The Invention of Murder (87 page)

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Authors: Judith Flanders

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The pagination of this electronic edition does not match the edition from which it was created. To locate a specific passage, please use the search feature of your e-book reader.

Abercromby, Helen, 249–51, 256, 258

Abercromby, Mrs (Wainewright’s

mother-in-law), 249

Aberdeen Evening Express,

Aberdeen Journal,
67, 68–9

Aberdeen Weekly,
397, 398–9

Adams, Fanny, 339n, 381–4, 430

Adelphi Theatre, London, 130, 352–3

Affecting Case of Eliza Fenning, The,
194, 196

(journal), 95

Ainsworth, William Harrison:
Jack Sheppard,
111, 114, 117, 127, 208n;

108, 110–11, 379

All the Year Round
(magazine), 10, 256, 281, 290, 292, 385

Allsop’s (of Liverpool), 271

Almack, the Detective
(penny-blood), 342

Amy Paul
(anonymous novel), 118

anatomization: of felons, 41, 55, 62, 68

Anatomy Act (1832), 227

Anderson, Robert, 429, 439, 444

Angel, Isaac, 415–16

Angel, Miriam, 415–16, 418, 421, 430, 441

Angel, Mrs (Isaac’s mother), 416

Annals of Crime,

Annual Register,

anti-Semitism, 419, 421, 441

appeal of murder (law), 321

Aram, Anna, 100, 101, 106

Aram, Eugene, 42, 99–108, 110, 113, 117–23, 130, 255

Archer, Mrs (Richard Prince’s mother), 354

Archer, Mrs (Richard Prince’s sister), 353

Archer, Richard
Prince, Richard

Ardlamont House, Scotland, 395–6, 397–9, 402

(magazine), 281

Arnold, Samuel James:
The Maid and the Magpye
(stage show), 196–7, 199

arsenic: detection of, 184–5, 253, 275 &

n, 325–7, 391; availability and use, 232–4, 236, 238–42, 275; products

advertised, 234, 284n; sale restricted

by law, 245–6; and death of

L’Angelier, 283–5; in Mary Ann

Cotton case, 389, 391–2;
see also

Taylor, Alfred Swaine

Ashford, Mary, 320–22

Ashford, William, 321

Ashton, Thomas, 84–5, 87n, 88, 115, 425

Astley’s Amphitheatre, London, 31, 111, 129, 301

(magazine), 119

children; infanticide

baby-farms, 217–18

Bailey, Richard, 204 & n

Baker, Frederick, 339n, 381–4

‘Ballad of Bloodhounds, A’, 443–4

ballads and ballad-singers, 156, 456–8

Ballantine, William (barrister), 243

Bamford, Dr, 259

Bankes, Isabella, 274–6, 278–9

Bantock, Granville, 122

Barham, Revd R.H., 263;
Ingoldsby Legends,

Barker, Sydney, 307, 309

Barrymore, William:
A Trial by Battle
(play), 322

Bartlett, Adelaide, 311–20, 411

Bartlett, Frederick, 312–13

Bartlett, Thomas Edwin, 311–16

Bates, George, 259

Bath and Cheltenham Gazette,

Bath Chronicle,

Beard, Dr (of Brighton), 308, 310

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