The Husband Beside Me (The Devil Trilogy Book 2) (18 page)

BOOK: The Husband Beside Me (The Devil Trilogy Book 2)
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“I’ll let you choose next time,” he said, taking my hand and dragging me in.

The place was as beautiful as I expected, with its pure white trims and perfectly placed tables. We were led to a table in the back of the restaurant, away from prying eyes. The waiter held out my chair and waited for me to be seated. I took a deep breath and sat down. I hated when he took me to places like this. I always felt out of place. He then handed me a large leather binder. I opened it to see the tasting menu. Daimon was handed an iPad with the restaurant’s wine list. He murmured something to the waiter and both the iPad and menus were taken from the table.

“I guess you didn’t leave your bossy self at work?” I said as I took my glass of water and drank.

“I’m bossy always,” he grinned. “You don’t like that I take you to these places?” he asked.

“No, actually, I hate it. I would rather have regular food,” I said, rather sheepishly. I felt ungrateful, but I just wasn’t used to this.

“Then you choose next time,” he noted. The waiter came and presented the wine to Daimon, who nodded.

I sat, watching him enjoy his wine, while mine was untouched. Images of last night kept swimming in my mind.

“Where did you learn to play the violin?” I asked, watching him closely. He gently put his glass down and licked his lips.

“My mother. She was musical. She could pick up any instrument and play it. My father hated when I played, especially after she left. I told him I didn’t care what he thought. I guess he didn’t either since he kept breaking them. So I would play elsewhere, anywhere, where he couldn’t hear me,” Daimon said bitterly.

“Does your mother know you still play?”

“No and I don’t plan on telling her,” he snapped.

The first of our menu tasting was served out. “Sofia wants to go to medical school. She’s going to apply to pre-med,” I said without realizing it. I picked up my fork and slowly picked at the wonderful food that was before me.

“Doesn’t she know that costs money? You realize you will have to stay with me for at least another year if you want her to afford it,” he said insensitively.

“It was my dream,” I said softly, still staring at my plate.

“Your dream?”

“I wanted to become a doctor. I wanted to save lives and have my own career,” I said ruefully.

“So become something,” he said. “Addie, I know I told you not to work. That was only because you’ve worked more than anyone I know. So just take the fucking time I’ve given you and become something. Go to school, go open up a business. Do whatever the fuck you want. The Addie I know is a fighter, not some pushover who lets life get her down,” he argued.

“The Addie you know? You don't even know me, Daimon. I worked because I had to. I had to figure out what was needed to be done. I had no choice,” I retorted.

“Yeah, okay, you had no choice. Now you do. So make something of yourself. Unless you like being pitied?” he glared at me from across the table.

“Is that why you did what you did? You knew I was pitiful. That’s why you used my situation to your advantage?” I asked.

“It was a win-win for both of us,” he said low, his eyes not liking the way our conversation had gone. But I didn’t care; I was hurt by his words. I hated that he was right. I hated that I sat around for almost three months waiting on what Daimon wanted.

“You spoke of pity yesterday. I guess that’s how you see me every time you fuck me. You take pity on me, is that it?” I asked.

“Don’t try to take back what happened yesterday. You know very well you want my cock. You want my hands on your body,” he chuckled maliciously as he leaned in closer. “Don’t even pretend you are not looking forward to my wicked lips on your, what I believe is now, a very wet pussy.” A serene smile was plastered on his face as he watched me with his bewitching sky-blue eyes. The low words he spoke, the way his intense eyes stared at me, how could I not want to have his perfectly pink lips on my pussy?

“You’re sadly mistaken,” I mustered.

“Sure I am,” he smirked.

“I need to head to the washroom,” I said, standing up.

“Try not to play with yourself while you’re in there,” he said aloud; everyone around our table turned and looked at us.

“Bastard,” I growled under my breath, glaring at him. He simply waved, still smirking.

