, 591, 738
Dalton, Mark, 342
JFK’s congressional career and, 246–47, 293–94
JFK’s 1946 congressional campaignand, 231, 237
JFK’s 1952 Senate campaign and, 293–96
Daly, John, 198
Damita, Lili, 224–25
Danforth, William, 70
Darcel, Denise, 382
Darden, Colgate, 275
Darr, Alicia, 422–23, 600
David, Jules, 349
Davies, Marion, 433
Davis, Mary, 273–74, 311
Davis, Monnett, 286
Davis, Zel, 40–41
D-Day, 209–10, 231, 455, 655
de Gaulle, Charles, 535–36, 644, 672
de Havilland, Olivia, 226
DeLoach, Cartha, 39, 491, 529, 599–600, 693, 730–31
Democratic National Convention:
JFK’s 1956 vice-presidentialcampaign and, 353–59
JFK’s 1960 presidential campaignand, 432, 437–38
Democratic Party, U.S.
see specificelections and individuals
Depression, Great, 69–70, 85, 95, 131, 315
DeSapio, Carmine, 355
Des Rosiers, Janet, 336–39, 395, 448
Dever, Paul, 306
Devlin, Lawrence, 454
Dewey, Thomas E., 222, 294
Dexter School, 50–51
Diem, Ngo Dinh, 437, 672, 717–18, 720–26, 728
Dillon, Douglas, 497, 641, 644, 657, 660, 679, 716
DiMaggio, Joe, 607
Di Pasquale, Mauro G., 528
Dirksen, Herbert von, 114
Doar, John, 613
Dobbs, Farrell, 369
Dobro, Max, 392
Dobrynin, Anatoly, 649–50, 657–58, 662
Dolan, Joe, 604
Don, Tran Van, 720–21
Donohue, Dick, 476
Donovan, Dan, 392
Donovan, James, 675–76
Donovan, Joe, 20–21
Donovan, Robert P., 356
Douglas, Helen Gahagan, 281
Douglas, John, 714
Douglas, Paul, 375
Douglas, William O., 73, 360–61, 365,
607, 714, 728
Douglas-Home, Robin, 645, 652
Douglas-Home, William, 264, 269, 318, 645
Dowdle, John, 272
Dowling, Eddie, 71
Draznin, Julius, 740
Droney, John, 320
Duffy, LaVern, 691
Duffy, Robert, 197, 206
Dulles, Allen, 454, 617
Cuba and, 483–86, 493–94, 497, 505–6, 515–17, 521, 623
Dun, Angus, 542
Duong Van Minh “Big Minh, ” 725–26
Durbrow, Elbridge, 718
Early, Steve, 116–17
Eastland, James, 671
Ebbins, Milt, 607
“Economic Problems of New England, The” (J. F. Kennedy), 313
Edward Devotion Elementary School, 47, 49
Edwards, India, 434, 441
Edwards, Sheffield, 488, 607–8
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 228, 299, 314, 364, 375, 419, 437, 477, 524, 529, 571–72, 600, 630, 654
Cuba and, 454–55, 483–84, 488, 491, 493
JFK’s European tour and, 285–86
at JFK’s inauguration, 471
on military-industrial complex, 5341952 presidential campaign of, 294
Nixon’s 1960 presidential campaignand, 439–40, 451, 453–54
White House decor and, 481–82, 571
White House social style of, 572
in World War II, 285
Elcock, Walter, 12
election of 1946, 320, 487
Dalton and, 231, 237, 293
immigrants in, 230
JFK’s shyness in, 230
Joe Sr.’s role in, 231–32, 258
election of 1960, 357–58, 391, 401, 416–68, 481, 492–93, 554, 559
Cox in, 447
debates in, 448–49, 450–56, 537
Eisenhower and, 439–40, 451, 453–54
FDR Jr.’s advice in, 425–27, 430
Feldman and, 417–18, 426, 435–36, 440, 447–49, 453
Giancana and, 464–66
Henry Luce and, 438–39
Hoffa and, 461, 465
Humphrey’s campaign in, 403, 416–17, 421–22, 423, 424–25, 426–27, 429–30, 431, 434
Jackie and, 405, 424, 431, 433, 437, 456–57, 468
JFK’s campaign in, 357–58, 374, 378–79, 388, 394, 401–7, 413–14, 416–68, 475, 478, 481, 493, 526, 534, 540, 554, 578, 580, 599
JFK’s liberalism in, 418
JFK’s nomination in, 378–79, 388, 402–7
JFK’s personality in, 397, 432–33
JFK’s vice-presidential candidateselected in, 434–36
Joe Sr. and, 357, 402–5, 417, 422–23, 425–29, 433–38, 446, 464–65, 468, 475, 599
Johnson’s presidential campaign in, 403, 417, 422, 434, 436
Johnson’s vice-presidential campaignin, 434–36, 441–42, 444, 462
Kennedy Foundation in, 393–94
King and, 457–61
missile gap and, 540
mob influence in, 413–14, 464–66
New York Times
endorsement in, 374
Nixon’s campaign in, 428, 439, 40, 443, 445, 448–49, 450–58, 461, 463,
468, 492–93, 537
O’Brien and, 402–3, 448
O’Donnell and, 402, 425–26, 436, 448, 466–67
Peale and, 442–46
Powers and, 448, 450
