The Invention of Murder (88 page)

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Authors: Judith Flanders

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Beard, Mrs (of Brighton), 307–8

Beaumont, Barber, 30

Beaumont, Sir George, 202n

Beetmoor, Jane, 446

Beeton’s Christmas Magazine,

Belfast News-Letter,
134, 459

(magazine), 281

Bell, F. (of Thirsk), 287

Bell, Dr Joseph, 398

Bellew, Revd J.C.M., 120

Bell’s Life in London and Sporting Chronicle,
36, 38, 97, 214, 316, 326, 330

Benedict, Julius:
The Lily of Killarney,

Benjamin, Walter, 387

Bentinck, Lord George, 263

Bentley’s Miscellany,

Berg, Alban:
(opera), 462n

Bermondsey tragedy
Manning, Frederick George and Maria

Bertha Grey, the Pauper Child
(play), 217

Bird, Robert and Sarah, 213–14, 216

Birmingham: police commissioner

appointed, 148

Birmingham Post,

Bishop (murderer of Ferrari), 71

Black Bess, or, The Knight of the Road (penny-blood), 109–10

Black Monday riots (February 1886), 429

Blackwood, Helen, 300

Blackwood, John, 284, 286

magazine, 69, 284, 289n, 362

Blake, Amina, 357

Blake, Robert, 357–9, 362

Blake, Robert, jr, 357

Blanchard, Laman, 48n

Blanchard, Leman, 32n, 48n, 71

Blanchard, William, 32n

Blantyre, Lady Evelyn, 158

Bloody Sunday (November 1887), 429, 432

Book of Remarkable Trials, The,

Boothby, Guy:
The Lust of Hate,

Borowitz, Albert, 171n

Borrow, George:
22–3, 101–2n;
Romany Rye,

Boucicault, Dion: acting, 130–32;
The Colleen Bawn,
89–90, 130–33, 136–7;
The Corsican Brothers,
The Long Strike,

Bousfield, William, 207

Bow Street Runners, 13–14, 21, 77

Boy Detective, The
268, 301, 377–8, 464

Braddon, Mary Elizabeth, 281, 362, 375;
Aurora Floyd,
273, 370;
Birds of Prey,
The Black Band, or, The Mysteries of Midnight,
Charlotte’s Inheritance,
256, 273;
The Doctor’s Wife,
Lady Audley’s Secret,
296–7, 301, 302n;
One Life, One Love,
122–3, 204n;
Thou Art the Man,
The Trail of the Serpent,
256, 282, 290,
294n, 378

Bradford, Jonathan, 123–30, 176

Brewer, J.F.:
The Curse upon Mitre

Briggs, Thomas, 333–5

Brighton: and Christiana Edmunds poison case, 307–10

Bristol: riots over 1831 Reform Bill, 325n

Bristol Mercury,
30, 212, 239, 361

Britain: riots and disorder, 77, 79, 140, 429

Britannia Theatre, London, 57, 71, 88, 125n, 137, 182, 198, 378, 385

British Critic
(journal), 191

British Mother’s Magazine,

British Star
(Greek weekly), 270n

Brixton House of Correction, 96

broadsides and pamphlets: popularity, 4–5, 39–40, 64, 167–8; and false stories (‘cocks’), 231n; proliferation, 327, 349; cease, 355, 367; revived for Mary Ann Cotton, 393

Brodie, Sir Benjamin, 279

Brooks, Louise, 462n

Brown, Clara, 345–7

Brown, Elizabeth Martha, 171, 277–8, 359–62

Brown, Hannah
Gay), 93–7

Brown, Janet, 63

Brown, John Anthony, 359–60

Browne, Hablot Knight

Browning, Elizabeth Barrett, 173

Browning, Robert, 44, 173

Buckstone, J.B.:
Vidocq, the French Police Spy
(play), 15

Bulwer-Lytton, Edward, Baron: name and career, 43n; criticized and mocked, 112–13;
Eugene Aram,
42, 104–6, 108, 113–15, 117–18, 121–2, 339;
245, 253–4;
Paul Clifford,
43, 108, 111–12;

Burdock, Mary Ann, 324–9

Burgess, Francis, 148

burial societies and clubs, 227–31, 243

Burke, William: kills and sells bodies with Hare, 62–6, 433; execution, 67; anatomized, 68; popular accounts of, 68–75; and policing, 77; in Tussaud’s Chamber of Horrors, 173; and Madeleine Smith case, 286–7

