The Invention of Murder (91 page)

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Authors: Judith Flanders

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Prevention of Crimes Act (1871), 349

Price, Florence Alice (‘Florence Warden’):
The House on the Marsh,

Prince, Richard (Richard Archer), 353–4, 442

Prisoners’ Counsel Act (1836), 186

Pritchard, Edward, 258n, 267

prize-fighting, 22–3

Probert, William, 21, 24–7, 29–30, 34, 36, 38n, 44

Probert, Mrs William
Noyes), 25–7

prostitutes: newspaper reticence over, 431;
see also
Jack the Ripper

(magazine): parodies murder dramas, 32, 115; attacks Bulwer-Lytton, 113n; and working-class taste for penny-bloods, 115; attacks Tussaud’s Chamber of Horrors, 154, 174; on telegraph, 161; on visit to theatre, 164–5; on Maria Manning’s dress, 171; on Mannings, 174; on Jane Wilbred, 216; satirizes poison panic, 245–6; on Tussaud’s seeking to acquire Tawell’s clothes, 332; on Terriss, 355; mocks Inspector Whicher, 366; mocks Pearcey fever, 413; parodies
Jekyll and Hyde,
423; on Jack the Ripper, 431–2 & n, 435; attacks Howard Vincent, 444

Punch and Judy, 206, 223

Purkess’s Library of Romance, 110

Purkess’s Penny Plays, 110

Quarterly Review,

Queen’s Theatre, London, 253

Quick-Manning (excise officer), 388

Quincey, Thomas de, 1, 17–18, 248, 257, 466;
On Murder Considered as One of the Fine Arts,

racehorses: names, 459n

Racing Times,

railways: in pursuit of criminals, 158, 331–2; murder on, 332–3, 336

Randall, Jack, 23

Rankley, Alfred:
Eugene Aram in the

(painting), 119

Rann, Jack, 59

rape, 430

Ratcliffe Highway, London: murders, 1–2, 5–6, 8–11, 17–18, 76

Reade, Charles, 348;
A Terrible

Reaping the Whirlwind
(boys’ adventure
story), 463

Red Barn, Polstead, Suffolk: in Maria Marten case, 45, 47, 51, 56, 60–61

Reed, Mr and Mrs German, 138–9

Rees, George, 261

Reform Bill (1831), 325n

Rentrée à Paris, La
(play), 90

resurrection men, 62–3, 228

rewards, 8, 204, 432 & n

Reynolds, G.W.M.:
Mysteries of (the
Courts of) London,
59, 231, 299, 464

Reynolds’s Miscellany,
59, 217, 348, 397

Reynolds’s Newspaper,
310, 430, 440, 444 Rhodes, Alice
Staunton), 343–9

Richard Turpin, the Highwayman (drama), 107

Richardson, Harriet, 343

Richardson, William, 277

Riley, Bridget, 228, 230

Ringgold, Jacob (‘Rodissi’):
Lord Jacquelin Burkney,

Riot Act (1715), 79 & n

Ritchen, John, 8

Road Murder, The
(by ‘A Barrister-at- Law’), 368

Road (now Rode), Somerset/Wiltshire, 362, 368–9, 371–2

Robertson, Agnes (Mrs Dion Boucicault), 130, 132

Robinson, Emma:
The Gold-Worshippers, or, The Days We Live in,
180 & n;
Madeleine Graham,

Robinson, James, 388–9

Ringgold, Jacob

Rosenbloom, Simon, 417

Ross, Charles Henry
Ellis, Edward

Rossini, Gioacchino:
La Gazza Ladra (The Thieving Magpie),

Rowan, Charles, 83, 144, 148

Royal Albert Theatre, Canning Town, London, 462

Royal Clarence Theatre, Dover, 341

Royal Colosseum Theatre, Leeds, 199

Royal Victoria Theatre
Coburg Theatre

Royal West London Theatre, 125

Rugeley Tragedy, The
(play), 273

Rural Constabulary Act (1839), 148

Rush, James Blomfield, 149–58, 166

Ruskin, Effie, 170

Russell, Lord William, 200–202, 204, 208

Russell, William (‘Thomas Waters’), 294n; ‘Recollections of a Police Officer’, 177, 295, 299

Ruthven, George, 21

Rymer, James Malcolm, 176

Sadler’s Wells Theatre, London, 126n, 127

Saintsbury, H.A.:
The Doctor’s Shadow,

Sala, George Augustus, 58, 71, 174–6

Sale of Arsenic Act (1851), 245–6

Saloon of Arts, London, 332

Sandford, Emily, 150–52, 154, 287

Sandys, Catherine, 229

Sandys, Elizabeth, 229–30

Sandys, George and Honor, 229–30, 232

Sandys, Mary Ann, 228–30

Sandys, Robert and Ann, 228–31

Sanger, George, 50

(journal), 197, 203

Saturday Review,

Scanlan, John, 77, 130, 133–5

Scatcherd, Norrisson:
Memoirs of the Celebrated Eugene Aram,

Schmuss, Isaac, 417, 419

science: in detection and court evidence, 277, 329, 340, 342–3;
see also
medical evidence

