The Infamous Ellen James (Infamous Series) (23 page)

BOOK: The Infamous Ellen James (Infamous Series)
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Tony and I walk in to find Frank pacing back and forth in the room, his hands furiously grabbing handfuls of his greasy, dirty hair. He's sweating, panting heavily, visibly anxious, and frantically talking to himself in hushed tones. He doesn't even notice our presence in the room, and I'm thankful I grabbed a syringe of Haldol. This medication is an anti-psychotic that I will be more than willing to use on him if he starts to get violent.

Paranoid schizophrenics are extremely difficult to deal with when they're in a mental state like Frank currently is. He's too far gone from reality, and rational thought is not even capable at this point. Tony and I try to wait for one of our psychologists to get in the room before we confront Frank, but he notices us standing in the room. Tony has leather restraints in his right hand, which are securely behind his back, out of Frank's view. We have both had intense confrontations with this man and are all too aware of what he is capable of.

Lucky for us, Frank is nothing but cooperative tonight. He sits down on the bed when instructed and lets us administer the injection of Haldol when the psychologist gets in the room. These types of situations always wear on my nerves. Psych patients are loose cannons, so you honestly never can predict what they are going to throw your way. I'm thankful that tonight was anti-climactic; Frank didn't give us any problems. We were able to quickly get him transferred to Regency's psych unit, where they will assist him with getting back on his medications, and hopefully, he gains back some semblance of reality.

At around three a.m. I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket. I glance down at the screen and see that Trent has sent me a message.


Next time you have another bright idea about needing a surgeon, warn your surgeon boyfriend that is on call what type of situation he may or may not be walking into…


I laugh and quickly text him back.


My apologies. Thanks for lighting up my night with your beautiful smile and ability to remove light bulbs from rectums. Enjoy your sleep while your nurse girlfriend slaves away in the ER.


My phone vibrates again.


I'll be dreaming of you, Ellie girl. Have a safe drive home in the morning. Text me when you get to your apartment. Night, baby.




Chapter Twenty-Four


“Sometimes you just gotta take the man by the balls and make your fantasies come true.”


Trent is busy playing Dr. Trauma Surgeon in his office today, so I decide to surprise him with lunch. I stop by my favorite deli just outside of Charlotte and pick up their famous Reuben sandwiches. This delectable sandwich is always their spotlighted August special, and I'm excited for Trent to taste the scrumptiousness. I'm sure he's been busy all day with patients and barely had any time to eat. I head to his office and send Amy and Lizzy a short text telling them I picked up an extra shift tonight in the ER. We had plans to go see the newest Ryan Gosling film, but my manager called and practically begged me to work a night shift. The promise of double-time and Saturday night off might have made the extra shift a little too good to resist. I pull into Trent's office and stroll in with our hot sandwiches from Mabie's Cafe in tow. I see Beverly, his receptionist, at the front desk, and she gives me a bright smile.

"Well, hello there, stranger! I haven't seen you in ages. How are you doing, sweetheart?" Beverly says in a cheerful, perky voice. Beverly is in her late fifties, and her positive, upbeat personality is infectious. I used to work with her in the ER at Regency, until she took this office job. She's one of the nicest people you will ever meet. Her hair and makeup always look immaculate, and she just has this motherly aura about her. She was one of the first coworkers I became close with when I started working at Regency as a brand new nurse. I was just a baby at the ripe old age of twenty-one and probably had the deer-in-headlights look for the first six months.

The personalities that are present in the ER are nothing short of aggressive and would have most new nurses running for the hills—or at least a job in a medical office. Being the new girl in an area of the medical field that is known for "eating their young," I was more than thankful to meet someone like Beverly, who always went out of her way to make everyone feel welcome.

"Hey, Bev! It's been too long! How are you? I miss seeing your smiling face around Regency!"

"I've been good. Dr. Hamilton temporarily taking over Dr. Grey's practice has definitely kept me busy, but I've enjoyed the distraction and extra money. My husband Bob had back surgery a few months ago and has been unable to work. "

"Oh no! I'm so sorry to hear that. Please send him my best and let me know if there is anything I can help you guys with. I hope Dr. Hamilton is treating you well," I say with a questioning grin.