Burney, Admiral James, 104, 106

Burns, Robert, 120n

Burton, J.H.: Narratives from Criminal
Trials in Scotland,

Bury Herald,

Butcher, Susan, 141, 143, 146

Butterfield, Mrs
Richardson), 343–6

Butterfield, Revd Mr, 343, 346

Byron, Henry J.:
Miss Eily O’Connor. A New and Original Burlesque,

Caigniez, Louis-Charles:
La Pie Voleuse,

Calcraft, William, 205, 207, 393

Caledonian Mercury,
5, 30, 35, 67, 287

Cameron, Christina Broun:
Not Proven,

capital punishment: campaign for

abolition, 194–5, 330

Carlyle, Jane Welsh, 97, 283

Carlyle, Thomas, 43–4, 97, 120n, 171, 231

Casablanca, Mr (of Penge), 344

Catnach, James, 42

Cato Street conspirators, 173, 205

Cavour, Ch.V.
Xenos, Stephanos

Chambers’s Edinburgh Journal,
177, 254, 284, 295, 299

Champion and Weekly Herald,

Chaplin, W., 49–50

Chapman, Annie, 426–7, 429–33

Chard, Lucy, 210

Chesham, Richard, 241

Chesham, Sarah, 239–42, 244–5

Chestney, Eliza, 151, 153–4, 287

Child (Bungay artist), 55

children: and burial money, 227–31; murdered, 357–8, 362–3; popular fiction for, 378;
see also

cholera: epidemic (1848–9), 157–8, 217; in Drouet’s asylum (Tooting), 219–20; source identified, 226n

Clare, John, 70

Clark, Daniel, 99–101, 104–7, 113, 120n

Clarke, Edward, 313–15, 317, 345–6, 349

Clarke, John, 15]

class (social): and public interest in

crime, 357;
see also
middle classes; working classes

Clements (Alton attorney), 381

Clive, Caroline:
Paul Ferroll,
118, 255, 289, 319n

Cobbett, Richard, 43

Cobbett, William, 43

Coburg Theatre, London
the Royal Victoria,
the Old Vic), 30 & n, 31–2, 42, 115, 137, 199, 322–3

Cold Bath Field riot (1833), 79–81, 140

Cole, Mrs (of Brighton), 307

Colleen Bawn, The, or, The Collegian’s Wife
(anon. play), 137;
see also
Boucicault, Dion

Collins, C.J., 269

Collins, Wilkie, 366n, 375, 438;
291, 298, 302–4, 367, 375; ‘The Diary of Anne Rodway’, 298;
The Haunted Hotel,
The Law and the Lady,
290, 297;
The Moonstone,
256, 289, 294n, 304–5, 374–9, 385;
My Lady’s Money,
438; ‘The Poisoned Meal’, 199–200;
Poor Miss Finch,
291; ‘A Terribly Strange Bed’, 295;
The Woman in White,
132, 181, 200, 232, 289–93, 296–7

Colquhoun, Patrick, 13–14, 42;
The Police of London,

Combe, George, 68

confessions, 237–8

Cook, John, 259–60, 262–3, 265–6, 269, 271

copyright: on novels, 108n

Corder, William: and murder of Maria Marten, 45–54; body displayed and anatomized, 55–6; popular literature and melodramas on, 60–61, 166; and policing, 77; in Tussaud’s Chamber of Horrors, 173; newspaper reaction to, 187

Corn Laws, 192

(magazine), 281

coroners: qualifications, 195

Coroners’ Society, 234 corpses: stolen from cemeteries, 62;
see also
resurrection men

Cotton, Charles Edward, 388–9

Cotton, Frederick, 388–9

Cotton, Mary Ann, 315, 387–94, 415

Country Life Illustrated,

Courtney, Sir William
Thom, John

Courvoisier, Benjamin-François: execution, 172n, 205, 207–9; murders Lord William Russell, 200–202; trial and conviction, 202–3; mementoes, 350

Creighton (or Crighton), Mr, 405

detective fiction; sensation-fiction

Cruikshank, Robert, 79, 111

Culley, Police Constable Robert, 79

Cushla Ma Chree
(anon. play), 137

Daily Chronicle, 441

Daily News:
on cholera at Drouet’s, 107; on renaming London streets, 107; on execution of Sarah Thomas, 213; on Palmer and insurance transactions, 269n; on trips to Rugeley, 271; on Smethurst verdict, 276–8, 289; Le Gallienne writes on Richard Price in, 355; on wife-murders, 361; crime reporting, 391; on Hambrough, 397; on Monson, 399; ignores Lipski case, 419; on Jack the Ripper, 425, 458

Daily Telegraph:
price and circulation, 262, 426; questions Smethurst verdict, 276; on Christiana Edmunds, 310; on Wainwright, 339; campaign against Mrs Staunton verdict, 348; campaign against Lipski sentence, 420; euphemism on rape, 430; on Jack the Ripper, 440–41, 451; opposes stage horrors, 446