I headed to the bathroom annoyed with myself as I felt the slickness of my pussy. I played right into his hands. He not only called me out for my pathetic ways of moping, but he knew exactly how I felt about him. I had berated myself all morning for being weak and telling him how much my body yearned for his, only to, yet again, be his plaything. He claimed to want me the same way, but he was a man and what man wouldn’t lie to get power over a woman?

Once I finished telling myself off and relaxed my body from his heated words, I headed back to our table. Low and behold Daimon wasn’t alone. A well-dressed young woman was sitting next to him. She laughed at what he had said and softly caressed his arm. I wondered what he would do if any man had done that to me? I coughed quietly to interrupt their little moment. The woman simply turned her head at me and smiled while Daimon sat doing nothing.
A complete prick.

“So I see you brought out the wife?” she said sweetly.

“Addie, this is Vanessa. Vanessa this is my Addie,” he introduced us.

Her eyes barely left his face as she nodded, a brief acknowledgement of my existence. Her hair was the perfect shade of browns and reds, her milky skin soft and supple. A twinge of jealousy emerged from inside me, but I stifled it. Remembering I was the one who mucked it up and I was the one who was going to change the rules now.

“Addie,” she said softly, “do you mind if I ask you a simple request?” she reached up and feathered the back of her fingers on Daimon’s cheek, Daimon all the while smiled at me, gauging what I would do. “I wanted to know if I could join you or if not, maybe you could share our Daimon.” She turned and smiled at me. I sat watching as they two grinned and waited for my response.

“Share?” I questioned.

“Well, unless you want us three to get together, I wouldn’t mind having Daimon once a week. I'm not greedy. Once a week should be just fine,” she said sweetly. I giggled and when I looked up to see then both looking at me, their expressions changed. I laughed aloud.

“Sure,” I said, shrugging my shoulders. “You can him for more than a week,” I said laughing at how idiotic this whole situation was. There was no way I was going to get jealous or play into his hands. I knew Daimon. This was just a stupid game to him to see what I would do.

“And if you want a threesome I don't mind, just as long as you bring another man for me. Daimon doesn’t seem to cut it, if you know what I mean,” I said, trying to hold back my laugh. The waiter came with the rest of our meals, to say he looked uncomfortable was an understatement. “If you’d like, Vanessa, you could join us now and come home with us later.” I smiled as I took the cloth napkin and placed it on my lap.

“Really?” she said surprised.

“Sure, why not?” I grinned as I signaled the waiter to put down our plates. I could feel it; I mean the whole room could feel Daimon’s anger just brimming at the top.

“Oh, I guess Daimon didn’t like my little spectacle,” I teased.

“Addie,” he said low and controlled.

“Maybe Daimon should stop playing with fire if he doesn’t like getting burnt,” I said curtly, still smiling.

“Addie, stop,” he ordered. Vanessa sat back, not knowing what was really happening.

“Well, Vanessa? Are you not joining us?” I sounded more like a woman ready to kill than a woman ready for a night of blissful sex.

“No, I'm not. It’s nice to meet you, Addie,” she said, getting up from her seat.

“It was a pleasant experience meeting you, Vanessa,” I spat out.

The waiter and Vanessa left abruptly. I dug into my food, violently cutting up the meat that was in front of me. I felt my whole body shake. God, at times I hated him and how much he controlled my emotions.


“You say one word to me and I will make sure you never come back here,” I said hushed.

Once I finished my meal, I took out my phone and called Ted, telling him to get the car ready to pick me up.

“What are you doing?” he said angrily.

“Well, this is new. You were right, Daimon. I am a fighter and I’m not going to let you or anyone else bully me around.” I stood up and threw the cloth napkin on the table. I put on my coat and left him there. Thankfully, Ted was waiting outside for me.

“Addie?” Daimon shouted as he grabbed onto my coat.

“Was it fun?” I asked. “I mean, it had to be right? You’re unbelievable. How many games do you have to play with me? I already told you what you wanted to hear, yet you are still trying to pull the strings. What? You wanted to see me get jealous? Or did you want to see me make a scene, marking you as mine?” I challenged.

