The Infamous Ellen James (Infamous Series) (25 page)

BOOK: The Infamous Ellen James (Infamous Series)
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I love him…I love him…I love him.

My chest hurts from fear that this man will be my undoing. That Trent Hamilton could destroy me. The thoughts that fill my brain are quickly pushed to the side when Trent thrusts inside of me, wild and hard. My body trembles from the feel of him, the feel of his cock rigid and insistent, pressed deep inside my core.

My panting and whimpering only seem to fuel his lust further, encouraging him to take me, mark me, make me his. He fits against me, inside of me, like my missing puzzle piece.

My perfect mate.

Trent pulls out and stares down at me, his face straining, delaying his orgasm.

“Ellie,” he mutters under his breath, teeth clenched, neck muscles flexing.

“Now, Trent. Now. Please, I need you inside of me.” I'm moaning and clutching at his arms eagerly. My heels dig into his backside, pushing him closer, showing him what I want, what I need, what I can't live without. He slides back inside of me, achingly slow, forcing me to feel every inch of him. I'm panting like a whore in church and whimpering involuntarily. He plunges and thrusts and reaches a depth that has the pressuring building inside of me.

Building and building…

My vision blurs, my body flushing with heat, my nipples hardening against his chest. I fist my hands into his stiff scrub top as shivers roll up and down my spine. A soft murmur escapes my lips. A murmur of inescapable pleasure, of inexplainable arousal. My lashes sweep down as my eyes squeeze tightly shut, my climax starting to take hold and pull me under. I grasp his shoulders and run my nails down his back. I'm clutching to him in desperation. Desperate for my release, desperate to feel him come inside of me.

And I crashed….

Crashed into an ocean of euphoria while the most beautiful eyes were locked on mine, watching me fall apart at the seams. Watching me shudder and scream in undeniable pleasure.

Pure ecstasy.

I'm high as a kite off of my release, nearly fucked into a stupor. A delightful stupor at that. Trent's pace increases, plunging farther, stroking himself with my core. His expression is fierce as he nears that pivotal point—the point of no return, the point where he falls into a bliss-filled abyss of never-ending desire.

My entire world vanishes as I luxuriate in the feel of him, the beauty of him over me, inside of me. There are only two people left.
Trent and Ellen
. He is the focus of my world. Everything. Nothing else even comes close to being important in this moment. There's an intangible connection between us. A connection so strong, so deep, so unexplainable, nearly taking my breath away.

My back arches as his gaze sweeps over my body, lighting every inch on fire. My breathing is uneven, fast, and gasping. Another rush of pleasure is building inside of me, tingling up my spine, and causing my muscles to contract, clenching him tight as another orgasm threatens to plow through me.

“You. Feel. So. Good.
.” He moans into my mouth as his lips crash into mine, his tongue matching the thrusting rhythm of his cock. "That's it, baby. You are so tight. So wet. Just for me. I love being deep inside of you, feeling you…all of you."

“I'm so close. Come with me. Come. Now. Trent.” My body shudders wildly, my orgasm bursting through me and making me scream his name.

“Oh fuck!” Trent's growls as his spine straightens, his back arching with his thrusts, his hands clenching my hips as he empties himself inside of me.
Marking me
. Making me his.

"Best sex I've ever had at work," I hoarsely say to Trent while trying to catch my breath. I'm lying next to him, breathless and sated. My bones have turned into jelly, and I think I might have to call someone to bring a wheelchair to get me back to the ER.

"I hope it's the only sex you've had at work," he says as he glances over at me and smirks.

"This is definitely a first for me," I say, beaming at him.

Trent abruptly pulls me back over on top of him and kisses me passionately, his lips searing while his large muscular hands grasp my ass.

"I love you, Ellie. I love you so god damn much that I feel like I can't breathe sometimes," he whispers into my mouth while resting his forehead on mine. His eyes are fathomless, causing emotion to clog my throat. His gaze engulfs me, consuming me whole. His eyes are so expressive, so full of emotion. I can see the small gold flecks sprinkled throughout the ocean blue. When I look into his eyes, I feel like I've been blind for thirty years and can finally see the sun for the first time. Trent's eyes are my safe place, my home.