Scotland: ‘not proven’ verdicts, 65 & n

Scotland Yard, 140, 147

Scott (in Monson case)
Sweeney, Edward

Scott, Sir Walter: visits Gill’s Hill Lane, 37; and Burke and Hare dinner, 66; on Mary Ashford, 323–4;
Guy Mannering,
33, 66

Scrafton, Mary Anne, 247

sensation-fiction, 254, 281, 289, 293, 295–6, 302n, 369, 373

serialization (of novels), 289–90

servants: murder by, 200–201, 209–11; abused and killed by employers, 213–17; and infanticide or birth concealment, 225

sex: newspaper inhibitions over reporting, 430

Seymour, Robert, 69

Shakespeare Theatre, London, 71

Shakespeare, William:

Shaw, George Bernard, 132n;
The Devil’s Disciple,

Sheppard, Jack, 110–12, 114n, 127, 130, 208

Shiell, Quelaz, 141, 146

Shipman, Harold, 459n

Shore, Superintendent, 429

Silvester, Sir John, 189, 191, 200

Simpson, Abigail, 67

Sims, George Robert:
Dorcas Dene, Detective,
296n sleuth: as word, 294n

Sloane, Mr and Mrs, 215–17

Smethurst, Dr Thomas, 273–6, 278–80

Smith, Clara, 324–7

Smith, Emma, 425–6

Smith, G.E., 389–90

Smith, Henry, 253, 255–7

Smith, John (executioner), 272

Smith, Madeleine: Emma Robinson writes on, 180n; trial, 195, 283–5; as middle-class criminal, 258n, 281–2; affair with L’Angelier, 281–3, 285–6; subscription raised, 286–7; later life and marriages, 287n; in literature, 288, 318, 373

Smith, O. (actor), 280

Smith, William, MP, 12, 17

Snow, John, 226n

Southey, Robert, 17

Southgate, Hannah, 243–4, 315

Southgate, John, 243

souvenirs and relics: of executed murderers and victims, 55–6, 67–8, 173, 350

(magazine), 375, 422

spiritualism, 350

Sporting Gazette,

Sporting Times,
272, 432, 458

Spring Heel’d Jack, 435 & n

Springthorpe, J., 172

Ward, Leslie

Staffordshire Advertiser,

Stamford Mercury,

Standard Theatre, Shoreditch, 199

Stanfield, Clarkson, 129–30

Stanfield Hall estate, Norfolk, 149–51

Stapleton, J.W.:
The Great Crime of 1860,

(London newspaper), 422–3, 426–7, 432–3, 440–41

Staunton, Elizabeth
Rhodes), 343, 345–6, 348–9

Staunton, Harriet
Richardson), 343–50

Staunton, Louis, 343–9, 368

Staunton, Patrick, 343–6, 348–9

Stead, William Thomas, 419 & n, 420–21

Stephen, Sir James Fitzjames, 223, 224n, 418 & n, 419–20; ‘Detectives in Fiction and Real Life’, 296

Stevens, Mr (John Cook’s stepfather), 259–60, 266

Stevenson, Robert Louis, 73–4, 336;
The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde,
423–5, 427, 435, 445–6, 455

Stockport Advertiser,

Stoker, Bram:

Stokes, Alfred, 337, 339, 341

Stone, Elizabeth:
William Langshawe,
the Cotton Lord,

Story of Minie L’Angelier
(anon.), 288–9

Stride, Elizabeth, 426, 439, 441, 458

strychnine, 259–60, 264–8, 270

Sue, Eugène:
The Mysteries of Paris,
59, 153

Sullivan, (Sir) Arthur, 339;
see also
Gilbert, (Sir) William Schwenck

Sullivan, Steven, 133–5

Sullivan, T.R., 424

Sunday Times,

Surrey Theatre, London, 15, 30–31, 33–5, 42, 107, 114, 125, 138

Surtees, Robert Smith, 75;
Ask Mamma,
Plain or Ringlets?,

Sutherland, Harriet Leveson-Gower, Duchess of, 158

Sweeney, Edward (‘Scott’), 396–7, 400

Sweeney Todd
(penny-blood), 128

Swinburne, Algernon Charles, 336n

Sylvester Sound, the Somnambulist
(penny-blood), 270

Tabram, Martha, 415, 424–6, 429–30

Tait’s Edinburgh Magazine,

Talfourd, Thomas Noon, 252, 255

Tanner, Inspector (of Stepney), 334

Tawell, John, 329–32

Taylor, Alfred Swaine: on Palmer, 160–61; declines to analyze O’Connor’s viscera, 163; testifies in arsenic poisoning cases, 232–3 & n, 241–3, 275n, 276, 278; on Bulwer-Lytton’s
254; appearance, 261, 383; on Cook’s strychnine poisoning, 265–6; on Isabella Bankes, 274–5; on bloodstains in Baker case, 383;
Poisoning by Strychnia,