“I took it too far,” he said regretfully.

“You took it too far,” I repeated angrily. “Well, it’s okay, Daimon, I should thank you, ‘cause now you literally exorcised my body from any desire I had for you. Darren was right. You fucked it all up,” I said flatly.

“What does Darren have to do with this?” he cried out.

“Everything. He was the one who warned me about you. He was the one who told me you’d do some stupid shit like this,” I spat out.

“So now what?” he snarled.

“You see, Daimon, Darren would have never done that to me. You, on the other hand, would. I'm just starting to wonder who exactly the better man is.” I jerked my coat away from his grasp and jumped into the car.

“Ted, can you drive me home, to Astoria,” I said to him as I locked the door.

“But Mr. Evans,” Ted hesitated.

“Oh, trust me, Ted, Mr. Evans won’t be saying anything to you or to me,” I hissed. “Now drive!”

I entered my father’s home, not surprised I found him on the couch watching TV.

“Addie? What are you doing here?” he asked shocked.

“I'm here to see you. I missed you.” I smiled.

“You saw me last week,” he smiled.

“Dad, don’t you want me here?” I asked.

“Of course I do. I just don’t want Daimon to think I'm trying to come between you two.” The very mention of his name made me want to throw up.

“Don’t worry about what Daimon thinks. He may be my husband, but you’re my father,” I reassured him.

“I'm just going to go up and change out of these clothes,” I said as I headed up to my room.

“Okay, Addie. Do you want anything to eat or drink?” he shouted.

“Just water.” I walked into my room, where not one thing had changed.

He probably never entered it. I rummaged through my small closet, found a pair of yoga pants and a small t-shirt.

“Dad? I’m going to take a shower,” I cried out.


I felt much better once I got out of the shower. Better meaning physically, but emotionally, I was still fucked up. I heard murmuring and some laughter as I walked down the stairs.

“Oh, Addie, Daimon came by to pick you up,” my father said, smiling at Daimon. Daimon looked up from the couch and smirked.

“Didn’t I tell you I was staying with my father tonight? You said it was okay.” I smiled.

“That’s right, you did. I guess wanting my wife with me all the time got me confused,” he joked. “Well, since I'm here. I guess I could stay,” he shrugged.

“Oh, of course you can. You guys can stay in Addie’s and Sofia’s old room.” My father pointed up the stairs.

“Don’t you have that very important meeting in the morning?” I asked, trying hard not to lunge and choke him.

“No, I canceled it,” he smiled. “So if you would excuse me, I’m a bit tired. I’ll head up now.”

“What the hell do you think you are doing?” I grabbed his arm at the stairs.

“I'm spending the night with my wife, because if I don’t, she’s going to get stupid ideas again,” he said in a hushed voice closer to my ear. “I’ll be waiting for you upstairs.”

I made sure I spent most of the night with my father, ignoring the fact that Daimon was just above us sleeping, or worse, planning something sinister.

“Well, good night, Dad,” I finally said, hoping enough time had passed and Daimon was now asleep.

I entered the room quietly. Thank God, the lights were out, which meant he was asleep. I slowly went around my bed. I could vaguely see him asleep on his belly. Shirtless like always, right down to his boxers. The bastard should have stayed at the penthouse. I peeled back Sofia’s duvet when I felt Daimon’s hand grab at me. I turned; there he was, his eyes wide awake, grinning devilishly.

“Don’t…” I couldn’t even finish my sentence before he pulled me into my old bed next to him. I tried fighting him off. I really did.

“This bed smells like you.”

“Get off me,” I said in a muffled voice, afraid my father might hear us.

“No,” he said gruffly.

“Daimon, get off me, now,” I whispered loudly.

“I promised you something,” he murmured near my ear. Daimon inched closer to my neck and gently licked my lobe.

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