religion as issue in, 427–30, 442–46
RFK and, 374, 402–7, 419–21, 424–27, 431–32, 435–37, 441–44, 450–51, 460–65, 468, 475, 478, 578, 580, 599
Rose and, 417, 425, 434, 468
Shriver and, 402, 432, 459–61
Sinatra and, 462, 464–66
Sorensen and, 402–6, 417–18, 435, 437, 444, 447–49, 453, 468
Spalding and, 419, 437–38
Ted and, 401, 420–21, 434, 461–62, 468, 478, 580
unions in, 365
West Virginia primary in, 422, 423, 427, 430–31
Wisconsin primary in, 416–17, 419, 421
Wofford and, 458–61, 463, 558
elections and campaigns:
of 1860, 467
of 1906, 466
of 1912, 467
of 1916, 305
of 1928, 355
of 1932, 69–72, 417, 467
of 1936, 108, 298, 304
of 1940, 116, 123, 149–57, 248
of 1944, 222
of 1946,
election of 1946
Of l950, 280, 281, 389
of 1952, 280–84, 291, 293–306, 314, 393, 645
of 1956, 353–59, 363–64
of 1958, 344, 388–97
of 1960,
election of 1960
of 1962, 581–85, 664–71
of 1964, 699, 708, 714–16, 718, 729–32
Eliot, Charles, 11, 24
Elizabeth II, Queen of England, 118–19, 147, 157, 168, 279, 316
Ellwood, Richard, 411
Emspak, Julius, 246
Enemy Within, The
(R. F. Kennedy), 374
Engelberg, Hyman, 605–6
Esterline, Jake, 500, 502
Evans, Courtney, 609, 691, 710–11
Evans, Rowland, 569–70
Exner, Judith Campbell, 464
FBI investigation of, 603–4
JFK’s affair with, 409–14, 433, 523, 550–52, 603–5, 690, 693
Farland, Joseph P., 665
Farley, James, 71, 152–53, 180
Fasel, Angelo, 412
Faulkner, William, 416
Fay, Anita, 321–22
Fay, Paul, Jr. “Red, ” 223–24, 229, 233–34, 253, 359, 391, 532, 588, 601, 605, 716
JFK’s wedding and, 316–17, 319–22
FBI Story, The
(Hoover), 362
FBO, 51
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 39, 360, 362, 366, 382–83, 465–66, 476, 478–79, 546, 596–603, 690–93, 710, 730–31, 734
anti-Communist campaign of, 597–98, 691
Arvadand, 173–76, 178–79
civil rights and, 555–56
Cuba and, 490–91, 564
Hoffa arrested by, 370
JFK investigated by, 382, 408, 411, 423, 548, 600, 603–4, 691–93
Joe Sr.’s collaboration with, 180–81
King investigated by, 710–13
organized crime investigated by, 465, 598–603, 608–9
RFK investigated by, 529, 597, 606
Ted allegedly investigated by, 309–10
Feeney, Leonard, 241—42
Fejos, Paul, 172–74, 176
Feldman, Myer “Mike, ” 414, 476–77, 479, 481, 601, 693, 695, 698
Cuba and, 483, 504, 634
JFK’s 1958 Senate campaign and, 390–91
JFK’s 1960 presidential campaignand, 417–18, 426, 435–36, 440, 447–49, 453
Ferry, Ronald M., 97
Fessenden, 202
Fine, Phil David, 303
Finneran, Tom, 49
Fisher, Robert, 19–22, 25, 32–33, 41–42, 96
Fitzgerald, Agnes, 14
Fitzgerald, Benedict, 39–41, 163
FitzGerald, Desmond, 729–30
Fitzgerald, F. Scott, 279
Fitzgerald, John “Honey Fitz, ” 53, 403, 561, 668–69
congressional campaigns of, 389, 466
daughter’s courtship and, 13–14, 20–21, 23, 26–29, 36
as grandfather, 31, 37, 59, 95, 97–98, 167, 255–56
JFK’s 1946 congressional campaignand, 229, 2321906 mayoral campaign of, 466
Fitzgerald, Zelda, 279
Fitzwilliam, Earl Peter, 260–61
Flanders, Ralph, 342
Fleeson, Doris, 672
Flower, Shirley, 242
Flynn, Errol, 224–25
Flynn, Leo, 240
Flynn, Wally, 239–43, 273, 276
Forbes, Alastair, 261
Ford, Charles (Rocky Fiscalini), 610–11
Ford, Eddie, 423
Ford, Gerald R., 715
Formosa, Johnny, 602
Forrestal, James, 220, 228
For Whom the Bell Tolls
(film), 225
For Whom the Bell Tolls
(Hemingway), 125, 135
Fowler, Harry, 67
Fox, John, 304–5
Algeria and, 375–76
Vietnam and, 288–93, 328, 375–76, 716
Franco, Francisco, 113, 125–27, 132, 537, 573
Frankfurter, Felix, 152, 222
Freedom Riders, 557–61, 614, 705, 708
Freeman, Walter, 169–70
Fuerbringer, Otto, 438–39
Fulbright, J. William, 343, 496–97, 646
Fulton, Josephine, 97–98
Furcolo, Foster, 379, 392
Fursenko, Aleksandr, 629
Galbraith, John Kenneth, 97, 105, 481, 548, 577
Gallagher, Patty McGinty, 39, 41
Gallucio, Anthony, 306, 311
Galvin, John, 295

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