Taylor, Lydia, 239–40

Taylor, Tom, 379n;
Our American Cousin,
The Ticket-of-Leave Man,

telegraph: in Boucicault’s
The Long Strike,
90–91; and pursuit of felons, 158, 161–2, 329, 332

Temple Bar
(magazine), 281

Tenniel, Sir John, 431, 432n

Terriss, Ellaline, 284n

Terriss, William, 351–6, 442

Terry, Ellen, 99, 121, 413

Terry-Lewis, Mabel, 123

Thackeray, William Makepeace, 42, 205, 209, 281; ‘Going to see a Man Hanged’, 205, 207, 268n;
Vanity Fair,

Thames Division Police Office (London), 3, 8, 16

Thames River Police, 13

theatres: licensing, 30–31; in London, 31; murder plays and melodramas, 31–3, 42, 61–2, 89, 113–14, 124–6, 156, 198 & n, 302n; cheap (penny-gaffs), 56–8; and spectacle, 88–90; novelty productions, 126–7, 131; subsidiary commercial merchandizing and gifts, 132; detective plays, 379–80;
see also
individual theatres

Thistlewood, Arthur, 172

Thom, John (‘Sir William Courtney’), 165

Thomas, Sarah, 209–13

Thornton, Abraham, 320–24

Thurtell, John: and murder of Weare, 20–26, 28–30, 34n, 39, 77; in Borrow’s
22–3, 101–2n; trial and sentence, 35–8, 51n; broadsides and verses on, 39–40; executed, 39, 41; posthumous image and reputation, 40–45; Egan offers caul to Bulwer, 105n; and Dick Turpin, 109; and Rush, 157; newspaper reaction to, 187

Thurtell, Thomas, 24, 26

ticket-of-leave men, 379–80

Tiller-Clowes company (puppeteers), 58n

Times, The:
on John Turner, 7; crime reporting, 27, 360, 426; price, 27; on

Thurtell, 28–9, 35; on
The Gamblers
(play), 34; advertises model of

Thurtell cottage, 43; on Corder, 46, 52, 55n; on Maria Marten’s child’s father, 46; on raid on penny-gaff, 58; on Burke, 67; on Greenacre, 92–3; on Fitzball’s
Jonathan Bradford,
126; on Boucicault’s
The Colleen Bawn,
131; on Good, 143–4; and plain-clothes police, 147; on Mannings, 162, 165, 169–70 & n; on Dickens modelling Bucket on Inspector Field, 179; on Eliza Fenning, 187–8; and Courvoisier and Jack Sheppard, 208n; on Drouet, 221; on Mary Ann Milner, 230; on Dazley inquests, 236; on Chesham trials, 241–2; on Wainewright, 251; on Palmer, 261–2, 264, 269; on Taylor, 261–2; circulation, 262, 426; on Madeleine Smith, 283; on Müller, 333; on muggings and garrotting, 336; on Henry Wainwright, 339; collects subscriptions for Wainwright’s family, 341; ignores Harriet Parker execution, 359; on Constance Kent, 366, 375, 377; on assassination of Abraham Lincoln, 372; on Mary Ann Cotton, 391; on Jessie King and Monson cases, 398; on Eleanor Pearcey, 408–9; on Lipski, 419; on Jack the Ripper, 426, 430, 433, 440, 442, 446–7; on fingerprints, 464

Todd, Sweeney, 125, 465

Tom Bowling
(melodrama), 33

(magazine), 383

Toms, John, 87n

Tooting, London, 217–18, 222–3

Torrence, Helen, 66

Tottenham (acquaintance of Monson), 394–6, 397, 401–2

(newspaper), 187

Trenck, Franz von der (‘Baron Trenk’), 165

Trevelyan, George Macaulay, 40

trial by battle, 321–2

Trial and Life of Eugene Aram, The,

trials: prosecution procedure, 7–8 & n, 51n

Trollope, Anthony, 269;
The Eustace Diamonds,
Phineas Phinn,

Turf Fraud case (police corruption), 428

Turner, Charlotte, 185–6, 189–90, 192

Turner, John, 6

Turner, Orlibar (or Haldebart), 184–6, 188, 190–91

Turner, Robert, 183–8, 190, 195

Turpin, Dick, 59, 108–10

Turpin’s Ride to York and the Death of Black Bess
(drama), 111

Tussaud, Louis, 401, 413

Tussaud, Madame (waxworks): portrait of John Williams, 11; Chamber of Horrors, 70–71, 154, 172–4; waxwork of William Burke, 70–71; ignores Mrs Chesham, 245; waxwork of Palmer, 271; attempts to acquire Tawell’s clothes, 332; waxwork of Terriss, 355; waxwork of Baker, 383; and Mary Ann Cotton, 393–4; and Monson, 401–2; exhibit of Eleanor Pearcey, 403, 412–13; and Jack the Ripper, 452

Vaillant, Auguste, 401 & n

Vanity Fair,

Vermiloe, Mr & Mrs (of Pear Tree
Tavern), 8–9

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