This man is everything.

I softly kiss his lips and fight the tears that are stinging my eyes, threatening to spill over. "I love you too, baby."

Trent crushes me to his chest and I relish in the strength and comfort of this wonderful man. In an instant, he took me from lusting over his cock to emotionally breaking my soul open and stealing my heart.

I spot the calendar hanging on the wall across from the small call room bed.


I feel like time is slipping away. The past month and a half feels like it's passed by at warp speed. Forty more days and Trent Hamilton won't be in Charlotte anymore. Forty more days and I will be faced with the huge dilemma of…
where do we go from here?
In true Elle fashion, I do what I always do with difficult situations—I squash that shit down as far as I can, desperately trying to avoid it, avoid the mere idea of Trent walking away from me, leaving me in Charlotte, while he goes back to Seattle and lives his life.


I know. I know you're thinking,
Why are you being so frustrating? So utterly annoying? Why don't you just talk to him about it?
I wish it were that easy. I really do. I wish I could just beg him to stay and not hold any sort of guilt for holding him back in a career he's worked his entire life to achieve.

Trent Hamilton is a trauma surgeon first and foremost. He's giving up so much of his life just to be in the position he is in right now. I'm not sure what Seattle is offering him. I know they want him back; I also know that they are one of the most renowned trauma surgery centers in the country. So now let me ask you this. How in the hell do I ask him to give up everything for a girl he's known all of two months? How can I do that and actually live with myself?

I can't and I won't. If Trent Hamilton stays in Charlotte, it needs to be on his own accord. I'm not going to beg him or make him feel guilty. I'm going to let him make that decision for himself, and I just hope I can survive the aftermath.




Chapter Twenty-Seven


“Never shun the strippers. You never know when you're going to have a shirt full of cranberry and vodka and need to borrow some clothing. The moral of this story is… Strippers are nice and you should go ahead and take an additional hundred bucks out of that ATM to tip them generously.”


In celebration of Tony's upcoming nuptials to his beautiful fiancée Rachel, Amy and I planned a fantastic bachelor party for him. We refused to take no for an answer and pretty much forced him and his beautiful bride-to-be to attend a night of shenanigans with us. I know he just proposed to her like a month ago and their wedding isn't for another six months, but we were just too damn excited to wait any longer!

We're driving around in a party bus decked with a stripper pole, neon flashing lights, an ungodly amount of alcohol, and of course, a few inflatable naked girls. This bus is filled with ten of our closest friends from work, including my wonderful man Trent. Seeing as we have now made our relationship "work official," I'm ecstatic to enjoy a night with him where we don't have to worry about prying, curious eyes trying to figure out our current status.

You can imagine the gossip that has stirred since Trent came to Charlotte. The questions, the knowing glances that have been sent my way. I've been the center of far too many conversations since my breakup with John, and the relationship that's blossomed between Trent and me, well, that only created more curiosity for my coworkers.

Everyone knows.

Everyone is aware.

And hopefully they can just get over it and stop trying to meddle their nosy faces in my business.

Amy and I have taken an unhealthy amount of Jell-O shots, currently finding ourselves becoming more obnoxious by the minute. I'm sitting on Trent's lap as Rihanna's
starts to blare over the party bus's speakers.

"Holy shit! Get your little ass over here, Elle! Come dance with me!" Amy is now standing near the stripper pole and shaking her hips. Everyone on the bus starts to cheer her on.

Oh lordy. The last thing that girl needs is encouragement.

. Get your little ass up there and dance with your friend," Trent whispers in my ear before biting my earlobe.

This man can get me hot and bothered like no other. I groan and squirm a little in his lap, trying desperately to relieve the deep, delicious clench between my legs. He laughs a little at my expense, obviously getting a thrill from getting me riled up.

Jerk. Sexy, too-hot-for-my-own-good jerk.

"I know what you're trying to do here, and I can promise you, payback is a bitch."