Beverly laughs and nods her head yes. "Of course he has, but if anything changes, I'll let you know. I hear the two of you are an item these days. I noticed an adorable picture of you on his office desk."

"Oh god, I can only imagine. I better go check this picture out for myself." My cheeks flush a little with embarrassment in thinking that Trent has a picture of me on his desk. We've only been dating for a few weeks, and I don't recall any photo ops.

"Well Dr. Hamilton is back in his office. I think he's on a conference call with Dr. Grey right now, but I'm sure he'd love to see your cute butt stroll in."

"Thanks, Beverly! We need to do lunch sometime soon and catch up on old times."

"Of course, sweetheart! I would love that!"

I head back to Trent's office and hear his deep, husky voice on the phone when I approach his closed door. I slowly open the door and his blue eyes immediately glance up at me from behind his desk. He looks downright edible and undeniably fuckable. His black and grey pinstriped tie is loose, the first two buttons of his white oxford collared shirt are unbuttoned, and his sleeves are rolled up to his elbows. He smiles back at me, and I don't miss the fact that his eyes peruse my body from head to toe.

I'm a little dressed up for the occasion in my newest pair of heels, a pencil skirt, and a fitted, pink button-up blouse. My attire is a little on the sexy side because I planned to tease him, but seeing Trent sitting there looking sexy as sin has me thinking that this visit is going to turn into something hot. I've had a specific office fantasy with Trent in mind and decide that now is the perfect time to turn my dirty thoughts into reality.

I quietly shut the door and ensure the lock is secured. After tossing the bag with our sandwiches on the brown leather couch that lines the wall across from his desk, I seductively saunter in his direction. I walk around his desk and he slides his chair back to make room for me. Trent gestures for me to sit on his lap while he finishes up his conference call, but I decide that I will start my seduction of him in hopes that he will agree to play a starring role in my office fantasy. I stand between his thighs and proceed to slowly kneel down in front of him. He's watching my every move as he continues his current phone conversation about boring insurance premiums.

Sliding my hands up his thighs, I stroke him lightly through his black dress slacks. He's already hard, indicating he is well aware of my intent. I unzip his slacks and pull his cock out from his grey boxer briefs. His erection has my mouth watering as I use my hand to caress him in smooth, soft motions. Trent's breath hitches as he starts giving curt, short responses to the other party on the phone.

I lean forward and begin to use my mouth on him. I run my tongue up his shaft and around the tip as I grasp his sac with my right hand. Making eye contact with his hooded stare, I suck him to the back of my throat and find a rhythm that he seems to be enjoying.

He is still on the phone…

This is only making me hotter, more turned on by the idea that we're doing something forbidden, something that's completely spontaneous.

He clears his throat and gives a breathless
into the phone. I'm assuming he is answering a question, but maybe he's just too turned on by my performance. I reach up and place my index finger in his mouth. He sucks on my finger then releases, providing delicious lubrication for my already aching core. As I continue to do unspeakable things to him with my tongue, I slide my skirt up to my waist and push my white silk panties to the side so I can begin to relieve the deep throb between my legs.

"Y-Yes. No, it's f-fine." Trent is still attempting to sound professional and serious while I continue to blow his mind. "Of course. N-No need to worry. We'll" He's starting find it difficult to maintain his current phone conversation while I'm on my knees with him in my mouth. "Let's resume this discussion tomorrow. Something has uh...has, uh, come up." His inability to stay focused has my lips quirking up into a smirk.

Trent clumsily hangs up the phone, quickly ending his conference call. A loud moan escapes his throat as he places both of his hands in my hair. He begins to thrust up into my mouth as I continue to take him deep.

"Fuck. Fuck. Fuuuuuuuuuuck."

I look up at him with desire flooding my eyes, heat filling my veins as I watch him get pleasure from me. "Do you like this?"