Dalton, S., 55

D’Arc’s Waxworks, Cardiff, 452

Davies, Mary, 359

Davis, Mr (cabinetmaker), 92

Day, Alice, 337, 341

Dazley (or Dazeley), Sarah, 235–7, 315

Dazley (or Dazeley), William, 235

Death, Mr (witness), 333–4

death penalty: for murder, 166

Delf, Thomas
Martel, Charles

Derby Mercury,
29, 115

detection and detectives: Vidocq introduces, 14–15; by police, 91–2, 429; Dickens on, 176–8; women and, 298–9, 380–81; and social class, 305–6; boys as, 377–8; and disguise, 386–7, 438; effectiveness, 466

detective fiction, 87n, 176–9, 289, 294–306, 369, 373, 375–81;
see also
Holmes, Sherlock; sensation-fiction

Dickens, Charles: and Ratcliffe Highway murders, 10; sees
La Rentrée à Paris
(play), 90; murder in, 112n; and Moncrieff’s stage adaptations, 125n; visits Rush’s Potash Farm, 153; as source for melodramas, 156; attends execution of Mannings, 170, 172; attends Courvoisier execution, 172n, 205, 209; eulogizes new detective force, 176–8; writes on Mannings, 176–80; on hanging of Eliza Fenning, 190n; on Courvoisier, 203; and

Drouet asylum deaths, 221–2; interest in Wainewright, 252–3, 255–6; on Smethurst, 279–80; on Palmer, 280; on Constance Kent case, 366n; depicts professional policemen, 375; public readings, 384–5;
Bleak House,
87n, 176, 178–9, 204n, 215, 222, 295, 298;
David Copperfield,
222; ‘A Detective Police Party’, 176, 178;
Dombey and Son,
Edwin Drood,
278, 374, 385, 423;
Great Expectations,
203, 289n, 386n; ‘The Holly Tree Inn’, 128; ‘Hunted Down’, 252, 255–6, 297, 311n;
Little Dorrit,
201n, 255, 290;
Martin Chuzzlewit,
156, 177, 252, 299;
Nicholas Nickleby,
125n, 222, 385;
Oliver Twist
(book and

dramatization), 111–15, 117, 156, 177, 305; reading from, 385;
Our Mutual Friend,
25n, 118–19, 304;
The Pickwick Papers,
69, 125n; ‘A Recorder’s Charge’, 221;
A Tale of Two Cities,

disguise: by detectives, 386–7, 438

Disraeli, Benjamin:

Dixon, A., 120

Docherty, Mrs (Burke and Hare victim), 64–5, 287

Dog Detective, The: A Dramatic Sketch, 381

Dogs of the Plantation, The (marionette show), 180

Doings of William Palmer, The (pamphlet), 263

Dolly and the Rat
(burlesque), 197

Donizetti, Gaetano:
Gemma di Vergy,
Lucrezia Borgia,
282, 293

Douglas, Lord Alfred, 120

Douhault, Marquise de, 290–91

Dowling, Richard:

Doyle, (Sir) Arthur Conan, 267, 300n, 351, 371; ‘The Adventure of the Cardboard Box’, 448n; ‘The Adventure of the Engineer’s Thumb’, 295n; The Adventure of the Greek Interpreter’, 464; ‘The Adventure of the Norwood Builder’, 465; ‘The Adventure of the Red-Headed League’, 438; ‘The Disappearance of Lady Frances Carfax’, 351;
The Hound of the Baskervilles,
221; ‘My Friend the Murderer’, 73; ‘The Naval Treaty’, 376n;
The Return of Sherlock Holmes,
The Sign of Four,
267, 439, 455;
A Study in Scarlet,
343, 438–9, 441;
see also
Holmes, Sherlock

Doyle, Richard, 164, 165

Drouet, Bartholomew Peter: keeps children’s asylum, 218–22

Drury Lane Theatre, London, 124, 138

Dublin: Fitzball’s
Jonathan Bradford
staged in, 127

Dudley, John William Ward, 1st Earl of, 17

Duff, Andrew Halliday:
The Colleen Bawn Settled at Last,

Duke of York’s Theatre, London, 350

Duval, Claude, 59

Dyson, Revd George, 312–14, 317–18

Eagle Insurance Company, 253, 255–6

East London Advertiser,

East London Observer,

Eayres (forger), 354


Eddowes, Catherine, 426, 439–41, 448, 452–3, 458

Eden, Emily:
The Semi-Detached House,

Edinburgh Annual Register, 7, 9

Edinburgh Evening Courant (newspaper), 67–8

Edinburgh Review,

Edmunds, Christiana, 307–11

Effingham Theatre, London, 378

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