My look is telling despite my light and teasing tone. I stride over to Amy and then look back at Trent to find his blue eyes smirking at me. I wink at him and he immediately starts laughing. Trent calls my attempts at winking "adorably awkward." Honestly, he's one hundred percent right. My inability to wink has made me the brunt of many jokes, but Trent seems to embrace my awkwardness with open arms, which makes me dig him even more. I start dancing with Amy to the sensual voice of Rihanna as she sings explicit lyrics about licking and sucking. I shake my hips seductively and see Trent watching me with hooded eyes. I grin and, unfortunately for everyone on the bus, attempt a sexy wink again.

"What is wrong with your face? You're a weird cross between constipated and ready to have a seizure!" Amy hollers over the music. I flip her off, which only spurs her to throw more sarcastic jabs my way.

"Seriously. This is what you look like." Amy shakes her hips a little and then does her best "Elle winking" impression. Honestly, it's the most ludicrous thing I've ever seen, and I start laughing…hard. Tears streaming down my face, bent over and clutching my abdomen, I can't help but laugh at how hilarious she looks.

"You're such a cunt! Stop making fun of me!"

"I can't help it! You attempting to wink has to be the funniest thing I've ever seen!"

"Amy, I love you, but seriously, you're a cunt!" I shout back at her before, leaving her to dance to Rihanna by herself. I stride back over to Trent and sit on his lap.

"You're so fucking adorable, it's making my dick hard." He wraps his hands around my waist and chuckles into my neck.

"You're getting a hard-on from my being cute?"

"Yes, and from the fact that you look sexy as hell shaking those little hips of yours." He practically growls into my ear.

"Dr. Hamilton! I'm appalled at your crass behavior!" I put my hand to my chest and feign offense.

He starts to tickle my ribs a little, which only makes me scream out in laughter and wiggle around in his lap. "Stop! Okay stop! Please stop!"

Trent holds me tight to his chest and rains playful, sloppy kisses all over my face. I don't think anyone has ever made me as happy as he does. Somehow, he just gets me and seems to embrace every single part of me, gracelessness and all.

"Stop it, weirdo! You're practically slobbering all over my face!"

"I'm your weirdo. Deal with it," he says with a big grin on his face.

"Click," I say out loud as I take a mental picture of him in this moment to keep on file in my head.


. I just mentally took a picture of that ridiculous dimpled grin of yours and added it to my 'Trent Album.'"

His grin gets wider. "You have a Trent album? How many mental pictures do you have stocked away in that funny, little brain of yours?"

"Wouldn't you love to know, weirdo?"

"I bet you've got some kinky ones in there. Kinky pictures of me doing delicious, sexy things to that hot little body. Kind of like the other night…"

I smirk and shake my head at him. "All right, cut it out. We will resume this discussion later. Much later. Like when I have you naked…in bed."

He puts his hand behind my neck and crushes his mouth to mine. He is practically swallowing my face whole with this intense, mind-blowing kiss. I immediately melt into him and allow him to continue his sensual assault on my ever-willing lips. The way Trent kisses would make any woman's toes curl. His mouth is firm and demanding, yet soft and sensual. It's absolute perfection, and I find myself wishing I could kiss him for the rest of my life.

"Hey! Get a room, you two!" Amy yells over to us.

I could honestly care less that my best friend is hurling obscenities our way. Trent's mouth on mine is the only thing my brain is focusing on in this moment. I can vaguely hear the rest of the bus heckling us, and then I feel an odd sensation of plastic being rubbed against my back. I pull away from Trent and peer back only to see Amy pretending to dry hump a naked inflatable doll, which is now sandwiched between her and my back.

"You and your new girlfriend are being fucking cock-blockers right now," Trent voices to Amy with a laugh.

"God I love this guy, Elle! Can we keep him forever and ever?"

"Yeah, Elle. Will you keep me?" Trent's blue eyes are expectant, with an ever-so-slight hint of amusement laced in.

"Eh, I guess so. At least for a little awhile." I simper back at him. God yes, I definitely want to keep this one. I know that in order to do this I may have to become a psycho-stalker and follow his ass to Seattle. And well…I think I'm actually entertaining this idea.

"Hopefully it's going to turn out better than that time Elle decided to get a cat!" Amy bellows loudly.

BOOK: The Infamous Ellen James (Infamous Series)
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