"Yessss. I love this." He lets out a pleasurable groan that causes me to feel a deep, delicious clench, and I begin to slide two fingers in and out of my pussy.

He allows me to continue for another few minutes before he grasps my hips and pulls me up so that I'm straddling his lap. He crushes his lips to mine and kisses me with deep, hard thrusts of his tongue. His yearning for me is evident, and I being to grind my wetness along his hard shaft. Using his right hand, he slides my panties back to the side and quickly pushes himself inside of me.

Fast and deep.

"Oh yes, Trent. God, yes," I moan breathlessly into his mouth.

"Elle, you feel so good.
So. Fucking. Good
. There's nothing better than this."

I begin to increase my pace as I ride him in desperation…in
of reaching orgasm. His office chair begins to squeak and roll around on the hardwood office floor as we continue to fuck each other senseless. Trent grasps my hips and quickly stands up, placing my bare ass on the smooth wood surface of his office desk. I wrap my legs around his waist and grab his taut, toned ass while he pushes inside of me, plunging hard and deep.

Oh, fuck… fuckity fuck.

My orgasm is imminent, euphoric tingles racing up my spine. My entire body flushing with insane pleasure, causing several loud moans to escape from my lips.

"I'm so close. Keep going, Trent.
Right there,
" I say a little too loudly for an office setting.

He kisses me deeply again in attempts to keep the office staff from hearing us. Trent bites my bottom lip, tugging back roughly as I begin to clench down around him in rhythmic waves.

"Come for me, Ellie. I want to see that look on your face when your pussy comes all over my cock." Trent is breathing raggedly as he continues to bring me to climax.

I come fast and hard, and I am barely able to contain my need to yell out unfathomable things. My body is trembling and my breath is shaky, the intensity of my orgasm causing uncontrolled whimpers to leave my lips. Trent drives deeply a few more times before I feel him come inside of me. He presses his face into my neck and his moans are muffled by my hair. I hug him tightly as we both attempt to catch our breath. I can feel his heart pounding against my chest. My limbs are jelly, and I'm riding out the endorphin high his dick just gave me.

Trent leans back and kisses my forehead. "You never cease to amaze me, little spitfire."

"I just planned on surprising you with lunch, but when I got here, you just looked too fuckable. I couldn't resist." I smile at Trent and take in the way in looks right now. Messy hair, my red lipstick all over his face, he is sexily disheveled and downright irresistible.

"Good thing you're not on staff here. I could file sexual harassment charges against you," he teases with a big dimpled grin as I rub my smeared lipstick off of him.

"I'm pretty sure it's not sexual harassment when both parties participate willingly." I pull his face to mine and playfully nibble on his lip.

"I welcome Ellie's stealthy attack on my cock with open arms. Any day of the week."

I giggle into his mouth and kiss him softly, letting my lips linger on his for a long pause. We're still wrapped up in each other's arms, my legs still around his waist, and I'm enjoying every moment of our sweet embrace.

"So, lunch? I brought sandwiches from my favorite Charlotte deli."

"Let me get this straight. You come to my office, surprise me with a blow job and incredible sex, and now you're going to feed me? You're perfect." Trent places sloppy kisses all over my face, which leaves me laughing at how adorable he can be sometimes.

I glance to the left of me and find the picture Beverly mentioned. I grab the frame and take a closer look while Trent nuzzles my neck. The picture is actually from my apartment. It's a ridiculous beach photo that Amy took last year when we vacationed in the Bahamas. I'm standing near the ocean in my red bikini with my sarong tied loosely on my hips and my hands are on top of my head, holding my floppy straw hat in place. I'm visibly laughing in the picture probably from something sarcastic Amy said.

"Hey, when did you take this picture from my apartment?" I'm definitely flattered at the idea of him having a permanent reminder of me on his office desk.

"The night your sister cock-blocked me. You look so damn perfect in that picture and I couldn't resist. Forgive me?" He gives a small pout and his version of puppy-dog eyes.

How could I ever be pissed at him with that look on his face?

BOOK: The Infamous Ellen James (Infamous Series)
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